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圆唇散白蚁(Reticultermes Labralis Hsia et Fan)在西安市临潼区有翅成虫于4月下旬-5月底分飞,分飞约10d后开始产卵,卵期30多d即孵化为幼蚁,约经6,7年时间,群体和生殖蚁分化成熟,一部分幼蚁发育为若蚁,多次蜕皮后羽化有翅成虫,文章还分析了圆唇散白蚁群体的建立和发展与温度,树种,群龄和天敌的关系,根据圆唇散白蚁生物学特性,总结了一套大面积综合防治林木白蚁的技术措施,防治效果明显。  相似文献   

我区群众把危害干木料的白蚁、天牛、小蠹虫等统称为“干虫”,其中生活隐蔽又难防治的可算木白蚁科中的堆砂白蚁。它是我区最常见的衣柜、桌、椅的柱、板等室内木制品的害虫,有的家具外表完好但内部已蛀空。它喜蛀蚀干燥而坚硬的木材,穿筑隧道的形式不定,蚁道曲折,孔口极小,群体数量不多,十多头至数百头为一巢,食住一处。它在木材中筑巢,蚁巢不与土壤相联系。它排出的粪粒,从通道中推出巢外,落在下方物体的表面;或推出孔上方,一粒粒极似细砂,经一段时间便堆积似小堆细砂,故称推砂白蚁。这类白蚁由于生活隐蔽,通常施用粉剂都…  相似文献   

【目的】黑胸散白蚁属土木两栖白蚁,极易产生替代生殖蚁(RR)是其危害严重、防治困难的主要原因。研究黑胸散白蚁RR分化特征以及群体组成、数量、成熟程度、取食量等因子的影响,为研究白蚁生殖分化机制和防治技术开发提供参考。【方法】将野外采集的黑胸散白蚁进行室内驯化,按照不同数量、品级个体组成以及群体成熟程度,配置成不同处理,观察RR发育情况,分析群体组成、数量、成熟程度和取食量对RR产生历期、成熟RR产生历期、产卵历期的影响。【结果】黑胸散白蚁无翅芽型替代生殖蚁(NRR)的发育经历工蚁、前替代生殖蚁、NRR及成熟NRR 4个阶段,短翅芽型替代生殖蚁(SRR)的发育经历短翅芽若蚁、SRR及成熟SRR 3个阶段;在有若蚁群体中,工蚁先分化形成RR,若蚁随之分化。群体数量为100~200头,群体数量、兵蚁数量、群体中有无若蚁对RR产生历期、成熟RR产生历期和产卵历期影响均不显著(P0. 05);群体成熟程度对成熟RR产生历期有显著影响(P0. 05),对RR产生历期、产卵历期无显著影响(P0. 05)。群体数量为100~150头,兵蚁的有无对RR产生历期、成熟RR产生历期、产卵历期影响不显著(P0. 05);群体数量为200头,有无兵蚁对RR产生历期有显著影响(P0. 05),而对产卵历期、成熟RR产生历期影响不显著(P0. 05)。在所有RR分化历期中,取食量对第一头RR产生历期影响最显著。【结论】黑胸散白蚁工蚁RR分化能力比短翅芽若蚁稍强。RR分化过程中,RR产生历期主要受群体组成和取食量影响,成熟RR产生历期主要受群体成熟程度影响,而群体组成、群体数量和成熟程度对产卵历期的影响均不显著。其中,群体成熟程度的影响达显著(P0. 05)或极显著(P0. 01)水平,在黑胸散白蚁防治过程中应重点关注成熟群体的扩散危害。  相似文献   

应用动力高压毒气防治土白蚁的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了应用动力高压毒气防治土白蚁Odontotermes sp.的技术,试验结果表明,高压毒气进入蚁道10 min内,土白蚁死亡率可达100%,蚁道长度对毒杀土白蚁的效果影响不大.烟雾剂燃烧产生的高温气体对土白蚁具有一定的辅助防治效果.  相似文献   

