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Two new species representing new genera of tantulocaridans are described from western Japan. Paradoryphallophora inusitata n.g., n.sp. is parasitic on deep-sea asellote isopods and belongs in the family Doryphallophoridae. It differs from the type genus Doryphallophora in the form of the abdomen and thoracopods of the adult male, and in the stylet and the pore pattern on the dorsal cephalic shield of the tantulus larvae. Hypertantulus siphonicola n.g., n.sp. infests shallow-water siphonostomatoid copepods and is assigned to the family Basipodellidae on the basis of the pattern of thoracic tergite separation of the male trunk sac. A developing sexual female is described, only the second known from the Tantulocarida. This is the first record of tantulocaridans on a representative of the copepod order Siphonostomatoida and the first case of presumed hyperparasitism recorded in the group.  相似文献   


The highly transformed siphonostomatoid Choniorhiza enaulis gen. et sp. nov. is described from an asellote isopod, Dendromunna sp., in the deep North Atlantic Ocean to the south west of the Azores. Male and female live inside a cyst on the dorsal side of the branchial chamber of the isopod. The new genus may be distinguished from all other genera of the Nicothoidae, except Rhizorhina, by the presence of oral processes replacing the cephalic appendages. It differs from Rhizorhina in the presence of a distinct urosome in the female. A key to all genera of the Nicothoidae is provided and Pseudonicothoe Avdeev & Avdeev is recognized as a junior synonym of Paranicothoe Carton. The male syntype of Paranicothoe cladocera Carton is designated as the lectotype because the female is an isopod. Sphaeronella bradfordae sp. nov. is described from an isopod of the genus Haploniscus caught on the Chatham Rise off New Zealand.  相似文献   

Three Poecilochaetus species occurring in N.Z. waters are described. Poecilochaetus trachyderma n. sp. is similar to P. fulgoris Claparède; P. aff. bermudensis Hartman and P. sp. 3 are previously unrecorded species, but as yet only anterior fragments have been obtained. Setal microstructures were examined by scanning electron microscopy. P. trachyderma and P. aff. bermudensis have distinctive capillary setae with nested spiral palisades of fused spinules. P. aff. bermudensis has hispidpappose capillaries with twin accessory spines. A key to the family is given.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(23):2787-2806
Three new species of the deep-water family Neotanaididae Lang are described. Neotanais minimus n. sp. and N. curvimanus n. sp. were collected from the Gulf of Mexico and are the first species to be described from this region. Neotanais minimus cannot be grouped with other Neotanais species, since it displays characters from all groupings. Neotanais curvimanus has strong affinities to the ‘americanus’ group but can be separated by the short pereonite 6 and by the presence of many setulose setae lateral on the pleonites. Male N. curvimanus can easily be separated from all other species of the genus by the cheliped fixed finger being only half as long as the dactylus and the dactylus being incurved from fixed finger at an angle of about 40°. Neotanais noelietaiti n. sp. was found off south-east Australia and is the first Neotanais species to be described from Australian waters. It also has strong affinities to the ‘americanus’ group but can be distinguished by the complete lack of a midventral keel and by the uropodal exopod being as long as the endopod article 1.  相似文献   

A new species, Forcipomyia (Trichohelea) papuensis, is described from New Guinea, where it is ectoparasitic on butterflies. The modifications and diagnostic characters of this species are compared with those of the other Australasian Trichohelea.  相似文献   

A new deep-sea species of amphipod collected at a depth of 1317 m from the soft bottom of the Bay of Campeche, SW Gulf of Mexico, is herein described. The sediment included a high proportion of silt and organic carbon. The specimen examined in this study was collected during the Oceanographic Expedition Xcambó-4, along the Bay of Campeche, aboard the RV Justo Sierra. The new species represents the sixteenth known species of the genus Psammogammarus worldwide. This new species is the second Psammogammarus recorded from the deep sea, and the first record of the genus for the Gulf of Mexico. Identification keys to males and females of Psammogammarus species are provided. Psammogammarus barrerai sp. nov. is characterised by head with anteroventral notch present; gnathopods 1 and 2 palmar margins oblique, and basis of pereopod 7 forming a wide serrated posterior lobe.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:C843777B-FF15-4AEC-B046-6513A96A9BFF  相似文献   

