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Juichiro  Ashi Asahiko  Taira 《Island Arc》1992,1(1):104-115
Abstract The Nankai accretionary prism, off southwest Japan represents one of the best developed clastic prisms in the world. A combination of swath mapping including Sea Beam and 'IZANAGI' sidescan sonar and closely spaced seismic reflection data was used to investigate the relationship between the progressive landward change in surface morphology and the internal structural evolution of the prism. The prism surface is divided into three zones sub-parallel to the trough axis on the basis of the IZANAGI backscattering image. The frontal part of the prism is characterized by several continuous lineaments that are approximately perpendicular to the plate convergence direction. These lineaments correspond to anticlinal ridges caused by active imbricate thrusting. Landward, these anticlinal ridges become progressively masked by fine-grained hemipelagic slope sediments that are constantly supplied to the entire prism slope. However, these overlying sediments show little deformation. This implies a change in deformation style from frontal thrusting with fault-bend folds to internal refolding of thrust sheets. In the middle to upper prism slope, the IZANAGI image shows numerous landslide features and large fault scarps, suggesting that exposed sediments are lithified enough to fail in brittle mode compared with the wet sediment deformation at the prism toe. Prism evolution is strongly affected by the decollement depth which may be indirectly controlled by oceanic basement relief; a topographic embayment coincides with a regional minimum of sediment offscraping where a basement high has been subducted. The small tapered prism observed in the embayment may be due to lateral supply of overpressured pore fluids from the adjacent prism. Strain caused by the differential rate of prism growth across the basement relief forms faults trending at high angles to the trough axis.  相似文献   

One of the more prominent architectural elements of the Nankai subduction margin, offshore southwest Japan, is an out‐of‐sequence thrust fault (megasplay) that separates the inner accretionary prism from the outer prism. The inner prism (hanging wall of the megasplay) is dominated by mudstone, which is enigmatic when the sedimentary facies is compared to coeval deposits in the Shikoku Basin (i.e. inputs from the subducting Philippine Sea plate) and to coarser‐grained turbidite sequences from the Quaternary trench wedge. Clay mineral assemblages amplify the mismatches of sedimentary facies. Mudstones from the inner prism are uniformly depleted in smectite, with average bulk values of 23–24 wt%, whereas the Shikoku Basin deposits show progressive decreases in proportions of smectite over time, from averages of 46–48 wt% at 10 Ma to 17–21 wt% at 1 Ma. Plate‐boundary reconstructions for the Philippine Sea region provide one solution to the conundrum. Between 15 Ma and 10 Ma, the Pacific plate subducted near the NanTroSEIZE transect, and a trench‐trench‐trench triple junction migrated to the northeast. Accretion during that period involved sediments that had been deposited on the Pacific plate. Motion of the Philippine Sea plate changed from 10 Ma to 6 Ma, resulting in sinistral slip along the proto‐Nankai Trough. Sediments accreted during that period probably had been deposited near the triple junction, with a hybrid detrital provenance. Renewed subduction of the Philippine Sea plate at 6 Ma led to reorganization of watersheds near the Izu–Honshu collision zone and gradual incision of large submarine canyons on both sides of the colliding Izu arc. Accreted Pliocene mudstones share more of an affinity to the triple junction paleoenvironment than they do to Shikoku Basin. These differences between subducting Shikoku Basin strata and accreted Pacific plate sediments have important implications for interpretations of frictional properties, structural architecture, and diagenetic fluid production.  相似文献   

The hemipelagic mudrocks of the Nankai accretionary prism, Japan, contain hydrothermal deposits associated with a relict spreading center in the Shikoku Basin. Initial work on core samples from Ocean Drilling Program site 808 found several samples with elevated concentrations of calcium, magnesium, iron and manganese, at depths of between 1060 and 1111 m below sea floor. However, the origin of these sediments was uncertain, due to a lack of data. There was no recorded evidence of whether these elevated concentrations were present throughout this interval of core, or if they were present as discrete layers with the background hemipelagic mudrocks in between. In the present study the core was resampled, and the sediments with anomalous chemical compositions were found to be present in discrete layers. This fact, along with a detailed interpretation of their geochemistry, has allowed them to be identified as hydrothermal sediments, associated with the relict spreading center in the Shikoku Basin. The lower (older) two layers display a chemical composition typical of umbers, while the upper (younger) two layers are metalliferous mudrocks typical of deposits found further from the spreading center.  相似文献   

