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医药学研究论文水平的高低、价值的大小,首先取决于研究内容的创新程度,其次是论文表达方式和规范化程度。研究内容与选题思路有关,表达方式与写作方法有关。尽管人们对于选题思路和写作方法的理解仁者见仁,智者见智,但其共性之处仍值得总结和探讨。  相似文献   

临床经验类论文大致可包括 :临床病例分析、疗效观察、教训 (如误诊误治 )分析、临床诊疗技术介绍 (含有关技术设备设计制作、技术革新等 )、临床病例 (病理 )讨论、病例报告等。但在写作中 ,以及某些期刊编辑中都程度不同地将其中的二种或二种以上的文体整合起来呈现给读者 ;实际上上述各种文体之间还是有一定区别的。现简述如下。1 临床病例分析这是临床常用的一种医学论文体裁。质量较高的大样本的病例分析 ,可反映某一疾病临床表现特征及规律 ,阐明诊断、鉴别诊断的要点及预后情况 ,对临床医师的工作具有指导意义。1.1 临床病例分析论…  相似文献   

以药学编辑工作中的作者稿件为样本,依据GB 3100~3102—93《量和单位》,对文章中法定计量单位使用的常见问题进行归纳总结。通过典型案例,辨析了所涉及的量和单位的科学内涵,以推动国家标准在药学科技论文中正确表达。  相似文献   

根据中国科学技术信息研究所 2 0 0 3年 4月出版的“2 0 0 2年版中国科技期刊引证报告 (扩刊版 )” ,在 2 878种中国科技论文统计源期刊 (中国科技核心期刊 )中 ,总被引频次分类排序 ,本刊列药学类第 2 2位 ,影响因子分类排序中 ,本刊列药学类第2 4位。本刊列中国科技论文统计源期刊药学类第22位  相似文献   

药学论文是药学工作者知识水平和研究能力的重要体现。本文结合作者多年的审稿经历,列举和分析了药学论文写作中的一些常见问题,有针对性地提出了建议,以期为药学工作者提供参考。  相似文献   

为了促进中医药学国际交流与合作,于1987年7月16日至19日在上海召开了首届中医药国际学术会议(简称Sino-Med’87)。这次会议,是一个大型的、综合的中医药国际学术交流会,到会代表约九百人,外宾占1/3左右。会议共收到国内外论文两千多篇;收入《中医药国际学术会议论文集》者约占1/4;在会上发言的仅《文集》的半数。现将《文集》中有关中药的54篇文章,加以概括简介,以响读者。这54篇论文,涉及中药的各个方面。从基本内容看来,主要是以下五个部分:①中药的资源:从药物基原上说,包括植物、动物、矿物三方面。例如:对冬虫夏草的虫草头孢霉新种的研究,以及从微量元素的研究提出龟的腹甲、背甲可同样入药等。还包括少数民族药,如那如注射剂即属蒙药。②中药配制:既有复方的研究(古方如右归丸,新方如  相似文献   

临床药学作为一门综合性的学科,包括药动学和生物利用度研究、药物配伍和相互作用的研究、药物不良反应的监测等。研究探索药物在体内的吸收、分布、代谢和排泄的规律,血药浓度随时间变化的规律,其成果不仅在指导药物治疗的安全性和有效性上,而且对指导新药设计,优选给药方案,改进剂型、提高疗效和减少不良反应等方面具  相似文献   

田俊英 《中国药房》2008,19(31):2477-2478
目的:探讨药学论文标题的结构及英译,以期为药学工作者提供参考。方法:对常见药学论文标题的结构进行例示,同时对药学论文标题英译注意事项进行探讨。结果与结论:标题的英译应注意主题突出、简短明了,避免冗长的谦虚套语,避免使用缩略词语,中英文标题的一致性等,掌握药学论文标题的结构及英译有助于提高该类论文标题翻译的准确性。  相似文献   

医学论文是医学科研和临床实践的书面总结,是反映医学科学水平和动向的重要标志。所以,医学科学工作者应该认真总结经验、撰写论文,扩大医学交流,不断提高医疗技术水平。但从我们的大量来稿中,发现有些同志对撰写论文的要求及其种类、结构、数字统计和文献的引用等方面存在不少问题。为帮助基层广大医务人员提高写作水平,本刊将陆续刊登有关这些方面的知识。现将撰写医学论文的要求、方法等介绍如下。  相似文献   

