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The taxonomy of honey bee A. mellifera contains a lot of issues due to the specificity of population structure, features of biology and resolutions of honey bee subspecies discrimination methods. There are a lot of transition zones between ranges of subspecies which led to the gradual changes of characteristics among neighbor subspecies. The modern taxonomic pattern of honey bee Apis mellifera is given in this paper. Thirty-three distinct honey bee subspecies are distributed across all Africa (11 subspecies), Western Asia and the Middle East (9 subspecies), and Europe (13 subspecies). All honey bee subspecies are subdivided into 5 evolutionary lineages: lineage A (10 subspecies) and its sublineage Z (3 subspecies), lineage M (3 subspecies), lineage C (10 subspecies), lineage O (3 subspecies), lineage Y (1 subspecies), lineage C or O (3 subspecies).  相似文献   

Theoretical analysis and numerical calculations are performed to characterize the unsteady two-dimensional conduction of thermal energy in an idealized honey bee comb. The situation explored corresponds to a comb containing a number of brood cells occupied by pupae. These cells are surrounded by other cells containing pollen which, in turn, are surrounded (above) by cells containing honey and (below) by vacant cells containing air. Up to five vacant cells in the brood region can be occupied by cell-heating bees which, through the isometrical contraction of their flight muscles, can generate sufficient energy to raise their body temperatures by a few degrees. In this way, the cell-heating bees alter the heat flux and temperature distributions in the brood region so as to maintain conditions that benefit the pupae. The calculations show that the number of cell-heating bees significantly affects the magnitude, time rate of change, and spatial distribution of temperature throughout the comb. They also reveal a vertically aligned asymmetry in the spatial distribution of temperature that is due to the large heat capacity and thermal conductivity of honey relative to air, whereby air-filled cells experience larger temperature increases than honey-filled cells. Analysis shows that convection and radiation represent negligible modes of thermal energy transfer at all levels in the problem considered. Also, because of its small thickness, the wax wall of a comb cell simultaneously presents negligible resistance to conduction heat transfer normal to it and very large resistance along it. As a consequence the walls of a cell play no thermal role, but simply serve as mechanical supports for the materials they contain.  相似文献   

除草剂是农业生产中一种被广泛使用的农药,是当前种植业重要的一环,但其长期使用也导致了自然界中广泛存在除草剂残留和污染.蜜蜂作为自然界最主要的传粉者,具有重要的经济和生态价值.近年来的研究发现,除草剂对蜜蜂有着明显的负面作用,可能会导致蜜蜂个体健康受损、蜂群损失和其在蜂产品中残留等问题.本文综述了除草剂对蜜蜂生理、行为、...  相似文献   

西方蜜蜂幼虫发育温度对成体翅膀形态的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探讨不同恒定温度条件对培育蜜蜂蛹翅膀形态特征的影响,作者将进入蛹期的西方蜜蜂(Apismellifera)放入人工气候箱里,分别在32、35和36℃的恒定温度条件培育,直到蜜蜂蛹羽化出房为止。测量了蜜蜂翅膀的标准形态特征,包括翅的大小、肘脉长和11个翅肘脉角,所得到的数据进行多变量比较分析、相关性分析、主成分分析和区别分析。研究结果表明,不同温度条件对蜜蜂翅膀形态特征有明显的影响  相似文献   

Insects have excellent color vision based on the expression of different opsins in specific sets of photoreceptive cells. Opsins are members of the rhodopsin superfamily of G-protein coupled receptors, and are transmembrane proteins found coupled to light-sensitive chromophores in animal photoreceptors. Diversification of opsins during animal evolution provided the basis for the development of wavelength-specific behavior and color vision, but with the exception of the recently discovered non-visual melanopsins, vertebrate and invertebrate opsins have generally been viewed as representing distinct lineages. We report a novel lineage of insect opsins, designated pteropsins. On the basis of sequence analysis and intron location, pteropsins are more closely related to vertebrate visual opsins than to invertebrate opsins. Of note is that the pteropsins are missing entirely from the genome of drosophilid flies. In situ hybridization studies of the honey bee, Apis mellifera, revealed that pteropsin is expressed in the brain of this species and not in either the simple or compound eyes. It was also possible, on the basis of in situ hybridization studies, to assign different long wavelength opsins to the compound eyes (AmLop1) and ocelli (AmLop2). Insect pteropsin might be orthologous to a ciliary opsin recently described from the annelid Platynereis, and therefore represents the presence of this vertebrate-like light-detecting system in insects.  相似文献   