The Nankai Trough, Japan, is a subduction zone characterized by the recurrence of disastrous earthquakes and tsunamis. Slow earthquakes and associated tremor also occur intermittently and locally in the Nankai Trough and the causal relationship between slow earthquakes and large earthquakes is important to understanding subduction zone dynamics. The Nankai Trough off Muroto, Shikoku Island, near the southeast margin of the rupture segment of the 1946 Nankai earthquake, is one of three regions where slow earthquakes and tremor cluster in the Nankai Trough. On the Philippine Sea plate, the rifting of the central domain of the Shikoku Basin was aborted at ~15 Ma and underthrust the Nankai forearc off Muroto. Here, the Tosa-Bae seamount and other high-relief features, which are northern extension of the Kinan Seamount chain, have collided with and indented the forearc wedge. In this study, we analyzed seismic reflection profiles around the deformation front of accretionary wedge and stratigraphically correlated them to drilling sites off Muroto. Our results show that the previously aborted horst-and-graben structures, which were formed around the spreading center of the Shikoku Basin at ~15 Ma, were rejuvenated locally at ~6 Ma and more regionally at ~3.3 Ma and have remained active since. The reactivated normal faulting has enhanced seafloor roughness and appears to affect the locations of slow earthquakes and tremors. Rejuvenated normal faulting is not limited to areas near the Nankai Trough, and extends more than 200 km into the Shikoku Basin to the south. This extension might be due to extensional forces applied to the Philippine Sea plate, which appear to be driven by slab-pull in the Ryukyu and Philippine trenches along the western margin of the Philippine Sea plate.  相似文献   

Toshihiro  Ike  Gregory F.  Moore  Shin'ichi  Kuramoto  Jin-Oh  Park  Yoshiyuki  Kaneda  Asahiko  Taira 《Island Arc》2008,17(3):358-375
Abstract   When seamounts and other topographic highs on an oceanic plate are subducted, they cause significant deformation of the overriding plate and may act as asperities deeper in the seismogenic zone. Kashinosaki Knoll (KK) is an isolated basement high of volcanic origin on the subducting Philippine Sea Plate that will soon be subducted at the eastern Nankai Trough. Seismic reflection imaging reveals a thick accumulation of sediments (∼1200 m) over and around the knoll. The lower portion of the sedimentary section has a package of high-amplitude, continuous reflections, interpreted as turbidites, that lap onto steep basement slopes but are parallel to the gentler basement slopes. Total sediment thickness on the western and northern slopes is approximately 40–50% more than on the summit and southeastern slopes of KK. These characteristics imply that the basal sedimentary section northwest of KK was deposited by infrequent high-energy turbidity currents, whereas the area southeast of KK was dominated by hemipelagic sedimentation over asymmetric basement relief. From the sediment structure and magnetic anomalies, we estimate that the knoll likely formed near the spreading center of the Shikoku Basin in the early Miocene. Its origin differs from that of nearby Zenisu Ridge, which is a piece of the Shikoku Basin crust uplifted along a thrust fault related to the collision of the Izu–Bonin arc and Honshu. KK has been carried into the margin of the Nankai Trough, and its high topography is deflecting Quaternary trench turbidites to the south. When KK collides with the accretionary prism in about 1 My, the associated variations in sediment type and thickness around the knoll will likely result in complex local variations in prism deformation.  相似文献   

To better image deformation structures within the inner accretionary wedge of the Nankai Trough, Japan, we apply common reflection angle migration to a legacy two-dimensional seismic data set acquired with a 6 km streamer cable. In this region, many seismic surveys have been conducted to study the seismogenic zone related to plate subduction. However, the details of the accreted sediments beneath the Kumano forearc basin are still unclear due to the poor quality of seismic images caused by multiple reflections, highly attenuated signals, and possibly complex geological structures. Generating common image gathers in the subsurface local angle domain rather than the surface offset domain is more advantageous for imaging geological structures that involve complex wave paths and poor illumination. By applying this method, previously unseen structures are revealed in the thick accreted sediments. The newly imaged geometric features of reflectors, such as the folds in the shallow part of the section and the deep reflectors with stepwise discontinuities, imply deformation structures with multiple thrust faults. The reflections within the deep accreted sediments (approximately 5 km) are mainly mapped to far angles (30°–50°) in the common reflection angles, which correspond to the recorded offset distances greater than 4.5 km. This result indicates that the far offset/angle information is critical to image the deformation structures at depth. The new depth image from the common reflection angle migration provides seismic evidence of multiple thrust faults and their relationship with the megathrust fault that is essential for understanding the structure and evolution of the Nankai Trough seismogenic zone.  相似文献   

