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It can be difficult to keep up with library technology, let alone with technology in general. This essay describes several technology trends (virtual reality, augmented reality, the Internet of Things, and adoption of a “buy the data, build the interface” approach to service provision) that librarians should be aware of as they are likely to prove foundational to the services libraries will offer, as well as the services library users will expect.  相似文献   

Augmented, virtual, and mixed reality applications all aim to enhance a user’s current experience or reality. While variations of this technology are not new, within the last few years there has been a significant increase in the number of artificial reality devices or applications available to the general public. This column will explain the difference between augmented, virtual, and mixed reality and how each application might be useful in libraries. It will also provide an overview of the concerns surrounding these different reality applications and describe how and where they are currently being used.  相似文献   


Academic health sciences libraries have an important role in facilitating the use of technology in health sciences curricula. Serving as a technology hub, the library supports, advocates, and provides access to new technologies. The library introduces many faculty and students to new technology tools, techniques, and equipment for new multimedia creation. As the technology hub grows and expands, library personnel can provide expertise, which demonstrates the library's value in leading the exploration of new technology, including Do-It-Yourself multimedia tools, virtual reality, virtual anatomy, and 3D printing.  相似文献   

虚拟现实技术具有沉浸性、交互性和想象性三大特征,增添了新的多维感触与人机交互方式,在图书馆场景建设、信息资源建设、读者服务工作中都有其广阔的应用空间。但现阶段虚拟现实技术在图书馆应用中遇到了虚拟现实技术设备商业化程度不高、视景生成技术自身还不够成熟、应用虚拟现实技术的图书馆少等问题,因此图书馆应积极关注虚拟现实技术、两种视景生成技术交互使用,加大宣传力度,推广虚拟现实技术。  相似文献   

虚拟现实技术及其在图书馆的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
虚拟现实技术具有沉浸性、交互性和想象性三大特征,增添了新的多维感触与人机交互方式,在图书馆场景建设、信息资源建设、读者服务工作中都有其广阔的应用空间。但现阶段虚拟现实技术在图书馆应用中遇到了虚拟现实技术设备商业化程度不高、视景生成技术自身还不够成熟、应用虚拟现实技术的图书馆少等问题,因此图书馆应积极关注虚拟现实技术、两种视景生成技术交互使用,加大宣传力度,推广虚拟现实技术。  相似文献   


Orienting patrons to library spaces, collections, and services is an important, but time-intensive, challenge for many librarians. Library tours are one strategy commonly employed to familiarize patrons with library spaces and services. Augmented reality provides a new opportunity for librarians to develop engaging and interactive unmediated tours. Augmented reality tours provide participants with an opportunity to explore library spaces and service points while affording librarians the chance to share valuable information about those spaces and services. This article details how one library constructed an augmented reality tour and shares assessment-based insights into participant responses to the augmented reality format.  相似文献   

图书馆服务在移动互联时代的技术创新解决方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过分析移动互联时代的特点及其对图书馆服务的影响,总结出当前图书馆服务的主要技术创新方向:手机图书馆网站、移动OPAC、手机二维码应用和增强现实应用。随后简要介绍了这四个方向的发展现状、设计理念,从实践角度分别对其具体的开发解决方案进行了梳理和汇总,从而为图书馆实际开展移动服务提供一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

移动增强现实(AR)技术在图书馆中应用前景分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
作为一种新型信息技术,移动增强现实(Augmented Reality,AR)技术近年来受到关注.移动AR利用移动终端,借助对实体对象的识别,通过计算或在数据库中获取虚拟信息,并将虚拟信息叠加于现场视频,实现虚拟信息对现实的“强化”.文章根据移动AR技术的特点,结合图书馆的业务实际,提出了移动AR技术在图书馆中的五种应用,分别是:提供图书馆指引服务,实现图书定位,提升阅读体验,开展信息推送,促进馆藏资源的开发和利用.由于移动AR技术尚处于发展阶段,关于移动AR技术在图书馆中的应用仍有待进一步探索.  相似文献   

秦林 《图书情报工作》2019,63(20):139-148
[目的/意义]系统梳理国内外图书馆增强现实的研究和实践现状,为我国图书馆增强现实方面的研究和实践提供参考。[方法/过程]通过中外文献数据库、学术搜索引擎和引文追溯的途径搜集国内外图书馆增强现实方面的文献,并对文献内容进行分析梳理。[结果/结论]分析国内外增强现实研究和实践现状,提出国内图书馆应用增强现实应考虑的问题和注意事项,包括理性引入AR技术、善于运用已有的AR平台、重视对用户态度和使用效果的评估、重视人员的培养。  相似文献   

Augmented reality is a technology that overlays digital information on objects or places in the real world for the purpose of enhancing the user experience. It is not virtual reality, that is, the technology that creates a totally digital or computer created environment. Augmented reality, with its ability to combine reality and digital information, is being studied and implemented in medicine, marketing, museums, fashion, and numerous other areas. This article presents an overview of augmented reality, discussing what it is, how it works, its current implementations, and its potential impact on libraries.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]增强现实技术作为新兴信息技术具有很大的研究和发展空间。增强现实环境下用户信息行为的国际相关研究对于提升我国的增强现实产业发展和指导图情学科开展相关研究具有重要的理论和实践价值。[方法/过程]基于文献计量和知识图谱的方法,对增强现实环境下用户信息行为的国际研究进展进行起源和发展脉络分析和研究热点的知识图谱分析,并对未来图情领域在此方面的研究趋势进行洞察和分析。[结果/结论]增强现实环境下用户信息行为的研究正处于快速发展的阶段,其研究热点所涉及的信息行为包括信息采纳行为、信息接受行为和信息交互行为。增强现实环境下图情领域的研究未来可从用户基于不同场景的交互体验、增强现实在图书馆建设中的应用、增强现实对图书阅读方式的革新3个领域展开分析。  相似文献   

