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基于1993—2017年从卫星高度计资料中识别出来的中尺度涡轨迹数据集,对冬、夏季孟加拉湾涡旋的源地和性质进行了研究。研究表明孟加拉湾西部、安达曼海和孟加拉湾通往赤道的出口处的中尺度涡旋活动呈现显著的季节性差异。安达曼海在冬、夏季从北往南中尺度涡旋分别以"反气旋涡-气旋涡-反气旋涡"和"气旋涡-反气旋涡-气旋涡"的格局分布。不同源区涡旋的季节性生长过程有明显差异。孟加拉湾西部的涡旋在夏季生长迅速但消散缓慢,斯里兰卡冷涡生长缓慢但消散迅速。不同源区涡旋半径和振幅大小有不同的特征。孟加拉湾西部,无论冬、夏季,反气旋涡的振幅、半径都比气旋涡大;夏季季风漂流区,气旋涡半径比反气旋涡小但是振幅比反气旋涡大;安达曼海内无论冬、夏季都是最北侧聚集区涡旋的半径和振幅最大。孟加拉湾内生命史为30~40 d的涡旋数量最多,生命史在100 d以上的涡旋主要分布在孟加拉湾西部。  相似文献   

采用AVISO提供的中尺度涡最新数据集,分析了孟加拉湾1993—2016年中尺度涡的总体特征和季节变化。结果表明:研究期间在孟加拉湾共有822个气旋涡,731个反气旋涡,主要分布在湾北部(15°N以北海域)和安达曼海。涡旋生命周期以28~59 d为主,平均振幅为7. 5 cm,平均半径为119. 6 km。在纬度变化上,涡旋振幅随纬度的增加有两个峰值,分别位于6°~9°N和15°~20°N之间,而涡旋半径随纬度增加而减少。涡旋的振幅、半径在随生命周期演变过程中生长过程较慢,消散过程较快。气旋涡和反气旋涡主要是向西移动,且均以向赤道方向偏移为主。在季节变化上,孟加拉湾较长生命周期(60 d以上)的中尺度涡具有明显的季节变化,春季生成的涡旋数量最多,冬季次之,夏季最少。通过合成分析得出风应力旋度是孟加拉湾中尺度涡季节变化的主要原因,而沿岸Kelvin波激发的西传Rossby波对涡旋的产生也有一定影响。涡动能分析表明,涡动能的高值区主要位于海盆的西边界和斯里兰卡东部海域,同时,在冬季、春季海盆的西边界和夏季、秋季海盆的北部涡旋活动较多的区域对应着较大的涡动能。  相似文献   

Annual and interannual variations of sea-level anomaly (SLA) in the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea are investigated using altimeter-derived SLA data from 1993 to 2003. It is found that the SLA annual variation in the study area can be divided into three phases with distinctive patterns. During the southwest monsoon (May-September), positive SLA presents in the equatorial region and extends northward along the eastern boundary of the bay, and the SLA distribution in the interior bay appears to be high in the east and low in the west with two cyclonic cells developing in the north and south of the western bay respectively, between which an anticyclonic cell exists. During the early northeast monsoon (October-December), the whole bay is dominated by a large cyclonic cell with the pattern of high SLA in the east and low in the west still retained, and the SLA distribution outside the bay is changed in response to the reversal of the Indian Monsoon Current (IMC) in November. During the late northeast monsoon (January-April), a large anticyclonic cell of SLA develops in the bay with negative SLA prevailing in the equatorial region and extending northward along the eastern boundary of bay. Therefore, the SLA distribution in the interior bay reverses to be high in the west and low in the east. It is suggested that the SLA annual variation in the bay is primarily driven by the local wind stress curl, involving Sverdrup balance while the abrupt SLA variation during the peak of northeast monsoon may be partly caused by the semiannual fluctuation of wind in the equatorial region. This fast adjustment in the interior bay is induced by the upwelling coastal Kelvin wave excited by the decay of Wyrtki jet during December through January. Besides the annual variation, in the bay, there are obvious SLA fluctuations with the periods of 2 and 3~7 a, which are driven by the interannual variability of large-scale wind field in the equatorial region. The coastal Kelvin wave also provides an important link for the SLA interannual variation between the equatorial region and the interior bay. It is found that the El Nio-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)-induced influence on the SLA interannual variation in the interior bay is stronger than the Indian Ocean dipole (IOD) with the associated pattern of low sea-level presenting along the periphery of the bay and high sea-level in the northeast of Sri Lanka.  相似文献   

