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包含反射、折射和焦散效果的全局光照快速绘制方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于分治的思想,提出一种能够交互绘制直接光照、间接光照、反射、折射、焦散等多种效果的全局光照近似计算方法.该方法采用粗粒度的体结构来模拟低频间接光照,利用细粒度的图像对场景进行采样,计算反射、折射和焦散效果;将粗粒度的体采样和细粒度的图像方法相结合,提出了包含多次递归反射、折射的延缓收集缓冲区构建方法、基于体素的双向光照收集方法以及多分辨率自适应光照收集方法.与光子映射方法相比,文中方法更快,针对完全动态的场景绘制速度在10~30帧/s之间;与其他加速单一效果的方法相比,该方法不但可以快速准确地计算间接光照,而且包含了多种镜面效果,绘制效果逼真,显著增强了真实感.  相似文献   

基于超像素的多主体图像交互分割   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
目的 为解决多主体图像的交互分割问题,在保证分割效果的前提上,提高分割的效率,达到实时交互修改分割结果的目的, 提出基于超像素的图像多主体交互分割算法.方法 基于图像的超像素构造一个多层流网络,利用用户交互绘制的简单笔画给出多主体分割的指导信息.流网络的边权值保证利用图割算法将图像分割成多个部分后,每个部分代表图像的一个主体.允许用户交互给出标记,实时修改分割结果,直到得到满意的多主体分割.结果 通过实验显示,本文方法能得到的满意多主体分割结果,而且时间效率较高.对分辨率为449×275的图像,算法能在1 s内给出结果,满足实时修改的要求.结论 基于超像素建立的图规模较小,能大大减少图割算法的运行时间,达到用户实时交互添加新笔画信息,交互地修正分割结果的目的.利用超像素的边界信息,用户只需输入比较简单的笔画信息,分割算法就能得到正确的多主体分割结果.  相似文献   

目的 针对深度图像分辨率非常低的问题,结合同场景高分辨率彩色图像,提出一种基于彩色图约束的二阶广义总变分深度图超分辨率重建方法。方法 首先将低分辨率深度图映射到高分辨率彩色空间;然后利用二阶广义总变分模型,将带有边缘指示函数的高分辨率彩色约束项作为正则项,使得深度图像超分辨率重建问题变成最优求解问题;最后通过迭代重加权和原—对偶方法进行求解。结果 实验结果表明,本文方法可以有效地保护图像的边缘结构,在定性和定量两个方面都可达到很好的效果。结论 本文方法可以有效地解决深度图分辨率非常低的问题。  相似文献   

目的 在现阶段采用计算机模拟绘制真实铅笔画往往不能够逼近真实效果,主要原因之一是没有考虑到真实铅笔画中的色调较灰度图像有着更明显的暗灰亮层次变化的特性,基于这一问题提出一种新的铅笔画自动生成算法。方法 一方面在外轮廓提取中采取了LAB空间色差图与纹理图结合的方法,取代了传统基于梯度图的方法;另一方面保留了纹理色调连续变化的特点,且为了体现色调的分层效果提出了反正切色调分化模型,其核心思想是基于图像暗灰亮图层的像素比例来自适应地调整像素灰度值以达到色调分层的目的。结果 本文算法能够避开噪点的影响更好地展示细节,同时解决了直接分层结果中色调变化突然的缺陷,实现了亮度分层与色调连续变化的结合。结论 新算法在最终效果上较其他算法的优势体现在两方面,一是轮廓线的连续性更好,对比度更强,其次是纹理的效果能够同时兼顾连续性和分层,这是其他算法做不到的,本文算法适用于所有不同分辨率的彩色或灰度图像,且分辨率越高效果越好。  相似文献   

目的 基于深度图的绘制(DIBR)是一种新型的虚拟视点生成技术,在诸多方面得到了广泛的应用。然而,该技术还不能满足实时性的绘制需求。为了在保证绘制质量不下降的前提下,尽可能地提高绘制速度,提出了一种高效的3D-Warping(3维坐标变换)算法。方法 主要在以下3个方面进行了改进:1)引入了深度—视差映射表技术,避免了重复地进行视差求取操作。2)对深度平坦的像素块进行基于块的3D-Warping,减少了映射的次数。对深度非平坦像素块中的像素点采取传统的基于像素点的3D-Warping,保证了映射的准确性。3)针对两种不同的3D-Warping方式,分别提出了相应的插值算法。在水平方向上,改进的像素插值算法对紧邻插值和Splatting(散射)插值算法进行了折中,只在映射像素点与待插值像素点很近的情况下才进行紧邻插值,否则进行Splatting插值;在深度方向上,它对Z-Buffer(深度缓存)技术进行了改进,舍弃了与前景物体太远的映射像素点,而对其他映射像素点按深度值进行加权操作。结果 实验结果表明,与标准绘制方案的整像素精度相比,绘制时间平均节省了72.05%;与标准绘制方案的半像素精度相比,PSNR平均提高了0.355dB,SSIM平均提高了0.00115。结论 改进算法非常适用于水平设置相机系统的DIBR技术中的整像素精度绘制,对包含大量深度平坦区域的视频序列效果明显,不但能够提高绘制的速度,而且可以有效地改善绘制的客观质量。  相似文献   

