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W. L. McProud 《Euphytica》1979,28(2):473-480
Summary A critical examination of three representative barley development programs from three barley producing areas of the world reveals that the evolution of each can be explained by the concepts of simple or phenotypic recurrent selection. Typically, each has utilized only 13 to 16 separate genetic sources in their program. Most of the sources were introduced over 50 years ago and have been progressively recombined through a simple recurrent selection process. The time period required for selection, testing, and reincorporation of improved genetic recombinants into the breeding program, or the completion of a cycle of recurrent selection, ranged from 6.5 to 10.5 years. If the major operative force in barley breeding is recurrent selection, then additional attention should be given to increasing the genetic base and reducing the time required to complete cycles of selection.  相似文献   

Understanding genetic diversity among local populations is a primary goal of modern crop breeding programs. Here, we demonstrated the genetic relationships of rice varieties in Hokkaido, Japan, one of the northern limits of rice cultivation around the world. Furthermore, artificial selection during rice breeding programs has been characterized using genome sequences. We utilized 8,565 single nucleotide polymorphisms and insertion/deletion markers distributed across the genome in genotype-by-sequencing for genetic diversity analyses. Phylogenetics, genetic population structure, and principal component analysis showed that a total of 110 varieties were classified into four distinct clusters according to different populations geographically and historically. Furthermore, the genome sequences of 19 rice varieties along with historic representations in Hokkaido, nucleotide diversity and FST values in each cluster revealed that artificial selection of elite phenotypes focused on chromosomal regions. These results clearly demonstrated the history of the selections on agronomic traits as genome sequences among current rice varieties from Hokkaido.  相似文献   

N. W. Simmonds 《Euphytica》1996,90(2):201-208
Summary Plant breeding programmes rarely take explicit practical account of the two sources of genetic variance, namely between and within full-sib families, even though existence of these two sources of variation has long been recognised. This paper refers to inbred and clonal crops, not to outbred, seed-propagated species. Theory suggests that the two variances should be of similar size, sometimes very similar. Good comparisons have never been made because variance within families is laborious to estimate. It is proposed that sets of families be assayed as to means in formal trials and only the best few, judged against standards as having potential for superior segregates, should be exploited thoroughly. The calculation as to approximate equality of genetic variances between and within families is important. The vast majority of families should probably be discarded without further ado, and at considerable economy. Sensible decision-making requires an economic component in order to exploit the trade-off between the cost of the initial trial and families discarded without further cost. The object of this paper is a critical review of practical principles, not a general review of a large and diffuse literature.  相似文献   

While hybrid breeding is widely applied in outbreeding species, for many self‐pollinating crop plants, it has only recently been established. This may have had its reason in the limitations of methods available for hybrid performance prediction, in particular when established heterotic pools were absent. Genomic selection has been suggested as a promising approach to resolve these limitations. In our review, we briefly introduce the principles of genomic selection as an extension of marker‐assisted selection using genome‐wide high‐density molecular marker data and discuss the advantages and limitations of currently used algorithms. Including the outcome from a recent extended approach to hybrid wheat as a timely example, we summarize current progress in empirical studies on the application of genomic selection for prediction of hybrid performance. Here, we put emphasis on the factors affecting the accuracy of prediction, pointing in particular to the relevance of relatedness, genotype x environment interaction and experimental design. Finally, we discuss future research needs and potential applications.  相似文献   

Summary Selection decisions in variety testing should partly be based on statistical motives. Useful tools for this are subset selection procedures. These procedures can also be used when the performed experiment has an incomplete block design or when a series of regional trials is studied. Various selection rules serve different selection goals, but they all need so-called selection constants. Often, these constants have to be approximated by computer simulation. For this simulation, and also for the execution of the selection rules, software has been developed and is available. Some practical adjustments and modifications of subset selection in plant breeding practice are proposed. Finally, a case study of selection in sugar beet is presented.  相似文献   

