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浅谈探地雷达在冰川研究中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
探地雷达技术是一种利用电磁波反射原理探测地下介质分布特征的地球物理勘探技术,其探测方式主要有剖面法(Common Depth Point)和宽角法(Wide Angle Reflection and Refraction)两种。不同的探测方式可解决不同的冰川问题。探地雷达在冰川学中广泛应用于探测冰体厚度、水下地形、冰裂缝、冰体内部沉积层位、冰川水文特征、划分冰川冰类型等,为水下槽谷、冰川结构、冰川流动机制、水资源评估及气候与环境变化的研究提供丰富可靠的数据。  相似文献   

通过对内蒙古中部新发现的冰臼特征研究,认为该冰臼群为第四纪冰川遗迹。冰臼分布在海拔高度2005~2033m地势平缓开阔山顶部,发育于中生代中三叠世浅黄色中细粒二长花岗岩体之上,岩石完整坚硬,冰臼分布较为集中,其形态可分为圆形和不规则形两大类,口宽0.1~1.2m,深0.1~0.3m,形态规则,部分冰臼发育出水口和水流侵蚀槽,其方向不受风向的制约。通过与周边发现的冰臼群对比研究,形态特征基本一致,只是本区冰臼群发育的海拔高度更高,规模较小,但部分冰臼形态更加完整,水流冲刷、流动痕迹明显,符合冰臼的一般特征。总体看,本区冰臼的形成是在厚层冰层消融阶段长期受冰川融水冲刷、研磨作用所致。结合周边冰川遗迹发育情况,认为内蒙古、河北一带第四纪发育过较大规模冰川,可能具大陆冰川的性质。  相似文献   

李纲  王茂海 《冰川冻土》1994,16(4):351-356
在天山乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川度部取冰样12个,加工成直径113mm,长200mm的试样,在-1±0.3℃和0.42MPa(其中一试样为0.84MPa)的条件下,作恒应力单轴压缩蠕变试验,试样岩屑含量为0.01-2.50%的体积比。试验得出最小应变率出现在变为1%左右,流动参数A与纯冰实验结果相近,未发现岩屑含量对冰的蠕变有明显影响。  相似文献   

最近,著名地质学家中国地质科学院地质研究所韩同林教授,在广东省揭西县发现了世界上罕见的冰臼群.冰臼群是古冰川融化后的冰融水,携带石块对下伏基岩或一些巨大的岩块(冰川漂砾)进行强烈冲击、研磨形成的.它是古冰川存在的有力证据之一,是古气候、古环境变迁的重要见证.揭西冰臼群发现于揭西县城之东南的石肚溪内,位于北纬23°23′,东经115°52′,海拔约36~300m.石肚溪是当地一条名不经传的小河,溪流自西南向东北方向流动,全长20多km,.目前已发现的冰臼群较集中的最少有11处,且均分布于河谷之中,…  相似文献   

高速远程冰-岩碎屑流研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
冰-岩碎屑流是高寒山区陡峭山体斜坡区冰崩、岩崩或滑坡解体后形成的冰屑、岩块和土颗粒混合体高速流动现象.由于裹挟了冰屑,冰-岩碎屑流具有超强的运动性,屡屡引发震惊世人的灾难性事件,是全球气候变暖大背景下地质灾害研究的热点与前沿问题.通过对近40余年来的研究进展进行梳理和评述,指出了冰-岩碎屑流的概念由来和主流定义方法,阐述了其成因机制的气候敏感性,结合典型实例论述了区域发育特征,重点分析了运动特征、减阻机理和冰屑影响机制.冰-岩碎屑流的超强运动性被认为与低摩擦冰减阻机理、摩擦热融减阻机理、侧限约束减阻机理密切相关.冰屑作为材料组分和融水来源,能够降低界面摩擦、改变冰-水-岩相互作用,进而形成复杂的热-水-力耦合作用.今后应加强研究冰-岩碎屑流事件的成因机制和时空分布规律、运动特性和冰屑影响机制、过程演化观测与预警评估技术,以期揭示冰-岩碎屑流运动机理,为冰-岩碎屑流及链生灾害的科学减灾提供有力支撑.   相似文献   

