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Background Induction of multiple ovulations, or superovulation, may potentially increase the efficiency of equine embryo transfer programs. Our objective was to investigate the effects of equine follicle‐stimulating hormone (eFSH) treatment on the success rate of embryo transfer programs in mares. Methods In the research facility of the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, we studied 12 donor mares and 37 recipient mares during the physiological breeding season. Donor mares were used in two consecutive oestrous cycles: the first served as the control cycle and in the second an eFSH regimen was applied (eFSH cycle). In the control cycle, mares were administered human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to induce ovulation when a follicle ≥35 mm in diameter was detected by transrectal ultrasonographic examination. In the second oestrous cycle, twice‐daily eFSH treatment was initiated when a follicle ≥25 mm was detected and treatment ceased when a follicle ≥35 mm was present, at which time hCG was administered. All donor mares were artificially inseminated while in oestrus using fresh semen collected from a stallion of proven fertility. At 8 days post‐ovulation, embryos were recovered transcervically and transferred individually to the uterus of a synchronised recipient mare. Results The eFSH treatment stimulated the ovary and resulted in greater numbers of ovulations and recovered embryos; however the recovered embryos tended to have a lower morphological grade than the control embryos, and the recipient pregnancy rate per transferred embryo was lower than anticipated. Conclusion The numbers of recipient pregnancies and foals born that resulted from eFSH treatment were not different from the control.  相似文献   

Embryo transfer (ET) is an accepted and successful technique for obtaining foals from mares without interrupting their competition careers. Recent research, however, suggests that the potential of factors including heat, exercise, repeated embryo flushing and repeated manipulation of the reproductive cycle using exogenous hormones to have a negative impact on fertility may have been underestimated. This paper reviews the evidence base for involvement of these factors in repeated failures to recover embryos from nongeriatric competition mares without obvious clinical or pathological indications of reproductive abnormalities. It concludes that, for some mares at least, a cessation of exercise for the periovulatory period and the period between ovulation and embryo flushing, combined with careful management of flushing‐induced endometritis, and minimal hormonal manipulation of the reproductive cycle, may be necessary to optimise embryo recovery rates. Mare owners may have been encouraged to request ET for their mares following high‐profile examples in the media of elite mares that have produced foals by ET whilst competing. The veterinarian should educate mare owners about the multiple factors that may affect the chances of recovering an embryo from their mares, and should manage the expectations of mare owners so that they do not approach ET programmes in the expectation that there will be no disruption to their training and competition plans.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to evaluate the possibility of using in vitro‐produced parthenogenetic (PA) embryos for co‐transfer with morulae that had been collected in vivo and cryopreserved. The proportion of PA blastocysts (20.5%) was higher than that of their in vitro fertilization (IVF) counterparts (16.6%). Although there were no differences in morphology or diameter between the two groups, the number of cells in early PA blastocysts after in vitro culture for 6 days was lower than for IVF blastocysts (25.7 and 30.4 cells, respectively), and the number in recovered PA blastocysts was also smaller than that in recovered IVF blastocysts (37.4 and 50.2 cells, respectively). When 10 morulae warmed after vitrification were co‐transferred with 10 PA blastocysts (total 20 embryos) to the uterus of five recipients, the rates of pregnancy and farrowing did not differ, but the average period until spontaneous abortion tended to be longer relative to the control (when 20 morulae were transferred). These data suggest that in vitro‐produced PA embryos offer the possibility of assisted pregnancy for cryopreserved embryos; further experiments will be needed to confirm the beneficial effect of this approach on piglet production.  相似文献   