Brosmodorsalis persicinus n. gen., n. sp. is described from specimens collected from shallow coastal rocky reefs of northern New Zealand. Brosmodorsalis is placed in the bythitid fish subfamily Brosmophycinae because it has the caudal fin separate from the dorsal and anal fins. The genus differs from all others within the subfamily by the origin of the dorsal fin being well in advance of the posterior margin of the operculum and the anterior dorsal fin rays being free of membrane.  相似文献   

Aega falcata sp. nov. is described from two female specimens from about 500m off Taiwan. The species' most distinctive feature, which readily distinguishes it from all others described, is the flattened falcate plates of the two basal articles of the antennular peduncle. Three specimens of Anuropus pacificus Lincoln and Jones, 1973, are recorded from 400 to 500m. These include a male, an ovigerous and a larvigerous female having numerous manca in the broodpouch. Given the rarity of specimens of Anuropus, all three forms, as well as the manca, are described in some detail.  相似文献   


Luisacaprella eliae gen. nov, sp. nov. (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Caprellidae) is described bwct ased on specimens collected from Kiribati, Pacific Ocean. The new genus is close to Aciconula but can be mainly distinguished by the following characteristics: (1) pereonites 6 and 7 are fused in Luisacaprella gen. nov. while they are separated in Aciconula; (2) the setal formula of mandibular palp is 2-x-1 in Luisacaprella and 1-x-1 in Aciconula; (3) pereopods 3 and 4 are two-articulate in males and females of Luisacaprella, whereas there is sexual dimorphism in Aciconula, and males have pereopods 3 and 4 two-articulate while females have pereopod 3 two- or three-articulate and pereopod 4 four-articulate. The new species L. eliae is additionally characterised by its tiny size (<3 mm). The new taxon was collected from dead branching coral of shallow waters (3–32 m). Further studies targeting small caprellids which could easily be overlooked from substrates such as sediments and dead corals are needed to properly understand the global caprellid diversity of tropical and temperate areas.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:1F5A24BE-A7AC-4D3C-A087-F7284F84A2DC  相似文献   

A new genus and species of the family Parabathynellidae, Sabahbathynella wongi, is described. It has been discovered in the interstitial of coarse sand filling the spaces between big stones of the bank along a stream in Sabah on Borneo. The new genus of the family Parabathynellidae exhibits some unusual features which make it impossible to assess its phylogenetic position. There are some convergencies with the genus Thermobathynella.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-22):1421-1449
Two Niphargus species, Niphargus khayyami sp. nov. and Niphargus khwarizmi sp. nov., are morphologically analysed and described. Both species are found in western Iran, which represents the easternmost border of the distributional area for this subterranean amphipod genus. We were unable to attribute N. khayyami sp. nov. to any of 80 Niphargus species that were analysed for 28S ribosomal DNA sequences; sequencing of N. khwarizmi sp. nov. failed. Niphargid findings from west Asia recorded in 5 years imply that almost one half of the range of this large freshwater amphipod genus is still unexplored. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:9E9E7CC9-83E2-419F-A394-57197305E1EF  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1587-1596
A new species of tanaidacean of the genus Zeuxo is described from 105 specimens dredged from the shallow inshore benthic marine fauna from Arcachon, western France. This is the only species of Zeuxo in the Lusitanian area. Its combination of a 7-articled uropod (6-articled endopod with elongate articles in the adult) with a conspicuous lacinia mobilis on the right mandible is unique for the genus. The spination and setation of the carpus of pereopod 2 is reduced in comparison with the most similar known species of Zeuxo. It is distinct from potentially sympatric species of the family Tanaidae in having five free pleonites without a dorsal fringe of setae.  相似文献   

The Antheluridae is erected for the genera Anthelura Norman and Stebbing, Ananthura Barnard and Anthomuda Schultz. The family is characterized by mouthparts of biting form; maxillipedal endite broad; maxillipedal palp broad, of 4–5 free articles; several posterior carpal and propodal spines on pereopods 2–7; pereopod 7 with transverse anterodistal propodal setal row on mesial face; and single telsonic statocyst. Its relationships to other anthurideans, especially the Paranthuridae, is discussed. Three new Australian species are described, Ananthura billarderia from off New South Wales, Anthomuda chorizema from the southeastern coast, and Anthomuda hovea, from the Great Barrier Reef, Coral Sea islands and Western Australia.

