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GL-7ACA酰化酶表达检测系统的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戊二酰-7-氨基头孢烷酸(GL-7ACA)酰化酶能够催化GL-7ACA分解生成7-ACA,后者是工业半合成生产头孢类抗菌素所需的重要前体。为了准确地检测GL-7ACA酰化酶及其突变体的表达,本研究通过构建一系列质粒载体,建立了两个简便有效地测定GL-7ACA酰化酶基因acy表达量的系统,从而可对酶的比活力进行定量。我们将两个报告基因,即儿茶酚双加氧酶基因(xylE)和β-半乳糖苷酶基因(lacZ)分别置于acy基因的下游,使之与acy基因共用一个启动子,进行串联表达,各自构成一个多顺反子系统。实验证明,基因融合后的儿茶酚双加氧酶或β-半乳糖苷酶的活力可以间接反映acy的表达量。  相似文献   

GL-7-ACA酰化酶发酵培养基的均匀优化设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用国产原料,应用均匀设计优选试验方法,对GL-7-ACA酰化酶生产用的发酵培养基配方进行了优化,取得了良好的效果,最终摇瓶效价达3919.03U/L。  相似文献   

本文报道了从假单胞菌130菌株(Pseudomonas sp.130)染色体上克隆得到的6.8kb的GL-7-ACA酰化酶基因片段的限制酶谱,基因定位以及在不同的大肠杆菌基因启动子控制下酰化酶基因的表达水平。结果表明,所克隆的片段上,不存在EcoR Ⅰ、HindⅢ、claⅠI切点,分别具有一个HpaⅠ、两个xhoⅠ、三个BamHⅠI以及四个Pst I切点,同时初步确定了这些酶切位点之间的相对位置。经过一系列次级克隆研究,GL一7一AcA酰化酶基因已被定位在3.Okb的B 2-B3-Hpa Ⅰ片段上。实验比较了以pACYCl84、pDR540、pUCl9等为载体的次级克隆株(分别为pMR9、pMRl0和pMR11)在大肠杆菌中酰化酶基因的表达水平,测定数据表明tac启动子的启动活力比tet启动子强,即pMRl0的产酶量比pMR9高一倍,而当tac启动子前再串接一个lac启动子时(pMRll),产酶水平并不进一步提高。本文还对假单胞菌基因在大肠杆菌中的表达进行了讨论。  相似文献   

戊二酰 7 氨基头孢烷酸酰化酶 (即GL 7ACA酰化酶 ,EC .3.5 .1.11)的催化中心通常在 β亚基N端的第一个氨基酸 ,底物亲和标记的研究亦显示N端存在着结合靶点 ,因而该区域的结构可能与酶的功能密切相关。对C130 β亚基N端的 2~ 8位氨基酸残基分别进行了肽段置换和定点突变研究。将N端前 8位肽段置换为来源于Arthrobacterviscosus的青霉素G酰化酶 (PAC)的对应序列后 ,C130酰化酶活力丧失 ;而置换为来源于E .coli的青霉素G酰化酶 (PGA)的对应序列后 ,酰化酶活力仍然保留 ,但Km 值从 0 .44× 10 -3 mol·L-1增大为 0 .5 5× 10 -3mol·L-1,kcat值由 4.92s-1降低为 1.6 4s-1。另对C130 β亚基N端 2~ 4位氨基酸残基作了单点突变 :第 4位的Trp为可能的底物类似物结合位点 ,被变为Tyr后 ,它对底物GL 7ACA的结合能力略为减弱 ,kcat则降低为 2 .2 9s-1;而变为Leu后 ,Km 为 0 .34× 10 -3 mol·L-1,kcat为 3.15s-1;第 3位的Ser变为Met、Ala及Cys后 ,随着Km值逐渐降低 ,kcat也有所降低 ,而S3 M、S3 A突变体的kcat/Km 值比野生型的分别增加了 2 2 .3%和 39.3% ;将活性中心Ser(β1)邻位的Asn(β2 )变为Gln后 ,C130酶活大幅度下降 ,kcat减为 0 .47s-1。上述结果表明 ,C130 β亚基N端的前几个氨基酸残基均可对酶的功能  相似文献   

产GL-7-ACA酰化酶重组大肠杆菌的构建和表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了实现GL-7-ACA酰化酶在大肠杆菌中的成功表达,将GL-7-ACA酰化酶基因用PCR的方法去除其信号肽序列,并将其连接到质粒pET-28a,通过筛选得到了表达GL-7-ACA酰化酶的重组菌B121(DE3),pET-ACY。分别考察了诱导温度、菌浓(OD600)、诱导剂IFrG的用量等因素对重组菌表达GL-7-ACA酰化酶的影响。在优化条件下,GL-7-ACA酰化酶酶活可达266U/L。GL-7-ACA酰化酶经一步DEAE-Sepharose纯化即可达到80%的纯度,酶活收率为50%。  相似文献   

