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薛媛 《包装世界》2021,(3):88-89
随着我国教育技术的不断优化与革新,教学水平有了质的飞跃.在新时代背景下,高校教育事业备受人们的关注.高校视觉传达专业设计色彩作为一门基础课程,能够推动艺术领域的发展与完善,当前,我国设计色彩行业的发展速度较快,许多学生对其产生了浓厚的学习兴趣.为了保证教学质量,满足学生的艺术追求并保证艺术领域的创新发展,高校需要积极创新教学方法,推动设计色彩课程不断改革与完善.本篇文章主要叙述设计色彩课程教学现状以及应用型高校视觉传达专业设计色彩课程教学改革的主要策略.  相似文献   

吴晓媚 《上海包装》2024,(1):231-233
人机工程学是环境设计专业的一门综合性强且与专业课程联系紧密的基础课程,但其现行的传统教学方式已无法满足学生的学习需求。从环境设计专业的教学要求出发,结合课程教学实践,分析现有教学情况,研究体验式教学方法在课程教学中的应用,以期对提升学生的学习效果、提高课程教学质量具有促进作用。  相似文献   

张萌  奉涛 《包装世界》2016,(6):64-65
目前国内开设视觉传达设计专业的院系及求学人员数量众多,海报设计课程又是视觉传达设计专业教学进程表中的高年级专业设计课,是比较有难度的一门课程。文章通过分析学生在学习过程中一味地模仿成熟设计师风格的设计作品所导致的后果以及由此陷入的误区,并倡导给予学生更多的正确引导和启发。  相似文献   

产品设计程序与方法(产品设计1)课程设计作品赏析产品设计程序与方法(产品设计1)课程是工业设计专业的主干课程:通过对本门课程的理论学习和课题设计实践,使学生牢固地掌握产  相似文献   

本文力求通过素描和色彩课程设计来解决设计专业学生的造型和色彩分析能力。通过两学期训练,能满足今后专业课的造型和色彩要求。使学生逐步从传统观察和表现方法,转变到设计思维训练和设计形式的表现。让形服务于色,提出具体的课程方案,从而解决之前基础课与专业课程之间相关性较弱的问题,使学生学习目的更加明确。  相似文献   

曾筝  喻曦 《包装世界》2021,(5):81-82
在高校教育教学中,信息资源管理课程是信息管理与信息系统专业学习中的一门非常重要的课程,在学生专业学习中发挥着承上启下的重要作用.在实践教学中,学生要想学好信息资源管理这门课程并不容易,因为该门课程具有较强的理论性和抽象性,包含着众多的概念与原理知识,对很多学生来说都具有一定的学习难度,很大程度上挫伤了学生学习的兴趣和积极性.在"新工科"背景下,针对这种情况,教师要引起重视,开展积极的课程教学改革探索,寻找有效的教学模式和教学方法,推动信息资源管理课程教学质量和教学效率的提高.  相似文献   

在设计领域,跨界思维是现在最热门的话题之一。现代高校非首饰专业在教学大纲中,之所以设置《首饰设计》这门课程,也有通过学科跨界学习,达到不同专业领域知识的碰撞与融合的教学目的。文章在材料与工艺方面,阐述了如何因材施教,对非首饰专业的学生进行有成效的《首饰设计》课程教学。  相似文献   

沙彪 《包装世界》2012,(2):61-63
本文以色彩的历史发展入手,通过中国高校色彩课程概况的阐述,从课程的目的要求、专业区别、课程关系与设置、动画专业特点、学生学习背景等角度进行剖析,并在动画专业的语境下,比较分析水粉、油画和水彩等三种色彩课程训练手段之间的优缺,阐明水彩适合动画专业基础阶段色彩教学体系的建构与完善,因而要重视动画专业中水彩教学的应用与研究。  相似文献   

