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公交导向开发(TOD)在小汽车主导的发达国家被认为是引导居民由小汽车出行转向公共交通及其他多样化出行模式的城市设计手法。对于TOD的交通影响,不少研究比较检验了TOD地区和非TOD地区居民的出行模式。然而这种横向比较的研究手法难以排除不同个体在居住和出行选择背后的复杂内生因素的影响。纵向比较相同个体在TOD和非TOD环境下出行模式的差异,更能直接反应TOD影响个体出行模式的实际效用。本文以英格兰东北部地区的泰恩威尔都市区为例,基于2015年在该地区三个不同区位TOD邻里进行的居民调查数据,对居民迁入前后的职住空间与通勤模式变化进行了比较研究。结果显示,迁居使得部分居民的职住空间模式发生了变化,其中因通勤距离增加而放弃步行进而转向机动化方式者,绝大多数选择了地铁而非小汽车;对于迁居前后需要维持机动化的通勤者,有较少部分的原小汽车通勤者转向了地铁通勤,且主要是由非TOD地区迁入者;而TOD对通勤方式的影响是长期累积的,随着地铁出行使用量的增加,居民对地铁出行的接受度随之提升,这也将进一步影响居民的车辆保有决策和未来迁居决策,从而影响居民的出行方式。研究结论表明,TOD对居民通勤出行存在有限但切实深远的影响。  相似文献   

城市低收入群体的就业可达性变化研究——以北京为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
职住平衡被新城市主义和精明增长的支持者所倡导,它不仅可以降低小汽车出行,促进城市就业,也关系到社会公平。本文选择北京作为案例,采取网络OD矩阵分析法,以平均通勤时间做测度指标,考察居住在可支付性住房中的低收入群体到商业就业中心的就业可达性。研究发现,采取公交方式付出的通勤时间大约为小汽车通勤方式的2倍,这反映了不同群体的就业可达性确实因交通方式的不同选择而存在差异。从时间变化上看,2004年之后比之前的可支付性住房,无论采取公交还是小汽车出行的平均通勤时间都更长,表明低收入群体在就业可达性上被置于更不利的境地,这将为中国城市未来的可支付性住房布局和交通规划提供借鉴,并进而对城市中弱势群体的居住、就业给予实实在在的关怀。  相似文献   

○大都市中心城人口、制造业、商业、办公业依次向郊区扩散,为郊区城镇可持续发展提供了强大的动力 自从本世纪以来,西方国家大都市郊区化迅速发展成为大都市地区的一个显著特点,郊区化的迅速发展促进了郊区小城镇迅速发展。总括起来西方大都市经历了四次从城市中心向郊外扩散的浪潮: 第一次浪潮是人口郊区化,即中心城人口向郊区迁移的过程。如美国从1948年至1980年中心城人口占大都市人口的比重由64%降至43%。一般认为形成人口郊区化的主要原因有:①实际收入的增加;②通勤费用的下降;③中心城市存在许多问题;④跟随企业迁到郊区;⑤公共政策的影响等。 第二次浪潮是制造业的郊区化,即中心城的制造业向郊区迁移的过程。如美国1948~1980年间中心城的制造业就业的比重由67%下降至48%。随着卡车的改  相似文献   

已有研究表明,街区建成环境特征会影响居民日常通勤、休闲步行出行活动。然而建成环境对于居民购物出行的影响研究却是有限的,特别是在高密度的城市生活街区。文章探寻生活街区建成环境要素对上海中心城区居民选择步行、骑行、公交及驾车等购物出行方式的影响。在获取2 479位居民日常购物出行特征、感知环境评价以及个人社会属性后,结合实测的街区建成环境指标,运用多项逻辑回归分析,发现居民购物出行方式除了受年龄、家庭收入、交通工具拥有量等因素影响外,还受到街区路网特征、土地利用、步行设施、街道界面以及公交可达性等建成环境因素的影响。  相似文献   

