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"火炉城市"是对城市热岛效应的最直观描述,它是城市温度在城市小气候的重要表现。以我国4个新旧"火炉城市",南京、杭州、福州和广州为研究区,对1990~2010年间4个城市的热岛效应进行定量估算和对比分析,研究发现福州的城市热岛比例指数(Urban-Heat-Island Ratio Index,URI)从1994年的0.553增加到2016年的0.689,热岛效应加剧程度居4个"火炉城市"之首,而南京的热岛效应则有一定程度的缓解。针对城市建成区小气候与地表要素的关系研究发现,建筑用地和植被与地表温度之间有着显著的相关关系,同时建筑用地和植被斑块的聚合、破碎,也同样是造成城市小气候变化的重要原因。  相似文献   


城市快速扩张导致城乡梯度土地覆盖发生显著的变化,引发不透水地表的增加,植被覆盖的减少,从而加剧了城市热岛强度。研究城乡梯度土地覆盖变化引起的城市热岛效应,并揭示城市热岛的时空特征及强度的变化,对城市规划建设、人居环境改善及提升城市生态系统服务功能具有重要的意义。基于Landsat系列4期影像,利用单窗算法反演西安市地表温度,计算热场变异指数得到热力场强度图并对其进行等级划分,结合土地利用/覆盖类型数据分析城乡梯度土地覆盖变化对城市热岛强度的影响。结果表明:①2000年西安市极强热岛效应区占研究区面积的10.58%,逐渐增加到2011年极强热岛效应区域的面积占比达到16.14%,而后到2015年降低为9.00%,整体上西安市城市热岛效应呈现出了先增长后降低的趋势;②2000年到2015年城乡建设用地面积增加了412.76 km2,极强热岛强度的范围随城市建成区的扩张逐年向外扩展;③无热岛效应区约70%位于耕地和林地,水域在无热岛效应中的占比也在逐年增多,从31%增加到了47%。不透水地表面积占比与地表温度有显著相关性,城乡梯度植被和水体面积的增加可以有效地缓解城市热岛强度。  相似文献   

以长株潭城市群区域为例,利用2005年3个不同季节的TERRA/MODIS数据提取的地表温度、归一化植被指数(NDVI)和归一化建筑指数(NDBI),分析了城市热岛效应及其随季节的变化,采用归一化植被指数(NDVI)和归一化建筑指数(NDBI)作为反映地表生物物理特征的参数,分析了城市热岛时空特征与地表生物物理参数的关系。研究结果表明,研究区域城市热岛效应的季相变化明显,一年中夏季与春季的城市热岛效应相对显著,城市地表温度高出周边的郊区达8~10℃;而冬季城市热岛效应相对不太明显,城市地表温度高出周边的郊区4℃。地表温度与归一化植被指数(NDVI)的相关性随季节变化较为明显,说明通常将归一化植被指数(NDVI)作为城市地表温度或城市热岛的代用指标是不适宜的;然而,地表温度与归一化建筑指数(NDBI)在不同季节都呈显著的线性关系,而且地表温度与NDBI线性关系的斜率和截距能够很好地指示不同季节城市热岛的强度,这就为定量分析不同季节城市地表温度的变化提供了物理指数,也为利用遥感研究城市热岛效应提供了新的方法与途径。  相似文献   

利用Landsat TM卫星影像提取了泉州市1989到1996年的城市建成区不透水面,并研究了其与城市热岛之间的关系。根据Ridd(1995)提出的城市建成区不透水面与植被覆盖度有很强的负相关关系的思想,先利用归一化植被指数求出泉州市建成区的植被覆盖度,进而提取了泉州市建成区的不透水面。通过比较所提取的两个时相不透水面信息,可以看出泉州市区不透水面的面积在7年里有了明显的增加,并主要沿研究区东南部扩展。通过将所提取的不透水面信息与利用TM6波段反演的地表温度进行相关分析,可发现二者之间存在着明显的正相关关系。  相似文献   

