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Yang ZD  Feng JK  Ren AM 《Inorganic chemistry》2008,47(23):10841-10850
In this paper, we have theoretically investigated bis((4-phenylethynyl)phenyl) ethynyl)bis(trimethylphosphine)platinum(II) (PE2) and its analogs three platinum acetylide complexes (1-3) that feature highly pi-conjugated ligands (alkynyl-dimethylfluorene substituted with electron-donating or -withdrawing moieties). The geometrical and electronic structures are calculated at the ECP60MWB//6-31G*(H, C, P, N, S) basis set level by the density functional theory (DFT) method; one-photon absorption properties have been calculated by using time-dependent DFT (TDDFT) and Zerner's intermediate neglect of differential overlap (ZINDO) methods, and two-photon absorption (TPA) properties are obtained with the ZINDO/sum-over-states method. The values of beta(sp) and beta(d) for Pt are adjusted to -1 eV and -28.5 eV, respectively, to make one-photon absorption spectra calculated by ZINDO closest to the experimental data and TDDFT results. The calculated results indicate that all molecules in this work (involving cis isomers of molecules 1-3) take on two TPA peaks in the 600-800 nm region. The peak at 700-750 nm should not be simply attributed to the appearance of noncentrosymmetric cis isomers in solution, although trans and cis isomers adhere to a different selection rule. Every TPA peak results from its transition character. Molecules 1-3 show greater two-photon absorption strength compared with PE2 and retain good transparency.  相似文献   

Graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) have attracted increasing attention due to high potentiality in nanoelectronics. In the present study, quantum-chemical calculations of structural and nonlinear optical properties have been first carried out for the nanoelectronical materials, a new series of ladder-type N-annulated quaterrylenes and their imide chromophores. The effects of the solvent, terminal groups, the number of N-annulated bridges, and π-conjugated length are discussed in detail. The solvent effect is significant on the one-photon absorption (OPA). Moreover, the OPA and two-photon absorption (TPA) properties of the two series of DI and N-MI molecules show a clear solvent dependence, which is attributed to the carboximide substitution featuring larger polarization. Introducing electron-donating groups and dicarboximides and increasing the conjugated length lead to red-shifts of the OPA, emission, and TPA spectra, lower emission lifetimes, and enhanced TPA cross sections (δ(max)), but further extension of the conjugated framework does not always promote an increase of δ(max). The changing trends of δ(max) can be explained by the transition moment and the intramolecular charge transfer. All N-annulated quaterrylene and their imide derivatives possess small energy gaps, intense near-infrared absorption and emission, and large δ(max), which are important for use as two-photon fluorescent labeling materials.  相似文献   

We report a comprehensive time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) study of one-photon and two-photon absorption (OPA and TPA, respectively) spectra for donor-pi-acceptor molecules. The calculated excitation energies were generally shown to be in good agreement with experiment, particularly when compared to results from measurements carried out in a nonpolar solvent, although the oscillator strengths were overestimated in some cases. Calculated TPA cross sections applying the two-state approximation were shown to be highly dependent on the form of the line-shape function used. Although a good agreement with experimental TPA spectra was generally observed, the wide range in the experimentally measured values and lack of systematic experimental data on solvent effects limited a detailed comparison as yet.  相似文献   

The geometrical structure, electronic structure, one-photon absorption (OPA) properties of pyrene and its derivatives have been theoretically studied by using density functional theory (DFT) method and Zerner’s intermediate neglect of differential overlap (ZINDO) methods, and their two-photon absorption (TPA) properties are calculated by the ZINDO/sum-over-states method. The results show that introducing donor groups to pyrene molecule, increasing the number of donor groups, extending the conjugated length, or forming circular conjugated dimer can increase the oscillator strength (f) in the TPA process and ultimately result in extremely large TPA cross-sections and strong OPA around 400 nm of pyrene derivatives. All these results give us some basic principles to design pyrene derivatives with large TPA cross-sections. This shed light into the significance of the pyrene derivatives as promising fluorescent probes in biochemistry when they were linked to some special recognizing groups.  相似文献   

The possibility to exploit a bottom-up approach to design and synthesize multichromophoric structures from a single molecular unit is strategic for the targeted synthesis of molecular compounds with well defined linear and nonlinear absorption properties. In this view, it is important to be able to predict the properties of multichromophoric units, based on the knowledge of the properties of the individual chromophores and their mutual arrangement. To this end, we present a combined experimental and theoretical study on 4-(para-di-n-butylaminostyryl)-pyridine, a push-pull molecule, and its dimer, 4,4'-bis(para-di-n-butylaminostyryl)-2,2'-bipyridine, formed by connecting the two pyridine groups into a bipyridine structure. One photon absorption and fluorescence spectra are measured in solvents of different polarity, and two-photon absorption spectra are recorded in dichloromethane. Experimental results are compared with results of TDDFT (Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory) and CIS (Configuration Interaction with Single excitation) methods implemented in the Gaussian03 program suite. An essential-state analysis of optical spectra is used to rationalize the observed behavior.  相似文献   