全国部分院校正向应用技术型转变,一些高校对设计类专业课程作了调整,基础课程的教学也急需改革。如何在《设计色彩》课程的教学中,结合视觉传达设计专业的人才培养目标,将基础课训练与专业课要求紧密对接,具有较强的现实意义。笔者根据多年的教学实践经验,提出按照"变调训练在《设计色彩》课程教学中的运用"、"装饰色彩在《设计色彩》课程教学中的切入"、"创意色彩在《设计色彩》训练中的结合"三个阶段进行训练。这将有效提高学生的色彩表达、色彩创意和色彩审美能力,文中的一些理念及方法也对高校从事设计基础课程教学的同行具有借鉴和参考价值。  相似文献   

段雅芹 《工业设计》2011,(11):111+115-111,115
《人机工程学是》工业设计专业一门重要的基础课。针对独立院校设计专业学生理论水平较弱的普遍现象,对本课程的教学内容、教学方法和教学手段等进行了探索、改革。以期能引导学生主动学习人机工程学,培养学生的创新设计实践能力。  相似文献   

A learning community was developed to enhance the teamwork and communication components of a freshman design course. The learning community was comprised of students from a freshman design course, a freshman graphics course, and a high school technology course. Design teams were formed by combining three to four students from each of these courses. These teams were required to research, design, build, and test a specified product. The high school and university students communicated only using e‐mails and Internet conferencing. This paper outlines how the learning community is implemented, describes three design projects, and presents the assessment methods. Assessment reveals that university students who participate in the learning community have a better understanding and confidence in the technical aspects of the design project than the students who do not participate in the learning community. It also reveals that high school participants display notable interest in the engineering design process.  相似文献   

Calls for engineers to communicate more effectively are ubiquitous, and engineering education literature includes numerous examples of assignments and courses that integrate writing and speaking with technical content. However, little of this literature examines in detail how engineering students develop communication skills and how those learning mechanisms influence classroom practice. To address this gap, this article synthesizes research on communication learning in college from the fields of composition and technical communication and illustrates its relevance to the engineering classroom with a case study of a capstone design course. The principles of situated learning and activity theory, in particular, provide strong evidence that the ways in which course instructors and students interact around communication tasks play a significant role in helping students develop transferable communication skills.  相似文献   

The Engineering Design Research Center (EDRC) at Carnegie Mellon University has created a two-semester design course that integrates research and education through industrially-sponsored design projects. Over the six semesters that the course has been taught, teams of undergraduate and graduate students have designed and fabricated five new generations of wearable computers. These computers have been delivered to industrial and government customers for use. The Wearable Computer Design course at the EDRC is cross-disciplinary and inter-departmental, drawing students from four colleges in nine disciplines including five engineering departments (chemical engineering, civil and environmental engineering, electrical and computer engineering, mechanical engineering, and engineering and public policy), architecture, computer science, industrial administration and industrial design. Students in this course learn about design theory and practice, participate in research, and successfully deliver products to sponsors. The students are exposed to the design cycle from concept, to multi-disciplinary design tradeoffs, to manufacturing, and finally to customer satisfaction and user feedback. This class also serves as a testbed for learning about the needs of a multi-disciplinary design team, for anticipating the needs of geographically-distributed design teams, for reflecting on the interplay between product design and design process, and for evaluating the design tools and design methodologies that have been developed at the EDRC.  相似文献   

The fluid jetster is a water-powered, wheeled vehicle designed, constructed, and tested by students in a fluid mechanics course in the Civil Engineering (CE) curriculum at Oregon State University during the junior year. Students design and build a fluid jetster powered solely by water from a reservoir connected to a nozzle and mounted on a wheeled platform. The project includes both theoretical and experimental design requirements. This project provides a significant learning opportunity for students to apply the fundamental principles of fluid mechanics, to compare both Lagrangian and Eulerian dynamics, to work with peers, and to experience the connections between theory and design applications.  相似文献   