The honey bee, Apis mellifera, is an ideal system for investigating ontogenetic changes in the immune system, because it combines holometabolous development within a eusocial caste system. As adults, male and female bees are subject to differing selective pressures: worker bees (females) exhibit temporal polyethism, while the male drones invest in mating. They are further influenced by changes in the threat of pathogen infection at different life stages. We investigated the immune response of workers and drones at all developmental phases, from larvae through to late stage adults, assaying both a constitutive (phenoloxidase, PO activity) and induced (antimicrobial peptide, AMP) immune response. We found that larval bees have low levels of PO activity. Adult workers produced stronger immune responses than drones, and a greater plasticity in immune investment. Immune challenge resulted in lower levels of PO activity in adult workers, which may be due to the rapid utilisation and a subsequent failure to replenish the constitutive phenoloxidase. Both adult workers and drones responded to an immune challenge by producing higher titres of AMPs, suggesting that the cost of this response prohibits its constant maintenance. Both castes showed signs of senescence in immune investment in the AMP response. Different sexes and life stages therefore alter their immune system management based on the combined factors of disease risk and life history.  相似文献   



The honey bee is an important model system for increasing understanding of molecular and neural mechanisms underlying social behaviors relevant to the agricultural industry and basic science. The western honey bee, Apis mellifera, has served as a model species, and its genome sequence has been published. In contrast, the genome of the Asian honey bee, Apis cerana, has not yet been sequenced. A. cerana has been raised in Asian countries for thousands of years and has brought considerable economic benefits to the apicultural industry. A cerana has divergent biological traits compared to A. mellifera and it has played a key role in maintaining biodiversity in eastern and southern Asia. Here we report the first whole genome sequence of A. cerana.


Using de novo assembly methods, we produced a 238 Mbp draft of the A. cerana genome and generated 10,651 genes. A.cerana-specific genes were analyzed to better understand the novel characteristics of this honey bee species. Seventy-two percent of the A. cerana-specific genes had more than one GO term, and 1,696 enzymes were categorized into 125 pathways. Genes involved in chemoreception and immunity were carefully identified and compared to those from other sequenced insect models. These included 10 gustatory receptors, 119 odorant receptors, 10 ionotropic receptors, and 160 immune-related genes.


This first report of the whole genome sequence of A. cerana provides resources for comparative sociogenomics, especially in the field of social insect communication. These important tools will contribute to a better understanding of the complex behaviors and natural biology of the Asian honey bee and to anticipate its future evolutionary trajectory.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-16-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Abstract Interspecific competition for a limited resource can result in the reduction of survival, growth and/or reproduction in one of the species involved. The introduced honey bee (Apis mellifera Linnaeus) is an example of a species that can compete with native bees for floral resources. Often, research into honey bee/native bee competition has focused on floral resource overlap, visitation rates or resource harvesting, and any negative interaction has been interpreted as a negative impact. Although this research can be valuable in indicating the potential for competition between honey bees and native bees, to determine if the long‐term survival of a native bee species is threatened, fecundity, survival or population density needs to be assessed. The present review evaluates research that has investigated all these measurements of honey bee/native bee competition and finds that many studies have problems with sample size, confounding factors or data interpretation. Guidelines for future research include increasing replication and using long‐term studies to investigate the impact of both commercial and feral honey bees.  相似文献   

作为重要的传粉昆虫,蜜蜂蜂群损失现象受到广泛关注。研究表明,蜂王问题是导致蜂群损失的主要因素之一。蜂王是蜂群中唯一雌性生殖器官发育完全的个体,是维持蜂群存续的关键。蜂王质量决定了蜂群的群势以及生产性能,对蜂群的发展和存活至关重要。本文详细介绍了表征蜂王质量的相关指标及其在蜂王选育过程中的应用,深入论述了幼虫日龄、营养、交尾、环境温度、病虫害以及农药等相关因素对蜂王质量及其性状表现的影响,以期为蜂王的培育和使用以及蜜蜂资源的保护和利用提供参考。  相似文献   

Abstract. Direct observations on the effect of rapid freezing and thawing on honey bee ( Apis mellifera L.) sperm were made by light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Rapid freezing of honey bee ejaculated sperm, suspended in freezing diluent, in liquid nitrogen followed by rapid thawing can cause cellular injuries which lead to the death of the sperm. The frozen-thawed sperm, supravitally stained, showed a significant decrease in cell viability compared with that of the control fresh sperm ( P <0.001). Significant uptake of the stain in the dead sperm resulted from damage in the cell membrane. The scanning electron micrographs of frozen-thawed sperm further demonstrated that the injury of cell membrane can lead to the splitting of mitochondrial derivatives from the flagellar axoneme. More cellular injuries including the release of acrosomal content and membrane damage at the acrosome, nucleus and the tail regions were further revealed by transmission electron microscopy. The impact of cellular injuries on the quality of honey bee sperm cryopreserved for artificial insemination of honey bee queens is discussed.  相似文献   

