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小蜂螨Tropilaelaps spp.是亚洲地区重要的蜜蜂害螨,是一类比大蜂螨Varroa destructor危害性更大的寄生虫,近几年关于小蜂螨的研究越来越多。本文就小蜂螨的分类与分布、生物学特性、流行特点与传播、诊断与防治等领域的最新研究作一综述,并对小蜂螨的研究趋势进行了讨论。  相似文献   

小蜂螨的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小蜂螨,是亚洲地区蜜蜂重要的经济害螨之一。小蜂螨以吸食蜜蜂封盖子的血淋巴为生,能导致大量封盖幼虫和蛹变形或死亡,勉强出房的工蜂也出现体型畸形,致使蜂群的生产力严重下降,直接影响蜂群的发生发展。本文就小蜂螨的分类分布、繁殖生物学、流行病学及行为学、危害防治及其蜂螨、蜜蜂与病毒直接的关系等展开阐述。旨在有助于将来更深入的探索小蜂螨,对今后小蜂螨的防治提供理论参考。  相似文献   

小蜂螨是亚洲地区重要的蜜蜂害螨,是一种比大蜂螨更具危害性的寄生螨。研究明确梅氏热厉螨Tropilaelaps mercedesae在我国的时空分布规律,对小蜂螨的快速监测和早期预防具有重要意义,进而有助于减少其对蜂产业造成的损失。根据气候相似性原理,分别基于马氏距离和欧氏距离逐月计算目标区域与小蜂螨暴发区域间的气候相似距,从时间和空间两个维度探究小蜂螨在中国的适生性。结果表明:马氏距离较欧氏距离更优。小蜂螨在我国的适生性存在季节、地域性差异。在季节上,小蜂螨从春季至冬季的适生性先增强后减弱,秋季的适生性最强。在地域上,小蜂螨在南方地区的适生性高于北方地区,在东部地区的适生性高于西部地区,其中华南地区的适生性最高,东北地区的适生性最低。最后,通过优化最小平方误差的策略获取阈值和临界值,并根据适生性区域划分标准,基于GIS软件逐月绘制了小蜂螨的适生分布图谱。  相似文献   

八角茴香精油防治蜂螨的蜂群效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究在蜂群中测定了八角茴香精油对西方蜜蜂大蜂螨和小蜂螨的杀螨效果。结果表明:应用八角茴香精油一个疗程后,大蜂螨的巢房寄生率由用药前的7.17%下降到1.93%,蜂体寄生率由用药前的4.13%下降到了1%,与氟氯苯氰菊酯组差异不显著;小蜂螨巢房寄生率由用药前的7.65%下降到3.4%,与升华硫组差异不显著;且八角茴香精油不会引起蜂群群势下降。可见,八角茴香精油在防治蜜蜂大、小蜂螨的应用上具有很大潜力。  相似文献   

近年来,我国不少地区蜂场里的蜂群遭受两种革螨的为害,即,大蜂螨与小蜂螨。对其学名,大蜂螨已确定系Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans,而小蜂螨则尚未解决。现在,作者根据手头上的标本,并参考有关文献,经研究后认为小蜂螨学名系Tropilaelaps clareaeDelfinado et Baker,1961。 Delfinado和Baker(1961)以采自菲律宾一种野鼠体上的Tropilaelaps clareae为模式种而建立Tropilaelaps属,隶属于广义的厉螨科;并对该属作如下定义:  相似文献   

敌百虫是一种高效低毒的有机磷杀虫剂,近几年巳经应用于防治蜜蜂大蜂螨(Varroa jacobsoni Oude-mans),且有良好的杀螨效果。为了进一步探讨敌百虫对大蜂螨的有效浓度范围,以便控制和利用最低有效浓度,减轻或避免防治大蜂螨时伤害蜜蜂,我们进行了敌百虫对大蜂螨的毒力测定。 供试敌百虫系上海红旗制药厂制(纯度95%),处理分6000、7000、8000、9000、10000倍5个不同浓度水溶液,并以清水作对照。供拭大蜂螨是直接从蜂子房内捕捉的成熟雌性螨。喷药时放在培养器皿内(直径  相似文献   