Abstract The deformation style of the Torlesse Terrane along the southern Kaikoura coast, South Island, New Zealand, records shallow level deformation processes within an accretionary prism during the Early Cretaceous. The beds exhibit complicated structural features resulting from multistage deformations in a lithological unit, that were intimately related with the dewatering and lithification of terrigenous sediments. The earliest phase of deformation throughout the transect studied was the development of pinch-and-swell structures and boudinage fabrics due to layer-parallel extension while the beds were poorly consolidated. This was followed locally by mesoscopic tight to close recumbent folding. The beds are cut locally by two phases of mudstone intrusions. The earlier phase was initiated by 'in situ' fluidization of mudstone layers, whereas the later phase represented intrusion of siliceous claystone probably derived from an overpressured decollement. Minor faults at high-angles to bedding by layer-normal shortening then disrupted the beds throughout the transect. The deformation was followed by formation of meso- and macroscopic scale open to gentle folds by layer-parallel shortening. Kilometer-scale differential stratal rotations were produced during the final main tectonic phase that occurred in association with post-accretion Neogene regional disturbance.  相似文献   

Yuzuru  Yamamoto  Shunsuke  Kawakami 《Island Arc》2005,14(2):178-198
Abstract   The structure, paleomagnetism and biostratigraphy of the Nishizaki and Kagamigaura formations on the southern Boso Peninsula, central Japan, were investigated to determine the chronographic constraints on the accretion, post-Late Miocene rotation and regional tectonics in the Izu–Bonin island arc collision zone. The geological structures on the southern Boso Peninsula are characterized by an east–west trending and south-verging fold and thrust belt that curves toward the northwest–southeast in the northwest extent of the Nishizaki Formation. Two stages of tectonic rotation were revealed by paleomagnetic and structural studies. The first is believed to have occurred after the accretion of the Nishizaki Formation and before the deposition of the Kagamigaura Formation, while the second is confidently correlated with the 1 Ma Izu block collision. The northwest extent of the Nishizaki Formation was rotated clockwise by approximately 65–80°, whereas the rotation was only 25–30° in the east, and 11–13° in the overlying Kagamigaura Formation. Radiolarian biostratigraphy suggests a depositional age of 9.9–6.8 Ma (Upper Miocene period) for the Nishizaki Formation and 4.19-3.75 Ma (Pliocene period) for the lower Kagamigaura Formation. These results indicate that the age of accretion and first-stage rotation of the Nishizaki Formation can be constrained to the interval of 6.80–3.75 Ma. This structure most likely represents the northward bending caused by collisions of the Tanzawa and Izu blocks with the Honshu island arc, and suggests rapid processes of accretion, collision, uplift and the formation of new sedimentary basins within a relatively short period of time (2.61–3.05 my).  相似文献   

Jonathan C.  Lewis  Tim  Byrne David J.  Prior 《Island Arc》1997,6(2):183-196
Abstract We present backscattered scanning electron microscope and petrographic microscope observations of deformed sediments from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 808 in order to better understand the dewatering and deformation history of the Nankai accretionary complex. This synthesis of deformation textures has three implications. First, the early structures that dominate the Nankai prism, small faults and kink bands, have very different electron microscope versus optical microscopic expressions. This observation is important to investigations of fine-grained sediment in both stable and active tectonic settings, in part, because these materials have often been studied almost exclusively by electron microscope methods. In sediments of this type, investigators often forego petrographic analysis because of the relative opacity of samples at normal (i.e. 30 pm) thin section thicknesses. Second, the textural observations we have compiled suggest that these deformation structures acted as 'single-event' pathways that contributed to diffusive dewatering of the prism. Third, our observations serve as a reference frame for the early tectonic structures that are important to the dewatering history of a 'sandy' accretionary prism.  相似文献   