数字皮影的交互仿真和动画绘制   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
目的 从保护和传承传统皮影文化的角度,使用Kinect设备和带有颜色标识的皮影签子,提出一种类似于传统皮影的交互方式来控制数字皮影。方法 首先,利用Kinect获得的深度图以及彩色图并配合训练已得的颜色标识,计算出签子头部的位置,且为每个签子设置卡尔曼滤波器的控制,为皮影动画提供较为稳定的控制信息。其次,将数字皮影组织成3根签子控制特有的关节层次模型。在当前模型下,结合输入的控制信息分析皮影的动作原理,通过OpenGL绘制技术,最终呈现出皮影动画。结果 实验中,用户手执皮影签子面对Kinect,操纵绘制在计算机上的皮影人物,随着签子的移动,皮影可以在构造出的悟空摘桃的皮影场景里进行相应的任意移动、挥舞胳膊、腿部下跪弯曲等动作。用户调查表明该操控方式与传统皮影类似,但该方式更简单,皮影动画也美观有趣味性。结论 仿真传统皮影交互的新的数字皮影的交互方式,对于想体验传统皮影戏表演的非专业人士来说,操作更加容易,且相比于其他数字皮影的交互更有继承传统皮影交互的力度。  相似文献   

基于光子图的光子映射算法能产生高质量的照片级图像。对于光照复杂的 场景,光子图需要存储大量光子以提高生成图像的质量,这不仅占用大量的内存空间,而且 光照估计的时间长。论文提出基于栅格的全局光子图重建的算法,即在光子包围盒被栅格化 后,其非空栅格中一定比例的光子被用来重建新的光子图,并保证重建前后栅格内光子能量 和守恒,这使得重建前后光子图的光照估计的效果相近。通过增加特定栅格中的重建光子数 目,能有效减少由几何偏差引起的光照估计误差,增强直接聚焦(焦散)和间接聚焦光照的 绘制效果;并使用简单方法检测生成图像中少量噪声,增加少量采样即可有效减少相应的噪 声。全局光子图重建算法的计算成本低,并保持生成图像的视觉独立性。  相似文献   

目的 视频摘要技术在多媒体数据处理和计算机视觉中都扮演着重要的角色。基于聚类的摘要方法多结合图像全局或局部特征,对视频帧进行集群分类操作,再从各类中获取具有代表性的关键帧。然而这些方法多需要提前确定集群的数目,自适应的方法也不能高效的获取聚类的中心。为此,提出一种基于映射和聚类的图像密度值分析的关键帧选取方法。方法 首先利用各图像间存在的差异,提出将其映射至2维空间对应点的度量方法,再依据点对间的相对位置和邻域密度值进行集群的聚类,提出根据聚类的结果从视频中获取具有代表性的关键帧的提取方法。结果 分别使用提出的度量方法对Olivetti人脸库内图像和使用关键帧提取方法对Open Video库进行测试,本文关键帧提取方法的平均查准率达到66%、查全率达到74%,且F值较其他方法高出11%左右达到了69%。结论 本文提出的图像映射后聚类的方法可有效进行图像类别的识别,并可有效地获取视频中的关键帧,进而构成视频的摘要内容。  相似文献   

目的 针对人眼观看立体图像内容可能存在的视觉不舒适性,基于视差对立体图像视觉舒适度的影响,提出了一种结合全局线性和局部非线性视差重映射的立体图像视觉舒适度提升方法。方法 首先,考虑双目融合限制和视觉注意机制,分别结合空间频率和立体显著性因素提取立体图像的全局和局部视差统计特征,并利用支持向量回归构建客观的视觉舒适度预测模型作为控制视差重映射程度的约束;然后,通过构建的预测模型对输入的立体图像的视觉舒适性进行分析,就欠舒适的立体图像设计了一个两阶段的视差重映射策略,分别是视差范围的全局线性重映射和针对提取的潜在欠舒适区域内视差的局部非线性重映射;最后,根据重映射后的视差图绘制得到舒适度提升后的立体图像。结果 在IVY Lab立体图像舒适度测试库上的实验结果表明,相较于相关有代表性的视觉舒适度提升方法对于欠舒适立体图像的处理结果,所提出方法在保持整体场景立体感的同时,能更有效地提升立体图像的视觉舒适度。结论 所提出方法能够根据由不同的立体图像特征构建的视觉舒适度预测模型来自动实施全局线性和局部非线性视差重映射过程,达到既改善立体图像视觉舒适度、又尽量减少视差改变所导致的立体感削弱的目的,从而提升立体图像的整体3维体验。  相似文献   