Physiological mechanisms of antennal sucrose perception in the honey bee were analysed using behavioural and electrophysiological methods. Following sucrose stimulation of the tip of a freely moving antenna, the latency of proboscis extension was 320–340 ms, 80–100 ms after the first activity in muscle M17 controlling this response. When bees were allowed to actively touch a sucrose droplet with one antenna, contacts with the solution were frequent with durations of 10–20 ms and average intervals between contacts of approximately 40 ms. High sucrose concentrations led to short and frequent contacts. The proboscis response and M17 activity were largely independent of stimulus duration and temporal pattern. Taste hairs of the antennal tip displayed spike responses to sucrose concentrations down to at least 0.1%. The first 25 ms of the response were suitable for discrimination of sucrose concentrations. This time interval corresponds to the duration of naturally occurring gustatory stimuli. Sucrose responses between different hairs on the same antenna showed a high degree of variability, ranging from less than five to over 40 spikes per 0.5 s for a stimulus of 0.1% sucrose. This variability of receptor responses extends the dynamic range of sucrose perception over a large range of concentrations.  相似文献   

蜜蜂是重要的传粉昆虫,在农业生产和生态平衡中起着重大作用。近年来蜜蜂数量大幅下降,由于农药使用、生态污染、气候变化等原因,以及受到天敌如胡蜂Vespidae的影响,更重要的是受到病原如真菌、细菌以及各种病毒的危害。其中蜜蜂病毒病是造成蜜蜂数量减少的重要原因之一。为了调查贵州省越夏期和越冬期中华蜜蜂感染病毒病的情况,利用RT-PCR技术对贵州省兴义市、息烽县、台江县、龙里县采集的样本进行检测。结果显示:贵州省越夏期以红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren病毒Sindbis virus(SINV)为主要流行病毒,而越冬期以囊状幼虫病毒Sacbrood virus(SBV)和黑蜂王台病毒Black queen cell virus(BQCV)为主要流行病毒。本研究初步调查了贵州省主要中蜂饲养区在两个重要饲养阶段发生蜜蜂病毒病情况,这将在一定程度上为防治蜜蜂病毒病提供理论依据。  相似文献   

  1. Neonicotinoid-coated corn and soybean seeds are a common crop in Canada and the US. A growing body of research is demonstrating that, through various exposure routes, neonicotinoids can impact a suite of nontarget organisms including beneficial insects such as bees. However, to date, only a few studies have examined the effects of neonicotinoids in field settings.
  2. We assessed the relationship between agricultural crop soil neonicotinoid levels and wild bee abundance and diversity at 16 agricultural sites representing different soil neonicotinoid levels. We detected clothianidin at 11 sites, thiamethoxam at three sites; imidacloprid was not detected.
  3. Hedgerow and crop soils were consistent in terms of where clothianidin was detected; thiamethoxan was not detected in hedgerow soils. Based on model outcomes, fields with higher levels of soil neonicotinoids exhibited significantly lower wild bee abundance and diversity than those with low or no neonicotinoids detected.
  4. Crop soil neonicotinoid level, hedgerow floral resource abundance and crop type were consistent predictors of bee abundance across models; only neonicotinoid level and crop type were significant predictors of diversity.
  5. Our results are consistent with recent findings in the midwestern US, and underscore the potential risk of soil neonicotinoids to wild bee populations across regions and crop systems.

Flight of the honey bee VII: metabolic power versus flight speed relation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The existing experimental data on metabolic power P m of honey bees are critically discussed, partly corrected for real flight conditions and plotted as a function of flight speed v. New wind tunnel measurements of tethered flight under near-natural conditions are added in the range 3.3<v<5.1 m·s-1, derived from exhaustion flight measurements. Within this small sector the latter measurements can be characterised by a linear correlation: P m(mW)=6.72v (m·s-1)+13.83, the slope of which is significantly different from zero. The over-all P m(v) curve is significantly not a straight line of zero slope but a U-shaped minimum curve and may be approximated by a second-order polynom: P m=49.2-8.9v+1.5v 2. The same is true for relative metabolic power, P m rel (e) related to empty body mass of 76.5 mg: P m rel(e)=630.0-114.0v+19.2v 2 (P m in mW: P m rel in mW·g-1; v in m·s-1). The data support the existence of a U-shaped power-versus-speed curve in bees.Abbreviations bm body mass (mg) - f full - e empty - mu muscles - P m (mJ·s-1=mW) metabolic power (input) - P m rel (mW·g-1) relative metabolic power - P mec (mW) mechanical power (output) - efficiency (of the flight musculature) - t(s) flight time - v (m·s-1) relative speed between bee and air  相似文献   

