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目的探讨齿槽裂修复治疗的目的、方法以及治疗时机的选择。方法查阅1950年至2006年有关齿槽裂修复的文献,归纳文献中报道的不同方法,并评价其各自的优缺点。结果齿槽裂修复的主要目的:关闭口鼻瘘;建立稳定、连续的上颌骨牙弓;为牙齿萌出提供基础;为上唇和鼻底提供稳定支架。主要治疗方法:植骨术;牵引成骨技术;组织工程骨和生长因子应用;引导骨再生技术。患者最佳的手术治疗时机是9~11岁时混合牙列期。结论在9~11岁混合牙列期手术,以髂骨松质骨为移植材料被认为是修复齿槽裂的主要手段。牵引成骨技术、组织工程技术和引导骨再生技术,将是齿槽裂修复的新方向。  相似文献   

自体髂骨移植是齿槽嵴裂二期植骨修复中最常用的方法 ,但是对于牙槽突裂隙较大,瘢痕牵拉严重,骨段塌陷,以及缺乏健康黏骨膜以覆盖植骨组织的患者,该方法成功率较低。采用牵引成骨的方法可有效关闭牙槽裂隙,我们就牵引成骨在齿槽嵴裂修复中的应用进行综述。  相似文献   

目的 :分析影响齿槽嵴裂修复术后效果的因素。方法 :对同一术者所行髂骨松质骨移植齿槽嵴裂修复术的唇腭裂患者 3 6例进行回顾性研究 ,所有患者均有术前及术后 3个月以上的完整资料。分析植骨区的X线组织影像的临床分级与手术年龄、裂隙类型等的关系。结果 :①齿槽嵴裂的植入骨成活率为 95 % ,临床成功率为 90 % ;②齿槽嵴裂的植骨效果与患者的年龄有关 ,18岁以上患者植骨的临床成功率明显低于其它年龄患者 ;③单纯伴发唇裂或不完全性腭裂的齿槽嵴裂植骨效果优于完全性唇腭裂的齿槽嵴裂植骨效果。结论 :良好植骨床的形成和植骨区严密的缝合是保证齿槽嵴裂植骨成功的关键。  相似文献   

骨缝牵引成骨修复腭裂的临床初步研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
目的 临床探索骨缝牵引成骨修复腭裂的新技术。方法 选择2~4岁的腭裂患儿。一期手术在全麻下安置腭裂牵引器,牵引腭骨向中线和向后移动;牵引期持续约4~5个月。裂隙合拢后进行二期手术,修复裂隙。用误差为0.2%的游标卡尺,测量牵引前和牵引后上颌牙弓宽度、裂隙宽度和硬腭长度。结果 临床应用8例。2例因牵引器在安置后l周内脱落而终止牵引。6例经不同时间的牵引后,裂隙缩小,裂隙两侧的组织显著延长。其中牵引时间最长为126d,最短为37d;裂隙宽度平均缩小6.5mm;硬腭长度平均延长4.8mm。结论 临床证实了骨缝牵引具有诱导腭部组织再生、关闭或缩小裂隙和延长硬腭的可能性。  相似文献   

