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Familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM) is a severe subtype of migraine with hemiparesis during attacks. We scanned 10 families with FHM without mutations in the CACNA1A (FHM1) and ATP1A2 (FHM2) genes. We identified the novel p.L1649Q mutation (c.4946T>A) in Nav1.1 sodium channel gene SCN1A (FHM3) in a North American kindred with FHM without associated ataxia or epilepsy. Functional analysis of the mutation, introduced in the highly homologous human SCN5A, revealed markedly slowed inactivation and a two-fold faster recovery from fast inactivation predicting enhanced neuronal excitation. Our findings establish the role of neuronal Nav1.1 sodium channels in FHM and reinforce the involvement of ion channel dysfunction in the pathogenesis of this episodic brain disorder. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Recent studies have strongly implicated low voltage-activated/T-type calcium channels (T-channels) in the etiology of epilepsy. Here, we report the results of a mutational analysis of the CACNA1G gene, encoding the T-channel Ca(V)3.1/(1G) subunit, using a cohort of 123 mostly Japanese and Hispanic patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsies (IGE) and 360 healthy control individuals. We found 13 variants, including five which involved amino acid substitutions. One variant, c.1709C>T (Ala570Val), is present in a sporadic case of juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) with early childhood absence and astatic seizures, but was not found in control samples. Another variant, c.3265G>T (Ala1089Ser), was observed in three family members affected with JME, and also in one control individual. Two JME patients and three control individuals harbored a third variant, c.2968G>A (Asp980Asn). Although not statistically significant, slightly faster inactivation decay rates were observed in some mutant channels. Our collective findings flag CACNA1G as a potential susceptibility locus for IGE subsyndromes that warrants closer investigation.  相似文献   

The genetic basis of the relatively mild myopathic symptoms exhibited in a male was investigated. Mutation screening of a candidate gene, MTM1, represented a chance of establishing the molecular defect and the mode of inheritance. SSCA detected variation of the exon b PCR products from the proband and his mother, compared to that observed upon analysis of the PCR products from other members of the family and 159 unrelated X chromosomes. Sequencing revealed a C775 to T transition, in the proband and his mother, but not in his unaffected brother. To confirm the presence of a base change in this region, a Cfol site was introduced into the PCR product of the wildtype allele by using the forward primer 5'-AGAAAATAAGACGGTCATTGcG-3' (mismatch base in small font) with the exon b reverse primer as used by Laporte et al (1996). Analysis of DNA from other members of the family using this method revealed that this is a new mutation in the proband's mother. This mutation would result in a Arg259->Cys substitution.  相似文献   

Misdiagnosis of a germline mutation associated with an inherited disease syndrome can have serious implications for the clinical management of patients. A false negative diagnosis (mutation missed by genetic screening) limits decision making about intervention strategies within families. More serious is the consequence of a false positive diagnosis (genetic test suggesting a mutation is present when it is not). This could lead to an individual, falsely diagnosed as a mutation carrier, undergoing unnecessary clinical intervention, possibly involving risk-reducing surgery. As part of screening 283 ovarian cancer families for BRCA1 mutations, we used two different methods (mutation specific PCR and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification) to screen for a known rearrangement mutation L78833.1:g.44369_50449dup (ins6kbEx13). We found false positive and false negative results in several families. We then tested 61 known carriers or non-carriers from an epidemiological study of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers (the EMBRACE study). These data highlight the need for caution when interpreting analyses of the ins6kbEx13 mutation and similar mutations, where characterising the exact sequence alteration for a deleterious mutation is not a part of the routine genetic test.  相似文献   

