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区域医疗信息化一个最基本的问题是建立开放的、标准化的居民健康档案系统。然而人们对于医疗健康档案的法律问题以及如何安全却运行心存疑虑,健康档案是否会被人随意篡改以及引发的隐私泄密是公众最为顾虑的问题,也是医疗机构必须面对的法律问题。为了解决这一问题,本文通过分析医疗健康档案中个人隐私保护方面的问题,提出了解决思路,为医疗健康档案中个人隐私保护的实现提供了一定的研究思路。  相似文献   

本文从社区移动健康养老服务现状出发,分析了社区移动健康养老服务存在的问题,随着我国人口的老龄化和社会的转型,社区养老逐渐发展成为一种新型的养老服务,但也存在一些不足和问题,基于此,对社区移动健康养老服务进行了思考和研究,给出了一定的对策.  相似文献   

标准化、电子化社区居民健康档案的建立和管理,是当前社区卫生信息化建设的重点和难点。本文结合卫生部关于健康档案的相关数据标准和项目实施的实际情况,重点阐述社区居民健康档案管理系统的主要功能、系统架构、数据库设计以及主要实现技术等。  相似文献   

随着我国航天器数量增加以及广泛应用,提高我国航天领域健康管理技术水平的重要性日趋凸显。本文针对我国航天领域健康管理技术体系不完善,航天器全生命周期健康管理能力较弱,缺少健康管理系统设计、验证技术和工具等问题,设计了航天器天地一体化健康管理平台,建立了航天器健康管理技术体系框架,探讨了航天器健康管理设计开发和验证技术,构建了航天器天地一体化健康管理系统,为最终形成未来我国航天器设计、开发、验证与运行管理过程中的全生命周期健康管理解决方案,解决未来多航天器全寿命周期综合保障问题,进行了有益的技术探索。  相似文献   

在移动技术、无线技术的推动下,医疗机构信息化建设业已对人民健康、健康服务、临床治疗等产生了直接影响,在很大程度上优化了一些传统繁杂流程,提高了医疗机构的服务质量。虽然我国医疗机构信息化程度有了极大提高,但是在信息化建设、管理方面仍存在诸多问题,亟待相关部门、医疗机构进行针对性解决,进一步加快智能时代医院信息化建设的步伐,提高管理质量。  相似文献   

社区卫生服务管理系统从管理员、医生和社区居民三种不同的角色进行设计,通过医生记录社区居民各类记录、社区居民查看相关信息、管理员维护医生和字典等信息的相互协作,提出基于浏览器/服务器模式以及MVC模式的社区卫生服务管理系统的设计思想,实现了家庭档案管理、居民档案管理、儿童保健管理、妇女保健管理等模块,其中包括家庭指导计划、居民主要问题、居民健康信息、居民社区服务、儿童体检登记、妇女产后检查等信息的维护。系统为社区居民享受更好的服务提供平台,提高了社区卫生服务的科学性和合理性。  相似文献   

王娟  陈皇宇 《微型电脑应用》2012,28(1):34-35,39,68
阐述了健康物联网技术在健康促进领域的应用,基于智能健康管理系统模式的进展与趋势,探索新型的健康医学服务模式与机制,促进基层医疗服务机构由传统的被动医疗服务向主动健康促进服务转变。健康促进物联网将为基层医疗机构和居民提供新型平台服务,为引导医药卫生资源进行适度整合,促进基层医疗卫生机构转变运行机制,主动为居民提供健康管理和健康服务探索可行方法,实现助力新医改。  相似文献   

冯涛  焦滢  方君丽  田野 《计算机科学》2020,47(4):305-311
传统医疗信息系统中总是存在医疗健康数据安全存储难和共享难的问题,不同身份的人员在访问和共享医疗健康数据时都受到比较严格的限制,且验证身份和数据的真实性需要大量的资源和时间。针对传统医疗信息系统中存在的存储集中、共享安全性低和达成一致困难等问题,提出了一个基于联盟区块链的医疗健康数据安全模型。该模型根据目前的医疗资源分布情况将医疗机构划分等级,使用股份授权证明机制(Delegate Proot of Stake,DPOS)和实用拜占庭机制(Practical Byzantine Fautt Tolerante,PBFT)结合的混合共识机制保证在没有中心节点的情况下联盟中医疗机构可以快速达成一致,共享医疗健康数据;并根据区块链去中心、安全可信和防止篡改等特点,将数据记录及其他重要信息存储在区块链上,而将完整医疗数据加密存储在分布式数据库(Distributed Database,DDB)中,在安全存储用户医疗健康数据的同时,提高了数据在各医疗机构间的共享效率。安全性分析表明,该模型在容错范围内可以保护医疗健康数据,防止其被篡改和共谋;一致性分析表明,该模型有99%的概率保证联盟中医疗机构达成共识并共享医疗数据。  相似文献   

基于现代大型社区的出现,人们对自身健康的重视,以及下一代网络和无线通信技术的成熟,都为远程医疗和健康监测系统的发展提供了强大的推动力.如何在大型社区中以不影响病人日常生活的前提下对其体征进行实时、有效的检测,并同时提供远程在线医疗诊断功能将是未来的研究方向.在此前提上提出一种以NGN软交换为综合传输平台,Zigbee节...  相似文献   

描述了信息化管理体制在当前医疗卫生服务中的现况以及所存在的问题;阐明了医疗机构信息化管理在目前医疗活动中发挥的作用;分析了当前虹口区医疗机构信息化体制建设方面存在的问题并提出了解决方法及进一步优化医疗机构信息化管理体制的建议。  相似文献   

