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基于主题相关性分析的文本倾向性研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
随着互联网的普及和电子商务的快速发展,网络评论、论坛讨论已成为人们网络生活的重要部分,并影响着社会舆论导向。如何识别网络评论对敏感主题(色情、法轮功等)的主观倾向性,把握网络舆情的正面或负面导向性,已成为信息安全领域研究的重要课题。文章以网络评论(影评)为研究对象,提出了一种分析文本语义倾向性的新模型,与传统倾向性识别系统不同的是,文章通过分析倾向性词汇与文本主题的相关性来研究文本的总体语义倾向。实验表明,新模型的判别准确率在80%以上,具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

为揭示涉军舆论回帖的行为模式,文章编写了网络爬虫软件,获取了中华论坛涉军舆论根帖中回帖超过500条的80条帖子。对相关参数,采用极大似然估计法和Kolmogorov-Smirnov检验法进行了分析。结果表明:涉军舆论回帖的时间间隔分布符合幂律分布,幂律指数在1.5到3.22之间;介于34到212384之间;幂律指数、、活跃度均符合指数分布;活跃度和幂律指数之间相关性很弱。  相似文献   

中文文本情感倾向性五元模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛丽敏  李殿伟  肖斌 《通信技术》2011,44(7):130-132
目前,情感倾向性判断正成为文本信息服务技术研究的热点和难点之一,而"中文文本情感倾向性观点"表示模型是文本情感倾向性判断的基础。情感倾向性五元模型从情感倾向性观点的持有者、倾向性的来源、倾向性的指向、倾向性的立场和倾向性的种类五个方面刻画中文文本情感倾向性的概念,丰富了情感倾向性的表示方法,提高了文本情感倾向性判断的精度,并以此为基础给出了句子级文本情感倾向性判断的定义和过程。  相似文献   

姚琳 《电子设计技术》2009,16(10):24-24
在EDN China.com的论坛里闲逛,偶然看到一个网友的发帖,求助几个模拟设计的问题。有一个网友回帖说,建议去看看《嵌入式系统中的模拟设计》这本书。  相似文献   

文本的情感倾向分析是一项具有较大实用价值的关键技术。文中主要针对短语级和句子级的情感倾向分析进行对比研究。采用情感粒度中的情感短语和情感句子模型,根据不同的短语搭配模式、语义依存关系方法的组合,对中文文本倾向性分析进行了研究。研究表明,采用选取合适短语搭配模式的方式,以情感句子为最小判断单位的倾向分析方法,并应用于网络话题的中文评论文本,能取得较好的倾向分析效果。  相似文献   

网络已经成为参政议政的一个非常重要的渠道。我从去年“两会”以后回到苏州,就在我们的教育在线网站上发了一个主题帖《2005,我们说什么》,先后有一万多人次访问这个主题,有800多个回帖。我把它整理出来,最近已经发到了人民网的“强国论坛”,它在很大程度上反映了教师所关注的问题,比如,教师自己的问题、学校管理的问题、教育经费的问题、学生的问题,等等。这些问题都是来自于一线的、来自于民间的,应该说,我对于教育问题的很多认识和直觉、  相似文献   

针对如何在高校论坛中识别出高影响力用户的问题,提出了一种结合时间因子的论坛用户影响力计算方法.在PageRank算法的基础上,通过分析论坛用户回帖行为随时间变化的规律引入用户影响力的衰减系数,并根据用户间的交互情况,通过用户间的交互次数和用户主题参与度来优化用户影响力的分配形式.实验结果表明:在相同时间段内,改进后的算法相对于PageRank算法能够识别出具有更强中心性特性和更高用户覆盖率的高影响力用户.在连续时间段上,通过引入衰减系数能够发掘当前真正具有影响力的用户并保持稳定的用户覆盖率.  相似文献   

对评论进行情感倾向分析,就是对评论文本表达的态度和情感进行分析,判断评论文本对产品的情感倾向性,是肯定该产品还是否定该产品。本文对情感分析的概念以及研究内容作了明确的分析,并且对情感分析的研究现状进行了探讨。为情感分析的进一步研究提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