高向群 Jack.  TH 《冰川冻土》1995,17(4):343-349
本描述了单轴压缩蠕变实验结果。试样包括c轴取向为随机分布和非随机分布的冰、人造冰和取自南极洛多姆冰帽的冰芯冰,各向同性冰芯冰和人造的最小应变率存在差别,未获得合理的解释。方位组构与应力状态相容时,各赂异性冰的最小应变率高于各向同性冰的最小应变率,随着第三应谱阶段的发展,冰芯冰和人造冰的第三应变率趋近相同的恒定值,实验后冰芯冰和人造冰c轴方位组构类型相同,晶粒尺寸也接近。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲冰携泥现象及其产出的冰成沉积构造   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过野外实地考察、实验模拟,在黄河三角洲发现了一种非常特殊的、冰-(水-)泥共同作用而形成的冰携泥现象。冬末春初,冰雪融化,位于冰层底部的细粒碎屑沉积物质(粉砂或粘土)常被冰向上携起。研究认为,冰携泥的发育过程可以分为三个阶段:沉积物的破碎、冰层底部融化-泥沙被冰垂向搬运及泥沙下落-冰成球粒等的形成。在冰携泥的整个过程中可产出冰劈裂缝、冰成球粒和冰成泥沙片等特殊的沉积现象(构造),它们是冰携泥现象留下的重要的地质记录,对于恢复这一特殊现象及其形成的环境条件具有重要的指示意义。另外,初步探讨了冰携泥现象形成的两种可能机制:毛细作用和冰融水对流作用,并认为在冰融水能及时渗漏或排出的开放系统中,只有毛细作用机制发生作用;在冰融水不能被渗漏或排出的密闭系统中,两种机制共同发生作用。  相似文献   

汤明高  王李娜  刘昕昕  秦佳俊  李扬 《地球科学》2022,47(12):4647-4662
随着全球气候变暖,青藏高原冰崩灾害日益加剧.通过大量遥感解译及数据分析,系统查明青藏高原冰崩隐患数量、类型、发育规律及危险性:(1)40 269条冰川共发育冰崩隐患581处.按失稳方式分为滑移式和崩落式;按成灾模式分为冰崩直接灾害、冰崩-堵江溃决和冰崩-冰湖溃决灾害.(2)冰崩敏感坡度40°~50°,集中分布高程为4 500~5 500 m,坡向具有“亲北性”.(3)区域分布差异大.西藏和新疆区域分布共占89.5%,雅鲁藏布江和塔里木河流域分布共占80.4%,念青唐古拉山脉和横断山脉分布共占49.4%.(4)空间分异明显.冰崩前缘高程以喜马拉雅东构造结为界,以西呈自西向东增大的趋势,以东呈先减小后增大的“V”型趋势,40.1%的冰崩前缘高程4 500~5 000 m、位于雪线附近,受山脉控制具有气候带交界“群聚性”特点.(5)高危险的冰崩隐患点36处、中等危险215处、低危险330处.   相似文献   

基于适体坐标变换的二维河冰模型   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
为精确模拟流动边界条件,克服边界形状复杂、长宽尺度相差悬殊及由于水位变化引起计算边界变化等困难,针对天然河道边界弯曲复杂等特点,应用水动力学和热力学等原理,建立了适体坐标下的二维河冰数值模型,模型主要包括流速场,水温沿河道变化,水内冰浓度分布,面冰输移,冰盖推进、稳定和消融,冰盖下冰的输移、堆积和冲蚀等,考虑了冰盖底部水中冰堆积和冰盖前沿形状对封冻过程的影响。采用MacCormack步进格式计算方法,并应用黄河河曲段实测资料对数值模拟结果进行了验证。验证结果表明,提出的数值模型能较好地体现河道的封冻过程。  相似文献   