由中国药学会、湖南省人民政府主办,湖南省食品药品监督管理局、长沙市人民政府承办,浏阳医药生物园管委会、湖南省药学会、丽珠医药集团协办的2009年中国药学大会暨第九届中国药师周于2009年11月21日至23日在湖南省长沙市顺利召开,我国医药卫生领域政府部门领导和药学界专家学者1500多人参会。全国人大常委会副委员长、中国药学会理事长、中国工程院院士桑国卫,中国工程院院士张伯礼,中国工程院院士于德泉,中国药学会副理事长李大魁,北京大学光华卫生经济与管理研究院执行院长刘国恩等领导和专家出席了本次会议,并作了精彩的大会报告。  相似文献   

本文以《中国新药杂志》为例,简要探讨了药学科技期刊中研究型论文的撰写要点,为提高科技工作者的论文写作水平提供参考。  相似文献   

Teaching Pharmacy Practice as an approach to pharmaceutical care started in 1991 at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL). Although completely new, none of the courses related to pharmacy practice was compulsory for all students, due to the option system adopted at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the KUL. After 10 years the number of students choosing for the option community and hospital pharmacy (most related to pharmacy practice) is stabilized at about 60% of the total number of students. From the very beginning. It was quite difficult to harmonize the research field of pharmacy practice with the more fundamentally oriented research activities in the different pharmaceutical laboratories. This resulted in a "Living Apart Together" (LAT) relationship with some negative consequences on activity funding. Nevertheless interesting research projects emerged from the Division of Drug and Patient Information. One PhD thesis was achieved. In the near future external partners may play an important role in structural support of research activities. These research is necessary to ensure the presence of pharmaceutical care as a validated discipline in the training of future pharmacists.  相似文献   

Optimisation means finding the best possible value of a dependent variable by varying certain independent variables. Several optimisation techniques are discussed and their applications in pharmaceutical technology, analysis, clinical chemistry and medicinal chemistry are critically evaluated.  相似文献   

林宁  马立明 《齐鲁药事》2009,28(1):53-55
药学是一门专业性很强的学科,它与化学化工、生物学、医学、物理学、材料学、社会学等其它学科相互交融。在学科发展进步速度上药学可与生物医学一起,随着科学技术的进步,信息技术的融入不断产生突破性的发展变化,人类研究领域的开阔、学科知识的深度,对药学的不断认知,推动了药学学科的发展,结果改变了人类健康、生活质量。  相似文献   

The Japanese animal protection law was amended in 2005 to include the 3Rs principle in animal experiments. According to this new law, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries developed announced several guidelines in 2006. These guidelines indicated responsibility of the president of each research institute conducting animal experiments to meet obligating of the animal experiment committee (AEC) and the education to be provided to scientists. About half a year after this notification, I conducted a survey on how these guidelines were put into practice in the pharmaceutical colleges and universities. I received 29 answers from 24 institutes. It seemed that every institute was following, the guidelines, however, there were many institutes where the details were inadequate. For example, questions on the existence of alternative methods and degree of distress and pain were not asked in some questionnaires sent to the AEC. Education on proper conduct of animal experiments (3Rs, methods to evaluate and decrease distress and pain, and methods of euthanasia) was not conducted in many institutes. Further improvement seems necessary.  相似文献   

本文主要介绍撰写动物实验网状Meta分析的步骤及注意的问题,期望为动物实验网状Meta分析撰写者提供帮助。  相似文献   

During the first week of December 2007, the European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences (EUFEPS) and BioSim, the major European Network of Excellence on Systems Biology, held a challenging conference on the use of mathematical models in the drug development process. More precisely, the purpose of the conference was to promote the 'Integration of Systems Approaches into Pharmaceutical Sciences' in view of optimising the development of new effective drugs. And a challenge this is, considering both the high attrition rates in the pharmaceutical industry and the failure of finding definitive drug solutions for many of the diseases that plague mankind today. The conference was co-sponsored by the American College of Clinical Pharmacology, the European Center for Pharmaceutical Medicine, and the Swiss Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences and, besides representatives from the European Regulatory Agencies and FDA, the meeting was attended by 75 industrial and some 45 academic participants.  相似文献   

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