目的 光线投射法是一种重要的直接体绘制算法,但其效果取决于复杂的传递函数.为此提出基于结构特征的自适应光线投射算法,从而使得利用简单传递函数即可很好地揭示体数据特征.方法 首先分析光线方向标量值的变化趋势获取结构特征——特征段;然后基于若干意义明确启发式规则(特征段的次序、尺度、重要度)自动计算特征段的可见度,根据特征段可见度调节每个采样点的不透明度;最后基于调节后的不透明度完成绘制.结果 使用合成数据、医学真实采样数据和工业CT(computed tomography)数据进行测试,结果表明本文算法在展示体数据的内部结构特征,尤其是细小结构方面优于其他类似算法;本文算法速度比DVR(direct volume rendering)慢,但仍可满足交互需求.另外,本文算法还提供多个形象直观、意义明确的参数供用户调节,进一步增加了本文算法的灵活性.结论 本文提出的自适应光线投射算法,允许用户使用简单传递函数和调节意义明显的参数即可有效揭示体数据特征,进一步提高了光线透射法的直观性.  相似文献   

Adaptive Caustic Maps Using Deferred Shading   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Caustic maps provide an interactive image-space method to render caustics, the focusing of light via reflection and refraction. Unfortunately, caustic mapping suffers problems similar to shadow mapping: aliasing from poor sampling and map projection as well as temporal incoherency from frame-to-frame sampling variations. To reduce these problems, researchers have suggested methods ranging from caustic blurring to building a multiresolution caustic map. Yet these all require a fixed photon sampling, precluding the use of importance-based photon densities. This paper introduces adaptive caustic maps. Instead of densely sampling photons via a rasterization pass, we adaptively emit photons using a deferred shading pass. We describe deferred rendering for refractive surfaces, which speeds rendering of refractive geometry up to 25% and with adaptive sampling speeds caustic rendering up to 200%. These benefits are particularly noticable for complex geometry or using millions of photons. While developed for a GPU rasterizer, adaptive caustic map creation can be performed by any renderer that individually traces photons, e.g., a GPU ray tracer.  相似文献   

It is difficult to render caustic patterns at interactive frame rates. This paper introduces new rendering techniques that relax current constraints, allowing scenes with moving, non-rigid scene objects, rigid caustic objects, and rotating directional light sources to be rendered in real-time with GPU hardware acceleration. Because our algorithm estimates the intensity and the direction of caustic light, rendering of non-Lambertian surfaces is supported. Previous caustics algorithms have separated the problem into pre-rendering and rendering phases, storing intermediate results in data structures such as photon maps or radiance transfer functions. Our central idea is to use specially parameterized spot lights, called caustic spot lights (CSLs), as the intermediate representation of a two-phase algorithm. CSLs are flexible enough that a small number can approximate the light leaving a caustic object, yet simple enough that they can be efficiently evaluated by a pixel shader program during accelerated rendering.We extend our approach to support changing lighting direction by further dividing the pre-rendering phase into per-scene and per-frame components: the per-frame phase computes frame-specific CSLs by interpolating between CSLs that were pre-computed with differing light directions.  相似文献   

While many methods exist for simulating diffuse light inter-reflections, relatively few of them are adapted to dynamic scenes. Despite approximations made on the formal rendering equation, managing dynamic environments at interactive or real-time frame rates still remains one of the most challenging problems. This paper presents a lighting simulation system based on photon streaming, performed continuously on the central processor unit. The power corresponding to each photon impact is accumulated onto predefined points, called virtual light accumulators (or VLA). VLA are used during the rendering phase as virtual light sources. We also introduce a priority management system that automatically adapts to brutal changes during lighting simulation (for instance due to visibility changes or fast object motion). Our system naturally benefits from multi-core architecture. The rendering process is performed in real time using a graphics processor unit, independently from the lighting simulation process. As shown in the results, our method provides high framerates for dynamic scenes, with moving viewpoint, objects and light sources.  相似文献   