��[Purpose/significance] As an emerging information technology, augmented reality technology has great space of research and development. The international research on user information behavior in the context of augmented reality is of great theoretical and practical value in promoting the development of China's augmented reality industry and guiding the research on graphics and information.[Method/process] Based on the methods of bibliometrics and knowledge mapping, this paper conducts analysis on the origin and development and knowledge mapping analysis on research hotspots, and provides insight and analysis on the future trend of this field.[Result/conclusion] The research status on users' information behavior in the augmented reality environment is still of rapid development. And the involved information behaviors research hotspots include information adoption behavior, information acceptance behavior and information interaction behavior. The future research direction from information science & library can be analyzed from three fields:the user interactive experience based on different scenes, the application of augmented reality in library construction, and the innovation way of reading books by augmented reality.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 针对当前我国图书馆对AR技术的应用不够深入、广, 泛的问题, 剖析近年来国外高校图书馆应用AR技术的9个典型案, 例, 总结其应用特点与不足, 以期提高我国图书馆对AR技术的, 关注度, 促进AR技术在我国图书馆的应用。[方法/过程] 采用网站调研法, 详细调查国外高校图书馆应用AR技术的技术原理、支撑硬件、应用系统等内容, 并分析其业务类型、开发成本、应用特点和应用效果等。[结果/结论] 总结目前国外高校图书馆应用AR的成效与不足之处, 并针对我国图书馆应用AR技术提出可行性建议, 包括提高对AR技术的关注度、重点扩展业务应用、着力降低开发成本、提前储备相关知识技能。  相似文献   

在阐述虚拟现实技术含义及其特征的基础上,探讨了虚拟现实技术在图书馆场景建设、信息资源建设、读者服务工作中的应用。  相似文献   

作为当前的热门技术之一,虚拟现实技术以计算机技术为核心,已经在军事、制造业、建筑、 教育等许多领域实现了重要应用。在技术方面,从世界各国来看,美国一直处于绝对技术领先地位, 中国在专利和论文数量方面排名第二;从国内来看,北京、广东、上海、江苏、浙江总体研发实力领 先。在产业方面,全球虚拟现实产业已迎来了新的爆发式增长的繁荣期,国内的虚拟现实产业整体上 还相对薄弱。当前,虚拟现实技术及产业发展还存在着技术缺陷、行业标准混乱、内容缺乏价格偏高、 冲击社会伦理规范等问题,但预计今后几年将进入高速增长阶段。加强技术研发及产业化,创造良好 创业生态,尽快建立行业标准,加速培养专业人才是虚拟现实技术及产业发展的当务之急。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过对国外虚拟现实环境下用户信息行为相关文献的收集和分析,了解国外虚拟现实技术应用的研究进展及未来的研究趋势,为虚拟现实技术在图书情报领域的研究提供借鉴和启示。[方法/过程]运用文献分析和知识图谱可视化方法,对国外虚拟现实技术的研究热点及研究趋势进行分析和可视化呈现。[结果/结论]国外虚拟现实环境下用户信息行为相关文献的研究热点主要分布于虚拟现实环境下用户信息接受行为、用户采纳行为及人机交互行为研究。未来虚拟现实环境用户信息行为研究的发展趋势将更加关注于虚拟现实环境下用户社交行为,虚拟现实环境下多领域用户采纳行为及虚拟现实环境下用户阅读行为等3个方面。  相似文献   

图书馆VR技术应用现状及前景分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
VR技术作为现代新兴科技能够呈现仿真的虚拟现实场景,在众多领域得到广泛应用,是未来智慧图书馆实现人机交互、完成虚拟体验的重要技术手段。本文研究VR技术在国内外图书馆应用现状,分析我国图书馆应用VR技术开展服务存在的问题及不足,针对不足之处提出改进策略,并研判了未来图书馆VR技术的发展前景,以为我国图书馆创新服务、跃升发展提供借鉴参考。  相似文献   

��[Purpose/significance] This paper collects and analyzes relevant literatures on user information behavior in virtual reality environment abroad, in order to understand the progress and future research trends of virtual reality in the field of library and information science, and provide reference and inspiration for future academic and industrial research.[Method/process] Using literature analysis and knowledge mapping visualization method, the origin and development of user information behavior in virtual reality environment abroad, foreign research hotspots and future research trends were analyzed and visualized.[Result/conclusion] From the perspective of researching hotspots, foreign research mainly focused on the research of user information acceptance behavior, user adoption behavior and human-computer interaction behavior under virtual reality environment. From the researching trend, future research will more concentrate on user social behavior, user adoption behavior and user reading behavior in virtual reality environment.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 以现有研究成果为基础,将AR技术与图书馆服务要素有机结合起来,探讨AR技术对这些要素的作用以及相互间的关联。[方法/过程] 通过案例分析,对AR技术自身功能特点及其对图书馆服务中文献、空间、阅读、体验、展览等各要素的作用进行剖析。[结果/结论] 认为AR技术可以助力图书馆充分挖掘上述要素中的潜在效能,加快各要素间的"生态循环",并在循环流中衍生新的效益和价值,全面提升服务能力,提高用户满意度。  相似文献   

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