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生态旅游本土化问题研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
如何在接受西方生态旅游新观念的同时;又保持自己的本土特色,是值得我们认真关注的一个课题。生态价值观是人类如何看待同自然关系的一种整体意识,中西方生态价值观在历史进程中表现出相异的特点:西方主张人地分立.中国力求“天人合一”,但这一特点在当代又有所变异.受此影响,西方生态旅游资源强调其自然属性.而中国则以自然和人文融合的旅游资源为基础。因此.西方生态旅游市场呈现出一元特征,而中国则必须同时考虑市场的消费和培育双重功能,构造高端和大众二元结构的市场。大众生态旅游是现阶段朝向西方式严格生态旅游的一个有益过渡.注重本土化色彩的生态旅游认证体系的推行,生态旅游区的建设,以及生态旅游产品的开发是发展中国生态旅游的当务之急.  相似文献   

黄河沿岸地带水资源约束下的产业结构优化与调整研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
20世纪90年代以来,黄河多年持续断流,已经严重影响到沿岸地带社会经济发展和人民生活,限制了沿岸地带经济潜力的发挥。特别是对黄河下游地区工农业生产造成巨大危害。本文分析了黄河沿岸地带产业结构等社会经济要素与水资源短缺的矛盾,提出应化调整大耗水型的产业结构,大力发展与生活环境友好的生态农业、生态工业,生态旅游等生态产业,并建立有利于水资源节约利用的社会经济体系。  相似文献   

参与生态旅游经营已成为保护区周边社区家庭重要的生计,生态旅游经营收入是社区家庭重要的收入来源。本文基于中国7省40个保护区周边社区农户调查数据,研究了家庭参与生态旅游经营对人均纯收入以及人均非农收入的影响,以期能为生态旅游经营的家庭收入效应提供新证据,为缓解保护与发展的矛盾、健全生物多样性保护制度、完善生态旅游发展政策提供实证支撑。研究结果表明:1倾向得分匹配法消除了家庭选择性偏差后,估计出参与生态旅游经营对家庭人均纯收入的收入效应为20%左右,而对人均非农收入的收入效应为47%左右。使用多元线性回归高估了生态旅游经营对家庭人均纯收入的影响,大致高估了8%左右,使用Heckman模型也高估了生态旅游对家庭人均非农收入的影响,大致高估了17%左右。2户主性别、受教育程度、是否为村干部、身体状况、家庭负担比以及耕地面积对农户家庭参与生态旅游经营行为产生显著影响。3结合当前的生态扶贫政策背景,政府以及社会可能高估了生态旅游经营对周边社区家庭收入的影响,追求立竿见影的扶贫效果往往在短期内会获得一定的收效,但是缺乏长期驱动力,最终导致治标不治本的扶贫。因此,政府要合理规划地方生态旅游产业发展,创建一个更有利于社区参与的生态旅游开发模式。一方面,让周边社区家庭参与到生态旅游经营的管理和决策工作中,在生态旅游管理中拥有自主权和决定权;另一方面,建立生态旅游参与的外部约束机制,保障周边社区的利益。  相似文献   

通过可持续认证推动农林牧渔领域自然资源保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1992年里约环境发展大会后可持续发展成为各国和各界的共识,但经历了二十年的发展,自然资源保护与可持续发展之间的矛盾仍然存在,特别是农林牧渔等领域自然资源的合理开发利用仍待进一步发展。我国作为国际农林牧渔产品的重要消费国和贸易国,在积极推动国内资源的可持续利用同时,也可以通过国际贸易在全球自然资源可持续利用中发挥积极作用。可持续认证作为应对资源保护与经济发展这一矛盾的较为有效的市场手段,经过近二十年的发展已经涵盖了农林牧渔领域的多个产品,在国际上的发展势头强劲,对于自然资源的保护和可持续利用发挥了对政府政策的补充作用。但可持续性认证在我国国内的企业和消费者中还没有得到广泛认识,其通过市场机制引导企业实践可持续经营、落实企业社会责任的作用在国内还没有得到有效的发挥。因此,本研究的目的是通过对可持续认证的分析,为在我国农林牧渔领域更好地发挥其市场推动力提出政策建议。本研究首先综述了可持续认证在国际上的发展历程、产生的影响,详细论述了森林、棕榈油、野生海产品等可持续认证已经在全球贸易中占有一席之地,并在欧美等较发达国家和地区获得了消费者的支持;其次,本研究对可持续认证在农林牧渔领域的进一步发展所面临的挑战进行了剖析,肯定了可持续认证在调动企业和消费者的积极性、推动农林牧渔领域资源保护方面的正面作用,也指出认证对资源保护的预期效果没有完全达到、同一产业内认证体系可靠性参差不齐,着重强调了可持续认证在发展中国家的发展面临的困难,使其对自然资源保护的应有效果受到影响。在此基础上,本研究分析了我国农林牧渔领域在资源利用方面面临的国际和国内压力,尤其是我国在国际贸易中举足轻重的地位和进口大宗产品产地的生态脆弱性使中国在全球资源的可持续利用和保护中可以发挥重要作用,论证了可持续认证在我国的推广有利于提升中国企业的国际形象、促进贸易杠杆发挥资源保护的撬动作用、保障企业在海外开发中的长期效益,同时也有利于我国国内自然资源的可持续利用,明确得出在我国农林牧渔领域推动可持续认证的必要性。本研究建议我国政府部门应关注农林牧渔领域可持续认证在国际和国内的发展,收集相关的信息和案例可用于相关的国际谈判和对企业的指导。同时政府应鼓励国内外认证体系在中国开展认证工作,并为同一产业中的不同体系创造公平的竞争环境。另外,政府应积极支持国内农林牧渔产业的企业、专家、协会等参与到国际认证体系的建立过程中,将中国可持续发展的良好操作范例或规范国际化。政府自身的消费行为对全社会有明确的引导作用,所以在政府采购中应优选可持续认证产品,引导企业加入可持续经营的实践。  相似文献   