雪冰中微量有机物的生物地球化学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
雪冰中微量有机物的生物地球化学研究进展龙江平,秦大河(中国科学院冰川冻土研究所,兰州730000)关键词雪冰,有机物,生物地球化学雪冰中微量有机物的生物地球化学主要研究雪冰中有天然来源的微量有机物和由人类活动、工业化发展带来的人为污染有机物。通过雪冰...  相似文献   

Studies in southern British Columbia have shown that Cordilleran Ice Sheet flow was controlled by topograph, even in full glacial time. New ice‐flow evidence from the Nass River region, northern British Columbia, however, indicates that ice was thicker there and that the continental ice‐sheet phase of glaciation was reached. Inspection of high elevation sites has revealed a suite of ice‐flow indicators (mainly striae) undetected by earlier work. These suggest that at the Last Glacial Maximum (Fraser Glaciation), ice flowed southwestward across the Nass River region from an ice divide that probably was located in the Skeena Mountain area. Comparisons with adjacent work allow this divide to be mapped over a wide area. The results suggest that maximum ice thicknesses in the northern part of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet were larger than reported previously. The location of storm tracks in full glacial time may have played an important role in the production of an ice sheet that was thicker in northern British Columbia than it was in the southern half of the province. During deglaciation, ice thinned and gradually became confined to fiords and valleys, resulting in numerous and variable ice‐flow directions at that time. Topographic control was thus exerted on ice flow only after the glacial maximum was reached, despite the significant amount of relief in this region. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

冰盖数值模拟是一种基于多源观测数据,通过构建并求解冰流动力学方程组,理解冰流运动物理机制以及诊断和预估其演化过程的方法,目前已被广泛应用于冰盖变化研究。本文简要介绍了极地冰盖数值模拟方法,归纳综述了近十余年我国学者在极地冰盖数值模拟方面的研究进展,厘清我国在冰盖数值模拟领域遇到的瓶颈和关键问题。阐述了如何与我国的极地冰盖科考优势区域深度结合,协同多源强化观测和数值模拟,研发和改进冰盖模式,提高冰盖模拟能力,对定量估算极地冰盖的物质平衡及其对未来海平面上升的影响做出实质贡献。通过逐步发展冰盖模式的研究能力,有望将来在冰盖关键动力过程和机制的科学认识上有所突破。  相似文献   

贺顺德  雷鸣  李荣容 《水文》2014,34(2):44-48
在不能改变河道边界条件和不利气候因素的前提下,通过防凌调度运用,调控河道上游来水量是缓解河道凌灾的重要手段。河流防凌安全流量是进行防凌调度的重要依据之一。通过分析河道凌情基本特点、有无灾害年份流量过程、探索冰凌形成和运动机理、采用理论方法分析河道冰下过流能力等多种方法,对河流的防凌安全流量分析方法进行了初步探索,分析确定的河流防凌安全流量可以作为防凌调度的基本依据。  相似文献   

弯槽段冰塞形成及其厚度分布的试验研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
河流冰塞是寒冷地区河流的共性问题,弯槽段易于卡封是客观存在的现象,但对其形成机理的认识尚有待探索.借助于实验室的试验水槽,通过改变水流条件和冰流量条件,研究了弯槽段冰塞形成和厚度分布的规律.结果表明:当弯槽段先铺有模拟冰盖时,初始冰塞头部向下游推进的速度随水流的Fr增加而增加;当在弯槽尾部加上模拟的初封条件时,水流条件的变化可以产生冰塞发展的两种不同顺序,提出了实验室条件下的弯槽段冰塞体形成与否的临界Fr数.  相似文献   