大蜂螨(Varrca jacobsoni Oudemans)是蜜蜂的一种寄生虫,近年来猖獗为害,严重影响蜂群的发展和养蜂生产。我们从1963年4月开始对蜂螨的生物学特性和防治措施进行了研究。兹将初步结果整理如下。 一、大蜂螨的发生为害情况 大蜂螨在我区大体上是1958年开始注意(以前资料未作推查),由于当时为害不明显,没引起重视,至1960年大量发生。同年5月山东省王浆会议上不少单位反映蜜蜂有死亡现象,都认为大肚病,虽经治疗,但无显著效果,以后随着天气转暖,死蜂才告停止。由此证明,大蜂螨发生初期,为害并不严重,须经过一段时间和繁殖到一定数量,才加重为害。在临沂地区,一般在第二、三年的早春和晚秋才加重为害,当然由于各地气候不同,繁殖也会有所不同。  相似文献   

香精油的抗蜂螨作用及其在蜂群中的应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
胡福良  朱威  李英华 《昆虫知识》2005,42(4):375-378
香精油及其组分具有显著的抗螨效果。研究者通过筛选试验测定了多种香精油及其组分的抗螨能力,多数在实验室中表现出良好的抗螨效果,但除了百里酚及其混合物外,很少在野外试验中表现出强抗螨能力。百里酚及其混合物的抑螨率超过了90%,对蜜蜂危害较小,长期使用后残留量很低。很有必要对香精油的抗蜂螨作用作进一步的研究,同时结合其它防治手段,建立一套全面的害虫防治策略,以控制蜂螨的危害。  相似文献   

为有效防范疫病传入,保护国内生态和环境安全,本文根据新西兰风险分析模型,从传入释放的可能性、定殖和扩散的可能性以及对经济和生态的潜在危害性3个方面对进境蜜蜂所可能携带的病毒、细菌、真菌、寄生物和敌害等危害进行风险分析。结果表明,蜂群崩溃失调病Colony Collapse Disorder、美洲幼虫腐臭病American Foulbrood、欧洲幼虫腐臭病European Foulbrood、武氏蜂盾螨Acrapis woodi、小蜂螨Tropilaelaps spp.、狄斯瓦螨Varroa destructor、蚤蝇Apocephalus borealis和蜂巢小甲虫Small Hive Beetle(Aethina tumida Murray,SHB)等8种病虫害能给国内蜜蜂带来一定的风险,根据风险评估结果,提出了相应的风险管理措施。研究结果能为制定相应的检疫措施提供科学依据。  相似文献   

狄斯瓦螨Varroa destructor Anderson & Trueman是意大利蜜蜂Apis mellifera Spinola的主要外寄生螨。雌成螨在幼虫巢房封盖前不久侵入幼虫巢房,并开始繁殖为害。从雌成螨在一个很短的时间内进入蜜蜂幼虫巢房,以及雄蜂幼虫巢房蜂螨的寄生率明显高于工蜂幼虫巢房的现象,表明蜜蜂幼虫体表一些信息素(semiochemicals)可能起着重要的引诱作用。作者对与大蜂螨相关的19种气味物质进行筛选,并对封盖前工蜂幼虫和雄蜂幼虫表皮挥发物进行气谱及气-质联谱测定。结果表明:雄蜂6龄幼虫对大蜂螨的引诱作用显著高于丁香水等10种气味物质。工蜂和雄蜂末龄幼虫体表挥发物的共有组份是9-二十三烯(C23H46),但它在雄蜂幼虫中所占的比例要明显高于工蜂幼虫。工蜂幼虫的特有主要组分是十八烷(C18H38)和9-甲基十九烷(C19H40);而雄蜂幼虫的特有主要组分是二十五烷(C25H52)和二十三烷(C23H48)。  相似文献   

我国林业重大害虫松毛虫的灾害研究进展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
曾菊平  戈峰  苏建伟  何忠 《昆虫知识》2010,47(3):451-459
我国松毛虫种类丰富,已报道27种,其中6种频繁暴发,年危害松林面积达200万hm2以上、经济损失数亿元。松毛虫灾害研究可以为综合治理松毛虫提供重要的理论依据与相关技术。近年来,我国在影响松毛虫种群发生的关键性因子分析、性信息素的研究与开发利用、松树挥发性物质的成分鉴定及其对寄生蜂或寄生蝇的定位作用、卫星遥感监测技术等方面的研究取得了较大进步,但缺少系统性的归纳总结。为此,文章就近些年来我国在松毛虫灾害机制与暴发机理研究、治理现状与技术措施等方面进行综述,展望今后我国松毛虫治理研究工作的重要方向和趋势。  相似文献   