Bathura Schultz, Austranthura Kussakin and Valoranthura Kensley are junior synonyms of Ananthura, and Diaphoranthura is a junior synonym of Anthomuda.  相似文献   

A new landhopper talitrid, Myanmarorchestia nunomurai Nakano and Morino, sp. nov., from Yunnan Province, China is described. Since species of Myanmarorchestia were known only from Mt. Victoria of the Arakan Mountains of Myanmar, this is the first record of the genus from China. Myanmarorchestia nunomurai is characterised by its coxal gills on gnathopod 2 to pereopod 6 without filamentous projections while the other congeners from Myanmar possess some/all of the coxal gills with filamentous projections. Additionally, M. nunomurai can be diagnosed by the sexually dimorphic uropod 2, of which the outer ramus bears a robust seta on the midlateral surface and a few rows of small teeth on the middle to distodorsal surface.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:3C014FFC-F4D6-4F18-8188-33672367ABB1  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(8):1213-1222
An unusual new genus and species of coral inhabiting pontoniine shrimp from the Yemen is described and illustrated. The new shrimp is remarkable for its very small size and the unique form of its telson. Three other pontoniine shrimps are also reported from the Yemen for the first time, raising the number of such shrimp species known from southern Arabia to 18.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(8):1625-1637
A new genus, Stelomon, is established for the Thai freshwater crabs Potamon kanchanaburiense Naiyanetr, 1992, and P. pruinosum Alcock, 1909. The unique structure of the male first pleopod is the key diagnostic generic character. One new species, which differs in the form of the male first pleopod, is also described. A key to the species of Stelomon is included.  相似文献   

Three hosts from Indo-west Pacific including Kiribati, Guam Island and Australia were examined, and found to be infested by three species of the subfamily Argeiinae. We describe Paraeragia kiribatiensis gen. nov., sp. nov. from Kiribati infesting Synalpheus gracilirostris. The new genus is most related to Eragia and it can be distinguished by female with triangular pleon, lateral plates extend posteriorly, paired uropods, widely opened brood pouch. Argeiopsis guamensis sp. nov. from Guam Island infesting Synalpheus cf. stimpsoni. The new species is most similar to Argeiopsis inhacae but differs in female with curved posterior margin of first oostegite, partly fused pleomeres, and male with head separated from first pereomere, pleon as wide as seventh pereomere. We also record Stegoalpheon kempi from Australia for the first time, infesting Alpheus cf. perplexus. Keys to the nine genera of Argeiinae, and to three species of Argeiopsis are provided. A table for all 13 species of Argeiinae with localities and host records is also provided. A table comparing the distribution of lateral plates and morphology of pleopods and uropods among argeiine genera is presented.

http://www.zoobank/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:284AB32C-6AE5-45BC-9C5D-01B3030D6DE6  相似文献   


The feeding behaviour of 15 species of hermit crabs from four families (Pylochelidae, Diogenidae, Paguridae and Parapaguridae) and from habitats ranging from rocky intertidal through continental shelf gravelly sediments to finer sediments on the shelf edge and continental slope, is described.

Feeding mechanisms found include various methods of deposit-feeding, browsing, suspension-feeding, predation and scavenging. Each species employs one or two primary feeding mechanisms but also a number of secondary mechanisms. Depositfeeding techniques include scooping up detritus-rich sediment, scrubbing detritus from the surface of small granules, scraping it from larger surfaces, picking it out of crevices and other irregularities, and brushing out and ingesting material which adheres to the general body setation. A few species browse on algae and sedentary colonial invertebrates which they slice or pluck off with the chelae. A number of species filter particles out of suspension using either the general setation of the body and/or specially modified appendages which are swept through the water. Predators either capture and ingest small organisms they encounter more or less accidentally, or actively search for prey. The latter include two species which excavate pits in the sediment in search of burrowing invertebrates. All the species studied fed upon carrion although some fed much less readily than others.

Feeding behaviour in the species studied is discussed in relation to their morphology and habitat. Previously published work on feeding in hermit crabs is reviewed. It is concluded that the broad range of feeding techniques shown by most species is probably of adaptive significance as it enables the crabs to deal with a variety of different foods and substratum types.  相似文献   

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