Mutations in the ATP1A2 gene, encoding the α2-subunit of the Na+,K+-ATPase, are associated with familial hemiplegic migraine type 2. The majority of ATP1A2 mutations were reported in patients with hemiplegic migraine without any additional neurological findings. Here, we report on two novel ATP1A2 mutations that were identified in two Portuguese probands with hemiplegic migraine and interesting additional clinical features. The proband's of family 1 (with a V362E mutation) had mood alterations, classified as a borderline personality. The proband in family 2 (with a P796S mutation) had mild mental impairment, in addition to hemiplegic migraine; more severe mental retardation was observed in his brother, who also had hemiplegic migraine and carried the same mutation. Cell-survival assays clearly showed abnormal functioning of mutant Na+,K+-ATPase, indicating that both ATP1A2 mutants are disease causing. Additionally, our results suggest a possible causal relationship of the ATP1A2 mutations with the complex clinical phenotypes observed in the probands.  相似文献   

Isolated metabolic myopathies encompass a heterogeneous group of disorders, with mitochondrial myopathies being a subgroup, with depleted skeletal muscle energy production manifesting either by recurrent episodes of myoglobinuria or progressive muscle weakness. In this study, we investigated the genetic cause of a patient from a consanguineous family who presented with adolescent onset autosomal recessive mitochondrial myopathy. Analysis of enzyme activities of the five respiratory chain complexes in our patients'' skeletal muscle showed severely impaired activities of iron sulfur (Fe-S)-dependent complexes I, II and III and mitochondrial aconitase. We employed exome sequencing combined with homozygosity mapping to identify a homozygous mutation, c.1A>T, in the FDX1L gene, which encodes the mitochondrial ferredoxin 2 (Fdx2) protein. The mutation disrupts the ATG initiation translation site resulting in severe reduction of Fdx2 content in the patient muscle and fibroblasts mitochondria. Fdx2 is the second component of the Fe-S cluster biogenesis machinery, the first being IscU that is associated with isolated mitochondrial myopathy. We suggest adding genetic analysis of FDX1L in cases of mitochondrial myopathy especially when associated with reduced activity of the respiratory chain complexes I, II and III.  相似文献   

Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is an autosomal dominant disorder with an incidence of between 1: 3000 and 1: 4000. Common clinical signs include more than six café-au-lait spots, multiple cutaneous neurofibromas and iris Lisch nodules. Rarer are skeletal anomalies, learning disabilities and an increased risk of malignancy. The NF1 gene contains at least 60 exons with intron sizes ranging from 60 bp to more than 40 kb. Despite using different techniques including PTT, SSCP heteroduplex analyses and direct sequencing, only a relatively small number of mutations have been reported world-wide. Using the more sensitive technique of temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE), we analysed a part of the NF1-GAP-region, namely exon 25, in DNA samples from 131 unrelated patients. We have identified a novel mutation L1425P in exon 25 of the NF1 gene in a 12-year-old boy (clinically diagnosed with NF1 at the age of 7). In contrast to those cases diagnosed with having both GAP-region mutations and malignant tumours, neither the proband nor four clinically affected family members with this mutation showed any evidence of malignancies.  相似文献   

Mutations in the presenilin 1 (PSEN1) gene are the most frequent cause of familial Alzheimer's disease (AD), with at least 182 different mutations published to date. We report a 48-year-old woman (age at onset 47 years) who presented a progressive alteration of episodic memory, spatial disorientation, apathy, language disturbances and neglect of personal care. Her MMSE score was 20/30. The patient presented an unusually rapid deterioration and at 6 months follow-up her cognitive and functional status had worsened considerably (MMSE score of 11). Cranial MRI showed a bilateral atrophy with temporal and parietal predominance and the quantification of AD CSF biomarkers showed the typical AD signature. Family history evidenced an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance. Mutational screening was performed by direct sequencing of exons 3-12 of PSEN1. The patient presented the 3/3 APOE genotype. Genetic analysis revealed a nucleotide substitution in exon 7 of PSEN1 gene, producing a missense mutation in codon 235 from leucine amino acid to arginine (L235R). This amino acid is conserved between presenilin-1 and presenilin-2 proteins. The L235R mutation had not been previously reported, although other mutations in the same residue have also been associated with familial early-onset AD, providing support for the importance of this residue for the presenilin-1 function.  相似文献   

Familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM) is a rare autosomal dominantly inherited subtype of migraine, in which hemiparesis occurs during the aura. The majority of the families carry mutations in the CACNA1A gene on chromosome 19p13 (FHM1). About 20% of FHM families is linked to chromosome 1q23 (FHM2), and has mutations in the ATP1A2 gene, encoding the alpha2-subunit of the Na,K-ATPase. Mutation analysis in a Dutch and a Turkish family with pure FHM revealed two novel de novo missense mutations, R593W and V628M, respectively. Cellular survival assays support the hypothesis that both mutations are disease-causative. The identification of the first de novo mutations underscores beyond any doubt the involvement of the ATP1A2 gene in FHM2.  相似文献   

Molecular characterization of twelve unrelated patients affected by the autosomal recessive osteosclerotic skeletal dysplasia, Pycnodysostosis (cathepsin k deficiency), revealed 11 different genotypes. The mutational profile consisted of 12 different mutations, including nine previously unreported ones, spread throughout the whole gene. One mutation occurred in regions coding predomain, two affected the prodomain and nine others occurred in the mature domain. The novel lesions consisted in six missense mutations c.20T>C (p.L7P), c.494A>G (p.Q165R), c.580G>A (p.G194S), c.746T>C (p.I249T), c.749A>G (p.D250G), c.955G>T (p.G319C), two frameshifts c.60_61dupGA (p.I21RfsX29), c.282dupA (p.S95VfsX9) and a splicing mutation c.890G>A (r.785_890del). The six new missense mutations were examined by western blots of COS-7 cells transfected with mutant CTSK genes. The L7P, occurring within the predicted hydrophobic domain of signal peptide, showed a significantly reduced expression level compared to the wild type control. These findings suggested that the mutation affected targeting and translocation of the nascent lysosomal protein across the endoplasmatic reticulum membrane. The novel amino acid changes were also modeled into the three-dimensional structure that predicted incorrect protein folding for all of them. Molecular characterization of the patients is of particular value for genetic counseling of patients and their families as diagnosis of Pycnodysostosis based on enzyme assay is unpractical and thus not offered routinely.  相似文献   

Van Hippel-Lindau disease (VHL) is an autosomal dominantly inherited disorder, characterised by the development of clear cell renal carcinomas, CNS hemangioblastomas, retinal angiomas, pancreatic tumors, pheochromocytomas and hepatic cysts. Recently a number of families with dominant familial pheochromocytoma as the only clinical manifestation have been reported to carry mutations in the HVL gene. We describe a family in which a novel VHL S68W mutation was segregating and carrier individuals manifested with variable penetrance of isolated pheochromocytomas. Investigation of this kindred confirmed that a mutation in the VHL gene could produce isolated pheochromocytomas as the only clinical feature and was variably penetrant.  相似文献   

Meckel syndrome (MKS) is a rare autosomal recessive lethal condition characterized by central nervous system malformations (typically occipital meningoencephalocele), postaxial polydactyly, multicystic kidney dysplasia, and ductal proliferation in the portal area of the liver. MKS is genetically heterogeneous and three loci have been mapped respectively on 17q23 (MKS1), 11q13 (MKS2), and 8q24 (MKS3). Very recently, two genes have been identified: MKS1/FLJ20345 on 17q in Finnish kindreds, carrying the same intronic deletion, c.1408-35_c.1408-7del29, and MKS3/TMEM67 on 8q in families from Pakistan and Oman. Here we report the genotyping of the MKS1 and MKS3 genes in a large, multiethnic cohort of 120 independent cases of MKS. Our first results indicate that the MKS1 and MKS3 genes are each responsible for about 7% of MKS cases with various mutations in different populations. A strong phenotype-genotype correlation, depending on the mutated gene, was observed regarding the type of central nervous system malformation, the frequency of polydactyly, bone dysplasia, and situs inversus. The MKS1 c.1408-35_1408-7del29 intronic mutation was identified in three cases from French or English origin and dated back to 162 generations (approx. 4050 years) ago. We also identified a common MKS3 splice-site mutation, c.1575+1G>A, in five Pakistani sibships of three unrelated families of Mirpuri origin, with an estimated age-of-mutation of 5 generations (125 years).  相似文献   