Mites in the genus Tropilaelaps are parasites of social honeybees. Two species, Tropilaelaps clareae and T. koenigerum, have been recorded and their primary hosts are presumed to be the giant honeybees of Asia, Apis dorsata and A. laboriosa. The most common species, T. clareae, is also an economically important pest of the introduced Western honeybee (A. mellifera) throughout Asia and is considered an emerging threat to world apiculture. In the studies reported here, genetic (mtDNA CO-I and nuclear ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 gene sequence) and morphological variation and host associations were examined among Tropilaelaps isolates collected from A. dorsata, A. laboriosa and A. mellifera throughout Asia and neighbouring regions. The results clearly indicate that the genus contains at least four species. Tropilaelaps clareae, previously assumed to be ubiquitous in Asia, was found to be two species, and it is here redefined as encompassing haplotypes (mites with distinct mtDNA gene sequences) that parasitise native A. dorsata breviligula and introduced A. mellifera in the Philippines and also native A. d. binghami on Sulawesi Island in Indonesia. Tropilaelaps mercedesae n. sp., which until now has been mistaken for T. clareae, encompasses haplotypes that, together with haplotypes of T. koenigerum, parasitise native A. d. dorsata in mainland Asia and Indonesia (except Sulawesi Island). It also parasitises introduced A. mellifera in these and surrounding regions and, with another new species, T. thaii n. sp., also parasitises A. laboriosa in mountainous Himalayan regions. Methods are described for identifying each species. These studies help to clarify the emerging threat of Tropilaelaps to world apiculture and will necessitate a revision of quarantine protocols for countries that import and export honeybees.  相似文献   

  • 1 Invertebrate pests, such as blue oat mites Penthaleus spp., cause significant economic damage to agricultural crops in Australia. Climate is a major driver of invertebrate species distributions and climate change is expected to shift pest assemblages and pest prevalence across Australia. At this stage, little is known of how individual species will respond to climate change.
  • 2 We have mapped the current distribution for each of the three pest Penthaleus spp. in Australia and built ecological niche models for each species using the correlative modelling software, maxent . Predictor variables useful for describing the climate space of each species were determined and the models were projected into a range of future climate change scenarios to assess how climate change may alter species‐specific distribution patterns in Australia.
  • 3 The distributions of the three cryptic Penthaleus spp. are best described with different sets of climatic variables. Suitable climate space for all species decreases under the climate change scenarios investigated in the present study. The models also indicate that the assemblage of Penthaleus spp. is likely to change across Australia, particularly in Western Australia, South Australia and Victoria.
  • 4 These results show the distributions of the three Penthaleus spp. are correlated with different climatic variables, and that regional control of mite pests is likely to change in the future. A further understanding of ecological and physiological processes that may influence the distribution and pest status of mites is required.

The pest termites of South America: taxonomy, distribution and status   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract: A total of 77 species of termites have been reported as structural or agricultural pests in South America. These records are reviewed, with indication of the damage they cause, their pest status, distribution and sources of information. Among these, 40 species are reported as structural pests, 53 species as agricultural pests and 15 species as both. However, only 18 species are considered major pests and the status of most of the others is uncertain. Uncertainty about status is much higher among agricultural pests. Specific taxonomic problems are discussed and distribution maps of the main pest genera and species are presented. The most important structural pests are the introduced Coptotermes havilandi and Cryptotermes brevis and the native Nasutitermes corniger. Reticulitermes was introduced into Uruguay and Chile, where it is the only serious pest. The main agricultural pests are Heterotermes spp., Nasutitermes spp., Cornitermes spp., Procornitermes spp. and Syntermes spp., and the most affected crops are sugarcane, upland rice and eucalyptus.  相似文献   