本期“网上精帖”是本刊网站“前线论坛”热门主题——“这是我的私人音乐空间”,此主题自发帖之日起就引来了不少网迷频繁的跟帖,创造了本论坛最高的点击率。俗话常说:“事出必有因”。bbq所发的主题能有如此之高的点击率,必定有其独特之处,首先是他用自己玩音响的经验向我们娓娓道来,其实很多平价器材的都很好声,只是看你怎样搭配而已……在bbq的指引下,我们不仅可以感受到玩音响的乐趣,也让工薪一族明白;元音响不需要高价的,玩的就是一种心得的积累。我们在此也感谢所有踊跃发言的各位网友,还是那句老话:欢迎你们常回“前线论坛”看看,也许会有意外的收获。下面就让我们一起走进bbq“这是我的私人音乐空间”的精帖,感受平价器材只要有合理的搭配和摆放,也可以玩出靓声的真理。[编者按]  相似文献   

本文提出一种基于概念图和简单语义分析相结合的文本过滤技术.利用概念图知识表示方法定义文本中概念间的语义倾向关系,把文本过滤问题转换成基于概念图的语义匹配问题.在使用概念图匹配推理中,利用敏感词汇分类和词语的褒贬性,有效简化过滤的匹配处理.经实际应用表明,基于概念图的倾向性文本过滤方法可以有效的识别和过滤倾向性文本信息.  相似文献   

徐文涛 《电子测试》2020,(4):133-134
本文拟针对国内流行的Discuz论坛作研究并实现一个基于Discuz网页元素的网络信息群发技术,该技术可以支持同时对多个Discuz论坛完成账号注册、登录、帖子群发、帖子持续回复、注销退出等操作。与现有常见的论坛帖子群发系统相比,该技术具有稳定可靠、实现方便、易于扩展等优点。  相似文献   

张伟哲  王佰玲  何慧  谭卓鹏 《电子学报》2012,40(10):1927-1932
针对意见领袖社区发现问题,通过将论坛中主题及其回复关系建模为异质网络,准确表示社区结构.提出意见领袖社区影响力概念及其量化方法,在此基础上设计了一种基于异质网络的意见领袖社区发现算法.通过采集天涯论坛的大量数据,验证了该社区挖掘方案能够较准确地挖掘论坛中的意见领袖社区.  相似文献   

本文论述了对"信号与系统"课程中师生互动方式的思考.在分析"信号与系统"课程教学过程中存在问题的基础上,结合教学实践,着重阐述了课堂互动方式、作业本互动方式以及学习论坛互动方式三个方面的内容,其中重点介绍了本课程的学习论坛可支持公式的在线输入,解决了本课程网络互动难以广泛开展的难题.教学实践证明这些教学互动方式对提高教学质量有重要作用.  相似文献   

为了丰富Lotus Domino/Notes的讨论模板数据库,并提供流行的主题置顶功能,提出了基于讨论模板数据库的手动和自动置顶的工作模型。该工作模型利用隐藏域记录管理员置顶的日期和用户回复讨论主题的时间,并利用视图的排序功能进行显示,达到了置顶功能的要求。经测试表明,这两种置顶功能实现方法简单灵活,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