Analysis of the multi-channel seismic reflection, magnetic and bathymetric data collected along a transect, 1110 km long parallel to 13° N latitude across the Bay of Bengal was made. The transect is from the continental shelf off Madras to the continental slope off Andaman Island in water depths of 525 m to 3350 m and across the Western Basin (bounded by foot of the continental slope of Madras and 85° E Ridge), the 85° E Ridge, the Central Basin (between the 85° E Ridge and the Ninetyeast Ridge), the Ninetyeast Ridge and the Sunda Arc. The study revealed eight seismic sequences, H1 to H8 of parallel continuous to discontinuous reflectors. Considering especially depth to the horizons, nature of reflection and on comparison with the published seismic reflection results of Currayet al. (1982), the early Eocene (P) and Miocene (M) unconformities and the base of the Quaternary sediments (Q) are identified on the seismic section. Marked changes in velocities also occur at their boundaries.In the Western Basin the acoustic basement deepening landward is inferred as a crystalline basement overlain by about 6.7 km of sediment. In the Central Basin possibly thicker sediments than in the Western Basin are estimated. The sediments in the Sunda Arc area are relatively thick and appears to have no distinct horizons. But the entire sedimentary section appears to be consisting of folded and possibly faulted layers.The comparatively broader wavelength magnetic anomalies of the Central Basin also indicate deeper depth of their origin. Very prominent double humped feature of the 85° E Ridge and broad basement swell of the Ninetyeast Ridge are buried under about 2.8 km thick sediments except over the prominent basement high near 92° E longitude. The positive structural relief of the buried 85° E Ridge in the area is reflected in magnetic signature of about 450 nT amplitude. Flexural bulge of the 85° E Ridge and subsidence of the Ninetyeast Ridge about 24 cm my–1 rate since early Eocene period have been inferred from the seismic sequence analysis.  相似文献   

孟加拉湾上层环流研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邱云  李立 《海洋科学进展》2006,24(4):593-603
综述了孟加拉湾上层环流研究的主要成果并指出,研究海区环流与季风转换不完全同步。在西南季风期间,南、北海区各有一气旋式环流;在秋季季风过渡期间,出现海湾尺度的气旋式环流;在东北季风期间,气旋式环流减弱北移,南部则为一反气旋式环流控制;春季与秋季的情形相反,整个湾出现一海湾尺度的反气旋式环流。研究海区环流的变异主要受季风、赤道远地作用和浮力通量等复杂外源作用的影响。东印度沿岸流的季节变化与季风转换也不同步,局地风、内部Ekman抽吸、远地沿岸风及赤道远地作用的影响对沿岸流周年变化有重要作用。孟加拉湾上层环流年际变化显著,此年际变化主要受赤道风场的影响。  相似文献   

The seasonal dynamics of nutrient ratios and abundance of phytoplankton cells from the central (CB) and western (WB) Bay of Bengal (BOB) were studied during the fall intermonsoon (FIM; September-October 2002) and spring intermonsoon (SpIM; April-May 2003). The nutrient molar ratios of macronutrients such as nitrate to phosphate (N:P), nitrate to silicate (N:Si) and silicate to phosphate (Si:P) in the top 120m were calculated for both FIM and SpIM. During both the seasons, the N:P ratios along the CB and WB were lower than 16, indicating nitrate deficiency. Whereas, along both transects the N:Si ratio was <1 and Si:P >3 in the top 20 and 40m during FIM and SpIM, respectively, indicating Si enrichment. Relatively greater nutrient concentrations along the WB than the CB appear to contribute to higher phytoplankton abundance. The preponderance of diatoms in the Bay could be attributed to rapid utilization of available nutrients in particular during FIM thus resulting in low N:Si ratios in the water column. Among diatoms, pennales were predominantly controlled by nutrients and their ratios. While, apart from nutrients, physical stratification, light and eddies also seem to influence the distribution and abundance of centrales.  相似文献   

在冬季,孟加拉湾北部存在显著的季节性逆温现象。利用Argo浮标和锚碇浮标资料,分析了冬季孟加拉湾逆温现象的观测特征和维持机制。结果表明,系统性的逆温现象主要局限于15°N以北的区域,它最早于11月份出现在恒河、伊洛瓦底江和戈达瓦里河的河口区域。逆温的强度及分布区域在1月份达到最大,随后从西南部逐步退化,3月逆温现象基本消失。冬季的逆温层位于障碍层之中,厚度在35 m左右,最大海温位于40~60 m深度,整层满足静力稳定条件。对混合层温度和盐度的诊断表明,逆温的出现主要与冬季风导致的强烈海表热量损失有关,低盐水的平流过程也对逆温现象有一定的维持作用。  相似文献   

