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乳糜泻(celiac disease,CD)是携带遗传易感基因人群的自身免疫疾病,其特点是摄入含麸质蛋白的小麦或大麦和黑麦产品后,小肠会受到炎症性损伤。乳糜泻患者必须终生坚持无麸质饮食,这是目前唯一有效的治疗方法。然而,严格遵守无麸质饮食是困难的,需要新的治疗方法来补充甚至替代饮食治疗。尽管迄今为止,还没有技术允许乳糜泻患者无限制地安全食用含麸质的产品,但随着对乳糜泻发病机制认识的不断深入,在无麸质饮食替代疗法方面已经取得了有希望的进展。本文综述了以麸质蛋白为靶向的乳糜泻治疗方法研究进展,如下调麦醇溶蛋白的表达、麦醇溶蛋白的隔离、谷氨酰胺残基的转酰胺化和免疫显性肽的酶解,批判性地讨论了这些治疗方法的实用性和获得的结果。  相似文献   

乳糜泻是由于摄入麸质蛋白而引起的一种肠道自身免疫疾病。目前,对付乳糜泻的唯一方法是控制饮食中麸质蛋白的摄入,尤其是麦醇溶蛋白的摄入。酸面团是一种多菌种混合发酵剂,是将面粉、水混合后经微生物发酵制成,在世界范围内的面制品生产上有着广泛应用。酸面团中的微生物以乳酸菌和酵母菌为主,其中乳酸菌可以产生一系列蛋白酶及肽酶,从而显著降低面包中的麸质蛋白含量。本文主要对乳糜泻的发病机制,以及利用酸面团降解致乳糜泻因子的机制及研究进展进行了概述,以期为推动无致乳糜泻毒性的产品开发提供新的方法和思路。  相似文献   

麸质蛋白是主要存在于小麦、黑麦和大麦等中的贮藏蛋白,可引起麸质蛋白相关性疾病,包括自身免疫性疾病、过敏性疾病和非乳糜泻麸质敏感性疾病。无麸质饮食是目前针对这些患病人群唯一有效的饮食治疗方式,此饮食需避免或严格限制含麸质食品的摄入。随着无麸质饮食在临床中的广泛应用,其在麸质敏感性群体甚至健康人群中开始流行,但长期的无麸质饮食会带来一定的营养缺乏、重金属积累以及代谢异常等健康问题,因而如何通过改善饮食方式来弥补无麸质食品营养缺陷并开发出更加安全健康的无麸质食品正成为新的研究趋势。本文综述了无麸质饮食的现状,无麸质饮食与疾病,无麸质饮食的健康挑战,以及无麸质食品的缺陷与品质改良,为无麸质饮食进一步研究和无麸质食品开发提供理论依据和参考。  相似文献   

乳糜泻是一种遗传易感个体因摄入含麸质蛋白的谷物(小麦、大麦和祼麦)及其制品而诱发的慢性自身免疫性肠病,影响着世界上约1%人口的健康,并呈增长趋势;在中国可能也存在乳糜泻"冰山"现象,发生率远比原先预计的高;然而目前,中国从事医疗卫生和食品工业的专业人员对乳糜泻的认识仍存在不足。本文着重介绍了国内外在乳糜泻的流行病学、发病机制、临床症状、诊断和治疗等方面的研究进展。全面了解乳糜泻的相关知识,提高对乳糜泻的意识,有助于推动中国对乳糜泻的预防和控制,促进无麸质食品的开发和研究。  相似文献   

乳糜泻是患者对面筋不耐受而引起的慢性小肠吸收不良综合征,患者需终身严格遵守无麸质饮食。无麸质食品不含面筋,口感与品质相对较差,研究者通过改进配方、技术等以达到改善的目的。本文介绍了乳糜泻、无麸质饼干的概况及其缺陷,主要对无麸质饼干所用的原料(大米粉、小米粉、藜麦粉、燕麦粉、苋菜粉及其他面粉)、功能性添加成分(亲水胶体、菊粉、酶制剂)进行综述,阐述了国内外关于无麸质饼干的一些研究进展,以期为无麸质饼干的进一步研究与应用提供参考。  相似文献   