脱钙人牙基质在修复齿槽突裂中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究唇腭裂术后齿槽突裂植骨修复的新方法。方法2005年4月-2006年8月,采用自体髂骨松质骨混合脱钙人牙基质(decalcified denfinal matrix of human,DDM)治疗26例(30侧)齿槽突裂患儿。男16例,女10例:年龄6~12岁。单侧齿槽突裂22例,双侧4例。伴鼻翼塌陷26例,乳牙滞留5例,错位牙3例,畸形牙1例。患儿于术前、术后1周,1、2、3、6和12个月摄全口曲面断层X线片、上颌前部咬殆X线片(以裂隙侧尖牙为中心),观察骨愈合、骨吸收情况。结果术后23例患儿伤口Ⅰ期愈合,口鼻瘘严密关闭;1例双侧齿槽突裂切口感染,6个月后重新植骨;2例少量骨组织外露,予冲洗、换药、涂擦美宝湿润烧伤膏后伤口愈合。髂骨供区均Ⅰ期愈合。术后X线片可见裂隙间骨桥形成,恢复了颌骨的连续性和稳定性。4例6~9岁患儿平均观察6.5个月,22例9~12岁患儿平均观察8.6个月。根据术后3个月X线片,采用Bergland等评价标准进行疗效分级,Ⅰ级16例16侧(53.3%),Ⅱ级7例8侧(26.7%),Ⅲ级2例4侧(13.3%),Ⅳ级1例2侧(6.7%)。植入骨成活率为93.3%,临床成功率为80%。结论采用DDM联合髂骨松质骨修复齿槽突裂,能减少骨吸收,是一种新骨形成的加速剂,骨生成潜能好、骨诱导明显,临床成功率高。  相似文献   

自体骨髓基质干细胞在齿槽裂骨缺损修复中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨人自体骨髓基质干细胞(human bone marrow stromal cells,hBMSCs)在治疗齿槽裂骨缺损中的可行性。方法2002至2005年,选择齿槽裂骨缺损患者7例(单侧6例,双侧1例),以患者自体骨髓基质干细胞为种子细胞,部分脱钙骨(partly demineralized bone matrix,pDBM)为支架材料构建组织工程骨,治疗齿槽裂骨缺损。从患者髂前上棘穿刺取骨髓,密度梯度离心法分离hBMSCs,经体外成骨诱导和扩增至第3代。将诱导的hBMSCs,复合部分脱钙骨体外培养1周后,手术回植骨缺损区。分别于术后1、3、6、12、24、36个月进行临床外形和三维CT检查随访。结果6例患者头部三维CT检查,结果示术后3个月能形成组织工程化骨,并修复骨组织缺损。术后1~3年的随访表明组织工程骨稳定存在,无明显骨吸收现象,临床治疗效果稳定。1例患者(双侧齿槽裂)植入物外露感染。结论以自体hBMSCs为种子细胞,部分脱钙骨为支架材料,利用组织工程技术可在人体内形成稳定的组织工程化骨组织,并临床修复齿槽裂骨缺损。  相似文献   

齿槽裂植骨整复畸形鼻   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:探讨齿槽裂及鼻底进行天然多孔骨(Bio-OssCollagen材料)移植整复畸形鼻的可行性和临床疗效。方法:对12例齿槽裂及鼻底行Bio-OssCollagen材料植入整复手术。结果:随访9 ̄12月外形恢复良好,唇部和鼻底丰满,鼻翼提升,X线片示齿槽裂及鼻底植入Bio-OssCollagen材料基本被自体骨取代。结论:用Bio-OssCollagen材料代替自体骨植入齿槽裂及鼻底整复畸形鼻,均效果良好。  相似文献   

目的:评价膜引导骨再生技术在上前牙美学区牙种植中的临床应用效果。方法:选择16例上颌前牙缺失伴骨缺损患者,植入Ankylos种植体22颗(其中即刻种植5颗),在骨缺损区植入珊瑚羟基磷灰石骨粉,应用可吸收胶原膜18块、钛膜4块,进行引导骨再生,重建牙槽骨的形态,术后4~6个月暴露种植体,最终完成烤瓷冠修复,二期手术时根据成骨情况评估成骨效果。结果:所有病例术后均随访6个月以上,除2颗失败外,其余20颗种植体均获得良好的骨修复效果,种植修复完成后取得较好的美学效果。结论:膜引导骨再生技术可以保存和重建上前牙牙槽嵴区软硬组织的外形,获得良好的美学效果。  相似文献   