This study assessed the effects of cryoprotectant concentration during equilibration on the efficiency of bovine blastocyst vitrification and the expression of selected developmentally important genes. In vitro produced bovine blastocysts were equilibrated in either 7.5% ethylene glycol (EG) + 7.5% DMSO (Va group) or in 2% EG + 2% DMSO (Vb group) then vitrified on Cryotop® sheets in 16.5% EG + 16.5% DMSO + 0.5M sucrose. After warming, embryos were cultured for 48 hr. Re‐expansion, hatching, and the numbers of total and membrane damaged cells were compared among vitrified groups and a control. There was no significant difference between the vitrified groups in survival, cell numbers and the extent of membrane damage. Vitrification increased the number of membrane‐damaged cells in both groups, however, in a greater extent in the Vb group. Vitrification increased (p < .05) the expression of the HSP70 gene in Va but not in Vb embryos. The expression of IGF2R, SNRPN, HDAC1, DNMT3B, BAX, OCT4, and IFN‐t genes were the same in control and vitrified groups. In conclusion, the concentration of cryoprotectants during equilibration did not affect survival rates; however, normal cell numbers could be maintained only by equilibration in 15% cryoprotectants which was associated with increased HSP70 expression.  相似文献   

Cryosurvival of cells is reduced if the cooling rate used is suboptimal. If cells cool too rapidly, intracellular water will freeze, causing intracellular ice crystals. However, if spermatozoa are cooled too slowly, excessive cellular dehydration occurs, causing irreversible damage to cellular compartments. In addition, cryoprotectants are added to the freezing diluent to protect cells from damage during cryopreservation. This study was conducted to determine the optimal cooling rate for stallion spermatozoa frozen in the presence of three different cryoprotectants. Spermatozoa were frozen in a skim milk, egg yolk diluent containing 4% glycerol, and ethylene glycol or dimethyl formamide at 10 different cooling rates ranging from 5°C/min to 50°C/min. The percentage of viable spermatozoa was higher for spermatozoa cooled at 10°C/min than at 50°C/min (P < .05). Spermatozoa frozen using glycerol as the cryoprotectant had higher percentages of motile and progressively motile spermatozoa compared with spermatozoa frozen using the other two cryoprotectants (P < .05). In conclusion, the cryosurvival of stallion spermatozoa is similar when cooling rates of 5°C/min to 45°C/min are used, and when 4% cryoprotectant is used, glycerol is a more effective cryoprotectant than ethylene glycol or dimethyl formamide.  相似文献   

Generating techniques to enhance the success of blastomere separation is important for bovine economy, because it increases the number of transferable embryos. This study aimed to identify the optimum cryoprotectants for the vitrification of bovine embryos and the separation of blastomeres at different stages. In experiment 1, expanded blastocysts were vitrified in two different vitrification solutions, either (1) ethylene glycol (EG) + propylene glycol (PG) or (2) EG. The survival rate of blastocysts in the EG + PG was higher than that of the EG. In experiment 2, intact two‐cell and eight‐cell stage embryos were vitrified in the same solutions used in experiment 1. The EG + PG produced more dead embryos than the EG (P < 0.05). In the EG, the rate of blastocyst formation was similar for the vitrified two‐ and eight‐cell embryos and the non‐vitrified ywo‐cell embryos. In experiment 3, separated blastomeres of two‐ and eight‐cell embryos were vitrified in EG. There was no difference in the rate of blastocyst formation and total number of cells between the two vitrified groups. In summary, at the blastocyst stage, EG + PG was superior, based on both survival rates and cell numbers; however, at the 2–8 cell stage, the use of EG alone was better than the other groups.  相似文献   

Commercial embryo transfer (ET) has unprecedented productive and economic implications for the pig sector. However, pig ET has been considered utopian for decades mainly because of the requirements of surgical techniques for embryo collection and embryo deposition into recipients, alongside challenges to preserve embryos. This situation has drastically changed in the last decade since the current technology allows non‐surgical ET and short‐ and long‐term embryo preservation. Here, we provide a brief review of the improvements in porcine ET achieved by our laboratory in the past 20 years. This review includes several aspects of non‐surgical ET technology and different issues affecting ET programmes and embryo preservation systems. The future perspectives of ET technology are also considered. We will refer only to embryos produced in vivo since they are the only type of embryos with possible short‐term use in pig production.  相似文献   