Abstract Mélange units containing greenstones are common throughout the Cretaceous-Miocene Shimanto Supergroup in the Ryukyu Is and southwest Japan. Most greenstones in the accretionary complex originated in oceanic spreading ridges and seamounts, and they formed far from the convergent margin. Some mélange-like units in the supergroup, however, contain greenstones that were extruded upon and intruded into unconsolidated fine-grained terrigenous clastic sediments. It is inferred that eruption of the in situ greenstones resulted from igneous activity in the trench area. Geochemical signatures indicate that the greenstone protoliths were similar to mafic lavas generated at spreading ridges. Fossil ages of the strata containing in situ greenstones become younger over a distance of 1300 km eastward from Amami-Oshima (Cenomanian-Turonian) in the Ryukyu Is to central Japan (Late Maestrichtian-earliest Paleocene), implying that a site of igneous activity in the trench area migrated eastward along the Ryukyu Is and southwest Japan margin. Plate reconstructions of the northwest Pacific Ocean suggest the presence of the Kula-Pacific ridge near Late Cretaceous to early Paleogene Japan. In this context, it is suggested that the greenstones formed in response to Kula-Pacific ridge-forearc collision.
Ancient ridge-forearc collisions are best recognized by the presence of mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) extruded on sediments inferred to have accumulated in the trench area. Diachronous occurrences of the strata associated with these MORB in an orogenic belt are useful for documenting the ridge collision through time.  相似文献   

基于日本南海海槽地震活动性和历史海啸事件记载的分析,本文对日本南海海槽发生MW9.1罕遇地震情况下的海啸进行了数值模拟研究.结果表明:该地震可引发初始波幅约10 m的海啸,6个小时后传至浙江沿海,近岸各处波幅为1—2 m;8个小时后靠近上海海岸线,最大波幅约2 m,受地形影响局地爬高至近3 m;11个小时后抵达苏北黄海沿岸,预计波幅普遍在1 m左右.海啸的上岸高度与海岸附近的海深和海岸线的形态密切相关.我国近岸海域地形变化复杂,海湾众多,对海啸波有放大作用,该模拟结果可能比实际传播到近岸时偏小,因此综合评估日本海啸影响我国华东地区的规模m可达1—2级左右.一旦日本南海发生罕遇地震对我国的影响不容忽视,尤其遇上风暴潮与天文大潮叠加,则可能会造成一定程度的海啸灾害.  相似文献   

Gaoping  Shen  Hiroshi  Ujilé Katsuo  Sashida 《Island Arc》1996,5(2):156-165
Abstract The pre-Neogene basement of the central Ryukyu Island Arc shows zonal structures analogous to those of the outer belt of southwest Japan. The innermost terrane (Iheya Zone) consists of isoclinally folded beds dipping northwestward; the anticlinal cores are composed mainly of Permian chert, whereas the synclinal parts are represented by Jurassic to Cretaceous sandstone-rich alternating siliceous shale and chert, bearing appropriate radiolarian fossils. At the east-central area of Ie Island, the basement rocks are exposed as a 172 m high peak, Tattyu. The flank area of Tattyu is composed of latest Jurassic to Berriasian siliceous shale and chert as part of an accretionary prism, while most of Tattyu is composed of a continuous and very compact sequence of Norian through Kimmeridgian (?) bedded chert which is rather gently inclined. Beyond an unexposed part below the Norian chert, Guadalupian chert is recognized. It is inferred that this pelagic chert (Tattyu sequence) was off-scraped and thrust on to the accretionary prism which developed on its flank area in an accretion process after the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Understanding of fluid behavior and gas distribution in the shallow subsurface are important considerations in gas hydrate formation and the global carbon cycle. Estimation of gas distribution based on reflection seismic surveys, however, is difficult because the boundary of a gas‐bearing zone is indistinct and not systematically defined. This study reports distinctive features related to gas‐hydrate distribution and possible fluid migration in high‐resolution 3D seismic‐reflection data from sediments of the eastern Nankai Trough. These features, here termed foldback reflectors (FBRs), descend in accordion shaped reflectors near the edges of bottom‐simulating reflectors (BSRs). FBRs generally correspond to lateral boundaries between two seismic facies, a ‘dimmed’ facies with relatively low amplitude and subdued high‐frequency components beneath the BSR and the contrasting facies around the BSR. The dimmed facies corresponds to areas of anomalously low velocity consistent with a small amount of free gas. FBR is mostly developed in well‐stratified formations in uplifted regions. Dip directions of the FBR appear to be restricted by orientation of the host formations. Edges of the FBR often correspond to high‐amplitude layers. Such occurrences of FBR suggest that regional uplift and layer‐parallel fluid migration are related to the formation of FBR as well as BSR.  相似文献   