Part of the current academic discourse on primary HIV and AIDS interventions, is focussed on the importance of interpersonal communication. Interpersonal communication is believed to mediate campaign effects through the creation of social learning environments. Therefore, many HIV and AIDS strategies (e.g. entertainment education programmes) use mass media channels for conveying messages on the one hand and spurring interpersonal communication among target groups on the other hand. However, it seems hard to find solid evidence that mass media campaigns are able to stimulate interpersonal communication. Simultaneously, there is a rising interest in the use of new technologies for HIV and AIDS prevention. As a result of their unique characteristics, such as interactivity and anonymity, they could be more appropriate than traditional channels to stimulate interpersonal communication. To gain insights in the challenges and opportunities of new technologies for primary HIV/AIDS prevention, this article presents the findings of a case study carried out at the University of the Western Cape. This study aimed at developing, implementing and evaluating an anonymous online discussion platform for students to share experiences and discuss sensitive subjects. The discussion forum was used in three ways: compulsory (through curriculum integration), semi-voluntarily and voluntarily. An extensive evaluation provided strong evidence that the online discussion forum was only successful when formally integrated into the curriculum. The most important opportunity of the formally integrated online forum relates to the creation of a social learning environment. The anonymous character of the online platform allayed fear for stigma and discrimination and removed cultural barriers concerning the inappropriateness of discussing HIV/AIDS related issues. As a result, the platform created a space in which students discussed freely, considered old and new ideas, acquired knowledge, and learned to esteem varying views on the subjects of discussion. Although no assertions can be made on the effects of these outcomes on sustainable changes in attitudes or behaviour, these findings indicate that participating in an anonymous online platform can instigate students to reflect on HIV/AIDS in a different way.  相似文献   

Senior online communities (SOCs) have become an important venue for older people to seek support and exchange information. While online community engagement has been well studied in the existing literature, few studies have explored how older adults behave in online communities. Therefore, drawing upon signaling theory, this study aims to investigate how different content-related and social-related signals influence users’ post replying behavior (i.e., reply to another user’s post) in SOCs. We collected 7486 health-related posts and 71,859 comments from one of the most popular Chinese SOCs, Keai (https://www.keai99.com). Information signals in the posts were operationalized using different techniques such as text mining and social network analysis. Results from negative binomial regression indicated that content-related signals (posts’ topic and length) and social-related signals (authors’ position and centrality) were related to replying behavior. In addition, we revealed some differences between the effects of these signals on informational replies and emotional replies. More specifically, compared to posts mentioning traditional Chinese medicine, posts mentioning western medicine received more informational replies, but less emotional replies. Original posts triggered more informational replies, whereas shared posts attracted more emotional replies. Average reply length was positively related to informational replies, but negatively related to emotional replies. Considering the important role of SOCs in satisfying older adults’ social and informational needs, future research is needed to promote user social engagement in SOCs, thereby maintaining their sustainability.  相似文献   

对网络论坛规则与法律规范的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络论坛上的删帖行为的正当性存在着诸多质疑。论坛组织者有权制定论坛规则并进行管理,但删帖行为却侵害了论坛参与者的言论自由和通信自由。如何平衡公民权利保护、论坛规则独立性以及互联网秩序与效益成为了删帖行为所反映的关键问题。针对这个问题,中国应当健全法律法规,鼓励公民合法参与论坛活动,建立良好的互联网秩序。  相似文献   

基于校园网论坛评论的数据统计,从群体层面和个体层面深入挖掘学生用户在校园网论坛上活动行为的时间间隔分布的统计特性,以及给出学生群体兴趣度消失模型的实证研究.研究发现,论坛整体评论时间间隔以及用户个体活动时间隔服从幂律分布,学生群体兴趣度消失模型中,学生群体对于某个话题的兴趣逐渐消失,评论的时间间隔服从幂率分布,且对于比较敏感的话题,会存在兴趣再次上升的情况.  相似文献   

Based on the text orientation classification, a new measurement approach to semantic orientation of words was proposed. According to the integrated and detailed definition of words in HowNet, seed sets including the words with intense orientations were built up. The orientation similarity between the seed words and the given word was then calculated using the sentiment weight priority to recognize the semantic orientation of common words. Finally, the words' semantic orientation and the context were combined to recognize the given words' orientation. The experiments show that the measurement approach achieves better results for common words' orientation classification and contributes particularly to the text orientation classification of large granularities.  相似文献   

Echoing the significance of mobile online networks in fueling the Arab Spring, the present study seeks to better understand social media influences in China by studying political activity among Chinese netizens. A survey of Chinese college students examines the influence of online social networks in the context of political attitudes and political participation. Study results reveal a moderate but positive impact of online forum and social networking site use on online political discussion. Implications for political change in the social networking era, particularly in regimes that practice Internet censorship like China’s, are discussed.  相似文献   

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