We compared results of safety climate survey questions from health care respondents with those from naval aviation, a high-reliability organization. Separate surveys containing a subset of 23 similar questions were conducted among employees from 15 hospitals and from naval aviators from 226 squadrons. For each question a "problematic response" was defined that suggested an absence of a safety climate. Overall, the problematic response rate was 5.6% for naval aviators versus 17.5% for hospital personnel (p < .0001). The problematic response was 20.9% in high-hazard hospital domains such as emergency departments and operating rooms. Problematic response among hospital workers was up to 12 times greater than that among aviators on certain questions. Although further research on safety climate in health care is warranted, hospitals may need to make substantial changes to achieve a safety climate consistent with the status of high-reliability organizations.  相似文献   

As a result of the growing demand for health services, China's large city hospitals have become markedly overstretched, resulting in delicate and complex operating room scheduling problems. While the operating rooms are struggling to meet demand, they face idle times because of (human) resources being pulled away for other urgent demands, and cancellations for economic and health reasons. In this research we analyze the resulting stochastic operating room scheduling problems, and the improvements attainable by scheduled cancellations to accommodate the large demand while avoiding the negative consequences of excessive overtime work. We present a three-stage recourse model which formalizes the scheduled cancellations and is anticipative to further uncertainty. We develop a solution method for this three-stage model which relies on the sample average approximation and the L-shaped method. The method exploits the structure of optimal solutions to speed up the optimization. Scheduled cancellations can significantly and substantially improve the operating room schedule when the costs of cancellations are close to the costs of overtime work. Moreover, the proposed methods illustrate how the adverse impact of cancellations (by patients) for economic and health reasons can be largely controlled. The (human) resource unavailability however is shown to cause a more than proportional loss of solution value for the surgery scheduling problems occurring in China's large city hospitals, even when applying the proposed solution techniques, and requires different management measures.  相似文献   

中山市社保自助服务系统是一个利用触摸自助终端做为人机操作接口、光纤传输网络做为支撑载体和相应的业务应用软件系统搭建起来的自助服务平台。它覆盖中山地区的政府机关、社保、社区、,医院和银行等公共场所。为参保人提供各类信息查询和业务办理等功能。既方便了市民应用,又降低了社保部门办事窗口的压力。  相似文献   

讨论了建设在线商务洽谈室的基本原则,ASP(Active Server Pages)技术的,提出了3种在线商务洽谈室的模型及工作流程,并结合自己开发的在线商务洽谈室系统的实际代码,介绍了其中部分技术难点,提出了一套较为完整的在线商务洽谈室的解决方案。  相似文献   

黄燕 《电脑学习》2009,(3):149-150
本文对机房维护中常见问题进行了分析,着着介绍了机房中系统保护技术、数据恢复技术,并对机房中软件安全问题提出了解决的措施。  相似文献   

This paper shows the development of a method of creating Diagnostic Centers for examination rooms for elderly patients. The data related to the population of patients treated in hospitals in Japan. The results of the analysis are being used to develop a suitable facility for examination of elderly patients.  相似文献   

A study was conducted of the health problems of two groups of data entry clerks drawn from 39 government agencies’ pools. One group was formed of 182 clerks who worked in large pools, whereas the second one was composed of 87 clerks in small pools. The clerks who worked in large pools were characterized by a higher rate of occurrence of symptoms of mental health problems (measured by the Ilfeld Index), as well as a higher degree of use of sleeping pills and tranquilizers, than those who worked in the small pools. The effect of pool size was indirect and originated from the more intense job Stressors found in the large pools: greater pressure to increase output, more fragmented work, and bureaucratic work relationships. A more extensive analysis showed the lack of recognition and mobility as a characteristic of all work pools and a major factor of mental health problems.  相似文献   

Pandemic influenza has been an important public health concern with several historical outbreaks in 1918, 1957, and 1968. During an influenza pandemic outbreak, hospitals are often overwhelmed by the surge demand of influenza patients. It is important to prepare response plans to react to a pandemic influenza outbreak. Because of the widespread effect of the disease and the increased demand on limited medical resources, collaboration among hospitals both in planning and in response is necessary. This paper focuses on patient and resource allocation among hospitals in a healthcare network. Mathematical models are built to optimize the patient allocation considering two objectives related to patients’ cost of access to healthcare services: (1) minimization of the total travel distance by patients to hospitals; and (2) minimizing the maximum distance a patient travels to a hospital. Moreover, the models help to predict a resource shortage during an outbreak; this prediction will alert decision makers to consider increasing the medical capacity or requesting additional capacity from state or national agencies. In addition, the model aids in the determination of the optimal allocation of the additional resources, when available, among hospitals by considering the above two objectives related to patients’ cost of access to services. A case study from Metro Louisville, Kentucky, is presented to demonstrate how the models would aid in patient allocation during a pandemic influenza outbreak.  相似文献   

伍励涛 《电脑学习》2009,(3):104-105
本文分析了我国卫生信息化发展对人才的需求。以及我国大部分中小型医院及卫生院信息中心的工作要求,阐明在中等卫生学校开设计算机专业的可行性,并进一步探讨中等卫生学校计算机专业建设的问题。  相似文献   

Abstract The paper presents the main design issues of a distance learning course on Business on the Internet. The instructional design is based on a learner-centred instructional strategy which allows learners to construct their own knowledge while solving real business problems and transferring their knowledge to other learners. They learn autonomously taking the responsibility for their learning and following their individual cognitive styles, interests, preferences. The learners have access to the Internet being members of a global, cooperative learning community. The learning community involves students and tutors who collectively take responsibility for the design and evaluation of the course content and the teaching methods to be applied. Both students and tutors inhabit a virtual learning environment that offers different virtual places and services: virtual university, virtual enterprise, auditoriums, workshop rooms, cafes, libraries, etc. where students from different locations can meet, interact, learn and work together, as if they were face-to-face.  相似文献   

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