使用手机信令数据计算出了上海市域居民通勤数据,用于分析上海市域的职住空间关系。中心城居民通勤范围集中在中心城及周边的通勤区内。在中心城及通勤区内,超过97%的居民实现了职住平衡。在郊区新城中,宝山新城、闵行新城大部已经进入中心城通勤区。其余7个郊区新城居民至中心城通勤的比例均低于5%。郊区新城中居民主体仍是在新城内部通勤、或者新城以外的本区域内通勤。要优化上海市域居民职住空间关系,需要在中心城内合理布局就业次中心和安排居住人口,郊区新城应以增加就业岗位为主要目标。  相似文献   

正大城市近郊社区居民通勘行为已对城市高峰时段和特殊路段交通产生了显著影响,掌握居民通勤特征是缓解此矛盾的关键。以天津市近郊碧水家园社区为调研对象,采用实地调查、问卷访谈的调研方式,将通勤居民划分为郊区工作型群体和城区工作型群体,从居民通勤方式、通勤距离、通勤时间3方面揭示不同群体的通行特征,提出缓解大城市近郊社区居民通勤出行矛盾的建议。  相似文献   

近年来,随着城市交通拥堵和环境污染等问题的日益凸显,自行车作为通勤出行方式的地位逐渐上升,通勤者对建立不受机动车干扰的、连续的、具备通勤功能的城市绿色道路的需求也在不断增加。绿色道路的线路建设不仅要保障空间可实施性和交通环境质量,还要与居民的通勤出行需求紧密结合,实现绿道使用的综合效益最大化。基于此,研究以北京市回龙观地区为对象,采用与居民出行行为有关的数据,识别郊区居民中短程通勤特征,划定主要通勤范围,探究基于居民真实出行的多源大数据的选线方法,通过基于通勤出行需求强度与吸引强度的绿道节点甄选与路段适宜性的评价分析。最后,通过GIS网络分析功能进行最优线路选择,并结合城市公园、绿地、河流等资源的分布情况进行修正,形成一条满足居民通勤需求的、完整互联的、安全的且具备较强实施性的绿色通道。最终达到降低居民通勤时耗、提升区域可达性、完善城市慢行系统网络的目的。  相似文献   

职住空间特征包括居住、工作和通勤及三者之间的关系。"职"和"住"的空间联系形成了通勤出行,是城市空间结构的重要研究内容。综合应用居民出行调查数据、人口普查数据、经济普查数据和百度大数据等,从上海五个新城的居民工作地分布、就业岗位居住地分布及新城通勤圈通勤出行的距离和方式等方面开展研究,对比上海与东京、近沪城市的新城或城区通勤出行特征,总结上海五个新城职住关系,并给出规划建议。  相似文献   

张纯  易成栋  宋彦 《城市规划》2016,(10):59-64
大都市圈职住空间关系对城市的交通、资源和环境产生深远影响.本文以北京为例,运用分街道的人口普查数据以及经济普查数据,分析职住空间关系特征及其变化.结果显示,2000-2010年市区和郊区的居住密度同时增加,开始呈现郊区化、多中心发育的特征;就业却更加向城市中心集中,不足以形成多中心就业的格局.城市中心区职住比升高,近郊靠近城市中心区的地区职住比降低,更多居民居住在郊区而到城市中心就业,职住错位加剧;而在郊区行政区中心,就业次中心开始初步形成.北京的案例表明,居住不断郊区化的同时,就业却更加集中,呈现出居住在郊区、就业依然集中在城市中心这种不同于西方城市的职住错位模式.本研究丰富了基于西方城市化背景下的职住错位理论并提供了新的实证案例,也为通过制定土地利用与交通协同的政策来提升居民就业可达性提供了政策依据.  相似文献   

