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针对隐私保护中数据隐私量和数据效用的量化问题,基于度量空间和范数基本原理提出了一种结构化数据隐私与数据效用度量模型。首先,给出数据数值化处理方法,将数据表转变为矩阵进行运算;其次,引入隐私偏好函数,度量敏感属性随时间的变化;然后,分析隐私保护模型,量化隐私保护技术产生的变化;最后,构建度量空间,给出了隐私量、数据效用和隐私保护程度计算式。通过实例分析,该度量模型能够有效反映隐私信息量。  相似文献   

This paper presents an algorithm which learns a distance metric from a data set by knowledge embedding and uses the new distance metric to solve nonlinear pattern recognition problems such a clustering.  相似文献   

吕亚丽  苗钧重  胡玮昕 《计算机应用》2020,40(12):3430-3436
大多基于图的半监督学习方法,在样本间相似性度量时没有用到已有的和标签传播过程中得到的标签信息,同时,其度量方式相对固定,不能有效度量出分布结构复杂多样的数据样本间的相似性。针对上述问题,提出了基于标签进行度量学习的图半监督学习算法。首先,给定样本间相似性的度量方式,从而构建相似度矩阵。然后,基于相似度矩阵进行标签传播,筛选出k个低熵样本作为新确定的标签信息。最后,充分利用所有标签信息更新相似性度量方式,重复迭代优化直至学出所有标签信息。所提算法不仅利用标签信息改进了样本间相似性的度量方式,而且充分利用中间结果降低了半监督学习对标签数据的需求量。在6个真实数据集上的实验结果表明,该算法在超过95%的情况下相较三种传统的基于图的半监督学习算法取得了更高的分类准确率。  相似文献   

吕亚丽  苗钧重  胡玮昕 《计算机应用》2005,40(12):3430-3436
大多基于图的半监督学习方法,在样本间相似性度量时没有用到已有的和标签传播过程中得到的标签信息,同时,其度量方式相对固定,不能有效度量出分布结构复杂多样的数据样本间的相似性。针对上述问题,提出了基于标签进行度量学习的图半监督学习算法。首先,给定样本间相似性的度量方式,从而构建相似度矩阵。然后,基于相似度矩阵进行标签传播,筛选出k个低熵样本作为新确定的标签信息。最后,充分利用所有标签信息更新相似性度量方式,重复迭代优化直至学出所有标签信息。所提算法不仅利用标签信息改进了样本间相似性的度量方式,而且充分利用中间结果降低了半监督学习对标签数据的需求量。在6个真实数据集上的实验结果表明,该算法在超过95%的情况下相较三种传统的基于图的半监督学习算法取得了更高的分类准确率。  相似文献   

Classic linear dimensionality reduction (LDR) methods, such as principal component analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA), are known not to be robust against outliers. Following a systematic analysis of the multi-class LDR problem in a unified framework, we propose a new algorithm, called minimal distance maximization (MDM), to address the non-robustness issue. The principle behind MDM is to maximize the minimal between-class distance in the output space. MDM is formulated as a semi-definite program (SDP), and its dual problem reveals a close connection to “weighted” LDR methods. A soft version of MDM, in which LDA is subsumed as a special case, is also developed to deal with overlapping centroids. Finally, we drop the homoscedastic Gaussian assumption made in MDM by extending it in a non-parametric way, along with a gradient-based convex approximation algorithm to significantly reduce the complexity of the original SDP. The effectiveness of our proposed methods are validated on two UCI datasets and two face datasets.  相似文献   

Most existing semi-supervised clustering algorithms are not designed for handling high-dimensional data. On the other hand, semi-supervised dimensionality reduction methods may not necessarily improve the clustering performance, due to the fact that the inherent relationship between subspace selection and clustering is ignored. In order to mitigate the above problems, we present a semi-supervised clustering algorithm using adaptive distance metric learning (SCADM) which performs semi-supervised clustering and distance metric learning simultaneously. SCADM applies the clustering results to learn a distance metric and then projects the data onto a low-dimensional space where the separability of the data is maximized. Experimental results on real-world data sets show that the proposed method can effectively deal with high-dimensional data and provides an appealing clustering performance.  相似文献   