景观格局对杭州城市热环境年内变化的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于杭州2015年4景Landsat ETM+/OLI_TIRS影像反演城市地表温度,探讨景观格局对城市热环境年内变化的影响。采用热点分析来识别城市热岛与冷岛,利用景观格局指数来剖析热环境年内变化与景观格局的响应关系。实验结果表明:(1)随着四季更替,杭州城市热岛与冷岛面积占比先增加后减小;热岛效应在夏季最显著,冷岛效应则在秋季最强;(2)1a之中,各类景观在夏季时均温最高,在冬季时最低;各类景观中建设用地均温相对最高,水体、林地均温相对较低;(3)在景观水平上,各景观格局指数与四季地表均温显著相关,相关性强弱会随着分析窗口增大以及季节变化发生波动;在类型水平上,建设用地、水体、林地的景观格局指数与四季地表均温呈现出显著且较强的相关性。研究结果能够帮助合理布局城镇建设用地,引导城市绿地和水域等景观的合理规划设计以缓解杭州城市热岛效应。  相似文献   

基于MODIS 数据的南京市夏季城市热岛分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
城市热岛效应是当前城市环境与气候主要研究内容之一。地表温度与气温之间有紧密的联系, 通过遥感反演地表温度已成为研究城市热岛的有效手段。利用MODIS 数据, 获取地表比辐射率与大气透过率2 个基本参数, 运用劈窗算法反演南京市夏季地表温度。基于不同时相的MODIS数据, 对4 幅南京市地表温度反演图像作对比分析, 较好地显示了南京市城市热岛的空间分布、热岛范围和城市热岛强度, 结果表明南京市夏季热岛问题较为严重。  相似文献   

城市建筑用地是一种复杂的土地利用类型,在电磁波反射光谱上表现出明显的异质性。因此,很难用简单的方法将其从遥感影像中准确地提取出来。在详细研究了城市建筑用地的光谱特征以后,创建了一种不直接采用影像的原始波段,而是采用由它们衍生的3个指数波段来构成新型建筑用地指数(IBI)。通过对ASTER和Landsat ETM+两种多光谱影像进行的实验表明,新指数除了能够有效地增强影像中的建筑用地信息外,还能和植被指数、水体指数一样,用于进行数值运算,从而实现了建筑用地对城市生态环境影响的定量研究。对厦门、福州两城市的实例分析表明,新的建筑指数与地表温度呈正相关关系,而与植被指数、水体指数呈负相关关系。研究进一步发现,建筑指数与地表温度的关系不是简单的线性关系,而是一种指数函数关系,说明高建筑用地比例地区的升温效应要明显高于低建筑用地比例地区,因此,对城市热岛的形成起着更大的作用。  相似文献   

城市化的显著特征是自然地表不断被热容量大的不透水面取代,进而造成城市热岛效应和严重的城市生态问题。孟中印缅经济走廊是古代南方丝绸之路的重要路段和“一带一路”建设的重要战略通道,加尔各答市是孟中印缅经济走廊印度境内的重要节点城市,战略地位重要,对其城市化进程及与地表温度相关性研究对孟中印缅经济走廊印度段建设具有重要的借鉴意义。传统地表温度与不透水面的相关性研究主要以年为时间尺度,较少关注城市不同季相地表温度与不透水面的相关性及其差异。以热带季风气候的季相区分为依据,基于旱季、雨季和凉季3个季相的Landsat 8影像反演了加尔各答市地表温度和不透水面比例,定量研究两者的关系,探讨了地表温度与不透水面比例的季相相关性。结果表明:①研究区内,低温和高温空间分布相对比较集中,高温区域集中在建成区,而低温主要分布在茂密植被覆盖区和水体区域;②加尔各答市从旱季到雨季再到凉季热岛效应程度总体呈下降趋势,旱季时城市热岛效应最强,凉季时城市热岛效应最弱;③每个季相,地表温度与不透水面比例都呈正相关,地表温度随着不透水面比例增加均呈现先快速上升,后缓慢增加,最后急剧增加的趋势,其中旱季时地表温度增长最快,雨季时地表温度增长次之,凉季时地表温度增长最慢。加尔各答市热环境研究将对孟中印缅经济走廊印度段城市热环境背景及生态效应认知等方面产生积极意义。  相似文献   

卫星图像的热红外波段已被广泛地用来研究城市热岛效应。由于客观条件的限制,在城市热岛变化的比较研究中,很难获得不同年代的同时相图像,特别是在南方多云雨的地区。所以,这给城市热岛的变化研究带来了很大的困难。为此,采用了将不同时相的热红外图像进行正规化、分级,并制成差值影像图的方法,较好地减少了季相差异的影响,使得不同时相的热红外图像得以对比。为了定量地研究城市热岛(UHI)的变化,还创建了城市热岛比例指数(URI)。该指数通过热岛面积和城市建成区面积的比例关系并赋于不同的权重值来定量地评估热岛现象的变化情况。  相似文献   