Horse owners want to have their mares bred as early as possible in the breeding season after February 1. Numerous medical treatments, such as progesterone, dopamine antagonists, and gonadotropin-releasing hormone have been administered to anestrous or transitional mares in an attempt to induce follicular development. Some of these treatments are ineffective or impractical, so there is a need in the horse industry to develop alternative techniques to stimulate follicular development and ovulation early in the breeding season. Twenty transitional mares were assigned to one of two treatment groups. Mares in group 1 (n = 10) served as untreated controls, and mares in group 2 (n = 10) were administered 12.5 mg of purified equine follicle-stimulating hormone (eFSH) (Bioniche Animal Health USA, Inc., Athens, Ga) intramuscularly twice daily for a maximum of 15 consecutive days. Mares were considered to be in transition when the diameter of the largest follicle was ≥25 mm. Once one or more follicles >35 mm were detected, eFSH treatment was discontinued and human chorionic gonadotropin was administered intravenously. The percentage of mares ovulating during the 15-day observation period was compared by means of chi-square analysis. The interval to ovulation and the number of ovulations per mare were compared between the two groups by Student t test. In 8 of 10 mares treated with eFSH follicles developed and ovulation occurred during the 15-day observation period, compared with 0 of 10 control mares. Interval from onset of treatment to ovulation was 7.6 ± 2.4 days for these eight mares. The eight mares were treated for an average of 5.2 ± 1.3 days with eFSH. Thus, the eFSH treatment was effective in advancing the first ovulation of the year in transitional mares.  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare the efficiency of non‐surgical embryo transfer (ET) using a newly developed catheter, which enables transferring embryos into a proximal site of the uterus (mostly uterine body), and surgical ET of vitrified porcine embryos. In Experiment 1, the catheter was inserted into 12 gilts, with each half of the group allocated to skilled or novice operators. The time required for insertion into the uterus did not differ between skilled and novice operators (4 min 9 s and 4 min 6 s, respectively). In Experiment 2, 12 gilts were used as recipients for non‐surgical and surgical ET with vitrified embryos (n = 6, each). There was no significant difference in the rate of piglet production based on the number of transferred embryos between surgical and non‐surgical ET (25.8% vs. 15.4%, p = .098). The results suggest that non‐surgical ET catheter allowed for easy insertion and transfer of embryos without special training. Although the catheter is effective for deposition of embryos into the proximal site of uterus, the efficiency of piglet production is not enhanced compared with surgical ET. The ET method using this catheter, being labor‐saving and less‐invasive, may contribute to the improvement of ET in pigs.  相似文献   

High concentrations of estrogens in the peripheral circulation during late gestation inhibit synthesis of LH and markedly reduce pituitary content of LH at the end of pregnancy in most domestic species. Because blood concentrations of estrogen peak shortly before mid-gestation in the mare and then gradually decrease until parturition, we hypothesized that pituitary content of LH may increase during late gestation. To test this hypothesis 10 horse mares were challenged with a maximally stimulatory dose (2 micrograms/kg) of GnRH on d 240 and 320 of gestation and d 3 after parturition. A separate group of four mares were treated with GnRH on d 2 or 3 estrus. Blood samples were collected at -2, -1, 0, .25, .5, .75, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 h relative to injection of GnRH and serum was analyzed for concentration of LH and FSH. Basal serum concentration and total quantity of LH released after GnRH stimulation (assessed by determining the area under the response curve) were not different on d 240 and 320 of gestation or on d 3 after parturition (12.5 +/- 3.5, 5.7 +/- 1.5 and 29.1 +/- 12.1 ng.min/ml, respectively) and were less (P less than .05) than on d 3 of estrus (311.0 +/- 54.0 ng.min/ml). There was little difference in the basal serum concentration of FSH at any of the time points examined. In contrast, GnRH-induced release of FSH continually decreased (P less than .05) from d 240 of gestation (559.8 +/- 88.9 ng.min/ml) to d 3 of estrus (51.8 +/- 6.2 ng.min/ml).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