Evidence for former fast glacier flow (ice streaming) in the southwest Laurentide Ice Sheet is identified on the basis of regional glacial geomorphology and sedimentology, highlighting the depositional processes associated with the margin of a terrestrial terminating ice stream. Preliminary mapping from a digital elevation model of Alberta identifies corridors of smoothed topography and corridor‐parallel streamlined landforms (megaflutes to mega‐lineations) that display high levels of spatial coherency. Ridges that lie transverse to the dominant streamlining patterns are interpreted as: (a) series of minor recessional push moraines; (b) thrust block moraines or composite ridges/hill–hole pairs constructed during readvances/surges; and (c) overridden moraines (cupola hills), apparently of thrust origin. Together these landforms demarcate the beds and margins of former fast ice flow trunks or ice streams that terminated as lobate forms. Localised cross‐cutting and/or misalignment of flow sets indicates temporal separation and the overprinting of ice streams/lobes. The fast‐flow tracks are separated by areas of interlobate or inter‐stream terrain in which moraines have been constructed at the margins of neighbouring (competing) ice streams/outlet glaciers; this inter‐stream terrain was covered by more sluggish, non‐streaming ice during full glacial conditions. Thin tills at the centres of the fast‐flow corridors, in many places unconformably overlying stratified sediments, suggest that widespread till deformation may have been subordinate to basal sliding in driving fast ice flow but the general thickening of tills towards the lobate terminal margins of ice streams/outlet glaciers is consistent with subglacial deformation theory. In this area of relatively low relief we speculate that fast glacier flow or streaming was highly dynamic and transitory, sometimes with fast‐flowing trunks topographically fixed in their onset zones and with the terminus migrating laterally. The occurrence of minor push moraines and flutings and associated landforms, because of their similarity to modern active temperate glacial landsystems, are interpreted as indicative of ice lobe marginal oscillations, possibly in response to seasonal climatic forcing, in locations where meltwater was more effectively drained from the glacier bed. Further north, the occurrence of surging glacier landsystems suggests that persistent fast glacier flow gave way to more transitory surging, possibly in response to the decreasing size of ice reservoir areas in dispersal centres and also locally facilitated by ice‐bed decoupling and drawdown initiated by the development of ice‐dammed lakes. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Tyne Gap is a wide pass, situated between the Scottish Southern Uplands and the English Pennines that connects western and eastern England. It was a major ice flow drainage pathway of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet. This study presents new glacial geomorphological and sedimentological data from the Tyne Gap region that has allowed detailed reconstructions of palaeo‐ice flow dynamics during the Late Devensian (Marine Isotope Stage 2). Mapped lineations reveal a complex palimpsest pattern which shows that ice flow was subject to multiple switches in direction. These are summarised into three major ice flow phases. Stage I was characterised by convergent Lake District and Scottish ice that flowed east through the Tyne Gap, as a topographically controlled ice stream. This ice stream was identified from glacial geomorphological evidence in the form of convergent bedforms, streamlined subglacial bedforms and evidence for deformable bed conditions; stage II involved northerly migration of the Solway Firth ice divide back into the Southern Uplands, causing the easterly flow of ice to be weakened, and resulting in southeasterly flow of ice down the North Tyne Valley; and stage III was characterised by strong drawdown of ice into the Irish Sea Ice Basin, thus starving the Tyne Gap of ice and causing progressive ice sheet retreat westwards back across the watershed, prior to ice stagnation. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于2009年5月至2011年10月科其喀尔冰川的花杆观测资料,对其消融区的表面运动特征进行分析. 结果表明:冰川消融区的年水平运动速度最大值为86.69 m·a-1,年垂直运动速度最大值为15.34 m·a-1,均出现在冰川海拔4 000~4 200 m的消融区上部;在靠近冰川末端的冰舌下部,受冰量补给减弱、厚层表碛覆盖等影响,冰川运动缓慢,年水平运动速度小于5 m·a-1,而垂直运动速度值小于2 m·a-1. 大多数横剖面的水平运动速度具有从中部向边缘逐渐减小的特征,而有的剖面却出现局部速度增大的区域. 整体而言,冰川水平及垂直运动速度随海拔降低而减小,符合冰川运动的一般规律,但主要受地形作用的影响,垂直运动速度随海拔的变化会出现波动. 消融期月水平运动速度与同期气温和降水的变化具有一定的相关性,可能反映出气候快速变化对冰川运动的影响.  相似文献   