无麸质(GF)饮食是解决乳糜泻(CD)疾病患者以及对面筋蛋白过敏人群唯一有效的方法,目前也受到健康人群的青睐,也因此推动了该类食品的较大需求.面筋蛋白是一种能够保留二氧化碳的蛋白质复合物,它赋予酵母发酵食品独特的性能.在无面筋蛋白的情况下生产的面团的流变性较差,影响面包的品质.本文是从原料选择、添加不同改良剂以及不同制...  相似文献   

无麸质食品主要是针对乳糜泻疾病患者等对面筋蛋白过敏人群而生产的食品。由于无麸质食品的原料中不含面筋蛋白,在食品制作过程中面团难以形成有效的网络结构,不易成型,持水性、持气性、弹性和内聚性差,老化速率高。主要介绍无麸质食品采用的原料及其营养成分,综述通过添加功能成分和控制工艺技术来改善无麸质食品品质的研究进展,以期为无麸质食品品质改良研究与生产提供参考。  相似文献   

韩超 《中国食品》2020,(3):155-156
1月6日,《西班牙人报》网站发表报道,称有一些曾在2019年非常热门的营养趋势,在2020年或许会“失宠”。一是无麸质饮食。报道称,根据目前的数据,全世界约有1%的人患有乳糜泻或面筋不耐受症,剩余99%的人□无论出于任何医疗原因都无需食用无麸质食品。然而,食品工业已经将"无麸质饮食"宣传成一种更健康的饮食方式,或者说是一种普遍的对健康有益的方式,无论人们是否对麸质耐受。如果您并没有乳糜泻,而是单纯的胃肠道疾病,那么现在该寻找其他罪魁祸首了,因为麸质对您来说不会是任何胃肠道问题的根源。  相似文献   

乳糜泻是一种多因素疾病,其致病机制涉及遗传和环境因素之间的相互作用。麸质蛋白是导致乳糜泻症状的主要环境因素,目前有研究报道,影响乳糜泻患者肠道生态系统的其他环境因素主要为肠道微生物群的失衡,特别是与革兰氏阴性菌数量增加和革兰氏阳性菌数量减少有关。本综述详细介绍了乳糜泻的发病机制,并总结了口腔、肠道微生物群与乳糜泻之间的关联;利用现有研究解释微生物菌群在发病机制中可能的作用方式以及乳糜泻患者微生物菌群发生的变化。此外还将相关益生菌对乳糜泻疾病的调节作用加以介绍,进而帮助我们从人类肠道微生物群的角度深入探讨乳介绍糜泻的致病机制,探究肠道微生物群与麸质相关疾病之间的密切联系,并尽可能在近期开发出新的预防和治疗乳糜泻的策略。  相似文献   

无麸质食品是由一种或多种不含麸质的原料生产或制作的食品。其主要是麸质不耐受人群及腹腔疾病患者的最佳饮食方式。然而,由于目前无麸质食品在中国的关注度较低和大多数无麸质食品的品质较差,多数麸质不耐受人群的饮食需求得不到满足。因此,文章系统介绍了无麸质食品的特点、品质改良和市场发展等,为无麸质食品未来的研究方向和进一步开发利用提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

BackgroundWheat is one of the main foods of the human diet. It contains a protein complex, gluten, which is primarily responsible for the rheological behavior of wheat flours. However, it is gluten that triggers and maintains the enteropathy in celiac disease, a common autoimmune disorder of the small intestine. Individuals who suffer from celiac disease must follow a gluten-free diet, the only effective treatment available. Compliance to the restrictive diet is demanding and new treatment strategies for celiac disease are desired by patients and clinicians.Scope and approachBased on increasing knowledge of the pathogenesis of celiac disease, some gluten-targeted approaches have been devised, such as down-regulation of gliadin expression, proteolysis of immunodominant peptides, transamidation of glutamine residues and sequestering of gliadin proteins. The present work critically discusses these experimental therapies, their usefulness, and the results obtained, in order to infer what the next generation of therapies for celiac disease will be.Key findings and conclusionsThe gluten detoxification technologies have shown promising results in clinical trials by attenuating the symptomatology associated with celiac disease. These include gluten-specific proteases, which are close to entering the market for use by patients who may have mistakenly ingested food contaminated with gluten. Although so far none of the technologies allow the safe consumption of gluten without limitations, new and promising advances have been made, thus creating positive expectations in the search for an alternative to the gluten-free diet.  相似文献   