To explore the photophysics of platinum acetylide chromophores with strong two-photon absorption cross-sections, we have investigated the synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of a series of platinum acetylide complexes that feature highly pi-conjugated ligands substituted with pi-donor or -acceptor moieties. The molecules (numbered 1-4) considered in the present work are analogs of bis(phenylethynyl)bis(tributylphosphine)platinum(II) complexes. Molecule 1 carries two alkynyl-benzothiazolylfluorene ligands, and molecule 2 has two alkynyl-diphenylaminofluorene ligands bound to the central platinum atom. Compounds 3 and 4 possess two dihexylaminophenyl substituents at their ends and differ by the number of platinum atoms in the oligomer "core" (one vs two in 3 and 4, respectively). The ligands have strong effective two-photon absorption cross-sections, while the heavy metal platinum centers give rise to efficient intersystem crossing to long-lived triplet states. Ultrafast transient absorption and emission spectra demonstrate that one-photon excitation of the chromophores produces an S1 state delocalized across the two conjugated ligands, with weak (excitonic) coupling through the platinum centers. Intersystem crossing occurs rapidly (Kisc approximately 1011 s-1) to produce the T1 state, which is possibly localized on a single conjugated fluorenyl ligand. The triplet state is strongly absorbing (epsilonTT > 5 x 104 M-1 cm-1), and it is very long-lived (tau > 100 micro s). Femtosecond pulses were used to characterize the two-photon absorption properties of the complexes, and all of the chromophores are relatively efficient two-photon absorbers in the visible and near-infrared region of the spectrum (600-800 nm). The complexes exhibit maximum two-photon absorption at a shorter wavelength than 2lambda for the one-photon band, consistent with the dominant two-photon transition arising from a two-photon-allowed gerade-gerade transition. Nanosecond transient absorption experiments carried out on several of the complexes with excitation at 803 nm confirm that the long-lived triplet state can be produced efficiently via a sequence involving two-photon excitation to produce S1, followed by intersystem crossing to produce T1.  相似文献   

The electronic structures, one-photon absorption (OPA), and two-photon absorption (TPA) properties of a series of ferrocene-based chromophores with TCF-type acceptors (TCF = 2-dicyanomethylene-3-cyano-4-methyl-2,5-dihydrofuran) have been studied by using the ZINDO-SOS method. The results have revealed that OPA and TPA of ferrocenyl derivatives are affected by the strength of the acceptor, especially the pi-bridge conjugation length. The TPA cross section increases with increasing acceptor strength and pi-bridge conjugation length. The TCF-type acceptor with a phenyl group can lead to a larger TPA cross section. Quadrupole molecules have the largest TPA cross sections (2000-3000 GM), which are about 4 times that of the corresponding dipolar molecules, indicating larger interactions between the top and bottom branches. Finally, the origins of the two-photon excitations for ferrocenyl derivatives are analyzed. The calculations show that ferrocenyl derivatives with TCF-type acceptors (especially quadrupole molecules) are promising candidates for TPA materials.  相似文献   

Two-photon absorption properties of a series of donor-acceptor chromophores of tetraalkylammonium halide/carbon tetrabromide ([NR4h.CBr4], h = Cl, Br, I; R = Me, Et, Pr) complexes are investigated in terms of the calculated results by the time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) technique combined with the sum-over-states (SOS) method. The modeling two-photon absorption spectra show that these charge-transfer complexes have large two-photon absorption (TPA) cross sections and the [NEt4I.CBr4] has the largest TPA cross section delta with the value of 5.0 x 10(-45) cm4 s photon(-1). The maximum values of delta increase with increasing separations between the donor/acceptor in the order Cl...Br < Br...Br < I...Br for [NEt4h.CBr4] complexes; however, the TPA cross sections delta vary slightly as the size of the alkyl group increases from methyl to propyl for the bromide as a donor, and the maximum wavelength of the TPA peak lambdamax indicates a bathochromic shift. The charge transfers from the halide anion to the carbon tetrabromide make a significant contribution to the excited states, and the donor-acceptor charge transfer plays an important role in the TPA activity, whereas changes in size of alkyl group do not make a substantial contribution to TPA.  相似文献   