戊二酰 7 氨基头孢烷酸 (GL-7ACA)酰化酶能够催化GL-7ACA分解生成 7-ACA ,后者是工业半合成生产头孢类抗菌素所需的重要前体。为了准确地检测GL-7ACA酰化酶及其突变体的表达 ,本研究通过构建一系列质粒载体 ,建立了两个简便有效地测定GL-7ACA酰化酶基因acy表达量的系统 ,从而可对酶的比活力进行定量。我们将两个报告基因 ,即儿茶酚双加氧酶基因 (xylE)和 β-半乳糖苷酶基因 (lacZ)分别置于acy基因的下游 ,使之与acy基因共用一个启动子 ,进行串联表达 ,各自构成一个多顺反子系统。实验证明 ,基因融合后的儿茶酚双加氧酶或 β-半乳糖苷酶的活力可以间接反映acy的表达量。  相似文献   

假单孢菌sp .130头孢菌素酰化酶催化戊二酰 7 氨基头孢烷酸的水解反应 ,生成 7 氨基头孢烷酸。 7 氨基头孢烷酸是医药工业合成大多数头孢菌素衍生物的起始原料。在 6种大肠杆菌表达质粒上构建了表达该酶的不同载体 ,得到了不同表达结果的大肠杆菌转化子。这些质粒有各自的特点 ,适用于不同的场合。  相似文献   

GL-7-ACA酰化酶的分离纯化及性质研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
CU334是高表达GL-7-ACA酰化酶工程菌,其菌悬液用超声波处理后,经硫酸铵分级沉淀、DEAE-Sephadex A-50离子交换柱层析、DEAE—纤维素DE-52柱层析、Sephadex G-200凝胶过滤及羟基磷灰石吸附柱层析等步骤,得到了凝胶电泳均一的GL-7-ACA酰化酶蛋白,纯化了22倍,得率4.0%,比活力为13.8U/mg。用浓度梯度PAGE测得GL-7-ACA酰化酶的分子量为134kD,用SDS-PAGE测得两个亚基分子量分别为15.5kD和58.4kD。用PI法测得等电点为3.5。GL-7-ACA酰化酶反应最适pH为7.0。反应最适温度为37℃,GL-7-ACA酰化酶对底物GL-7-ACA的K_m值为0.50mmol/L,V_(max)为13.10U·mg^(-1)。Ca^(2+)、EDTA和巯基乙醇对该酶有激活作用,Cu^(2+)、Fe^(2+)和Mg^(2+)等有一定程度的抑制作用。产物7-ACA、戊二酸均为GL-7-ACA酰化酶的反竞争性抑制剂,其K_1值分别为16.58mmol·L^(-1)和9.88mmol·L^(-1)。  相似文献   

CU334是高表达GL-7-ACA酰化酶工程菌,其菌悬液用超声波处理后,经硫酸铵分级沉淀、DEAE-Sephadex A-50离子交换柱层析、DEAE—纤维素DE-52柱层析、Sephadex G-200凝胶过滤及羟基磷灰石吸附柱层析等步骤,得到了凝胶电泳均一的GL-7-ACA酰化酶蛋白,纯化了22倍,得率4.0%,比活力为13.8U/mg。用浓度梯度PAGE测得GL-7-ACA酰化酶的分子量为134kD,用SDS-PAGE测得两个亚基分子量分别为15.5kD和58.4kD。用PI法测得等电点为3.5。GL-7-ACA酰化酶反应最适pH为7.0。反应最适温度为37℃,GL-7-ACA酰化酶对底物GL-7-ACA的K_m值为0.50mmol/L,V_(max)为13.10U·mg~(-1)。Ca2+、EDTA和巯基乙醇对该酶有激活作用,Cu2+、Fe2+和Mg2+等有一定程度的抑制作用。产物7-ACA、戊二酸均为GL-7-ACA酰化酶的反竞争性抑制剂,其K_1值分别为16.58mmol·L~(-1)和9.88mmol·L~(-1)。  相似文献   