冰川裂解与底部消融是南极冰架质量损失的主要部分,这两个过程与全球温度升高密切相关。Getz冰架较阿蒙森海其他冰架对温度的升高更为敏感,开展Getz冰架表面冰流速和结构特征长时间序列分析,对全球气候变化、极地冰川学的发展具有重要意义。基于Landsat系列影像,采用多尺度半自动化影像匹配算法重建了2000—2017年Getz F冰架表面冰流速,进一步通过遥感影像增强处理及人工目视解译,提取了2000年和2017年Getz F冰架表面结构特征,综合分析Getz F冰架长时间序列冰流速与表面特征。结果表明,2000—2017年间,Getz F冰架表面高冰流速区(850~950 m?a-1)逐渐向西部海岸线移动,海岸线向外延伸较大;冰架中西部下游冰裂缝数量明显增多,且冰裂隙呈现由东部上游向东部下游移动的趋势;冰流速总体呈随表面高程的增加而减少的趋势。研究表明Getz F冰架流量由Berry冰川补给较多,且冰流速受变性环极深水消融影响较大;同时,Getz F冰架前缘存在着较大不稳定性。  相似文献   

Geophysical data from Gerlache Strait, Croker Passage, Bismarck Strait and the adjacent continental shelf reveal streamlined subglacial bedforms that were produced at the bed of the Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet (APIS) during the last glaciation. The spatial arrangement and orientation of these bedforms record the former drainage pattern and flow dynamics of an APIS outlet up‐flow, and feeding into, a palaeo‐ice stream in the Western Bransfield Basin. Evidence suggests that together, they represent a single ice‐flow system that drained the APIS during the last glaciation. The ice‐sheet outlet flowed north/northeastwards through Gerlache Strait and Croker Passage and converged with a second, more easterly ice‐flow tributary on the middle shelf to form the main palaeo‐ice stream. The dominance of drumlins with low elongation ratios suggests that ice‐sheet outlet draining through Gerlache Strait was comparatively slower than the main palaeo‐ice stream in the Western Bransfield Basin, although the low elongation ratios may also partly reflect the lack of sediment. Progressive elongation of drumlins further down‐flow indicates that the ice sheet accelerated through Croker Passage and the western tributary trough, and fed into the main zone of streaming flow in the Western Bransfield Basin. Topography would have exerted a strong control on the development of the palaeo‐ice stream system but subglacial geology may also have been significant given the transition from crystalline bedrock to sedimentary strata on the inner–mid‐shelf. In the broader context, the APIS was drained by a number of major fast‐flowing outlets through cross‐shelf troughs to the outer continental shelf during the last glaciation. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Glaciers, ice sheets and ice caps represent tectonic systems driven by gravity. Their movement can be studied in real time and the rheological properties and strength of ice determined from laboratory experiments and field measurements. All glacial ice has primary stratification, exhibited by variations in grain size, bubble content and debris content. As it deforms, with deformation dominated by plastic flow and recrystallization, accompanied locally by fracture under tension, a suite of structures develops that reflects the primary fabric of the ice and the anisotropy that develops as a result of cumulative deformation. Initial variations in solid impurity content and strain dependent anisotropy as a result of a crystallographic fabric give rise to effective viscosity increases or decreases compared to isotropic polycrystalline ice of about a factor of ten. Foliation develops from inherited (mostly stratification) or introduced (mostly ice veins or fracture traces) fabric elements and from dynamic recrystallization. It is largely dependent on the accumulated strain, which is highest at the base and near the margins of glaciers, ice sheets and ice streams. Folds develop largely passively due to initial amplification of irregularities in the primary stratification, to variations in flow with time or to inhomogeneous flow associated with shear zones and ductile accommodation around open fractures. Buckle folds and boudinage, mostly on a small scale, occur where viscosity contrast is large, mostly in basal ice. Thrusting and wrench faulting are documented in surging glaciers but theoretically most unlikely and rare or absent elsewhere. Many structures interpreted as faults are not due to shear failure but rather result from shear displacements during opening and closing of tensile fractures.  相似文献   

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