Wild mammalian herbivores can compete with domestic livestock and damage other types of production systems. We reviewed damage by wild mammalian herbivores, excluding rodents, to primary production in New Zealand and assessed whether primary producers alter stocking rates in response to changes in forage availability following pest control. Given the dearth of information on the damage caused by wild mammalian herbivores to many production systems, we primarily focused on their damage to agriculture. With the exception of the substantial damage that brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) and European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) cause, there are no quantitative estimates of pasture depletion by other wild mammalian herbivores on New Zealand farmland. Estimates of dry matter consumption by wild mammalian herbivores, converted to stock unit equivalents, suggest that several species can substantially reduce stocking rates when they occur on farmland. Quantitative data on the damage they cause to horticulture and silviculture are lacking, but damage to coniferous seedlings has been recorded for possums, wallabies (Notamacropus spp.), and some species of deer (Cervus spp., Rusa spp., and Dama dama). The process that primary producers use to decide whether to control wild mammalian herbivores includes complex social and economic factors, but quantitative information is important for weighing up the expected costs and benefits of pest control. However, it is unclear how primary producers manage livestock in response to increases in forage availability following pest control. The paucity of quantitative data on wild mammalian herbivore damage to production assets is a substantial knowledge gap. Key research priorities are (i) understanding how damage varies with pest density (critical information for effective pest management) and (ii) and how primary producers alter stocking rates following reductions in pest density.  相似文献   

Lesquerella, Physaria fendleri (A. Gray) S. Watson, is a mustard native to the western United States and is currently being developed as a commercial source of valuable hydroxy fatty acids that can be used in a number of industrial applications, including biolubricants, biofuel additives, motor oils, resins, waxes, nylons, plastics, corrosion inhibitors, cosmetics, and coatings. The plant is cultivated as a winter-spring annual and in the desert southwest it harbors large populations of arthropods, several of which could be significant pests once production expands. Lygus spp. (Hemiptera: Miridae) are common in lesquerella and are known pests of a number of agronomic and horticultural crops where they feed primarily on reproductive tissues. A 4-yr replicated plot study was undertaken to evaluate the probable impact of Lygus spp. on production of this potential new crop. Plant damage and subsequent seed yield and quality were examined relative to variable and representative densities of Lygus spp. (0.3-4.9 insects per sweep net) resulting from variable frequency and timing of insecticide applications. Increasing damage to various fruiting structures (flowers [0.9-13.9%], buds [1.2-7.1%], and seed pods [19.4-42.5%]) was significantly associated with increasing pest abundance, particularly the abundance of nymphs, in all years. This damage, however, did not consistently translate into reductions in seed yield (481-1,336 kg/ha), individual seed weight (0.5-0.7 g per 1,000 seed), or seed oil content (21.8-30.4%), and pest abundance generally explained relatively little of the variation in crop yield and quality. Negative effects on yield were not sensitive to the timing of pest damage (early versus late season) but were more pronounced during years when potential yields were lower due to weed competition and other agronomic factors. Results suggest that if the crop is established and managed in a more optimal fashion, Lygus spp. may not significantly limit yield. Nonetheless, additional work will be needed once more uniform cultivars become available and yield effects can be more precisely measured. Densities of Lygus spp. in unsprayed lesquerella are on par with those in other known agroecosystem level sources of this pest (e.g., forage and seed alfalfa, Medicago sativa L.). Thus, lesquerella production may introduce new challenges to pest management in crops such as cotton.  相似文献   

The development of postharvest quarantine treatments can be both expensive and time-consuming. It is necessary to determine the species and stage of the pest most tolerant to the treatment, if more than one species is the target of the treatment. Initial laboratory studies often include infesting the commodity with various egg and larval stages of the pest and performing treatments and evaluations of the fruit. In collaboration with others, I have previously developed combination high temperature under controlled atmosphere treatments against two quarantine pests in apples (Malus spp.) and peaches and nectarines (both Prunus spp.). I decided to develop an artificial system that can be used for these initial tests without the need for infesting large quantities of the fruit. I tested the system on the immature stages of the pests under regular air and controlled atmospheres by using the controlled atmosphere water bath system. This system can be used for rapid assessment of the most tolerant stage and species of a pest to a combination heat and controlled atmosphere treatment without the expense of infesting, treating, and evaluating the commodity.  相似文献   

中国白蜡窄吉丁研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白蜡窄吉丁Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire是近年来发生和影响比较严重的国际性检疫害虫,主要危害白蜡属(Fraxinus spp.)树木。它以幼虫在树木的韧皮部、形成层和木质部浅层蛀食,从而切断树木的营养输导组织,导致树木衰弱死亡。为了深入了解该害虫,探索合理的治理策略,本文对国内外有关白蜡窄吉丁的生物学特性,包括生活习性、生活史、分布与危害、寄主范围等方面以及防治技术的研究进展进行了系统总结,并讨论了白蜡窄吉丁今后的研究方向和研究趋势。  相似文献   

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