戊二酰-7-氨基头孢烷酸(GL-7-ACA)酰化酶(可有效催化GL-7ACA分子中戊二酰基侧链水解,形成7-氨基头孢烷酸(7-ACA)而成为两步酶法生产7-ACA的重要工业用酶之一。在已构建的GL-7ACA酰化酶基因(acy)重组质粒pZC1基础上,进一步对酰化酶基因工程菌Escherichia coli MMR204/pZC1的产酶发酵条件进行了考察。研究表明,工程菌的最佳发酵温度为33℃,pH7.5~8.5的微碱条件有利于酶的生成。LB培养基补加适量葡萄糖(1~5g/L),可提高发酵生物量和产酶水平,但葡萄糖的过量补加(6g/L以上),则导致发酵液偏酸(低至pH4.0)而完全抑制酰化酶生成,并证明工程菌生长和产酶对乙酸的抑制效应较为敏感。同时通过5L自控发酵罐的批式补糖试验,对恒速流加、pH反馈控制和指数流加等三种补糖模式的发酵产酶进程进行了比较。结果发现,三种方式的补糖条件下,acy基因在tac启动子控制下,呈组成型表达,细胞生长与产酶同步,无需诱导;其中,以指数流加方式得到的生物量和产酶水平最高。而从acy基因的表达效率,即比酶活看,pH反馈的补料方法略高于恒速或指数流加模式。  相似文献   

A search was undertaken to screen microorganisms in soil which produce an enzyme capable of deacylating glutaryl-7-aminocephalosporanic acid (glutaryl-7-ACA) to 7-aminocephalosporanic acid (7-ACA). To facilitate screening, a model substrate, glutaryl-p-nitroanilide, and a 7-ACA sensitive strain, Enterobacter taylorae BY312, were used as a color indicator and bioassay, respectively. An isolate, Pseudomonas cepacia BY21, was found to produce glutaryl-7-ACA acylase, of which the activity was optimal at pH 8.0 and 45°C.  相似文献   

7Beta-bromoacetyl amino cephalosporanic acid (BA-7-ACA), an analog of glutaryl-7-amino cephalosporanic acid (GL-7-ACA), can inhibit and specifically alkylate GL-7-ACA acylase (C130) from Pseudomonas sp.130, forming a carbon-carbon bond between BA-7-ACA and the C-2 on indole ring of Trp-beta4 residue of C130. Here we reported that BA-7-ACA labeled C130 (BA-C130) could self-catalyze the hydrolysis of BA-7-ACA during crystallization process. The hydrolysis was confirmed to be a reaction analogous to the one of GL-7-ACA by comparative matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) spectrometry analysis. BA-C130 was inactive at room temperature, but in the process of crystallization at 18 degrees C it catalyzed the hydrolysis of BA-7-ACA, and thus made the latter become a substrate. Meanwhile, in crystals, 7-ACA was released but the acetic acid still bound with Trp-beta4, and as a result, the enzyme remained to be inactive. These results demonstrated that Trp-beta4 in the alphabetabetaalpha motif was critical and sensitive for the activity of C130 and also suggested that there was a conformational change induced by deacylation during the process of crystallization.  相似文献   

A search was undertaken to screen microorganisms that produce an enzyme capable of deacylating glutaryl-7-aminocephalosporanic acid to 7-aminocephalosporanic acid in soil samples. The screening was carried out by preparing enrichment cultures containing glutaryl-7ACA and cephalosporin C as selective carbon sources. A non-β-lactam model compound, glutaryl-p-nitroanilide, was synthesized as a substrate suitable for the rapid screening of microorganisms isolated from the enrichment cultures. Two isolates exhibiting acylase activity, designated BY7.4 and BY8.1, were identified as strains ofPseudomonas species.Pseudomonas BY8.1 showed higher acylase activity toward Gl-7ACA thanPseudomonas BY7.4. Environmental conditions for the optimal acylase activity ofPseudomonas BY8.1 were shown to be pH 9 and 30°C.  相似文献   

In the present study, glutaryl-7-amino cephalosporanic acid acylase from Pseudomonas sp. strain 130 (CA130) was mutated to improve its enzymatic activity and stability. Based on the crystal structure of CA130, two series of amino acid residues, one from those directly involved in catalytic function and another from those putatively involved in surface charge, were selected as targets for site-directed mutagenesis. In the first series of experiments, several key residues in the substrate-binding pocket were substituted, and the genes were expressed in Escherichia coli for activity screening. Two of the mutants constructed, Y151αF and Q50βN, showed two- to threefold-increased catalytic efficiency (kcat/Km) compared to wild-type CA130. Their Km values were decreased by ca. 50%, and the kcat values increased to 14.4 and 16.9 s−1, respectively. The ability of these mutants to hydrolyze adipoyl 6-amino penicillinic acid was also improved. In the second series of mutagenesis, several mutants with enhanced stabilities were identified. Among them, R121βA and K198βA had a 30 to 58% longer half-life than wild-type CA130, and K198βA and D286βA showed an alkaline shift of optimal pH by about 1.0 to 2.0 pH units. To construct an engineered enzyme with the properties of both increased activity and stability, the double mutant Q50βN/K198βA was expressed. This enzyme was purified and immobilized for catalytic analysis. The immobilized mutant enzyme showed a 34.2% increase in specific activity compared to the immobilized wild-type CA130.  相似文献   

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