Li  Xiaocui  Yin  Hongzhi  Zhou  Ke  Zhou  Xiaofang 《World Wide Web》2020,23(2):781-798
World Wide Web - As a common technology in social network, clustering has attracted lots of research interest due to its high performance, and many clustering methods have been presented. The most...  相似文献   

正则路径查询是一种应用正则表达式在图数据上进行查询的技术,通常利用有限状态自动机实现查询匹配。现有正则路径查询方法的匹配结果为顶点对的序列,未能充分保留图的结构,为了解决这一问题,提出了一种面向图数据的结构化正则路径查询方法,通过在不同的序列间加以结构化约束,使得查询结果由路径转变为子图。为了实现这一目的,首先定义了一种结构化的正则路径查询语言,并设计了结构化的查询解析以及基于此结构的匹配算法。实验在模拟数据集和真实数据集上进行了测试与分析,验证了网络规模对查询速度的影响,并设置了对照实验。实验结果表明,提出方法能够在保证满足正则表达式约束的前提下实现结构化查询。  相似文献   

We address the problem of metric learning for multi-view data. Many metric learning algorithms have been proposed, most of them focus just on single view circumstances, and only a few deal with multi-view data. In this paper, motivated by the co-training framework, we propose an algorithm-independent framework, named co-metric, to learn Mahalanobis metrics in multi-view settings. In its implementation, an off-the-shelf single-view metric learning algorithm is used to learn metrics in individual views of a few labeled examples. Then the most confidently-labeled examples chosen from the unlabeled set are used to guide the metric learning in the next loop. This procedure is repeated until some stop criteria are met. The framework can accommodate most existing metric learning algorithms whether types-of-side-information or example-labels are used. In addition it can naturally deal with semi-supervised circumstances under more than two views. Our comparative experiments demonstrate its competiveness and effectiveness.  相似文献   

现有多视角图学习方法主要建立在数据具有较好完备性的前提假设下,没有充分地考虑由于特征缺失引起的不完备数据的学习问题.针对此问题,提出一种不完备数据的多视角图学习方法.一方面,从局部视角内将数据重建和图学习放入同一框架,通过不完备数据补偿,实现从重建数据中学习视角专属的近邻关系,弥补特征缺失对数据分布的影响.另一方面,为了保持近邻图的二维结构,引入张量分析,从全局角度构造基于多视角的融合图学习约束,捕获缺失数据下视角间图结构的高阶潜在关联性.框架交替的优化数据重建、视角专属图学习和融合张量图结构学习,使其在迭代中相互促进,有效提高模型对不完备多视角数据的学习能力.将所提出的方法应用于两类不完备数据的多视角聚类实验,其结果表明所提出方法在多项性能指标和鲁棒性方面均优于当前主流的多视角聚类方法.  相似文献   

Approaches to distance metric learning (DML) for Mahalanobis distance metric involve estimating a parametric matrix that is associated with a linear transformation. For complex pattern analysis tasks, it is necessary to consider the approaches to DML that involve estimating a parametric matrix that is associated with a nonlinear transformation. One such approach involves performing the DML of Mahalanobis distance in the feature space of a Mercer kernel. In this approach, the problem of estimation of a parametric matrix of Mahalanobis distance is formulated as a problem of learning an optimal kernel gram matrix from the kernel gram matrix of a base kernel by minimizing the logdet divergence between the kernel gram matrices. We propose to use the optimal kernel gram matrices learnt from the kernel gram matrix of the base kernels in pattern analysis tasks such as clustering, multi-class pattern classification and nonlinear principal component analysis. We consider the commonly used kernels such as linear kernel, polynomial kernel, radial basis function kernel and exponential kernel as well as hyper-ellipsoidal kernels as the base kernels for optimal kernel learning. We study the performance of the DML-based class-specific kernels for multi-class pattern classification using support vector machines. Results of our experimental studies on benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the DML-based kernels for different pattern analysis tasks.  相似文献   