We reanalyzed 3D seismic reflection and logging‐while‐drilling data from the toe of the northern Barbados accretionary prism to interpret structure, deformation, and fluid flow related to subduction processes. The seafloor amplitude and coherence reveal an abrupt change in the thrust orientation from NNE at the thrust front and north and NNW about 5 km west of the thrust front. These thrust sets are separated by a triangular‐shaped quiet area, which may represent a zone of low strength. The northeast‐trending band of strong negative amplitude and high coherence in the décollement, known to be an interval of arrested consolidation, overlaps the quiet area, suggesting that the arrested consolidation may be related to the lack of thrust imbrication, and thus, vertical drainage for fluid in the accretionary prism. Fractal analysis of the décollement and top of the subducting oceanic basement indicates that the relief of the décollement correlates with the topography of the oceanic basement. Differential compaction of the underthrust sediment overlying the rugged oceanic basement, together with the basement faults that penetrate into the décollement probably caused relief or even faulting in the décollement.  相似文献   

Abstract The Cansiwang Melange underlies the Southeast Bohol Ophiolite Complex (SEBOC) and is composed mainly of sheared ophiolite-derived blocks such as harzburgites, microgabbros, basalts and cherts in a pervasive serpentinite matrix. Available field, as well as geophysical evidence show that this melange unit is not diapiric, nor does it have a sedimentary origin considering that it lacks slump and flow structures. A tectonic origin for the Cansiwang Melange is favored in view of the numerous thrust faults, which cut across the exposures, as well as the tectonic contacts that the melange has with the overlying and underlying formations. The presence of the Cansiwang Melange in between the SEBOC and the Alicia Schist provides evidence that the amphibolite of the Alicia Schist do not correspond to the metamorphic sole of SEBOC. Similar to what is recognized in the Josephine Ophiolite, this suggests a 'cold' emplacement of the ophiolite over the Alicia Schist. The Cansiwang Melange represents an accretionary prism product which marks the location of an ancient subduction zone in what is now Central Philippines.  相似文献   

Abstract In the Northern Apennines, the Internal Liguride units are characterized by an ophiolite sequence that represents the stratigraphic base of a late Jurassic–early Paleocene sedimentary cover. The Bocco Shale represents the youngest deposit recognized in the sedimentary cover of the ophiolite and can be subdivided into two different groups of deep sea sediments. The first group is represented by slide, debris flow and high density turbidity current-derived deposits, whereas the second group consists of thin-bedded turbidites. Facies analysis and provenance studies indicate, for the former group, small and scarcely evoluted flows that rework an oceanic lithosphere and its sedimentary cover. We interpret the Bocco Shale as an ancient example of a deposit related to the frontal tectonic erosion of the accretionary wedge slope. The frontal tectonic erosion resulted in a large removal of materials, from the accretionary wedge front, that was reworked as debris flows and slide deposits sedimented on the lower plate above the trench deposits. The frontal tectonic erosion was probably connected with subduction of oceanic crust characterized by positive topographic relief. This interpretation can be also applied for the origin of analogous deposits of Western Alps and Corsica.  相似文献   