目的:评价骨形态蛋白-2(BMP-2)复合β-磷酸三钙(β-TCP)在齿槽裂修复中的应用价值.方法:本组包括12例齿槽裂患者,齿槽裂的修复首先运用局部黏骨膜瓣形成袋状受植囊,同时关闭鼻、唇、腭间的软组织裂隙,恢复解剖形态;去除裂隙两侧上颌突的部分骨皮质;根据裂隙大小、形状及与健侧的对称性,植入BMP-2/β-TCP.结果:手术切口一期愈合,无植入物排出,外形恢复理想,局部饱满.术后3个月x线片可见局部骨性愈合,术后1年x线片可见植入人工骨部分被自体骨取代.结论:BMP-2复合β-磷酸三钙修复齿槽裂,具有恢复形态准确;修复创伤小的优点;植入物组织相容性好,具有骨引导性,可降解,能被自体骨完全取代,且无不良反应.是一种良好的齿槽裂修复方法.  相似文献   

牵引成骨修复人工腭裂的远期效果和对颌面部的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的观察持续弹力牵引成骨技术修复人工腭裂的远期效果和对颌面部结构的影响.方法采用6个月龄杂种犬制备腭裂模型,以腭裂牵引器牵引两侧切骨后的腭骨板修复腭裂,达到预期效果后,继续饲养至12个月龄.观察治疗效果,采用头颅测量方法进行测量和统计学分析.结果牵引治疗期间实验组裂隙逐渐缩小,2~3周裂隙后部关闭.观察期间无复裂、呼吸道狭窄等并发症.实验组腭骨水平板长度明显大于对照组,平均延长4.75 mm,差异有非常显著性意义(P<0.01);两组动物面长度、高度、宽度、腭骨水平板宽度和垂直板间距差异均无显著性意义.结论应用持续弹力牵引成骨修复腭裂疗效稳定,对颌面部结构无明显影响.腭裂牵引器设计合理,在牵引腭骨板成骨的同时,具有稳定上颌骨的功能.  相似文献   

An experimental study was done in rabbits to investigate the fate of allogeneic iliac cancellous bone, both non-decalcified and decalcified with hydrochloric acid, transplanted to a muscular site for up to 14 days. Some of the treated allografts were impregnated with autologous bone marrow cells, obtained from the femoral medulla by aspiration, and each was compared with allografts alone. Combined myelo-osseous grafts produced bone after 7 to 8 days implantation, as did marrow autografts alone. In addition non-decalcified implants stimulated the production of multinucleated giant cells. Three different types of wash solution were used but these did not influence the cell population seen, nor the new bone formation. It is concluded that the critical events in bone formation after transplantation occur less than 8 days after the transplantation and that marrow cells have osteogenic capacity. This has relevance to the clinical aspects of bone grafting.  相似文献   

Bone cement with reduced amount of monomer and low curing temperature may improve implant fixation due to reduced toxicity. We analyzed the mechanical, chemical and thermal properties of such a cement (Cemex Rx) using Palacos R as control. The in vivo performance of the 2 cements was also evaluated in a prospective randomized study of 47 hips, where either of the cement types was used to fixate Lubinus SP2 prostheses with the stem made of titanium alloy. Cemex Rx had a reduced tensile strength, probably because this cement was manually mixed, as recommended by the manufacturer. A standardized laboratory test showed lower curing temperature for Cemex, but measurements at 37° and with prechilled Palacos R and Cemex Rx, as in clinical work, showed no difference. In the clinical study radiostereometric measurements of cup and stem migration showed similar values in the 2 groups up to 5 years after the operation. The cement mantle was stable in both groups, but the stems migrated similarly inside the cement mantle regardless of the type of cement used. Proximal wear was low (0.04-0.05 mm/year) and tended to be lower in the Cemex group (p = 0.02). Aluminum and vanadium levels in serum increased 5 years after the operation, but no difference was noted between the 2 groups. Collagen markers (PICP, ICTP) showed similar increases in bone turnover 6 weeks and 6 months after operation in both groups.  相似文献   