Branched macromolecular structures are now an important area of research for enhanced two-photon absorption (TPA) cross sections. The mechanism of this enhancement has been suggested as a complex interplay between intramolecular interactions and the extent of charge-transfer character in the branches. In order to probe these processes more clearly, excited-state dynamics of multibranched chromophores by means of femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy are reported. Investigations have been carried out on the PRL dye series (PRL-101, PRL-501, PRL-701), which have shown cooperative enhancement of the TPA cross section. Upon photoexcitation, transient absorption measurements have shown the presence of a localized charge-transfer (intramolecular charge transfer, ICT) state independent of branching. The results point to ultrafast localization of charge in this particular system of chromophores. Pump-probe measurements in highly polar solvents have shown the presence of a nonemissive charge-transfer state which is a solvent stabilized and conformationally relaxed state. The population of this nonemissive state increases from monomer to trimer, and thus, it has been used as indicator of the polar nature of the Franck-Condon state. These results have shown an increase of charge-transfer character of the excited state with an increase in branching, and this explains the relative increase in the two-photon cross section of the PRL series.  相似文献   

We have determined the π band‐gaps of the main carotenoids present in poly(methyl)methacrylate/buriti blends, namely, trans‐β‐carotene, 13‐cis‐β‐carotene, 9‐cis‐β‐carotene, phytofluene, and zeaxanthin. Semiempirical, model Hamiltonian, and density functional calculations were carried out to study these structures. The geometries were fully optimized using AM1, PM3, and B3LYP/6‐31G(d,p) methods. The TD‐DFT and ZINDO/S methods were applied for the calculation of the electronic absorption spectra of the optimized B3LYP geometries. The calculated spectra using the polarizable continuum model for the solvent effects were compared with the available experimental. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Quantum Chem, 2009  相似文献   

The synthesis and the characterization of triphenylbenzene-cored dendrimers of first- and second-generation are described. Their absorption, photoluminescence as well as their two-photon absorption properties have been investigated and compared to a quadrupolar counterpart. These molecules combine wide transparency in the visible range and high two-photon absorption cross-sections that increase with the generation, making these dendrimers promising systems for optical power limiting applications.  相似文献   

Wei P  Bi X  Wu Z  Xu Z 《Organic letters》2005,7(15):3199-3202
[structure: see text]. A new series of dendritic two-photon absorbing chromophores containing triphenylamine moiety as a core or branching points have been synthesized through a convergent synthetic strategy. One-photon and two-photon optical properties of these molecules were characterized. In the nanosecond time domain, these molecules exhibited large two-photon absorption (TPA) cross sections up to 7.56-12.2 x 10(-44) s cm(4) at 800 nm, indicating that these molecular structures were viable candidates for various two-photon related applications.  相似文献   

We report one- and two-photon absorption excitation energies and cross sections for a series of 7-aminocoumarins using time-dependent density functional theory with various basis sets and functionals, including exchange-correlation functionals using the Coulomb-attenuating method, to evaluate their performance in the gas phase and in solvents. Except for the results of one functional, the computed one-photon excitation energies and transition dipole moments are in good agreement with experiment. The range of errors obtained from various functionals is discussed in detail. The relationship of donor and acceptor groups with the one- and two-photon resonances and intensities is also discussed.  相似文献   

We have theoretically investigated a series of multiply N-confused porphyrins and their Zn or Cu complexes for the first time by using DFT(B3LYP/6-31G*) and ZINDO/SOS methods. The electronic structure, one-photon absorption (OPA), and two-photon absorption (TPA) properties have been studied in detail. The calculated results indicate that the OPA spectra of multiply N-confused porphyrins are red-shifted and the OPA intensities decrease compared to normal porphyrin. The maximum two photon absorption wavelengths lambda(max) are blue-shifted and the TPA cross sections delta(max) are increased 22.7-112.1 GM when the N atoms one by one are inverted from core to beta position to form multiply N-confused porphyrins. Especially delta(max) of N3CP get to 164.7 GM. The electron donors -C6F5s at meso-position can make the TPA cross section delta(max) increase. After forming metal complexes with Cu or Zn, the TPA properties of multiply N-confused porphyrins are further increased except for N3CP, N4CP. Our theoretical findings demonstrate that the multiply N-confused prophyrins as well as their metal complexes and derivatives are promising molecules that can be assembled series of materials with large TPA cross section, and are sure to be the subject of further investigation.  相似文献   