动迁居民的出行特征及其对社会分异和宜居水平的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以主动搬迁、选择动迁、被动安置3种不同搬迁类型的居民为研究对象,选择莘庄、江桥、三林地区进行实证调查,分析不同的搬迁类型对人们交通出行的影响,及其对社会分异的作用.分析表明,在通勤出行方面,主动搬迁的居民具有明显的优势,而被动安置的居民则处于绝对的劣势.并且通勤出行的不便对于被动安置居民的工作收入和交通支出有较大影响.人们动迁的目的是为了改善生活质量,正是这种影响差异性的存在,加剧了不同类型动迁居民的社会分异.最后根据建设部制定的<宜居城市科学评价标准>,对不同类型迁居居民的宜居性进行了评价.结果表明,尽管被动安置居民的住房条件有所改善,但他们的宜居性水平反而有所下降,所以城市在制定动迁和城市住房政策时务必将如何改善居民交通出行问题作为政策整体的一部份加以考虑.  相似文献   

This study is an empirical exploration of the effects of job accessibility on ethnic minority employment in urban and rural areas. The urban sample is composed of Taiwanese aborigines who migrated to cities from their native locales while the rural sample is composed of aborigines who reside in aboriginal villages. Sample data are collected through questionnaire surveys conducted in 2009 and 2012. Results indicate that rural aborigines have a lower unemployment rate but less stable employment than urban aborigines. Employed rural aborigines receive slightly higher salaries and incur higher commuting cost than employed urban aborigines. However, regardless of where the aborigines live (i.e., urban or rural areas), increased job accessibility is not related to employment and employment stability, but significantly increases aboriginal salary. Moreover, improved job accessibility increases the commuting time of rural aborigines, but its effects on the commuting time of urban aborigines depend on the travel mode. Empirical evidence implies that migrating to cities can be both beneficial and fruitless for aboriginal employment, and that the effects of accessibility on the employment of Taiwanese aborigines in urban and rural areas are both similar to and different from those of non‐aborigines documented in previous studies.  相似文献   

The concept of accessibility has been widely employed to understand the jobs-housing relationship in US cities. However, relevant studies in Chinese cities are rare. Little attention has been paid to accessibility modelling, variations among population groups, and the influence of land use arrangement and transport infrastructure in Chinese cities. To address this deficiency, the present paper provides measures on the job accessibility of workers with different hukou status in Guangzhou. The study yields the following findings: 1) inner-city districts have better job accessibility compared to suburban areas; 2) local hukou workers have significantly higher job accessibility than non-local hukou workers; 3) job suburbanization seems not to be effective in improving job accessibility or narrowing the gap between local and non-local hukou workers; and 4) investment in public transport would significantly improve the mobility and job accessibility of non-local hukou workers and help to alleviate accessibility inequality.  相似文献   

The Richmond, Virginia region is an example of a metropolitan area that has entered the post-suburban era. We define the post-suburban era in terms of inner suburban population loss and relative income decline, suburban employment increase, suburban outcommuting reduction, exurban population and income increase, and farmland conversion.The post-suburban era involves the maturing of many suburbs. Maturing suburbs usually increase employment within their borders. The necessity for suburbanites to commute to central cities declines. However suburban maturity also is associated with diminished capacities. Relative income decline in numerous suburbs is the most prominent feature of diminished suburban capacities. Ironically, the stage for relative suburban income decline is set by suburban job increases which expand the commuting zone 20 or 30 more miles into rural territory, greatly enlarging the zone of exurban population growth.  相似文献   

Increases in commuting time have caused serious social and environmental problems in a physically fragmentizing mega-city. Some policy-makers attend to solve commuting-related problems through alternative land-use policies, in particular mixed land use and multi-functional structures, rather than mere transport programmes. This paper investigates the effects of the jobs–housing balance on commuting time at the community level in Beijing. The paper puts forward a new indicator of home-based job proximity to measure the jobs–housing balance. A 1500 household-based travel data set was used to aggregate the average commuting time of the 60 communities studied. Based on the results of a correlation analysis, findings suggest that home-based job proximity has the strongest significantly negative relationship with average community commuting time. In fact, the results of a two-step regression analysis suggest that 68.6% of the changes in average commuting time are explained overwhelmingly by the home-based job proximity variable. However, there are no significant associations between average commuting time and the variables of local public transport accessibility and private vehicle transport accessibility. Obviously, current urban policy, which relies predominantly on ambitious and expensive programmes of transport infrastructure provision must be rethought in Beijing. Improving the jobs–housing balance through the implemention of compact land development may be an alternative to reducing overall commuting duration.  相似文献   