重组合异种骨植骨修复骨囊肿所致骨缺损   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
2001年10月~2003年9月,笔者共收治28例骨囊肿患者,均采用病灶刮除,瘤腔灭活和重组合异种骨植骨治疗,获得满意疗效,体会如下。  相似文献   

Segmental bone loss remains a challenging clinical problem for orthopaedic trauma surgeons. In addition to the missing bone itself, the local tissues (soft tissue, vascular) are often highly traumatized as well, resulting in a less than ideal environment for bone regeneration. As a result, attempts at limb salvage become a highly expensive endeavor, often requiring multiple operations and necessitating the use of every available strategy (autograft, allograft, bone graft substitution, Masquelet, bone transport, etc.) to achieve bony union. A cost‐sensitive, functionally appropriate, and volumetrically adequate engineered substitute would be practice‐changing for orthopaedic trauma surgeons and these patients with difficult clinical problems. In tissue engineering and bone regeneration fields, numerous research efforts continue to make progress toward new therapeutic interventions for segmental bone loss, including novel biomaterial development as well as cell‐based strategies. Despite an ever‐evolving literature base of these new therapeutic and engineered options, there remains a disconnect with the clinical practice, with very few translating into clinical use. A symposium entitled “Building better bone: The weaving of biologic and engineering strategies for managing bone loss,” was presented at the 2016 Orthopaedic Research Society Conference to further explore this engineering‐clinical disconnect, by surveying basic, translational, and clinical researchers along with orthopaedic surgeons and proposing ideas for pushing the bar forward in the field of segmental bone loss. © 2017 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 35:1855–1864, 2017.

Bone is a complex structure with many levels of organization. Advanced imaging tools such as high‐resolution (HR) peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) provide the opportunity to investigate how components of bone microstructure differ between the sexes and across developmental periods. The aim of this study was to quantify the age‐ and sex‐related differences in bone microstructure and bone strength in adolescent males and females. We used HR‐pQCT (XtremeCT, Scanco Medical, Geneva, Switzerland) to assess total bone area (ToA), total bone density (ToD), trabecular bone density (TrD), cortical bone density (CoD), cortical thickness (Cort.Th), trabecular bone volume (BV/TV), trabecular number (Tb.N), trabecular thickness (Tb.Th), trabecular separation (Tb.Sp), trabecular spacing standard deviation (Tb.Sp SD), and bone strength index (BSI, mg2/mm4) at the distal tibia in 133 females and 146 males (15 to 20 years of age). We used a general linear model to determine differences by age‐ and sex‐group and age × sex interactions (p < 0.05). Across age categories, ToD, CoD, Cort.Th, and BSI were significantly lower at 15 and 16 years compared with 17 to 18 and 19 to 20 years in males and females. There were no differences in ToA, TrD, and BV/TV across age for either sex. Between sexes, males had significantly greater ToA, TrD, Cort.Th, BV/TV, Tb.N, and BSI compared with females; CoD and Tb.Sp SD were significantly greater for females in every age category. Males' larger and denser bones confer a bone‐strength advantage from a young age compared with females. These structural differences could represent bones that are less able to withstand loads in compression in females. © 2010 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research  相似文献   