The results of studies on the detection of gluten in the 7 products, members of the group of gluten-free, used for patients with celiac disease. Used the method of polymerase chain reaction detection in real time (by method of polymerase chain reaction) using a test system SureFood Allergen Gluten. With this method, fully meets the requirements of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, confirmed the compliance of the investigated food gluten-free category, used for patients with celiac disease.  相似文献   

麸质是一种广泛存在于麦类谷物中的蛋白质复合物,也是一种重要的过敏源物质,主要由麦醇溶蛋白和麦谷蛋白组成,是构成面团良好网络结构的重要物质。近年来,麸质不耐受症患病率逐年上升,无麸质饮食作为麸质不耐受症治疗的有效方法,越来越受到关注。此外,无麸质食品同传统食品相比,因其缺少面筋蛋白因而在制作过程中导致面团难以形成有效的网络结构,存在营养缺乏、不易成型、弹性差等缺点。本文概括了无麸质食品与麸质不耐受症的关系,对无麸质食品缺陷及其品质影响因素进行论述,并对目前原料预处理及改良剂添加对改善无麸质食品结构特性和理化特性进行总结概述,同时对该领域的发展前景进行了展望,以期为改良无麸质食品品质提供参考依据。  相似文献   


The consumption of gluten-free products is becoming an increased alimentary habit in the general population. The scientific unfounded perception suggesting that the avoidance of gluten would improve health or that gluten could be toxic for humans are fostering medically unjustified adherences to a gluten-free diet. Currently, only patients diagnosed with celiac disease are advised to follow a strict lifelong gluten-free diet. In the same way, patients diagnosed with IgE-mediated wheat allergy must avoid exposure to wheat in any form. In that context, a third disorder, called nonceliac gluten sensitivity, characterized by distress after gluten consumption and in which neither celiac disease nor IgE-mediated allergy plays a role, has gained increased attention in the last years. Although important scientific advances have been made in the understanding of the pathologic mechanisms behind nonceliac gluten sensitivity, this disorder is still a matter of active debate in the scientific community. In the present review, the most recent advances in the immunopathology, diagnostic biomarkers and susceptibility determinants of gluten-related diseases are summarized and discussed. Furthermore, an updated overview of the new potential therapies that are currently underway for the treatment of gluten-related disorders is also provided.  相似文献   

无麸质食物是为乳糜泻人群应对麸质蛋白过敏而生产的一类食物,但无麸质食物因麸质蛋白的缺失,多存在口感差、体积小和硬度大等缺点。酸面团是一种传统发酵技术,通过酸面团中微生物的代谢作用,可产生蛋白酶降解麸质蛋白,同时还能提高无麸质食物的整体品质,如改善制品风味、提高营养价值、延长货架期等。本文主要对酸面团发酵技术及其在无麸质食物中的应用优势进行探讨,以期为无麸质食物研究提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Gluten-free products have emerged in response to the increasing prevalence of gluten-related disorders, namely celiac disease. Therefore, the quantification of gluten in products intended for consumption by individuals who may suffer from these pathologies must be accurate and reproducible, in a way that allows their proper labeling and protects the health of consumers. Immunochemical methods have been the methods of choice for quantifying gluten, and several kits are commercially available. Nevertheless, they still face problems such as the initial extraction of gluten in complex matrices or the use of a standardized reference material to validate the results. Lately, other methodologies relying mostly on mass spectrometry-based techniques have been explored, and that may allow, in addition to quantitative analysis, the characterizationof gluten proteins. On the other hand, although the level of 20 mg/kg of gluten detected by these methods is sufficient for a product to be considered gluten-free, its immunogenic potential for celiac patients has not been clinically validated. In this sense, in vitro and in vivo models, such as the organoid technology applied in gut-on-chip devices and the transgenic humanized mouse models, respectively, are being developed for investigating both the gluten-induced pathogenesis and the treatment of celiac disease. Due to the ubiquitous nature of gluten in the food industry, as well as the increased prevalence of gluten-related disorders, here we intend to summarize the available methods for gluten quantification in food matrices and for the evaluation of its immunogenic potential concerning the development of novel therapies for celiac disease to highlight active research and discuss knowledge gaps and current challenges in this field.  相似文献   

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