Two missense mutations and a nine-nucleotide deletion of the cardiac sodium channel (SCN5A) gene have been shown to cause long QT syndrome (LQTS) in several familial cases. We identified a novel missense mutation (R1623Q) of the SCN5A gene in a Japanese girl with sporadic LQTS. We used polymerase chain reaction, single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis and DNA sequence analysis to identify a mutation of the SCN5A gene in the patient. A single nucleotide substitution of guanine to adenine, in codon 1612, changed the coding sense of the SCN5A from arginine to glutamine (R1623Q) in the S4 segment of domain IV which is a highly conserved region of the SCN5A. This mutation was not identified in the unaffected biological parents and brother of the patient, and 100 normal, unrelated individuals. This finding is the first evidence of a de nova mutation in SCN5A associated with LQTS.  相似文献   

The XLRS1 gene (HUGO-approved symbol, RS1) has been found to cause X-linked recessive retinoschisis (RS) which is characterized by splitting of the superficial layer of the retina. Recent mutation analysis of this gene revealed 82 different mutations in 214 patients with RS. We have now identified 10 mutations of the XLRS1 gene in 11 unrelated Japanese males with RS. Mutations found in these patients were; 1) a 20-kb deletion in exon 1 region; 2) mutations in the initiation sequence (M1V); 3) mutations in the splice donor site (IVS1 + 1 g-->a); 4) two nonsense mutations (Q88X, W163X); and 5) five missense mutations (E72K, Y89C, R182C, G109E, P203L). Four (M1V, Q88X, G109E, and W163X) of the 10 mutations were novel. The R182C mutation was identified in 2 unrelated patients. The 3 mutations found between exons 1 and 3 cause premature translation termination in the XLRS1 protein. The rest of the 7 mutations were clustered between exons 4 and 6. This region of the protein is homologous to the proteins implicated in cell-cell adhesion.  相似文献   

Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) describes any inherited lysosomal storage disorder resulting from an inability to catabolize glycosaminoglycans. MPS III (or Sanfilippo syndrome) is an autosomal recessive disease caused by a failure to degrade heparan sulphate. There are four subtypes of MPS III, each categorized by a deficiency in a specific enzyme involved in the heparan sulphate degradation pathway. The genes mutated in three of these (MPS IIIA, MPS IIIB, and MPS IIID) have been cloned for some time. However, only very recently has the gene for MPS IIIC (heparin acetyl CoA: alpha-glucosaminide N-acetyltransferase, or HGSNAT) been identified. Its product (previously termed transmembrane protein 76, or TMEM76) has little sequence similarity to other proteins of known function, although it is well conserved among all species. In this study, a group of MPS IIIC patients, who are mainly of Italian origin, have been clinically characterized. Furthermore, mutational analysis of the HGSNAT gene in these patients resulted in the identification of nine alleles, of which eight are novel. Three splice-site mutations, three frameshift deletions resulting in premature stop codons, one nonsense mutation, and two missense mutations were identified. The latter are of particular interest as they are located in regions which are predicted to be of functional significance. This research will aid in determining the molecular basis of HGSNAT protein function, and the mechanisms underlying MPS IIIC.  相似文献   

