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以中国整体为研究区,基于1960—2013年520个气象站逐日降水和气温数据,选取极端降水变化率(α)和饱和水汽压变化率(β)2个指标,定量分析了极端降水与全球变暖之间的内在联系.结果表明:全球变暖背景下我国整体上极端降水呈现增加的趋势,α和β分别为6.4%·℃-1和9.3%·℃-1,且α更接近理论值(约7%·℃-1),β与平均气温存在指数定量化关系.在此基础上,根据平均气温的不同将我国划分为9个对照组,进一步分析其空间差异,结果表明:α和β在空间上存在显著的正相关关系(r=0.63),具体表现为平均气温较高的地区,α和β值也较大.证明了饱和水汽压随温度的变化率可以从大尺度上解释极端降水增加的空间变化特征.  相似文献   

Bottom water warming in the North Pacific Ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fukasawa M  Freeland H  Perkin R  Watanabe T  Uchida H  Nishina A 《Nature》2004,427(6977):825-827
Observations of changes in the properties of ocean waters have been restricted to surface or intermediate-depth waters, because the detection of change in bottom water is extremely difficult owing to the small magnitude of the expected signals. Nevertheless, temporal changes in the properties of such deep waters across an ocean basin are of particular interest, as they can be used to constrain the transport of water at the bottom of the ocean and to detect changes in the global thermohaline circulation. Here we present a comparison of a trans-Pacific survey completed in 1985 (refs 4, 5) and its repetition in 1999 (ref. 6). We find that the deepest waters of the North Pacific Ocean have warmed significantly across the entire width of the ocean basin. Our observations imply that changes in water properties are now detectable in water masses that have long been insulated from heat exchange with the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Sensitivity of the Pacific subtropical-tropical meridional cell to global warming is examined by using a global ocean-atmosphere coupled model developed at LASG/IAP. Results indicate that associated with the increasing of atmospheric carbon dioxide, the most prominent signals of global warming locate at high latitudes, and the change of middle and low latitudes, in particular the surface wind, is relatively weak, which leads to a weak response of the Pacific subtropical-tropical meridional cell. At the time of atmospheric carbon dioxide doubling, the change of the meridional cell strength is smaller than the amplitude of natural variability.  相似文献   

Between about 55.5 and 52 million years ago, Earth experienced a series of sudden and extreme global warming events (hyperthermals) superimposed on a long-term warming trend. The first and largest of these events, the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), is characterized by a massive input of carbon, ocean acidification and an increase in global temperature of about 5 °C within a few thousand years. Although various explanations for the PETM have been proposed, a satisfactory model that accounts for the source, magnitude and timing of carbon release at the PETM and successive hyperthermals remains elusive. Here we use a new astronomically calibrated cyclostratigraphic record from central Italy to show that the Early Eocene hyperthermals occurred during orbits with a combination of high eccentricity and high obliquity. Corresponding climate-ecosystem-soil simulations accounting for rising concentrations of background greenhouse gases and orbital forcing show that the magnitude and timing of the PETM and subsequent hyperthermals can be explained by the orbitally triggered decomposition of soil organic carbon in circum-Arctic and Antarctic terrestrial permafrost. This massive carbon reservoir had the potential to repeatedly release thousands of petagrams (10(15) grams) of carbon to the atmosphere-ocean system, once a long-term warming threshold had been reached just before the PETM. Replenishment of permafrost soil carbon stocks following peak warming probably contributed to the rapid recovery from each event, while providing a sensitive carbon reservoir for the next hyperthermal. As background temperatures continued to rise following the PETM, the areal extent of permafrost steadily declined, resulting in an incrementally smaller available carbon pool and smaller hyperthermals at each successive orbital forcing maximum. A mechanism linking Earth's orbital properties with release of soil carbon from permafrost provides a unifying model accounting for the salient features of the hyperthermals.  相似文献   