We conducted a 3‐D seismic inversion study to investigate spatial variations of physical properties of the décollement zone (DZ) and protodécollement zone (PDZ) under the northern Barbados accretionary prism. Significant spatial variations of physical properties were observed in the PDZ seaward of the thrust front from the inversion data. The density generally increases southward with a few localized low‐density patches. A lower density commonly corresponds to a thicker PDZ, suggesting that the paleomorphology may at least partially control the variations of the physical properties. Similar low‐density patches were also found in the DZ. These features may be inherited from those of the PDZ and enhanced after subduction through localized arrested consolidation. Under the prism toe, the density of the DZ increases landward. This trend may mainly result from shear‐induced consolidation of the DZ but may also be related to landward increasing tectonic loading. Significant north–south differences in density and, thus, porosity and strength of the PDZ, are observed and these differences may continue into the DZ. A stronger DZ is likely responsible for a larger prism taper observed in the southern area of the prism toe. The larger taper, thus more horizontal shortening, coupled with a thinner sediment sheet above the PDZ in the southern area, may cause a relative retreat of the thrust front and a pronounced change in strike of the sequence thrusts south of seismic Line 690. The north–south differences may ultimately have originated in the approach of a structurally higher segment of the Tiburon Rise. The Tiburon Rise affects regional morphology and, thus, it controls the sedimentation and physical properties of the PDZ. It may also control sediment accumulation above the PDZ. Therefore, the sedimentational change induced by the structural high of the Tiburon Rise, in turn, resulted in structural change of the prism in the southern area.  相似文献   

Earthquakes result from continuous geodynamic processes. A topic of significant interest for the scientific community is to elaborate on the phenomena governing the faulting and fracturing of crustal rocks. Therefore, in this study, uniaxial compressive shear failure experiments were conducted on Fangshan marble rock samples with a prefabricated slot to simulate thrust faulting. The center of each marble plate (105 mm × 80 mm × 5 mm) was engraved with a 30-mm long double-sided nonpenetrating slot (depth: 2 mm, width: 0.5 mm). The deformation and destruction processes of the rock surface were recorded using a high-speed camera. The digital image correlation method was used to calculate the displacement and strain distribution and variation at different loading stages. The accumulative and incremental displacement fields u and v , strain field ex and ey, and shear strain exy were analyzed. When the loading level reached its ultimate value, the strain field was concentrated around the prefabricated slot. The concentration reached a maximum at the ends of the prefabricated slot. The magnitude of shear strain reached 0.1. This experiment contributes to our understanding of the dynamic process of active faulting.  相似文献   

This paper aims to identify the spatial distribution of exchangeable base cations in soils on an acid hillslope and to investigate possible cation release processes from slope soils to the stream. The basic assumption underlying this research is that the amount of exchangeable cations in soils reflects the nutrient stores and cation leaching processes across the slope where vegetation and parent materials are similar. The distribution of exchangeable Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ and Na+ has been investigated on a three-dimensional hillslope on the Quantock Hills, Somerset, UK. A two-way ANOVA shows that soil depth is predominant in explaining the total variance of exchangeable bases, despite the steep slope gradient and clear podzolic catena development. Major nutrient base cations, such as Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+, display homogeneous topsoil storage right across the slope. This spatial pattern may indicate that the spatial distribution of major nutrient cations is tightly controlled by the soil–vegetation system in nutrient-poor heathland environments. Na+ is an exception to this vegetation-controlled spatial distribution, because of its small involvement in the soil–vegetation and soil exchangeable systems. In subsurface soils, cations liberated from the soil–vegetation system are subject to redistribution over the slope according to the hydrological flowpaths operating on the slope, with some eventually released into the stream. The saturated wedge developed at the base of the slope plays a key role in the storage and release processes of base cations from slope soils to the stream. Ca2+, Mg2+ and Na+ carried by throughflow are stored in the saturated wedge and gradually released into the stream at times of high flow. K+, however, shows an apparently different spatial behaviour, being deficient in the saturated wedge. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dune bedforms and salt‐wedge intrusions are common features in many estuaries with sand beds, and yet little is known about the interactions between the two. Flow visualization with an echosounder and velocity measurements with an acoustic Doppler current profiler over areas of flat‐bed and sand dunes in the highly‐stratified Fraser River estuary, Canada, were used to examine the effect of dunes on interfacial mixing. As the salt‐wedge migrates upstream over the flat‐bed, mixing is restricted to the lower portion of the water column. However, as the salt‐wedge migrates into the dune field from the flat bed, there is a dramatic change in the flow, and large internal in‐phase waves develop over each of the larger dunes, with water from the salt‐wedge reaching the surface of the estuary. The friction Richardson number shows that bed friction is more important in interfacial mixing over the dunes than over the flat‐bed, and a plot of internal Froude Number versus obstacle (dune) height shows that the salt‐wedge flow over the dunes is mainly supercritical. Such bedforms can be expected to cause similar effects in interfacial mixing in other estuaries and sediment‐laden density currents, and may thus be influential in fluid mixing and sediment transport. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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