Summary Phenotypic and genotypic correlations were examined for four traits in seven populations of maize (Zea mays L.) undergoing recurrent selection. Correlations among grain yield and percentage of grain moisture, root lodging, and stalk lodging were low (|r|<0.3) except for the correlation between grain yield and stalk lodging, which was high and negative. The phenotypic and genotypic correlations agreed well from cycle to cycle within populations. Variation of correlations among populations was not significantly larger than variation among cycles. Heritabilities of these traits generally were high (h2>0.5). Two indices, one that used heritabilities as index weights and one that used relative economic weights (base index) as index weights, were compared with the Smith-Hazel index (optimim index). Relative efficiencies of the two indices, in terms of predicted gains for the individual traits and the composite trait, compared with the Smith-Hazel index, were high. The use of an index in which heritabilities were used as index weights was recommended because:1) the heritabilities were the same as the optimum weights when the traits were uncorrelated, and for the data examined the correlations were low; and 2) heritabilities were computed in routine data analyses and were available at no additional cost.Joint contribution: USDA-SEA-AR and Journal Paper No. 10152 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Exp. Stn., Ames, Iowa. Project 2194.  相似文献   

Marker assisted selection (MAS) and wheat doubled haploids (DH) are relatively new technologies, recently applied to wheat breeding programs. Simulations demonstrate that DHs increase the efficiency of MAS, and offer faster strategies for combining large numbers of genes with a minimum number of marker tests. When small numbers of marked loci (1-3) are selected simultaneously, selection of DH progeny is 5-6 times more efficient than selecting F4 derived families. Combining 4-8 marked loci, screening of F2 plants and using only those plants homozygous or segregating for all of the marked loci as parents for DH production (10-31% of F2 plants) is 3-10 times as efficient as using F1 plants. A number of protocols have been proposed involving sib-matings and selection to fix some genes, with further selection in the second generation to improve the proportion of useful DH lines. In one scheme (recombinant F2 selection) all F2 plants, either homozygous or heterozygous for the marked alleles, are intercrossed at random and the recurrent F1 plants still having these alleles are used for DH production. An alternative strategy (recurrent DH selection) is to select from an initial DH population and intercross those lines having most favourable marked loci with a second cycle of DHs to fix all favourable marked loci. Combining more than 12 marked gene loci does not seem feasible, due to the very large numbers of F2s (>2000) required. This has implications when using MAS for quantitative trait loci, where many minor gene loci would have to be combined. Direct selection for some multi-genic quantitative traits amongst the DH lines may be more efficient than using MAS where recurrent selection is used. At the Cereal Research Centre, the practical problems of using these protocols as part of the spring wheat breeding program are being evaluated. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Cultivating resistant varieties of potato is the most effective and environmentally sound method of protecting potato crops against pests and diseases. Potato cyst nematodes (PCN) are major nematode pests causing severe constraints in potato production worldwide. There are five pathotypes of Globodrea rostochiensis (Ro1–Ro5) and three of G. pallida Pa1–Pa3. Cultivation of potato varieties with broad nematode resistance may influence the growth of the wide spectrum of PCN pathotypes, but there is limited availability of such varieties on the market. The use of molecular markers allows for the effective selection of resistant genotypes at early stages of breeding. However, the impact of early selection for nematode resistance on the agronomic value of the final selected clones is a cause of concern for potato breeders. This study investigates the relationships between the presence of the combined resistance genes H1, Gro1-4 and GpaVvrn, which confer resistance to the nematodes, and certain agricultural traits. Clones with broad nematode resistance conferred by the genes H1, Gro1-4 and GpaVvrn presented yields and tuber morphology traits similar to those of the clones without identified resistance genes.  相似文献   

Data from about 7000 alfalfa plants were analyzed, 1) to evaluate the inbreeding depression after selfing and the recovery of vigour following open pollination, 2) to estimate the correlations between sister generations and between sister and maternal generation. Results can be summarized as follows: 1) inbreeding depression, measured on a green matter basis, was very marked in all selfed generations, but most severe in I2. In I3 there was a recovery of vigour to the I1 level due to unavoidable selection for vigour and self-fertility in I2. Among three varieties the most marked depression of vigour was observed in Lahontan, the variety with narrowest genetic background; 2) the correlation coefficients were higher in 1963 than in 1964 but the lack of uniformity does not allow any conclusion.Director and Assistant, respectively.The work was supported by funds from the Italian Research Council.  相似文献   

J. N. Moore 《Euphytica》1965,14(1):39-48
The author reviews the development of the highbush blueberry industry in the United States from the first hybridizations by F. V. Coville in 1911 to the present. Sections are included on the techniques of breeding and selection, the present breeding objectives, the value of interspecific hybridization in blueberry breeding, and the inheritance of characters in the blueberry. One section is devoted to breeding for specific characters, including fruit size, color, scar, firmness, dessert quality, productivity, and season of ripening. The author discusses some unexplored aspects of blueberry breeding which might be of potential value in developing varieties of blueberries for new areas.  相似文献   