Six sediment cores collected from various water depths and sampling locations along the western margin of the Bay of Bengal (BOB) were investigated for the total hydrolysable amino acids (THAA) and d-amino acids (d-AA) to understand their distribution, digenetic alteration and bacterial contribution to organic matter (OM). Irrespective of their location, THAA concentrations and yields generally decreased and mol% glycine increased with increasing water depth indicating that OM was degraded during its transit through the water column. Amino acid based degradation index (DI) indicated that OM of the surface sediments of shallow stations, BOB-1 to BOB-3 was relatively fresher than that of deeper stations, BOB-4, BOB-5 and BOB-6. The concentrations and mol% of the d-AA varied from 0.04 to 0.76 µmol gdw−1 and 0.3 to 8.5 mol%, respectively. Contribution of bacterial peptidoglycan amino acids to THAA (% THAApep/THAA) ranged between 4.0% and 55.0%. Both % THAApep/THAA and mol% d-AAs were significantly (p<0.01) higher in the surface sediments and decreased with sediment core depth. Based on the d-AA yields, bacterial OM accounted for 1.5–15.6% of TOC, and 3.7–50.0% of TN of the sediments of BOB.  相似文献   

利用1980−2015年SODA温盐资料,结合Argo数据分析了印度洋偶极子(IOD)事件年份孟加拉湾障碍层的变化特征及其形成机制。结果表明,IOD事件年份孟加拉湾障碍层变化显著。纯的正IOD(纯pIOD)年份及伴随型pIOD年份盛期(9−11月),除孟加拉湾内西南海域障碍层厚度略变厚约5 m外,赤道海域、安达曼海至孟加拉湾北部障碍层厚度均变薄5~15 m,此障碍层距平盛期形态在纯pIOD年份随pIOD消亡迅速消退,但在伴随型pIOD年份维持至翌年3−5月才开始弱化。纯的负IOD (纯nIOD)年份障碍层厚度变化特征与pIOD年份大体相反。进一步分析表明,IOD事件年份赤道风场距平的远地强迫造成等温层深度的变化是湾内障碍层变化的主因。在伴随型IOD年份,受ENSO事件的影响,赤道风场距平在IOD消亡后仍得以维持3个月以上,使得湾内障碍层距平形态持续更久。除赤道远地强迫外,湾内局地风场的Ekman抽吸作用以及混合盐度变化对障碍层厚度年际变化也有一定影响。  相似文献   

本研究利用多源卫星遥感数据对比分析了2018年和2015年孟加拉湾南部冷池的极端异常事件。孟加拉湾南部冷池早期出现在5月,8月和 9月强度达到最大,10月开始减弱,随后逐渐消失。数据显示2018年和2015年冷池海表温度距平值分别为-0.55 ℃和0.43 ℃,是1993—2018年26 年中冷池降温最强和最弱的年份。2018年孟加拉湾南部冷池风应力距平值为0.02 N/m2,而2015年距平值为-0.01 N/m2。2018年Ekman抽吸速度距平在冷池区域为正,2015年为负。经混合层热收支计算得到,造成冷池产生的主要原因是平流效应,且2018年与2015年的夏季(6—8月)降温平流项分别占49.2%和80.7%。冷池极端事件主要发生在6月,2018年6月冷池降温是2015年的2.76倍,并且海表净热通量项和平流项的异常对冷池极端事件的产生起了重要作用。  相似文献   