林地土栖白蚁的危害与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在武平危害林木的土栖白蚁主要是黑翅土白蚁、黄翅大白蚁.其分布广泛,危害120多种林木,尤其对新造的幼林危害更甚.近几年武平县林地土栖白蚁的发生和危害呈上升趋势,严重威胁林木生长,为抑制其危害,采用林地上施放白蚁诱杀包,灯光诱杀有翅繁殖蚁,化学药剂防治,人工挖巢灭蚁等方法进行防治,取得了一定的效果.  相似文献   

1999年起,对危害广州沙面古卉树和大树的白蚁种类进行调查和全面防治,结果表明:危害沙面古树和大树的门蚁种类有台湾乳白蚁Coptotermes formosanus、黑翅上Odontotermes formosanus和散门蚁Reticulitermes sp.采取了常用的引蚁出巢、毒饵诱杀和直接杀灭的全面防治措施后收到了明显的效果,2003年经专家检查验收,证实沙面的古树和大树没有发现有白蚁直接危害。  相似文献   

通过多年的防治试验结果表明 :采伐林内病虫木、衰弱木、枯立木及清理林内根桩 ,施用磷化铝熏蒸处理带虫木材及根桩 ,灭蚁效果均在 98%以上。‘6 0 1’灭蚁液对蚁巢内的工蚁和兵蚁效果明显 ,并在树体内残效期长达 2 0年以上 ,而敌杀死在处理飞出的有翅成虫 (繁殖蚁 )时有效率达98%以上。掌握白蚁的防治适期 ,采取灯光诱杀、保护利用天敌等办法降低虫口密度  相似文献   

一、选用抗白蚁性能较强的木材作建筑装配。如楠木、柚木、铁力木、桃木和水曲柳等。二、应用化学药剂处理木材。如铜铬合剂常温浸渍木材.不但对重要房屋木构件防腐、防白蚁有较好的效果,且无臭味,木材处理后呈褐色,不影响漆,对人畜毒性较低。三、使白蚁带药即巢灭白蚁。发现蚁路有白蚁时,用鸡毛轻微地刷喷“灭蚁灵”等药,使带药白蚁归巢死掉.由于巢内活白蚁有互相刷和巢内死蚁咬碎搬出巢外的习惯,这样更好地将活白蚁毒死。四、熏蒸灭白蚁。用磷化铝或磷化钙熏蒸消灭材干内白蚁群体。五、药液灌注。在找到白蚁道时,用溴氰菊脂稀释…  相似文献   

本研究对采自贵州林区中的响叶杨(Populusadenopoda Maxim)腐朽木和白蚁(Odontotermes formosanus(Shiraki))进行分离培养,分离自杨树腐朽木的产纤维素酶菌株为木霉属康宁木霉(Trichodermakoningii Oud);分离自白蚁肠的产纤维素酶菌株为芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus sp.)。对所分离的两个菌株进行滤纸降解观察与测定。所分离的菌株(Trichoderma koningii Oud.)滤纸培养30天后,有菌丝生长,培养基浑浊,滤纸呈絮状,培养7天后该菌对滤纸降解强度为7.13%(校正值)。刚果红法初步证明该菌能产纤维素酶。从白蚁肠分离的菌株(Bacillus sp.)滤纸培养15天后,滤纸呈絮状,培养基变浑浊,有细菌菌体沉积;培养7天后,对滤纸的降解强度为8.18%(校正值)。刚果红法初步证明该菌能产生纤维素酶。用五种培养基质培养芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus sp.)菌株,并测定其生长量,其中以滤纸为主要基质的培养液中,最高可检测到0.3×107cfu/ml菌株量。  相似文献   

土栖白蚁是一种隐蔽性的群栖昆虫,这给防治带来一定的困难。这类白蚁的防治,关键在于:一是要消灭整个群体;二是要控制它的扩散繁殖;三是要防患于未然而消灭隐患。认识白蚁分飞和群体的形成,对于消灭有翅成虫和成年群体具有深远的意义,我们通过三年来的野外定巢观察和解剖巢体等记录,进行综合分析,结果如下:  相似文献   