We examined the effects of behaviour, age and social environment on mushroom body volume in adult bees. The mushroom bodies are regions of the central brain important for sensory integration and learning. Their volume was influenced by behaviour throughout life: always larger in forager bees than age-matched nurse bees, even in old bees up to 93 days of age as adults. Mushroom body development was influenced by the social environment in the first 8 days of adult life, with different environments having markedly different effects on mushroom body size. Compared to hive-reared bees, isolation slowed mushroom body growth, but bees reared in isolation confined with a single dead bee showed a dramatic increase in mushroom body volume comparable to that seen in active foragers. Despite their precocious mushroom body development, these bees did not show improved performance in an olfactory learning test. Since simple environmental manipulations can both accelerate and delay mushroom body growth in young bees, and since mushroom body volume is sensitive to behaviour throughout life, the honey bee has great potential as a model for exploring the interactions between environment, behaviour and brain structure.  相似文献   

Summary To obtain insights into the organization and adaptive significance of seasonal migration by colonies of the giant honey bee,Apis dorsata, we monitored the arrivals and departures of colonies in a rain forest habitat in northeastern Thailand, compared patterns of honey bee abundance with other measures of habitat variability, and observed the role of dance communication in organizing the migratory departure of a colony. Colonies arrived in the area during the end of the dry season, reproduced, and then departed early in the rainy season. During the immigration phase, early-arriving colonies stayed only temporarily, as if assessing habitat quality. Colonies departing after a long stay always left barren combs behind, suggesting that they had left in response to deteriorating resource quality. These observations support the idea that migration allows colonies to track seasonally varying resources in different regions. Our observations of a colony preparing for migration revealed that the dance language is involved in organizing the colony's departure, but that dancers signal only the direction to be taken, rather than, as in dances to feeding sites, both the direction and distance of a particular location.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of larval and adult nutrition on worker honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) ovary development. Workers were fed high or low-pollen diets as larvae, and high or low-protein diets as adults. Workers fed low-protein diets at both life stages had the lowest levels of ovary development, followed by those fed high-protein diets as larvae and low- quality diets as adults, and then those fed diets poor in protein as larvae but high as adults. Workers fed high-protein diets at both life stages had the highest levels of ovary development. The increases in ovary development due to improved dietary protein in the larval and adult life stages were additive. Adult diet also had an effect on body mass. The results demonstrate that both carry-over of larval reserves and nutrients acquired in the adult life stage are important to ovary development in worker honey bees. Carry-over from larval development, however, appears to be less important to adult fecundity than is adult nutrition. Seasonal trends in worker ovary development and mass were examined throughout the brood rearing season. Worker ovary development was lowest in spring, highest in mid-summer, and intermediate in fall.  相似文献   

Honey bee foragers transfer their nectar loads to receiver bees within the nest. Surprisingly, they often transfer to more than one receiver (published values range from 1.9 to 2.7). Several adaptive hypotheses have been proposed to explain why multiple transfer occurs. One hypothesis, information improvement, states that multiple transfer arises as an adaptive forager-driven process. Foragers use the delay in finding a receiver to assess the relative work capacities of foragers and receivers, performing recruitment dances when appropriate. Multiple transferring improves their delay information. We used a stochastic simulation model to investigate the non-adaptive partial loads hypothesis. We determined the extent to which partial crop loads and receiver filling and emptying rules (i.e. how much nectar to accept before leaving the transfer area) can cause multiple transfer. As many as 1.9 nectar transfers per returning forager were generated within biologically realistic parameter space. We suggest that much multiple transfer arises as a non-adaptive consequence of partitioning nectar foraging between foragers and receivers, but that this will also result in foragers having better information about the relative work capacities of foragers and receivers as a useful consequence. We suggest that the number of transfers caused by partial loads could also be increased by an adaptive forager-driven effort to improve their information concerning the balance of foragers and receivers and we outline a framework wherein the information improvement hypothesis can be directly tested.  相似文献   

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