感染性骨缺损的治疗及研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
感染性骨缺损由于存在感染及骨缺损双重病变,治疗棘手,疗程长,且易出现肌肉萎缩、局部瘢痕而致肢体功能受到严重影响.近年来随着外固定技术、显微外科技术、生物材料技术及骨组织工程技术等的发展,感染性骨缺损的治疗取得明显进步,短缩了治疗时间,且效果显著,笔者对其研究进展综述如下.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the ability of a Glass Reinforced Hydroxyapatite Composite (GRHC), in a new microporous pellet formulation with autologous bone marrow concentrate (BMC), to enhance bone regeneration and new bone formation. Ninety non‐critical sized bone defects were created in the femurs of nine Merino breed sheep and randomly left unfilled (group A), filled with GRHC pellets alone (group B) or filled with GRHC pellets combined with BMC (group C). The sheep were sacrificed at 3 weeks (three sheep), 6 weeks (three sheep) and 12 weeks (three sheep) and histological analysis (Light Microscopy‐LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and histomorphometric analysis (HM) were performed. At 3, 6, and 12 weeks, HM revealed an average percentage of new bone of 48, 72, 83%; 25, 73, 80%, and 16, 38, 78% for Groups C, B and A respectively (significantly different only at 3 weeks p < 0.05). LM and SEM evaluation revealed earlier formation of well‐organized mature lamellar bone in Group C. This study demonstrates that the addition of a bone marrow concentrate to a glass reinforced hydroxyapatite composite in a pellet formulation promotes early bone healing. © 2017 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 35:1176–1182, 2017.

Bone marrow‐derived stromal cells (BMSCs) contain mesenchymal stem cells that are capable of forming various mesenchymal tissues. We hypothesized that BMSCs and β‐tricalcium phosphate (β‐TCP) composites would promote the remodeling of large‐sized autologous devitalized bone grafts; therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the composites on the remodeling of autologous devitalized bone grafts. Autologous BMSCs cultured in culture medium containing dexamethasone (10?7 M) were loaded into porous β‐TCP granules under low‐pressure. Theses BMSC/TCP composites were put into the bone marrow cavity of autologous heat‐treated bone (femoral diaphysis, 65‐mm long, 100°C, 30 min) and put back to the harvest site. In the contralateral side, β‐TCP without BMSC were used in the same manner as the opposite side as the control. Treatment with the BMSC/TCP composites resulted in a significant increase in thickness, bone mineral density, and matured bone volume of the cortical bone at the center of the graft compared to the control. Histological analysis showed matured regenerated bone in the BMSC loaded group. These results indicate that BMSC/TCP composites facilitated bone regeneration and maturation at the graft site of large‐sized devitalized bone. This method could potentially be applied for clinical use in the reconstruction of large bone defects such as those associated with bone tumors. © 2013 Orthopaedic Research Society Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 31:1308–1316, 2013

The penetration of lincomycin into normal bone was studied in 10 patients with fracture of the neck of the femur, a separate determination being made of the lincomycin concentration in serum, bone marrow, spongy bone and compact bone. The concentration of lincomycin in bone marrow was found to be at the same level as that in the serum. The concentration in spongy bone amounted in most cases to 50 to 75 per cent of the concentration in the serum, whereas the concentration in compact bone varied from 0 to 15 per cent of that in the serum.  相似文献   

《Acta orthopaedica》2013,84(3):267-270
Background and purpose In detection of glenoid labrum pathology, MR arthrography (MRA) has shown sensitivities of 88-100% and specificities of 89-93%. However, our practice suggested that there may be a higher frequency of falsely negative reports. We assessed the accuracy of this costly modality in practice.

Patients and methods We retrospectively reviewed MRA reports of 90 consecutive patients with clinical shoulder instability who had undergone shoulder arthroscopy. All had a history of traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation and had positive anterior apprehension tests. All underwent arthroscopy and stabilization during the same procedure. We compared the findings, using arthroscopic findings as the gold standard in the identification of glenoid labrum pathology.

Results 83 of the 90 patients had glenoid labrum tears at arthroscopy. Only 54 were correctly identified at MRA. All normal glenoid labra were identified at MRA. This gave a sensitivity of 65% and a specificity of 100% in identification of all types of glenoid labrum tear. 74 patients had anterior glenoid labral tears that were detected at an even lower rate of sensitivity (58%).

Interpretation The sensitivity of MRA in this series was substantially lower than previously published, suggesting that MRA may not be as reliable a diagnostic imaging modality in glenohumeral instability as previously thought. Our findings highlight the importance of an accurate history and clinical examination in the management of glenohumeral instability. The need for MRA may not be as high as is currently believed.  相似文献   

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