Two forces can affect job accessibility: one is regional-level socioeconomic transformation that changes the total amount of job supply and job demand, and the other is intra-regional spatial transformation that affects the distribution of jobs and population. Transitional Chinese cities are experiencing accelerated changes in both forces, which may affect various population groups differently. Using Beijing, China, as a case study, the research tracks changes in job accessibility for the low- and high-education groups between 2000 and 2010 and examines to what extent the two forces affect the two education groups' accessibility changes. Results show that the socioeconomic transformation reduced job accessibility, particularly the for high-education population, while the spatial transformation stratified the city with diverging effects on job accessibility changes of the two education groups. Policies should consider both forces in promoting residents' socioeconomic well-being.  相似文献   

Problem, research strategy, and findings: Kain's Spatial Mismatch Hypothesis (SMH) suggests that disadvantaged groups who reside in inner-city neighborhoods have low access to regional jobs. We continue to debate this assertion because empirical studies over decades have conflicting results. This research examines whether the poor face spatial mismatch and how suburbanization has changed their job accessibility, in the Los Angeles region between 1990 and 2007–2011. I define spatial mismatch as occurring when the poor in the inner city have lower job accessibility than their suburban counterparts. I estimate job accessibility based on the spatial distribution of jobs and job seekers traveling via private automobiles. My results present a complicated picture: Inner-city poor job seekers have higher job accessibility than their suburban counterparts because many jobs remain in the inner city; thus, the inner-city poor do not face spatial mismatch. Moreover, suburbanization has evened out the differences in the job accessibility of the poor and non-poor. However, the advantage of living in the inner city for job access declines with rapid employment suburbanization.

Takeaway for practice: My research suggests that, since the poor do not face spatial mismatch, spatial policies commonly advocated to address their employment challenges—moving people to the suburbs, bringing jobs to the inner city, or providing mobility options—will not be effective. Giving people cars can help overcome both spatial and nonspatial barriers, but is not politically feasible. Planners should develop synergetic policies to complement spatial approaches including reducing labor and housing market discrimination, providing education and training, developing better job search skills, and creating supportive social connections.  相似文献   

By integrating both quantitative and qualitative materials, this paper sheds new light on the role of travel-based residential preferences in residential location choice and the implications for land-use and travel behavior research. In the two Norwegian metropolitan areas of Oslo and Stavanger, movers who select their residence based on travel attitudes relocate to inner-city districts but not to suburban areas. For those who move to suburban areas, criteria other than travel are more important. Residential self-selection toward transit-rich neighborhoods is more prominent in the large, monocentric Oslo region than in the smaller, polycentric Stavanger metropolitan area where transit provision is generally poorer. Travel-based residential self-selection may affect the effect estimates of built environment characteristics somewhat for travel mode choice, less so for travel distance in general, and hardly at all for commuting distance. Overall, there is no strong empirical basis in support of controlling for travel-based residential self-selection in land-use and travel behavior research in a Norwegian urban context. Built environment characteristics exert substantial impacts on intra-metropolitan travel distances and modes, regardless of residential self-selection.  相似文献   

Since the 1960s, John Kain's theory of spatial mismatch has influenced policy responses to the poor employment prospects of low-income and minority residents of inner cities by aiming to connect them with suburban jobs. My literature review examines this policy legacy using what we now know about disadvantaged jobseekers' employment searches. Recent evaluations of poverty deconcentration and employment accessibility programs show that these programs have failed to improve employment outcomes significantly. However, using evidence from studies of job search and job training programs, I show that local activity patterns do shape employment chances. Planners trying to improve employment outcomes for the disadvantaged should focus on policies that will provide them with opportunities to interact with a diverse social network and meet workforce intermediaries capable of linking them with jobs.  相似文献   

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