摘要:同源四倍体茄子育种选择的较底世代﹙C5代﹚株形和结果正常的植株比例很低﹙9.19%﹚,3个不同母本系的12个株系株形指数平均为0.4779,株形指数的广义遗传率 h2B = 96.39% ±3.52%,株形指数与植株平均结果数呈极强的负相关性,遗传相关系数rg=-0.9989,相关遗传力hxy= -95.22%。随着轮回选择世代的增加以及选系遗传稳定性的增强,株形指数不仅与植株总产量呈现强的直线正相关性﹙rg=0.8871,hxy=86.18%﹚而且也与早熟性——前期产量呈现强的正相关性﹙rg=0.9592,hxy=93.64%﹚。植株高度、茎粗、株幅、叶形指数、始花节位等表型性状与株形指数间存在着极显著的遗传相关性,其相关遗传力及间接选择效率:叶形指数>株幅>始花节位>茎粗>株高。其中株高、茎粗及始花节位为负值,叶形指数与株幅为正值,与选择方向相同。 关键词:四倍体;茄子;株形指数;遗传多样性;相关选择  相似文献   

Summary The vase-life in tulip (Tulipa L.) is an important character. Research was done on the possibilities of selecting for keeping quality. It was found that the keeping quality of undetached flowers was strongly correlated with the keeping quality of cut flowers at 17°C in a glasshouse. The period from flowering date till 50% discoloration appeared to be highly correlated with days to perianth drop. For practical reasons the latter trait has preference in selection work. The number of days to discoloration is also an effective selection criterion. Flower longevity in the field in April/May and in the glasshouse were significantly correlated; thus, already in the field a first selection on keeping quality can be carried out. The increase in height for flowering (adult) and non-flowering (juvenile) plants during forcing did not appear to be significantly correlated with flower longevity, so preselection on this character is not promising. Flower longevity was positively correlated with forcing period. This poses some problems in selection, as a long forcing period is considered an undesirable character. The daily water uptake of cut flowers was significantly correlated with flower longevity.  相似文献   

玉米是我国的主要粮食作物,每年的种植面积大约有2000万hm^2,与小麦、水稻构成我国重要的三大粮食作物。我国的玉米产量仅次于美国.玉米引入我国约有400多年的历史,在我国各地均有种植。随着经济的发展,今后几十年,我国将面临玉米需求迅速增长的巨大压力,育种目标的核心是继续提高杂交种的生产潜力和利用价值。通过培育优质、专用、早熟、抗病、耐旱、耐贫瘠种质和杂交种的途径实现玉米生产的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Lack of adapted haploid inducers currently impedes adoption of the doubled haploid technology in tropical maize breeding programs. Our objective was to generate inducers with improved adaptation to tropical conditions. We developed segregating generations from crosses between temperate inducers having haploid induction rates (HIR) of 8–10 % and tropical CIMMYT maize lines (CML; HIR = 0 %) and evaluated these for HIR and agronomic performance under tropical lowland field conditions. The applied pedigree breeding scheme comprising mass selection on individual F2 plants for highly heritable and visually scorable traits, followed by family-based selection for HIR and other agronomic characteristics in advanced selfing and backcross (BC) generations seems highly suitable for breeding improved haploid inducers with adaptation to different agroecologies. The most advanced tropical inducer candidates (TIC) combine HIR of up to 10 % with improved pollen production, disease resistance, and plant vigor compared to temperate inducers under tropical conditions. Agronomic characteristics were significantly improved in the BC to CML compared to BC to inducers, while mean HIR of both populations were similar, indicating that backcrossing to the adapted parent was suitable to improve adaptation of new inducers without sacrificing high HIR. When screening random open-pollinated maize accessions, HIR of up to 3 % were observed, suggesting that novel genetic variation may be present in maize accessions that could be exploited to improve HIR in maize. In conclusion, tropical inducer development proceeds well, but evaluation of TIC in multi-environment trials needs to be completed before large-scale dissemination can commence.  相似文献   