Since the mid-nineteenth century the Earth's surface has warmed, and models indicate that human activities have caused part of the warming by altering the radiative balance of the atmosphere. Simple theories suggest that global warming will reduce the strength of the mean tropical atmospheric circulation. An important aspect of this tropical circulation is a large-scale zonal (east-west) overturning of air across the equatorial Pacific Ocean--driven by convection to the west and subsidence to the east--known as the Walker circulation. Here we explore changes in tropical Pacific circulation since the mid-nineteenth century using observations and a suite of global climate model experiments. Observed Indo-Pacific sea level pressure reveals a weakening of the Walker circulation. The size of this trend is consistent with theoretical predictions, is accurately reproduced by climate model simulations and, within the climate models, is largely due to anthropogenic forcing. The climate model indicates that the weakened surface winds have altered the thermal structure and circulation of the tropical Pacific Ocean. These results support model projections of further weakening of tropical atmospheric circulation during the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

Influence of the intertropical convergence zone on the East Asian monsoon   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The Asian-Australian monsoon is an important component of the Earth's climate system that influences the societal and economic activity of roughly half the world's population. The past strength of the rain-bearing East Asian summer monsoon can be reconstructed with archives such as cave deposits, but the winter monsoon has no such signature in the hydrological cycle and has thus proved difficult to reconstruct. Here we present high-resolution records of the magnetic properties and the titanium content of the sediments of Lake Huguang Maar in coastal southeast China over the past 16,000 years, which we use as proxies for the strength of the winter monsoon winds. We find evidence for stronger winter monsoon winds before the B?lling-Aller?d warming, during the Younger Dryas episode and during the middle and late Holocene, when cave stalagmites suggest weaker summer monsoons. We conclude that this anticorrelation is best explained by migrations in the intertropical convergence zone. Similar migrations of the intertropical convergence zone have been observed in Central America for the period ad 700 to 900 (refs 4-6), suggesting global climatic changes at that time. From the coincidence in timing, we suggest that these migrations in the tropical rain belt could have contributed to the declines of both the Tang dynasty in China and the Classic Maya in Central America.  相似文献   

Archaeal dominance in the mesopelagic zone of the Pacific Ocean   总被引:68,自引:0,他引:68  
Karner MB  DeLong EF  Karl DM 《Nature》2001,409(6819):507-510
The ocean's interior is Earth's largest biome. Recently, cultivation-independent ribosomal RNA gene surveys have indicated a potential importance for archaea in the subsurface ocean. But quantitative data on the abundance of specific microbial groups in the deep sea are lacking. Here we report a year-long study of the abundance of two specific archaeal groups (pelagic euryarchaeota and pelagic crenarchaeota) in one of the ocean's largest habitats. Monthly sampling was conducted throughout the water column (surface to 4,750 m) at the Hawai'i Ocean Time-series station. Below the euphotic zone (> 150 m), pelagic crenarchaeota comprised a large fraction of total marine picoplankton, equivalent in cell numbers to bacteria at depths greater than 1,000 m. The fraction of crenarchaeota increased with depth, reaching 39% of total DNA-containing picoplankton detected. The average sum of archaea plus bacteria detected by rRNA-targeted fluorescent probes ranged from 63 to 90% of total cell numbers at all depths throughout our survey. The high proportion of cells containing significant amounts of rRNA suggests that most pelagic deep-sea microorganisms are metabolically active. Furthermore, our results suggest that the global oceans harbour approximately 1.3 x 10(28) archaeal cells, and 3.1 x 10(28) bacterial cells. Our data suggest that pelagic crenarchaeota represent one of the ocean's single most abundant cell types.  相似文献   

为了揭示阜新气候变暖的影响因素及变化规律,利用近50年北太平洋海温资料、历年阜新地区气温资料,在太阳黑子谷值年活动周期内,采用数理统计分析方法,对阜新年、季、月气温变化进行了深入的分析和研究,找出了阜新气候变暖与海温之间的一些重要规律.结果证明了阜新气候变暖与海温有着密切的关系及海温对气温影响的长期效应.通过海温与气温的研究,对气候变暖、冷暖冬、高温、低温冷害、干旱、洪涝等方面的气候预测有着重要的帮助作用.  相似文献   