Many few-shot learning approaches have been designed under the meta-learning framework, which learns from a variety of learning tasks and generalizes to new tasks. These meta-learning approaches achieve the expected performance in the scenario where all samples are drawn from the same distributions (i.i.d. observations). However, in real-world applications, few-shot learning paradigm often suffers from data shift, i.e., samples in different tasks, even in the same task, could be drawn from various data distributions. Most existing few-shot learning approaches are not designed with the consideration of data shift, and thus show downgraded performance when data distribution shifts. However, it is non-trivial to address the data shift problem in few-shot learning, due to the limited number of labeled samples in each task. Targeting at addressing this problem, we propose a novel metric-based meta-learning framework to extract task-specific representations and task-shared representations with the help of knowledge graph. The data shift within/between tasks can thus be combated by the combination of task-shared and task-specific representations. The proposed model is evaluated on popular benchmarks and two constructed new challenging datasets. The evaluation results demonstrate its remarkable performance.  相似文献   

Jianguo  Changshui   《Pattern recognition》2006,39(12):2450-2463
Classification of microarray gene-expression data can potentially help medical diagnosis, and becomes an important topic in bioinformatics. However, microarray data sets are usually of small sample size relative to an overwhelming number of genes. This makes the classification problem fairly challenging. Instance-based learning (IBL) algorithms, such as nearest neighbor (k-NN), are usually the baseline algorithm due to their simplicity. However, practices show that k-NN performs not very well in this field. This paper introduces manifold-based metric learning to improve the performance of IBL methods. A novel metric learning algorithm is proposed by utilizing both local manifold structural information and local discriminant information. In addition, a random subspace extension is also presented. We apply the proposed algorithm to the gene-classification problem in three ways: one in the original feature space, another in the reduced feature space, and the third via the random subspace extension. Statistical evaluation shows that the proposed algorithm can achieve promising results, and gain significant performance improvement over traditional IBL algorithms.  相似文献   

Subspace and similarity metric learning are important issues for image and video analysis in the scenarios of both computer vision and multimedia fields. Many real-world applications, such as image clustering/labeling and video indexing/retrieval, involve feature space dimensionality reduction as well as feature matching metric learning. However, the loss of information from dimensionality reduction may degrade the accuracy of similarity matching. In practice, such basic conflicting requirements for both feature representation efficiency and similarity matching accuracy need to be appropriately addressed. In the style of “Thinking Globally and Fitting Locally”, we develop Locally Embedded Analysis (LEA) based solutions for visual data clustering and retrieval. LEA reveals the essential low-dimensional manifold structure of the data by preserving the local nearest neighbor affinity, and allowing a linear subspace embedding through solving a graph embedded eigenvalue decomposition problem. A visual data clustering algorithm, called Locally Embedded Clustering (LEC), and a local similarity metric learning algorithm for robust video retrieval, called Locally Adaptive Retrieval (LAR), are both designed upon the LEA approach, with variations in local affinity graph modeling. For large size database applications, instead of learning a global metric, we localize the metric learning space with kd-tree partition to localities identified by the indexing process. Simulation results demonstrate the effective performance of proposed solutions in both accuracy and speed aspects.  相似文献   

葛君伟  岁飒 《计算机应用研究》2020,37(12):3603-3606
目前,用户的好友关系及其自身呈现的动态变化趋势,使得基于静态社交关系的推荐算法难以满足现今瞬息万变的世界。为解决准确度较低等问题,提出利用用户购买物品的时序行为挖掘隐式社交关系的方法。首先将隐式社交与相似度算法相融合,其次针对近邻评分的稀疏性,提出改进的近邻评分填补方法,然后使用填补后的近邻评分对模型预测评分进行修正,最后生成预测评分。实验部分采用MovieLens数据集评估提出的方法,并与现存算法作对比分析。结果表明,该算法与传统算法及改进算法相比更稳定,也更有效地预测了目标用户的真实评分。  相似文献   