The molecular equilibrium structures, electronic structures, and one- and two-photon absorption (TPA) properties of C2v (Zn(II), Fe(II) and Cu(I)) dipolar and D2d (Zn(II) and Cu(I)) and D3 (Zn(II)) octupolar metal complexes featuring different functionalized bipyridyl ligands have been studied by the ZINDO-SOS method. The calculated results show that one- and two-photon absorption properties of metal complexes are strongly influenced by the nature of the ligands (donor end groups and pi linkers) and metal ions as well as by the symmetry of the complexes. The length of the pi-conjugated backbone, the Lewis acidity of the metal ions, and the increase of ligand-to-metal ratio result in a substantial enhancement of the TPA cross sections of metal complexes. Substitution of C=N and N=N for C=C plays an important role in altering the maximum TPA wavelengths and the maximum TPA cross sections of metal complexes. Of them, the C=N substituted metal complexes have relatively large TPA cross sections. Replacing styryl with thienylvinyl makes the one-photon absorption wavelength red shift and at the same time leads to a great decrease of the maximum TPA cross sections of metal complexes. The possible reason is discussed. In the range 500-1250 nm, octupolar metal complexes exhibit intense TPAs and therefore are promising candidates for TPA materials.  相似文献   

Three new two-photon absorption chromophores based on a pyrimidine core were synthesized by Aldol condensation in the absence of any organic solvents. Their single-photon spectroscopic characterization as well as their two-photon absorption properties is reported. In addition, strong modulation of single-photon and two-photon fluorescent spectra of these molecules by (de)protonation is also discussed.  相似文献   

We present a theory of two-photon absorption that addresses the formation of spectral shapes taking the vibrational degrees of freedom into account. The theory is used to rationalize the observed differences between the spectral shapes of one- and two-photon absorption. We find that the main cause of these differences is that the two-step and coherent two-photon spectral bands are different even considering a single final state. Our formalism is applied to the N101 molecule (p-nitro-p'-diphenylamine stilbene), which was recently studied experimentally. Simulations show that the two-step two-photon electrovibrational absorption results in a blue shift of the absorption spectrum in agreement with the measurements.  相似文献   

A series of star-shaped octupolar triazatruxenes (TATs, 1-6) with intramolecular "push-pull" structure were synthesized and their photophysical properties have been systematically investigated. These chromophores showed obvious solvatochromic effect, i.e., significant bathochromic shift of the emission spectra and larger Stokes shifts were observed in more polar solvents mainly due to photoinduced intramolecular charge transfer (ICT). The two-photon absorption (2PA) cross-section values were determined by two-photon excited fluorescence (2PEF) measurements in toluene and THF. These chromophores exhibited large two-photon absorption cross-sections ranging from 280 to 1620 GM in the near-infrared (NIR) region. Compound 6 showed the largest 2PA action cross-section (σ(2)Φ) of 564 GM and could be a potential two-photon fluorescent (2PF) probe. In addition, compounds 1-6 all displayed good thermal stability and photostability.  相似文献   

A series of organic- and water-soluble distyrylbenzene-based two-photon absorption (TPA) fluorophores containing dialkylamino donor groups at the termini was designed, synthesized, and characterized. The central core was systematically substituted to modulate intramolecular charge transfer (ICT). These molecules allow an examination of solvent effects on the TPA cross section (delta) and on the TPA action cross section. In toluene, the delta values follow the order of ICT strength. The effect of solvent on delta is nonmonotonic: maximum delta was measured in an intermediate polarity solvent (THF) and was lowest in water. We failed to find a correlation between the observed solvent effect and previous theoretical predictions. Hydrogen bonding to the donor groups and aggregation of the optical units in water, which are not included in calculational analysis, may be responsible for the discrepancies between experimental results and theory.  相似文献   

The two-photon absorption (TPA) cross-sections of a series of bifluorene molecules with different substituents (constructing three types of structures D–π–D, A–π–A and D–π–A) were calculated using ZINDO/SOS program. The results showed that the A–π–A structure with strong substituent-nitro had the largest TPA cross-section for these molecules. To verify the results, we analyzed the charge quantity of the ground and the main excited states as well as the frontier orbitals of the investigated molecules. The equilibrium geometries were obtained with AM1 method, and using ZINDO-SOS to calculate the third-order nonlinearities of the molecules, then gained the TPA cross-sections. We found that for the compounds with bifluorene as π center, the donor and acceptor strength are the important factor for the enhancement of the TPA properties, and compared with molecules with fluorene as π center, the large TPA cross-sections of bifluorene are caused by coupling effects between the two monomers.  相似文献   

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