Cox PM  Betts RA  Jones CD  Spall SA  Totterdell IJ 《Nature》2000,408(6809):184-187
The continued increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide due to anthropogenic emissions is predicted to lead to significant changes in climate. About half of the current emissions are being absorbed by the ocean and by land ecosystems, but this absorption is sensitive to climate as well as to atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, creating a feedback loop. General circulation models have generally excluded the feedback between climate and the biosphere, using static vegetation distributions and CO2 concentrations from simple carbon-cycle models that do not include climate change. Here we present results from a fully coupled, three-dimensional carbon-climate model, indicating that carbon-cycle feedbacks could significantly accelerate climate change over the twenty-first century. We find that under a 'business as usual' scenario, the terrestrial biosphere acts as an overall carbon sink until about 2050, but turns into a source thereafter. By 2100, the ocean uptake rate of 5 Gt C yr(-1) is balanced by the terrestrial carbon source, and atmospheric CO2 concentrations are 250 p.p.m.v. higher in our fully coupled simulation than in uncoupled carbon models, resulting in a global-mean warming of 5.5 K, as compared to 4 K without the carbon-cycle feedback.  相似文献   

This study examines the tropical cyclone (TC) landfall activities over the East Asia in three types of decaying phase of warm sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs) over the equatorial central-eastern Pacific: eastern Pacific warming decaying to La Nifia, eastern Pacific warming decaying to a neutral E1 Nifio-Southern Oscilla- tion phase, and a central Pacific warming decaying year. Results show that, for the type of eastern Pacific wanning decaying to La Nifia, more TCs make landfall over Hainan Island and Beibu Gulf, whereas fewer TCs reach eastern China coast. In particular, the number of landfalling TCs remarkably decreases in the decaying phase of eastern Pacific E1 Nifio to a neutral year. During the decaying phase of central Pacific E1 Nifio events, more TCs tend to make landfall over southern China, Indochina Peninsula and the Philippines. The anomalies of atmospheric circu- lation and environmental conditions induced by the SSTAs over the tropical Pacific in the different decaying types are responsible for the evident variation in features of TC landfall.  相似文献   

开采扰动区断层采动活化是诱发动力学灾害的典型难题之一。断层采动活化诱发岩体动态变形规律研究是揭示煤岩体结构、应力与力学行为对灾害控制作用的基础前提。通过对物理相似模型实验和声发射、应力与变形指标监测,揭示开采扰动区断层下盘、断层附近及断层上盘随工作面推进覆岩运移和矿压显现规律。实验研究表明:断层存在破坏了煤层顶板及上覆岩层的整体连续性,工作面矿压及上覆岩层垮落规律表现异常,断层极易活化,滑移现象明显;断层活化诱发上覆岩层发生整体切落,对工作面前方煤体产生很高的集中应力载荷,易诱发动力灾害。这为采动岩体动态断裂失稳和突水等灾害预报与调控提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The Tibetan Plateau (TP, 75-105oE, 27.5-37.5oN) is the highest and largest highland in the world with a variety of climate and ecosystems. The TP exerts pro- found influences not only on the local climate and en- vironment but also on the global atmospher…  相似文献   

针对测量工作中人工进行高斯投影、坐标换带和平面子午线收敛角计算非常麻烦又容易出错的问题,采用迭代法趋近求值,用BASIC语言编制了相应的计算机程序,实现了上述计算。该程序可用于便携式PC-1501计算机,输入简便,能直接得到通用的坐标和数据。实践结果表明:其计算精度合乎要求,计算速度比人工计算提高几百倍。  相似文献   