国外水电环境认证制度对我国的借鉴意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
水电工程建设和运行对生态环境系统的影响是世界范围内十分关注的问题,中国水电事业的发展也开始进入生态制约阶段。建立水电工程的生态环境保护标准,推行生态环境认证制度,是降低水电工程不利生态影响的重要措施之一,国际上在这方面已经进行的实践对我国具有重要的借鉴意义。概要介绍了瑞士“绿色水电认证”和美国“低影响水电认证”的主要内容、技术标准和运行机制,并且对两者进行了比较和分析。在此基础上,分析了我国建立水电环境认证程序和推行水电生态环境保护标准的必要性及可行性,并且讨论了推行水电环境认证中可能存在的问题。  相似文献   

为了能够顺利推动我国碳减排技术评价工作进程,促进碳减排技术发展,应对国际社会面临的环境挑战,本文参照国际环境技术验证制度并结合我国认证工作实际,从宏观上分析和规划了我国建立碳减排技术评价制度的发展思路,包括从管理、结构、文件到评价的系列体系的设计,并对我国开展碳减排技术评价的推广进行了探讨。  相似文献   

在理解生态旅游涵义,综述当前生态旅游研究进展的基础上,本文探讨如何以生态学原理为指导建设和管理生态旅游,并以山西省平遥县为例,提出发展生态旅游的途径,即注重生态旅游区规划和景观生态设计,建立生态补偿机制,实施生态工程,加强生态管理等措施,促使平遥县由农业大县转变为生态旅游大县。  相似文献   

生态旅游是生态文明的重要载体,生态文明理念为生态旅游的健康发展提供了科学的行动指南。江苏沿海包括连云港、盐城和南通三市,生态旅游资源丰富,但三市在生态旅游发展中,竞争有余,合作不足, 致使三市生态旅游资源的整体优势未能得到充分发挥。在分析江苏沿海加强生态旅游竞合的必要性与可行性的基础上,提出了三市应以生态文明为指导,积极开展区域生态旅游竞合,具体措施包括:做好统一规划,打造沿海生态旅游区;创新生态旅游产品,联合开发精品生态旅游线路;加强生态旅游合作营销;改善旅游交通和服务;完善合作的制度化机制,构建“市场主导、政府推动、企业主体、社区参与”多主体共同参与的格局;联合加强生态教育,共同治理和改善生态环境等  相似文献   

生态旅游经济关系的二重性辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态旅游经济关系是自然生态关系和社会经济关系的有机统一,两种关系并存于生态旅游经济复合系统中,成为生态旅游经济可持续发展的基础.但是,生态旅游经济关系在实践中出现了严重的变形,利益关系的冲突,正在使生态旅游经济越来越多地出现不和谐的现象,突破利益关系制约的瓶颈,重建和谐的生态旅游经济关系,正是解决生态危机的着眼点.因此,本文对生态旅游经济关系的二重性进行深入辨析,指出无论是生态旅游经济行为主体还是生态旅游经济过程,都具有自然生态属性和社会经济属性相统一的二重性,这些都决定了生态旅游经济关系二重性的协调统一.针对生态旅游经济关系在实践发展中的扭曲变形,只有变革传统经济学的发展观,以生态经济学和可持续发展经济学的理论为平台,对失调的生态旅游经济关系进行修正,还原生态旅游经济关系的本来面貌,即人与自然和谐、生态与经济协调、自然生态关系与社会经济关系统一的理想状态,才能实现生态旅游经济的可持续发展.  相似文献   

生态旅游项目的可持续设计   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
本文基于我国目前生态旅游项目开发存在的普遍问题,从可持续旅游的观点提出了生态旅游项目开发的四个基本准则,同时讨论分析了生态旅游项目可持续设计应遵循的方法和主要内容。  相似文献   