Multi-label classification aims to assign a set of proper labels for each instance, where distance metric learning can help improve the generalization ability of instance-based multi-label classification models. Existing multi-label metric learning techniques work by utilizing pairwise constraints to enforce that examples with similar label assignments should have close distance in the embedded feature space. In this paper, a novel distance metric learning approach for multi-label classification is proposed by modeling structural interactions between instance space and label space. On one hand, compositional distance metric is employed which adopts the representation of a weighted sum of rank-1 PSD matrices based on component bases. On the other hand, compositional weights are optimized by exploiting triplet similarity constraints derived from both instance and label spaces. Due to the compositional nature of employed distance metric, the resulting problem admits quadratic programming formulation with linear optimization complexity w.r.t. the number of training examples.We also derive the generalization bound for the proposed approach based on algorithmic robustness analysis of the compositional metric. Extensive experiments on sixteen benchmark data sets clearly validate the usefulness of compositional metric in yielding effective distance metric for multi-label classification.  相似文献   

目的 人体目标再识别的任务是匹配不同摄像机在不同时间、地点拍摄的人体目标。受光照条件、背景、遮挡、视角和姿态等因素影响,不同摄相机下的同一目标表观差异较大。目前研究主要集中在特征表示和度量学习两方面。很多度量学习方法在人体目标再识别问题上了取得了较好的效果,但对于多样化的数据集,单一的全局度量很难适应差异化的特征。对此,有研究者提出了局部度量学习,但这些方法通常需要求解复杂的凸优化问题,计算繁琐。方法 利用局部度量学习思想,结合近几年提出的XQDA(cross-view quadratic discriminant analysis)和MLAPG(metric learning by accelerated proximal gradient)等全局度量学习方法,提出了一种整合全局和局部度量学习框架。利用高斯混合模型对训练样本进行聚类,在每个聚类内分别进行局部度量学习;同时在全部训练样本集上进行全局度量学习。对于测试样本,根据样本在高斯混合模型各个成分下的后验概率将局部和全局度量矩阵加权结合,作为衡量相似性的依据。特别地,对于MLAPG算法,利用样本在各个高斯成分下的后验概率,改进目标损失函数中不同样本的损失权重,进一步提高该方法的性能。结果 在VIPeR、PRID 450S和QMUL GRID数据集上的实验结果验证了提出的整合全局—局部度量学习方法的有效性。相比于XQDA和MLAPG等全局方法,在VIPeR数据集上的匹配准确率提高2.0%左右,在其他数据集上的性能也有不同程度的提高。另外,利用不同的特征表示对提出的方法进行实验验证,相比于全局方法,匹配准确率提高1.3%~3.4%左右。结论 有效地整合了全局和局部度量学习方法,既能对多种全局度量学习算法的性能做出改进,又能避免局部度量学习算法复杂的计算过程。实验结果表明,对于使用不同的特征表示,提出的整合全局—局部度量学习框架均可对全局度量学习方法做出改进。  相似文献   

汤立伟  张家珲  彭勇  孔万增 《计算机应用研究》2021,38(4):1084-1087,1096
谱聚类算法存在两个不足:a)将图的构造与谱分解割裂成两个独立的阶段,导致了结果的次优性;b)常用的基于l2范数度量谱特征向量的相似性具有噪声敏感性。为了克服上述两点不足,提出基于联合结构化图学习与l1范数谱嵌入的鲁棒聚类算法(记为CLRL1)。在该算法框架下,一方面图的学习过程与聚类过程可以有效结合起来进行协同优化,另一方面l1范数的使用可以很好地约束谱特征向量的相似性以提升算法的鲁棒性。在多个常用数据集上进行的实验结果表明,改进算法聚类性能得到了明显提升。  相似文献   

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