A vertically integrated 2D numerical model was developed for the simulation of major tidal constituents (M2, S2, N2, K1 and O1) in the Bay of Bengal. The bathymetry for the model domain was derived from an improved ETOPO5 dataset prepared in our earlier work. The simulated tidal elevations showed good agreement with the hourly tide gauge observations at Paradip, Visakhapatnam, and Chennai. The amplitudes and phases of M2, S2, K1, and O1 at the coastal stations, obtained from harmonic analysis of simulated tides, were found to agree well with those obtained from Admiralty Tide Tables with the RMS misfit 9.2, 5.6, 2.9 and 3.1 cm, respectively. In the Bay of Bengal, semi-diurnal tides (M2, S2, and N2) attain highest amplitudes (180, 80, 30 cm, respectively) in the Gulf of Martaban while amplitudes of diurnal tides (K1, O1) reaches maximum (20, 12 cm, respectively) in the Malacca Strait. The continental shelf in the head bay and along the southern coast of Myanmar is about 200 km wide and the amplitudes of semi-diurnal tides are doubled in these regions while the diurnal tides amplify only marginally, which is consistent with Clarke and Battisti theory. In the north eastern end of the head bay and the Gulf of Martaban, the geometrical configuration of the coastline, in addition to the wide continental shelf, could contribute to the amplification of both semi-diurnal and diurnal constituents. In the Malacca Strait, the amplitudes of both semi-diurnal and diurnal tides are found to increase gradually from the northern end to the 2.5°N and decreases towards southern boundary. The co-tidal and co-range charts of M2 and S2 tidal constituents also show the presence of two degenerate amphidromic points in the head bay. A virtual amphidromic point for M2 is identified in the Malacca Strait.  相似文献   

The chemical and biological characteristics of surface waters in Jinhae Bay were investigated over four seasons to understand water quality in light of the growing industrialisation occurring within this area. Jinhae Bay includes four smaller bays: Masan; Hangam; Jindong; and Gohyun. The water quality in Jinhae Bay varied spatially and seasonally. The water quality of both Hangam Bay and Masan Bay was highly degraded, demonstrating high concentrations of ammonia, nitrate, chlorophyll a and particulate organic carbon. Contamination from sewage was the dominant cause of the water quality deterioration in these bays. Conversely, the water quality in Jindong Bay and Gohyun Bay was not as severely affected as that of the above two bays. Water quality in Jinhae Bay was particularly poor in summer when nutrient loading was highest due to the run-off associated with high precipitation. Principal component analysis indicated that nitrogen contamination was a major factor influencing the water quality of Jinhae Bay. The effective reduction in high-nitrogen discharges is essential to improve water quality in Jinghae Bay.  相似文献   

2010-2011年胶州湾叶绿素a与环境因子的时空变化特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
王玉珏  刘哲  张永  汪岷  刘东艳 《海洋学报》2015,37(4):103-116
2010年4、6、8、10月和2011年1、3月在胶州湾开展了6个航次的综合调查,研究了表层海水温度、盐度、营养盐和叶绿素a浓度的时空变化特征。调查期间,总无机氮(DIN)、磷酸盐(PO4)和硅酸盐(SiO3)多呈现东北部湾边缘高,而湾内和湾口低的空间分布特征。季节变化表明,DIN和PO4主要受养殖排放、河流径流输入和浮游植物生长消耗的影响,呈现初夏和秋季高,夏末和冬季低的特点;而SiO3主要受河流径流输入和浮游植物消耗的影响,呈现夏、秋高,而冬、春低的特点。营养盐浓度和结构分析表明,胶州湾存在PO4和SiO3的绝对和相对限制;SiO3限制尤其严重,是控制胶州湾浮游植物生长的主要环境因子。SiO3和PO4的限制主要表现在冬季,几乎遍布整个海湾;夏季降水可有效缓解海域的SiO3限制。叶绿素a浓度呈现春、夏季高,秋、冬季低的季节分布,温度、营养盐浓度与结构和季节性贝类养殖活动是控制胶州湾叶绿素a浓度时空分布的关键因素。  相似文献   

王静  储小青  苏楠  汪娟 《海洋科学》2015,39(3):66-70
海洋表面盐度(Sea Surface Salinity,SSS)是海洋的重要物理和化学参量,SSS的时空分布与全球大洋环流和水汽循环密切相关。本文基于美国国家航空航天局(NASA)发射的Aquarius卫星3 a的SSS遥感数据,给出了孟加拉湾及其附近海域海表盐度的空间分布特征,并重点分析了影响孟加拉湾海表盐度变化的可能因素。研究结果从一个侧面说明了利用Aquarius卫星遥感观测海洋大尺度盐度变化的可行性。  相似文献   