We present an unbiased method for generating caustic lighting using importance sampled Path Tracing with Caustic Forecasting. Our technique is part of a straightforward rendering scheme which extends the Illumination by Weak Singularities method to allow for fully unbiased global illumination with rapid convergence. A photon shooting preprocess, similar to that used in Photon Mapping, generates photons that interact with specular geometry. These photons are then clustered, effectively dividing the scene into regions which will contribute similar amounts of caustic lighting to the image. Finally, the photons are stored into spatial data structures associated with each cluster, and the clusters themselves are organized into a spatial data structure for fast searching. During rendering we use clusters to decide the caustic energy importance of a region, and use the local photons to aid in importance sampling, effectively reducing the number of samples required to capture caustic lighting.  相似文献   

The visual world around us displays a rich set of light effects because of translucent and participating media. It is hard and time consuming to render these effects with scattering, caustic, and shaft because of the complex interaction between light and different media. This paper presents a new rendering method based on adaptive lattice for lighting participating media of translucent materials such as marble, wax, and shaft light. Firstly, on the basis of the lattice‐based photon tracing model, multi‐scale hierarchical lattice was constructed by mixed lattice types sampling combined cubic Cartesian and face‐centered cubic with view‐dependent adaptive resolution. Then, an adaptive method to trace diffuse photons and marked specular photons with different phase functions was suggested. Multiple lights and heterogeneous materials were also considered here. Further, the mixed rendering method and GPU accelerate technology were introduced to render different light effects under different participating media. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

艾祖亮  张立民 《计算机仿真》2007,24(10):173-176
环境贴图是绘制物体表面漫反射和镜面反射效果的一种有效方法.为了把环境贴图应用于视景仿真中,实现场景对象的真实感绘制,首先从分析球面调和函数入手,提出了漫反射环境纹理图的快速计算方法;然后在研究镜面反射模型时,提出采用箱式滤波器代替Phong余弦函数滤波的方法,从而简化了镜面反射环境纹理图的滤波计算;最后在实现阶段,采用立方体环境纹理图表示场景光照环境,并对纹理图进行分级细化从而提高了绘制效率.实验表明,该方法在增强对象真实感的同时,其运算速度也能满足交互系统的需求,非常适合视景仿真应用.  相似文献   

Reflections, refractions, and caustics are very important for rendering global illumination images. Although many methods can be applied to generate these effects, the rendering performance is not satisfactory for interactive applications. In this paper, complex ray-object intersections are simplified so that the intersections can be computed on a GPU, and an iterative computing scheme based on the depth buffers is used for correcting the approximate results caused by the simplification. As a result, reflections and refractions of environment maps and nearby geometry can be rendered on a GPU interactively without preprocessing. We can even achieve interactive recursive reflections and refractions by using an object-impostor technique. Moreover, caustic effects caused by reflections and refractions can be rendered by placing the eye at the light. Rendered results prove that our method is sufficiently efficient to render plausible images interactively for many interactive applications  相似文献   

This paper presents a new technique for rendering caustics on non-Lambertian surfaces. The method is based on an extension of the photon map which removes previous restrictions limiting the usage to Lambertian surfaces. We add information about the incoming direction to the photons and this allows us to combine the photon map with arbitrary reflectance functions. By using a cone-filter we improve the quality of the radiance estimate in particular at discontinuities. Furthermore we introduce balancing of the photon map which not only reduces the memory requirements but also significantly reduces the rendering time. We have used the method to render caustics on surfaces with reflectance functions varying from Lambertian to glossy specular.  相似文献   

Zhou  Pengbo  Li  Kaiyue  Wei  Wei  Wang  Zhe  Zhou  Mingquan 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2020,79(23-24):16441-16457

The three-dimensional (3D) modeling of Chinese landscape painting is of great significance for the digital protection of cultural heritage and the production of virtual reality content. A fast modeling method to create 3D landscape scenes for traditional Chinese painting is proposed in this paper, based on integrated terrain modeling and the water flow rendering algorithm. A height map generation algorithm based on auxiliary lines is first proposed to carry out fast modeling from a simple two-dimensional contour to create a 3D mountain model. A realistic flow simulation that fits the topography is then undertaken, based on a flow chart which is calculated using the particle force in the normal grid of topography, and the theory of smoothing particle hydrodynamics. Finally, a stylistic scene that conforms to the artistic concept of traditional Chinese painting is acquired by optimizing the parameters. The interactive modeling platform of the integrated algorithm is tested in this study, and compared with existing research. Results show the method can achieve real-time rendering and realistic rendering to rapidly generate a 3D scene model consistent with a traditional painting scene, and provide support for the follow up development of virtual reality applications.


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