在应用显微注射、胚胎移植系统技术,进行猪OMT/PGH基因导入的研究中,对移入受体的胚数,PMSG处理受体以及不同的移植方法(自体移植与异体移植)等影响受体受孕率及产仔率的因素,进行了试验分析,结果表明:(1)移入受体的注射胚数分别为10—19枚、20—29枚、30枚以上时,其受孕率为45.5%、64.7%和71.4%,产仔率为8.0%、19.6%和14.5%,以移入20—29枚效率最高;(2)用PMSG对受体母猪做同期发情处理,其受孕率和产仔率比选择自然发情的受体分别下降25%和8.5%;(3)采用自体移植的方式,在移入胚数基本相同的情况下(15枚左右),比异体移植的受孕率和产仔率分别提高14.3%和6.4%。  相似文献   

本研究在马传染性贫血病毒(EIAV)基因转移载体pcPPTPRE(+)的基础上[含有报告基因增强绿色荧光蛋白(EGFP)和人乙型肝炎病毒转录后调控元件(HARE)1,对其转录后调控元件和外源基因启动子进行优化。参考土拨鼠肝炎病毒(Woodchuck hepatitis virus,WHV)基因组序列和人巨细胞病毒增强子/鸡B—actin启动子序列(CAGp),设计合成2对引物,分别扩增WHV转录后调控元件(WARE)和CAGp片段,正向插入pcPPTPRE(+)获得重组质粒pcPPTWARE和pcPPTWCAG。将获得的EIAV转移载体pcPPTWARE和pcPPTWCAG以及pcPPTPRE(+),脂质体法分别转染人胚肾细胞HEK293和鸡胚成纤维细胞系DF-1,转染后12h、24h、36h、48h在荧光显微镜下观察特异性绿色荧光的表达。48h后收获细胞,利用流式细胞仪检测转染细胞中表达EGFP的阳性细胞。结果表明,在HEK293细胞中pcPPTWARE和pcPPTWCAG的阳性细胞平均百分率均极显著高于pcPPTPRE(+)(P〈0.01),pcPPTWCAG显著高于pcPPTWARE(P〈0.05);pcPPTWCAG的平均道数值极显著高于pcPPTPRE(+)和pcPPTWARE,pcPPTWPRE显著高于pcPPTPRE(+)。在DF-1细胞中pcPPTWARE和pcPPTWCAG的阳性细胞平均百分率均显著高于pcPPTPRE(+),而pcPPTWARE和pcPPTWCAG的平均道数值均极显著高于pcPPTPRE(+),pcPPTWCAG显著高于pcPPTWARE。本研究利用WARE和CAGp优化构建了EIAV基因转移载体pcPPTWCAG,获得了较强的基因表达能力,为以鸡为宿主进行转基因研究提供了条件。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the transfer side, transfer location, cervix transfer score, type and diameter of corpus luteum (CL) during embryo transfer on pregnancy rates in beef heifers. Progesterone-based synchronization and superovulation protocol were applied to Simmental cows used as donors (n = 168). Uterine flushings were performed on day 7 following artificial insemination. Obtained Code I (excellent or good) and II (fair) quality embryos were transferred to recipient beef heifers (n = 561). During embryo transfer, side of transfer (right or left), transfer location (the cranial or middle third of uterine horn), cervix transfer score (easy, moderate or difficult) and type (CLa, CLb and CLc) and diameter of CL were determined. Pregnancy rates following the transfer of Code I and II embryos were 44.66% and 33.07%, respectively (p < .05). The rates of pregnancy after transfers to the right and left uterine horn were 37% and 42.2%, respectively (p > .05). The pregnancy rates were 41.2%, 34.9% and 30.3% for cervix transfer scores as easy, moderate and difficult, respectively (p > .05). Pregnancy rates after transfer to the cranial third and middle third were 41.06% and 29.67%, respectively (p < .05). According to types of CL, pregnancy rates were 31.7%, 40.4% and 45.3% for CLa, CLb and CLc, respectively (p < .05). Moreover, it was found that as the CL diameter increased, the pregnancy rates increased. As a result, it was concluded that there was no effect of side of transfer and cervix transfer score, but embryo quality, transfer location, type and diameter of CL had significant effects on the pregnancy rate during embryo transfer in beef heifers.  相似文献   

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