The current status of ecotourism in rural China was analyzed in this paper.Empirical surveys covering the whole country indicate that ecotourism in rural China has attracted a large number of tourists who,however,didn’t generate revenues that can match the number.Although the environmental quality of those rural ecotourism destinations is high with little negative impacts,several problems have already appeared,suggesting a need to monitor those areas.The current practice of interpretation in most rural ecotourism destinations did not provide environmental education opportunities to the tourists.And local communities need more effective ways to decide on the prospects of local ecotourism development by themselves.Finally,a few recommendations for improving the sustainability of ecotourism destinations were provided.  相似文献   

As the protected areas of land and coastal environment, nature reserves are designed to address how to reconcile the conservation of biodiversity, the quest for economic and social development and the maintenance of cultural values. This paper establishes a framework for nature reserve development that seeks to incorporate ecotourism into its strategies. The overall purpose was to identify the information needs required for a comprehensive nature reserve that incorporates ecotourism related values. It also illustrates the utility of this framework in the context of the Wuzhishan Mountain Region of China. A literature review, the first phase of a visionary strategy and a subsequent gap analysis for available management information were undertaken in order to achieve this paper's purpose. Finally, recommendations axe pre-sented for integrating ecotourism into nature reserve development in the Wuzhishan Mountain Region.  相似文献   


As the protected areas of land and coastal environment, nature reserves are designed to address how to reconcile the conservation of biodiversity, the quest for economic and social development and the maintenance of cultural values. This paper establishes a framework for nature reserve development that seeks to incorporate ecotourism into its strategies. The overall purpose was to identify the information needs required for a comprehensive nature reserve that incorporates ecotourism related values. It also illustrates the utility of this framework in the context of the Wuzhishan Mountain Region of China. A literature review, the first phase of a visionary strategy and a subsequent gap analysis for available management information were undertaken in order to achieve this paper's purpose. Finally, recommendations are presented for integrating ecotourism into nature reserve development in the Wuzhishan Mountain Region.  相似文献   

At present, internal rural tourism is at the stage of upgrading and renewing, and ecotourism has been considered to be the main direction. This paper discussed the concepts and criteria of rural tourism and ecotourism, analyzed a typical case of Nongke Village of Chengdu City-being considered to be the first rural tourism site in China, went deep into the problems of the contents and criteria of the development of rural ecotourism, and tried to probe into the principles of the development of rural ecotourism both theoretically and practically so as to understand the rules of the development of rural ecotourism .  相似文献   


At present, internal rural tourism is at the stage of upgrading and renewing, and ecotourism has been considered to be the main direction. This paper discussed the concepts and criteria of rural tourism and ecotourism, analyzed a typical case of Nongke Village of Chengdu City-being considered to be the first rural tourism site in China, went deep into the problems of the contents and criteria of the development of rural ecotourism, and tried to probe into the principles of the development of rural ecotourism both theoretically and practically so as to understand the rules of the development of rural ecotourism.  相似文献   

Ecotourism potentially provides a sustainable approach to tourism development in national parks. The paper focuses on ecotourism impacts and the status of wildlife within the Rajiv Gandhi National Park (Nagarhole) situated in Karnataka. It explores a multitude of interactions that exist among wildlife, conservation efforts, socio-economic, and relocation attempts of the tribal people in the park. Field exploration was undertaken to identify the impacts of ecotourism. The results revealed the ongoing effort by the government to relocate the tribal people within the park and the difficulty faced by park officials to cope with the numerous impacts and conservation strategies in the park. The tourists were engaged in different ecotourism activities and made an observation on the lack of educational awareness and biophysical impacts such as littering and vegetation damage. This paper will contribute a greater understanding of the impacts of ecotourism management for sustainability of the national park.  相似文献   

As the most desirable option for sustainable development of tourism industry, ecotourism still suffers from lack of a clear-cut and widely accepted definition, posing many risks and threats in its practices. Based on collection and collation of various concepts and explanations of ecotourism both at home and abroad, this paper reflects on the current connotations of ecotourism in terms of four aspects, namely, objects of ecotourism, ecotourists, nature of ecotourism as well as the relationship between ecotourism and communities. In-depth analysis was performed in an effort to revise the misinterpretation of ecotourism and provide implications for ecotourism initiatives. The main conclusions and fruits of this article include: 1) The objects of eeotourism should go beyond natural, pristine, or even only primitive natural areas to including cultural resources together with their natural context which also deserve preservation. 2) Tourism operators, compared to tourists, have more leverage and hence should shoulder more responsibilities for conservation. 3) Ecotourism should serve as a principle to guide tourism initiatives towards sustainability, rather than merely a special tour package. 4) The theoretic foundation was laid for community participation in ecotourism.  相似文献   

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