MODIS-Aqua derived eight-day composite chlorophyll concentration data analyzed to study the impact of cyclones and depressions on the Bay of Bengal productivity. A total of 15 cyclonic storms and depressions picked up from the India Meteorological Department datasets. MODIS-Aqua data analyzed during October 2002 to December 2009. There was observation of depressions (D), deep depressions (DD), cyclonic storms (CS), severe cyclonic storms (SCS), and very severe cyclonic storms (VSCS) with categories of intensities (“T” numbers 1.5–6) and wind speeds (25–108 knots). The chlorophyll concentration observed to be high (1.0–5.0 mg/m3) with the impact in the coastal and offshore waters. Quickscat scatterometer data showed high wind speed (about 10 meters/second). Sea surface temperature (SST) observed to be decreased (roughly 2°C) with effect of cyclones. The cyclone numbers, intensity, and chlorophyll concentration has been observed to be increasing from 2002 to 2009, with observation of VSCS “Sidr” during 2007. The study would be interesting to link carbon flux/sequestration, marine food chain, and harnessing fishery resources in a postcyclone period.  相似文献   

本文基于1982−2021年的NOAA最优插值海表温度等资料,分析了孟加拉湾海洋热浪季节分布特征与可能成因。结果表明:大致以斯里兰卡岛与缅甸伊洛瓦底江河口连线为界,孟加拉湾西北部与东南部海域海洋热浪频率和天数呈现出不同的季节变化特征。在湾西北部海域,海洋热浪频率和天数季节变化较显著,均在夏季达到最大,春、秋季次之,冬季最少。而在湾东南部海域,二者的季节变化相对较弱。依据海洋热浪累积强度将海洋热浪从弱至强分为I~IV4种等级。分析显示,I类和II类较弱海洋热浪主要发生于夏、秋季的湾西部或西北部海域;III类以上严重海洋热浪则多发于春季的安达曼海和湾东南部海域以及夏季的缅甸西南部海域。进一步分析表明,在春、夏和秋季大部分海洋热浪活跃区,较浅的混合层及海表净热通量的变化对这些海区海洋热浪活动可能起主要作用,而冬季湾东南部海域海洋热浪形成与维持可能主要与赤道远地强迫有关。  相似文献   

1994年10月结合水色遥感光谱实验,对象山港中、西部浮游植物细胞丰度、优势种类、叶绿素a浓度和初级生产力的分布做了现场观测。表层水中共鉴定出浮游植物24种,隶属3门17属,细胞丰度为1.05×104±1.14×104个/dm3;叶绿素a浓度为1.07±0.59μg/dm3,潜在初级生产力为3.86±3.60mgC/(m3·h)。港区西部的浮游植物细胞丰度、叶绿素a浓度和初级生产力均高于港区中部;表层叶绿素a浓度高于中层和底层。浮游植物细胞粒径分级结果表明,微型和微微型浮游植物细胞(<20μm)对总叶绿素a的贡献占86%,对初级生产力的贡献占89%;小型浮游植物细胞(>20μm)对总叶绿素a的贡献占14%,对初级生产力的贡献占11%。  相似文献   

利用观测资料和理论模型,研究了孟加拉湾海表面高度的季节循环.结果表明,局地风应力旋度驱动的斜压Rossby波是孟加拉湾海表高度季节循环的主要控制因子,而孟加拉湾海底地形分布也影响了海表面高度的季节循环.受风应力旋度驱动的斜压Rossby波在短时间内就可以穿越孟加拉湾海盆,使得海洋温跃层在短时间内完成了对Rossby波的响应,保证了上层海洋满足准静止的Sverdrup平衡.在夏季(冬季)西南(东北)季风驱动下,上层海洋分别在孟加拉湾北部和南部形成气旋(反气旋)式和反气旋(气旋)式环流.  相似文献   

烟台四十里湾叶绿素a浓度的时空分布特征及其影响机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈春燕  施平  赵辉 《海洋科学》2014,38(9):33-38
本文利用2003~2012年MODIS(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer)卫星遥感数据,分析了四十里湾叶绿素a浓度的时空分布特征,并探讨其影响机制。结果表明,四十里湾叶绿素a浓度具有显著的时空分布特征。从空间分布来看,全年均是南部近岸较高,从西南的湾内向东北的湾外逐渐降低。逛荡河口正北约6 km海域在4~5、7~9月出现叶绿素a高值羽。从时间分布来看,四十里湾叶绿素a浓度夏季最高,春秋次之,冬季最低,5月份和8月份出现峰值,呈现温带海域特有的"双峰"特性。四十里湾年平均叶绿素a浓度呈现波动状态,波动范围约为6~12 mg/m3。四十里湾叶绿素a浓度的分布及变化与海表面温度成正相关,相关系数是0.41。另外,入海排污和海水养殖业等人类活动可能也是影响四十里湾叶绿素a浓度时空变化的重要因素。  相似文献   

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