Survival and development of the dry-wood termite Cryptotermes brevis (Walker) in Berlin The infestation of museum material and furniture in a private home in Berlin by the dry-wood termiteC. brevis is described. In spite of unfavourable climatic conditions the termites could - in the first case - survive and develop for more than 5 years. Other termite introductions, ecology and economic importance of dry-wood termites are mentioned.  相似文献   

Wood samples of apitong (Dipterocarpus grandiflorua) and ilang-ilang (Ilang-Ilang C. dadloyi) and feces of termites [Cryptotermes brevis (Walker)] fed on these woods were collected from University of the Philippines, Los Baňos. Lignin of each sample was isolated by Björkman’s procedure. There was no significant difference in 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra or in the methoxyl content between Björkman lignins from original woods and termite feces. Differences were detected in the contents of aliphatic and unconjugated phenolic hydroxyl groups, suggesting minor structural changes of lignin during digestion by termites. In addition, the ratio of syringyl to guaiacyl nuclei of Björkman lignin from termite feces determined by 1H NMR spectra was higher than those from the original woods. The molar ratio of syringyl to guaiacyl nuclei of termite feces was higher than those from the original woods as determined by alkaline nitrobenzene oxidation. These results suggest that the structural changes of lignin in the termite gut are due to the insignificant formation of C-C linkages in guaiacyl nuclei. It was concluded that there were minor changes in the structural features of lignin under mostly anaerobic conditions, in contrast to the significant changes that occur through biological modification under aerobic conditions.  相似文献   


Lack of accurate tools for detecting insect infestation in timber remains a big challenge for pest management authorities. Seven non-destructive insect detection technologies were used to assess their effectiveness in detecting insect borers and termites in timber samples. These technologies were: Termatrac®; Tramex Moisture tester; Acoustic Emission Device (AED-200L®); X-ray, thermal imaging camera; a termite detector dog; and trained quarantine inspectors using standard visual inspection (VI). The timber samples of Acacia parramattensis and Acacia decurrens used for the trial were naturally infested timber branches; timber blocks inoculated with lyctine beetles; timber blocks naturally infested with termites; and un-infested controls. All timber samples used were destructively sampled at the end of the trial to confirm the presence or absence of insects. The detector dog was 100% effective in detecting natural infested termite colonies but was totally ineffective in detecting termites on artificially inoculated timber blocks. The moisture metre and the thermal image camera were 100% effective in detecting large termite colonies but ineffective in detecting other insects in dry timber samples. The effectiveness of other methods of detecting insects or termites varied considerably. The AED was 79% effective, Termatrac 70%, X-ray 40% and VI 35%. Implications of these findings for quarantine and inspection purposes are discussed.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution, abundance and assemblage of termites depend mainly on the local conditions and habitats in which they thrive. Striking differences are observed in the species richness, number of clades and functional diversity of termite assemblage between different habitats. This study aim was to examine effect of human interference in the diversity of wood destroying termite in forest areas as well as managed and unmanaged plantations in South India. Termites attacking trees and wooden logs were collected from forest areas, managed plantations and unmanaged plantations. The termites collected were identified and compared for species abundance, richness and species diversity. Results show that the species composition and species diversity of the wood destroying termites vary according to the conditions. The species diversity measures revealed that there is a significance variation among the forest fauna and plantations. The forest areas have the highest species composition compared to plantations. Species richness is high forest areas. Even though the abundance of termites are more in unmanaged plantations, there is no significant difference related to species diversity among the managed and unmanaged plantations.  相似文献   