Taking the Hangzhou city as an example,this paper retrieves the urban land surface temperature (LST) using 4 Landsat ETM+/OLI_TIRS images and investigates the effects of landscape pattern on the urban thermal environment change.The hot spot analysis was used to identify both the urban heat island and cold island.Landscape pattern indices were adopted to analyze the relationship between the change of the thermal environment and the landscape pattern.Analysis results show that:(1) The proportions of area in urban heat island and cold island in Hangzhou increase first and then decrease with the alternating four seasons;The urban heat island of Hangzhou is the most significant in summer,and the urban cold island effect is more dominant in autumn;(2) Throughout the year,all kinds of landscape has the highest average land surface temperature in summer and the lowest in winter;As for a variety of landscapes,the construction land has the highest average land surface temperature,while,the water body and forest have the relatively low average land surface temperature;(3)On the landscape level,the selected landscape pattern indices are significantly correlated with average land surface temperature in four seasons,the strength of correlation fluctuates with alternating four seasons and the enlargement of analysis window;On the class level,landscape pattern indices of construction land,water body and forest are significantly and highly correlated with average land surface temperature in different seasons.The research in our paper could help to lay out construction land rationally and execute planning and design on urban green space and waters to effectively alleviate the urban heat island effect of Hangzhou.  相似文献   

基于2014年8月15日的Landsat 8影像,通过劈窗算法反演西安中心城区地表温度,定量测算热岛中心范围。估算多种地表能量分量,分析热环境格局与地表能量分量的关系。结果表明:(1)西安中心城区城市热岛集中分布在人口、居住、商业密集区、经济技术开发区以及植被覆盖较差的区域;(2)感热、波文比与地表温度呈正相关,人为热与温度呈不显著正相关,净辐射、潜热与地表温度呈显著负相关;(3)城市热岛的地表能量结构中感热与潜热差异是构成城市热岛差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

不同地表参数变化的上海市热岛效应时空分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究地表参数变化与热岛效应的关系对优化城市功能分区以及城市可持续发展具有重要意义。采用上海市2000、2005、2009年3个时期的Landsat ETM+卫星遥感影像,使用归一化不透水面指数(NDISI)、基于指数的植被指数(IVI)、归一化差异水体指数(MNDWI)分别从遥感影像中提取不透水面、植被和水体;然后从时间、空间角度并采用回归分析方法分析了上海市地表参数在这9 a中发生的变化及其对城市热环境造成的影响。结果表明:9 a中城市不透水面面积大幅增加,不透水面增加的代价是植被和水体大范围减少,形成了城市的热岛。上海市整体热岛强度是先增强后缓慢减弱的趋势,且热岛分布从集中型向分散型发展。  相似文献   

Urbanization is typically accompanied by the reconstruction or relocation of heavy industrial areas due to limited space and high standard environmental requirements.Taking "environment\|friendly relocation" of Chongqing Iron and Steel Group as an example,this study quantitatively compares and analyzes changes of the thermal and ecological conditions before and after the relocation.Main biophysical properties of the study area and land surface temperature(LST) were retrieved from the multi\|temporal Landsat serial satellite images.Urban Heat Island Index(URI) and Remote Sensing based Ecological Index(RSEI) were employed for the study.The results reveal that urban heat island effect of the industrial area was significantly mitigated and the ecological quality was significantly improved after the relocation,suggested by the decline of URI value from 0.387 in 2005 to 0.128 in 2014(a drop of 66.7%),and the rise of RSEI value from 0.398 to 0.553 during the same period(an increased of 38.9%).This is due largely to the halting of steel production,change of land cover types and properties caused by the “environment\|friendly relocation” of the industrial area.In general,the halting of steel production,the decrease of impervious surface and the increase of vegetation coverage can mitigate the heat island effect and improve the ecological quality.The result of this study can provide a useful case for reconstruction or relocation of urban heavy industrial area and promotion of city’s healthy sustainable development.  相似文献   