The aim of the pedigree-based genome mapping project is to investigate and develop systems for implementing marker assisted selection to improve the efficiency of selection and increase the rate of genetic gain in breeding programs. Pedigree-based whole genome marker application provides a vehicle for incorporating marker technologies into applied breeding programs by bridging the gap between marker–trait association and marker implementation. We report on the development of protocols for implementation of pedigree-based whole genome marker analysis in breeding programs within the Australian northern winter cereals region. Examples of applications from the Queensland DPI&F wheat and barley breeding programs are provided, commenting on the use of microsatellites and other types of molecular markers for routine genomic analysis, the integration of genotypic, phenotypic and pedigree information for targeted wheat and barley lines, the genomic impacts of strong selection pressure in case study pedigrees, and directions for future pedigree-based marker development and analysis.  相似文献   

Sensory evaluation as a selection tool in apple breeding   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Several conventional sensory methods were adapted to provide aprocedure that is suitable for screening apple (Malus × domestica) breeding selections for dessert quality. Trained judges were presented with randomized coded samples (apple slices) and asked to rate them on 0 to 9 bipolar hedonic (liking) scales for texture and flavour, and 0 to 9 unipolar intensity scales for skin toughness, crispness, hardness, juiciness, aroma, sweetness and sourness. Appearance liking was rated on coded samples of five whole apples, using the 0 to 9 hedonic scale. A minimum panel size of eleven judges was generally sufficient to obtain statistical discrimination of one point on the 0 to 9 scales. Panel mean scores for breeding selections relative to standards have been consistent from panel to panel and year to year. A subset of selections and cultivars was rated for appearance and taste by consumers in blind taste tests. In-house panel findings were comparable to consumer ratings for taste and appearance liking, with a few exceptions in appearance. Panel mean scores for texture and flavour liking were regressed on texture and flavour components. Crispness accounted for about 90% of the variation in texture liking. Juiciness, aroma, sweetness and sourness were all important to flavour liking, but their relative importance changed from year to year and in total accounted for only about 60% of variation in flavour liking. Perceived sweetness and sourness were better predictors of liking than analytical measurements of soluble solids and titratable acidity. Formal sensory evaluation can be used successfully for screening breeding selections, and may provide more reliable data than the opinions of only one or two people.  相似文献   

Summary Plant growth habit (type) plays a major determining role in the acceptance of a dry bean cultivar by commercial growers. Under the threat of wet fall conditions in the midwestern U.S., growers show a preference for upright plant types-I and II over the more prostrate type-III growth habit of commercial pinto cultivars. The prostrate habit creates considerably more risk of harvest losses and potential of white mold (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) development during a wet growing season.The breeding strategy being utilized to develop better adapted pinto bean cultivars for the humid midwest is based on the concept of ideotype breeding which has been successfully applied to small seeded navy and black beans. A system of phenotypic recurrent selection using S1 selection is being followed in order to recombine desirable traits from two diverse germplasm pools. One germplasm pool possesses the desirable architectural plant form and disease resistance traits of the small-seeded types while the medium-seeded germplasm source possesses the desirable seed size, shape and color characteristics of the pinto class. Since a repulsion phase linkage appears to exist between type-II architecture (architype) and medium seed size (40 g/100 seeds), recurrent selection is shown to be the most effective procedure for breaking up undesirable linkage groups and for increasing the frequency of desirable genes, thus enhancing the chance for the desirable genetic recombinations to occur.Journal Article No. 11667 of the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

杂交组合灰色评判在玉米育种中的应用   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:27  
运用灰色系统理论中杂交组合灰色评判原理与方法,对20个玉米杂交组合进行综合评判,结果表明:组合l6综合性状最好(G=0.8948),组合13次之(G=0.7592),组合9综合性状最差(G=0.5747),综合评判结果与杂交组合在生产实际中表现基本一致。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine genotype × environment interactions (GEI) obtained in wheat production in southeast Europe for protein content, sedimentation value, and loaf volume. Twenty wheat genotypes divided in two groups with different combinations of high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) were analyzed in 15 environments (E). In a combined analysis of variance, effects of genotype, environment, and their interaction (GEI) were highly significant for almost all the analyzed traits. All the three traits were influenced more by location than by year, with protein content and sedimentation value being more responsive to changes in environmental conditions than loaf volume. The genotypes with high protein content had the regression coefficient value (b) close to 1, indicating that they did not react to extreme environmental conditions as was the case with genotypes with high sedimentation and loaf volume values. There were no significant differences in average values for the analyzed traits and adaptability parameters between the two groups of genotypes. It means that, concerning wheat quality improvement, genotypes with different HMW-GSs on the Glu-1D locus could be recommended for growing in southeast Europe. It is necessary to take into account the differences in adaptability of protein content to either positive or negative environmental changes that were observed between the groups.  相似文献   

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