Using multiple quantitative and qualitative methods to examine engineering design learning, we found that students taking a course in engineering design and/or studying engineering for four years acquired engineering design language that is common to a larger community of practice as well as common to their own programs and institutions of higher learning. The study also suggests that engineering design language shapes the knowledge that students have about engineering design. Finally, students did not always put their design knowledge into practice, suggesting the need for educational improvements and research to bridge this gap.  相似文献   

The Myers‐Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI) was administered to a group of 116 students taking the introductory chemical engineering course at North Carolina State University. That course and four subsequent chemical engineering courses were taught in a manner that emphasized active and cooperative learning and inductive presentation of course material. Type differences in various academic performance measures and attitudes were noted as the students progressed through the curriculum. The observations were generally consistent with the predictions of type theory, and the experimental instructional approach appeared to improve the performance of MBTI types (extraverts, sensors, and feelers) found in previous studies to be disadvantaged in the engineering curriculum. The conclusion is that the MBTI is a useful tool for helping engineering instructors and advisors to understand their students and to design instruction that can benefit all of them.  相似文献   

A new way of assessing student learning in an aerodynamics course through the use of portfolios is presented. The approach is portable to any engineering course, with a few modifications depending on content. The main idea is to allow students more responsibility for their own learning. Instead of having everyone in the class perform identical activities (homework, experiments, projects, tests, etc.), a cadre of assignments is made available to them. Students choose and perform (within reason) the ones that suit them better in terms of their own strengths and learning styles. The ultimate goal is for each student to demonstrate a minimum level of competence in analytical, computational, experimental, design, communication, and team skills, while pursuing excellence in at least one from the first four categories. The paper describes the various assignments and options the students have for achieving the learning objectives of the course. It also discusses my observations on the effects of this approach to student learning, the impact on faculty time, and the response from the students. The results from the first two offerings of the course with portfolios show promise for improving student motivation and learning.  相似文献   

Using a qualitative research design and an anthropological theory of learning, I studied a sophomore design class to investigate how teams of women and men student engineers acquired and shared scientific and technical knowledge while developing solutions to real-world problems for government and industry clients. The course provided a forum where women and men students not only learned technical information critical to their project, but also learned how to function as engineers on a team. The design class improved some women students' experiences, but these opportunities did not exist for all women in the class or in all settings on the campus. In spite of its notable successes, some facets of the organization of the course, its implementation by the faculty, and students' beliefs that their work was “basically useless” detracted from collaborative aims. These findings suggest classroom practices to create and maintain an environment where all students can participate and learn.  相似文献   

对远程学习中的交互设计进行分析。以远程学习中的交互层次理论为基础,结合设计学中的情感化设计理念,通过理论逻辑梳理以及中小学远程学习的案例分析展开研究。整合出一个远程学习情感化交互设计框架,并在此基础上将教育理论与设计理论相结合,提出了4个远程学习过程中的情感化交互设计原则。疫情之下,远程学习成为了学习的主要方式之一,而远程学习教与学时空分离的特点,强调了情感化设计在远程学习交互设计中的重要性,体现了学科交叉与设计创新的特点。通过一个中小学远程学习的实证案例分析,结合情感化设计的3个层次,明晰在远程学习交互设计中除了应从学习的角度考虑学生的认知需求外,更应通过交互设计的不断改进满足远程学习者的情感需求,创造知情合一的远程学习体验。  相似文献   

This article explores challenges involved in developing effective and workable models for engineering education that emphasize the development of student cognitive skills over the delivery of specific course content. It chronicles efforts to systematically design engineering learning environments based on cognitive and learning science studies and then to optimize those environments through “design‐based research.” It follows the evolutionary trajectory of curricular design efforts over four years using Problem‐based Learning (PBL) in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Tech, elucidating the activities, mistakes, realizations and the progressive refinements instituted towards the development of learning theory in the context of biomedical engineering. It argues for the need to scaffold students in the development of model‐based reasoning throughout the engineering curricula.  相似文献   

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