Rapid urban expansion had a significant impact in land use/cover change along urban-rural gradient, and the increase of impervious construction land and the reduction of vegetation cover had induced and aggravated the urban heat island effect. Studying the impact of urban-rural gradient land cover change on urban heat island effect was significant for urban planning and construction, improving the comfort of human settlements and enhancing the function of urban ecological services. The surface temperature of Xi'an city was retrieved by mono-window algorithm based on Landsat images, and the thermal field intensity map was obtained by calculating the thermal field variation index, and the gradient land cover changes in urban and rural areas were analyzed with land use data. The results showed that: ①The urban heat island effect in Xi'an showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing from 2000 to 2015. In 2000, the extremely strong heat island effect area accounted for 10.58% of the research area, and gradually increased to 16.14% in 2011, and then decreased to 9.00% in 2015. ②From 2000 to 2015, the area of construction land increased 412.76 km2 and the intensity of extremely strong heat island expanded year by year with the expansion of urban built-up areas. ③About 70% of the non-heat island effect areas were located on farmland and forest land, and the proportion of water area in the non-heat island effect was increasing year by year from 31% to 47%, which showed that the increase of vegetation and water area could effectively alleviate the urban heat island effect.  相似文献   

使用单窗算法研究北京城区热岛效应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着全球变暖和城市化进程的加快,大城市城区的热岛效应日益严重。城市下垫面对地表能量交换的影响巨大,引起地表温度分布的不均一性。遥感技术的发展为地表温度的反演提供了可能。近年来人们使用劈窗算法对均一的海面温度的反演很成功,但是受空间分辨率的限制以及陆面的不均一性,陆面温度的反演一直是一个没有解决好的问题。覃志豪提出了一种TM热红外波段单窗算法,可以利用辅助气象资料快速计算出地表温度。本文以北京市城区为研究区,采用LandsetETM第6波段的单窗算法,反演了亮度温度和地表实际温度,分析了城市下垫面情况下NDVI与地表温度的相关关系,并解释了北京城区热岛在空间上的分布及其可能的原因。结果表明:北京市城区热岛效应显著;地表温度与NDVI相关性显著;城区绿地和水体在区域的温度分布中起到重要作用。  相似文献   

The difference between surface and air temperature within a city and its surrounding area is a result of variations in surface cover, thermal capacity, and 3-dimensional geometry. This research has examined and quantified the decreasing daytime land surface temperature (LST) in Erbil, Kurdistan region of Iraq, and the influence of rapid urban expansion on urban heat/cool island effect over a 20 year period. Land-use/land-cover change across this time period is also established using pixel samples. The current study proposes the application of the normalized ratio scale (NRS) to adjust the temperature of images acquired at different dates to the same range. Eleven satellite images acquired by Landsat 4, 5, 7, and 8 during the period 1992–2013 are used to retrieve LST. The results indicate that 55.3 km2 of city land cover changed from bare soil to urban; consequently, the mean LST of the new urbanized area decreased by 2.28°C. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) of Sami Abdul-Rahman (S.A.) Park increased from 0.09 ± 0.01 to 0.32 ± 0.11, resulting in a decrease of the mean LST by 7.29°C. This study shows that the NRS method is appropriate for detecting temperature trends from urbanization using remote-sensing data. It also highlights that urban expansion may lead to a decrease in daytime LST in drylands.  相似文献   

At present,the automatic extraction of urban built\|up area is still a problem.Taking Shanghai city as an example,this research uses the binary image,which was derived from an IBI(index\|based built\|up index)image,as the geographical cellular automaton initial input data.This was then imported to the extended cellular automata model for further processing.After a series of processing such as thresholding,corrosion and connectivity test,the urban built\|up area was simulated and can be extracted.Based on this method,the urban built\|up area of Shanghai in five different years between 1987 and 2015 was extracted using multi\|temporal Landsat images of Shanghai.In addition,the urban growth intensity index,the concentric buffers analysis and radar chart analysis were calculated and used to analysis spatiotemporal pattern of Shanghai urban expansion in the 28 study years.The result shows that the built\|up area of Shanghai was expanded from 195 km2 in 1987 to 1759 km2 in 2015,which is eight times as large as that in 1987.In the period between 1987 and 2002,the urban built\|up area expanded mainly along the North\|South axis of the Huangpu River.However,after 2002 the expansion rate was increased more quickly,and the direction of the expansion was shifted to an east to west direction.Generally speaking,Shanghai has experienced a rapid urban expansion in the recent three decades.  相似文献   

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