A deletion mutation of 8.6Kb in the CFTR gene, spanning the exons 17a, 17b and 18 was identified in 4 homozygous unrelated Palestinian CF patients. The patients were of various ethnic subgroups including Muslims, Christians and Druze. The deletion breakpoint occurred within an identical 4bp sequence in introns 16 and 18, and the mutation was defined as 3120+1Kbdel8.6Kb. A simple PCR based assay was designed and using this assay two compound heterozygote patients with the 3120+1Kbdel8.6Kb were identified. The 3120+1Kbdel8.6Kh hearing chromosomes had a common intragenic haplotype and variable flanking polymorphic markers, indicating that it is an ancient founder mutation.  相似文献   

The familial paraganglioma syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by the presence of carotid body paragangliomas and, less frequently, paragangliomas of the glomus jugulare, glomus vagale, and adrenal pheochromocytomas. Germline mutations of the genes for succinate dehydrogenase subunits D, B, or C (SDHD, SDHB, SDHC) have been identified in some kindreds with familial paraganglioma. In this study, we report the clinicopathologic features of four different kindreds with familial paraganglioma, which were screened for germline mutations in the SDHD gene. DNA was obtained from tumor and normal tissue, as well as from peripheral blood. Mutation analysis was performed by single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis and DNA sequencing. SDHD germline mutations were detected in the affected family members of the four families, as well as in several asymptomatic carriers. An identical mutation in exon 4 of SDHD (334-337delACTG) was identified in two apparently unrelated kindreds. The third family showed a germline mutation in exon 2 (W43X). The mutations present in these three families had been previously described in Spanish families, suggesting a founder effect. The fourth family exhibited a mutation in exon 2 of SDHD (170-171delTT), which had not been previously identified. The affected family members of the four kindreds showed paragangliomas, located in the head and neck region, and all of them were benign. These results confirm that genetic testing of SDHD may be a powerful tool for the identification of the syndrome in patients with multiple or bilateral paragangliomas.  相似文献   

Amyloidosis is characterised by the extraceullular deposition of certain different proteins in a distinctively abnormal fibrillar conformation. All types of amyloid fibril share remarkably similar structural and biophysical properties despite substantial chemical heterogeneity among their respective precursor proteins. Hereditary amyloidosis associated with genetically determined protein variants is rare, but is extremely important as a model for studying the pathogenesis of amyloidosis generally. We report a novel mutation of the transthyretin (TTR) coding for TTR Ile73Val which is associated with familial amylodotic polyneuropathy (FAP) in a Bangladeshi family. The mutation was detected by direct sequencing of the PCR-amplified TTR exons. It creates an additional Accl restriction exzyme site in exon 3, allowing confirmation of its presence by RFLP. Amyloid detected in sural nerve and colonic biopsies was shown to be composed of TTR by immunohistochemistry. The predominant clinical features were progressive autonomic and sensori-motor peripheral neuropathy, beginning at age 50 years. The proband's father and two siblings had similar illnesses. These findings indicate Val73 is an amyloidogenic variant of TTR.  相似文献   

The long QT syndrome (LQT) is an inherited cardiac disorder that can cause sudden cardiac death among apparently healthy young individuals due to malignant ventricular arrhythmias. LQT was found to be caused by mutations in four genes LTQ1, LQT2, LQT3 and LQT5, and linkage was reported for an additional locus, LQT4, on chromosome 4q25-27. We have studied a large (n=131) LQT-affected Jewish kindred and identified tight linkage between the LQT-affected status and LQT3 (lod score 6.13, with an estimated recombination fraction of zero). We identified a new point-mutation, A to G substitution at nucleotide 5519 of the SCN5A gene, changing the aspartate 1840 to glycine, D1840G. This is a non-conservative change of an amino acid completely conserved in sodium channels from Molusca to human. The mutation was identified in all affected individuals (n=23), and not identified in all the unaffected family members (n=40), and not in 200 chromosomes of healthy control individuals. The mutation was identified in 3/12 individuals with equivocal phenotype, thus, providing an accurate dignostic tool for all family members. This mutation is currently being used in a cellular electrophysiological model, to characterize the function of the mutated sodium channel in this syndrome.  相似文献   

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