Termite bait products that contain chitin synthesis inhibitors (CSIs) protect structures from subterranean termites via colony elimination. A hallmark of CSI baits is their dose-independent lethal time, as workers exposed to a CSI do not die until they initiate the molting process. Due to this mode of action and termite behaviors such as trophallaxis and cannibalism, a relatively small quantity of ingested CSI can spread throughout an entire colony before secondary repellency or avoidance behaviors occur, ultimately resulting in total colony elimination. In the field, only a portion of a subterranean termite colony actively forages upon a CSI bait at any given time, suggesting that only a relatively small proportion of workers may need to feed upon a CSI bait for a colony to be eliminated. In the present study, we used varying proportions of workers from whole four-year-old laboratory-reared Coptotermes gestroi (Wasmann) colonies (~?62,500 termites/colony on average) to determine what proportion of workers need to feed upon a CSI bait in order to achieve colony elimination. A range of 0% (control), 0.5%, 1%, 2.5%, and 5% of the total worker population of colonies was allowed to feed on a formulated 0.5% noviflumuron bait for five days before being returned to their colonies. Colony elimination was observed for all 5%-fed and four out of six 2.5%-fed colonies by 107 days after CSI exposure. Our results confirm that only a small subset of the worker population of a colony must feed upon a CSI bait to achieve subterranean termite colony elimination.


绍兴市古树名木白蚁危害现状及防治对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对绍兴市6县(市、区)古树名木白蚁危害情况的调查,查明危害古树名木的白蚁3科6种,其中黑翅土白蚁和黄翅大白蚁是优势种;古树名木受害率达25.1%以上;分析了易受白蚁危害的树种及古树名木受白蚁严重危害的原因;提出了相应的防治措施。  相似文献   

Wood-feeding termites have evolved an efficient cellulose-decomposing system. The termite has two independent cellulose-digesting systems: one in the midgut and the other in the hindgut. Because the digestion system in the midgut should be the sole source of soluble sugars for the host termite, the details of the decomposition of wood particles in the midgut were clarified in one of the most common pest species, Coptotermes formosanus. The spatial distribution of cellulase in the midgut was found by immunohistochemistry, and the amount of endogenous cellulases and the volume of the endoperitrophic space were determined. The size of wood particles in the foregut and the midgut were compared. The results showed that one of the characteristics of wood degradation by termites is the mechanical grinding of food by the mandibles and the cuticular apparatus of the foregut. This process greatly increases the surface area of the substrates. Extremely high concentrations of cellulase attack the ground-up wood in the midgut, and the glucose produced is removed quickly through the peritrophic membrane.  相似文献   

大家白蚁是东南亚地区危害活树的危险性白蚁,繁殖快、危害重、防治难,能对南洋杉、椰子、咖啡、橡胶树等多种珍贵树木造成严重损害,因此被我国列为二类检疫对象。另外,依照风险分析原则,斯奈德楹白蚁、爪泰乳白蚁和曲剑乳白蚁等在我国尚未发生但有传入可能的种类同样具有高度危险性。  相似文献   

环保型药饵剂防治园林树木白蚁的效能试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过26种树木的不同提取液室内制剂筛选试验,从中筛选出灭蚁活性较强的树木提取液,分别配制9种单剂,在小型试验基础上优选配方,结合植物资源等因素,研制成环保型灭白蚁药饵剂。用该药饵剂在厦门、福州的公园中进行防治树木白蚁的药效试验,结果表明:处理后2~3个月平均防治效果为97%~100%,防治效果显著。  相似文献   

整理采自甘肃膜翅目叶蜂科叶蜂亚科小臀叶蜂属等5属叶蜂标本总计226号,经鉴定分为5属25种。其中:小臀叶蜂属1种、侧跗叶蜂属13种、凹唇叶蜂属1种、合背叶蜂属9种、壮并叶蜂属1种;包括6科学新种:短突小臀叶蜂、棒角侧跗叶蜂、普通侧跗叶蜂、朱氏侧跗叶蜂、侧跗叶蜂、开室凹唇叶蜂,2新亚种:环丽侧跗叶蜂黑股亚种、宝岛合背叶蜂红鳞亚种;5甘肃新记录种(含3亚种)和12已知种(含5亚种)。  相似文献   

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