Sun  Ying  Ding  YiHui 《科学通报(英文版)》2011,56(25):2718-2726
We used outputs from climate models that participated in the fourth assessment (AR4) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to evaluate the responses of the South Asian summer monsoon (SASM) and the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) circulations to different warming over land and ocean under a medium warming scenario, SRES A1B. Our results suggest that, even though near-surface warming over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is greater than that over the tropical Indian Ocean (TIO) and the northwestern Pacific (NWP), the upper-tropospheric land-sea thermal contrasts between the TP and the TIO (TP-TIO) and between the TP and the NWP (TP-NWP) will decrease. At interdecadal and longer time scales, the change in the SASM circulation is consistent with the TP-TIO upper-troposphere thermal contrast. Conversely, the change in the EASM circulation is consistent with the TP-NWP lower-troposphere thermal contrast. However, at the interannual time scale, both changes in the EASM and SASM are significantly correlated with the upper-troposphere thermal contrast. Further analyses suggest that increases in moisture and changes in cloud cover induced by global warming may cause amplified upper-tropospheric warming over the TP and the oceans resulting in inconsistent changes in the vertical temperature distribution over these regions. Because the warming over the TIO and NWP is greater than that over the TP, the TP-TIO meridional and TP-NWP zonal thermal contrasts will both decrease. However, at the lower layer, the difference in thermal capacity between land and sea result in a larger thermal effect in the near-surface region of the TP than those over the surrounding oceans. We showed that a range of factors that affect thermal conditions will likely cause changes in the Asian monsoon across a range of time scales under a warming scenario. These changes reflect differences in the influence of the greenhouse effect and natural variability.  相似文献   

增温对苏南地区冬小麦产量影响的模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究气候变暖对江苏南部冬小麦产量的影响,在田间试验的基础上,运用WOFOST模型模拟1980—2010年南京不同增温条件下冬小麦的生长发育及产量表现。研究结果表明:在0~2℃,增温使冬小麦发育期提前。出苗-开花期和出苗-成熟期增温,提前了冬小麦的开花期,但对开花-成熟期的持续天数影响较小;提高了冬小麦籽粒干物质积累的平均速率,籽粒干物质积累活跃期延长,冬小麦产量增加,以出苗-开花期增温2℃产量提高最大。开花-成熟期增温缩短开花-成熟期的持续天数,缩短籽粒干物质积累活跃期,降低产量,以增温2℃减产幅度最大。  相似文献   

我国南北方的水资源存在严重的地区不平衡差异.总体来说,北方地区大部分地区属于缺水干旱地区,而南方地区的水资源基本上是供大于求.20世纪80年代以来,随着社会经济的快速发展,加之气候变化的影响,北方地区水资源短缺的矛盾日趋严重,缺水所造成的损失和环境的恶化更为明显.北方的降水减少和温度的增加是我国气候变化的总趋势,由此引起的北方干旱化严重影响了我国北方工农业生产和人民的生活,而南水北调是解决这一问题的关键性措施.南水北调可以缓解北方地区不同程度的缺水矛盾,使水资源问题不再成为经济的制约因素,从而加快北方地区的发展速度,缓解环境的恶化.南水北凋工程实施后,受水地区的土壤含水量、地下水以及地表植被都会发生不同程度的变化,利用数值模拟的方法研究这些变化对局地气象环境的影响.所运用的模式是美国NCAR/PSU联合研制的中尺度气象模式MM5,在其中我们耦合了陆面过程模式OSULSM.研究表明,由于土壤含水量的增加,北方地区的蒸发量也相应增加,调水量的50%以上被蒸发,同时北方地区的降雨量增加、地面温度降低。  相似文献   

基于图瓦卢1950-2010年以来气温降水的数据、海平面变化的数据,利用线性回归分析方法分析了气温、降水量时空变化情况.结果表明:60年来,图瓦卢气温、降水分别呈上升、减少的变化特点,图瓦卢气温降水与厄尔尼诺拉尼娜现象有不同的相关性,厄尔尼诺/拉尼娜对图瓦卢渔场产生了很大的影响.全球变化导致图瓦卢国土安全、经济安全受到严重挑战,并对气候移民弊端做了分析,提出了非移民对策和全球应该共同采取的行动对策.  相似文献   

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