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Optical FM signal amplification by semiconductor lasers is studied by emphasizing their bandwidth characteristics. The laser is operated either in an injection-locked mode or in a resonant amplification mode by keeping the drive current above or just below its threshold. The bandwidths of both amplifiers are evaluated by the reduction in modulation sidebands and are compared with the bandwidths measured statically by scanning the frequency of incident CW wave. The radic G = 25 GHz gain bandwidth product is obtained for both operation modes using a double heterostructure AlGaAs semiconductor laser. The bandwidth obtained in the above procedure is in good agreement with theoretical results.  相似文献   

We present an alternative coherent demodulation of frequency shift keying (FSK) signals based on the use of a super harmonic injection locked oscillator (ILO). Demodulation consists of multiplying the incoming FSK signal by the output of the ILO using an up-conversion mixer. The product includes a second harmonic signal that locks the oscillator, closing a non-linear feedback loop, and synchronizes its output with the incoming FSK signal. In addition to the second harmonic, the product also includes a base band signal that reproduces the original modulation. We built and tested a hybrid prototype of the demodulation system for the frequency range from 250 to 300 MHz. The circuit consists of a second-harmonic differential output ILO with varactor diodes as tuning elements and a four quadrant analog multiplier. Our results demonstrate the reliability and robustness of the demodulator system.   相似文献   

李林林 《半导体光电》1989,10(2):27-30,44
本文讨论了注入锁定(IL)型半导体激光放大器的功率响应、频率响应特性,分析了锁定相位、注入光功率等对这些特性的影响。  相似文献   

注入锁定半导体激光器的电路模型及其调制特性分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
毛陆虹  粘华 《通信学报》1997,18(10):86-90
本文给出了注入锁定半导体激光器LD小信号电路模型,使得对注锁LD的调制特性可以用通用电路分析软件进行分析,运用此模型对注入锁定LD的调制特性进行了分析。模型的稳态分析结果与已报导的理论和实验一致。  相似文献   

本文给出了外部光注和半导体激光器(LD)的大信号非线性宏模型,使得对外部光注入LD的特性可以用通用电路分析软件进行分析,运用此模型对外部光注入LD的双稳和动态调制特性进行了分析,模型的分析结果与已报导的理论和实验基本一致。  相似文献   

锁相频率合成方式的VHF电视差转机本振系统   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘祁雄 《电视技术》1993,(4):11-13,53
本文介绍了用锁相频率合成技术构成电视差转机本振系统的原理和设计,讨论了有关理论和实践问题。已研制成功的硬件系统表明,该系统频率稳定度高,具有与晶振相同的数量级,频道转换迅速、可程控,且结构简单,经济可靠,可替代传统方式的本振。  相似文献   

The analysis and experimental results of an antenna array using injection locked coupled oscillators with self-tuning of oscillator free-running frequencies are presented. With the use of coupled type-II phase locked loops for tuning oscillator free-running frequencies and an external injection signal for stabilizing the array operating frequency, this antenna array can steer its beam through a single control voltage and hold its output frequency at the injection signal frequency in operation. In addition, its beam-pointing error arising from phase errors in coupled oscillators can be reduced and the array works well over a certain frequency band. Phase dynamics and stability are studied and experimentally verified. Experimental results of a three-element injection locked coupled oscillator array show that its uniform phase progression ranges between $-$16 $^{circ}$ and 52$^{circ}$ , and the phase errors are less than 5 $^{circ}$ at 2.7 GHz. The operation bandwidth is shown from 2.68–2.72 GHz. By loading the injection locked coupled oscillator array with rectangular patch antennas, the beam-steering radiation characteristics are measured at various control voltages.   相似文献   

超宽带(UWB)无线通信的关键技术之一是UWB窄脉冲产生技术.为简化光子超宽带脉冲源的设计,提出采用基于光纤可饱和吸收体效应的环形腔被动锁模光纤激光器来设计光子UWB脉冲源.为了获得满足UWB室内无线通信频谱范围的脉冲,利用色散和啁啾效应展宽脉宽的原理,在激光器环形腔内使用较长的增益光纤引入大量色散效应,将光脉冲展宽以符合美国通信委员会(FCC)规定的室内UWB通信频谱范围(3.1~10.6 GHz).并根据光纤激光器谐波锁模的原理,通过控制偏振态调制输出脉冲的周期以提高脉冲重复频率.实验中,展宽的光脉冲经光电转换器转换成UWB电脉冲序列后,由宽带数字示波器进行波形观测和测量.通过调节偏振控制器,获得了可输出8种不同脉冲重复频率的光子超宽带脉冲源.  相似文献   

808nm波长锁定大功率半导体激光器列阵   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大功率半导体激光器列阵(DLA)具有功率高、电光转换效率高、可靠性强、寿命长、体积小及成本低等诸多优点,但其波长随温度变化较大,光谱线宽较宽,这些缺点直接限制了其实际应用.为了解决此问题,采用体布拉格光栅(VBG)构成波长锁定大功率半导体激光器系统.体布拉格光栅可以把波长锁定,同时把光谱线宽压窄,从而有效改善了DLA波...  相似文献   

提出了一种基于三波长注入法布里-珀罗型激光二极管(FP-LD)产生超宽带(UWB)信号的方案。在FP-LD不同激射模式中注入一路信号光和两路直流探测光,实现多波长变换并得到两路反码输出和一路正码输出;再通过光纤进行色散走离,使不同波长信号之间产生时延,形成UWB脉冲,最后经过光电转换产生UWB信号。对所提出的UWB信号产生方案的原理进行分析,并对UWB信号的波形以及频谱特性进行了实验研究。在此基础上,进行了1.25Gb/s非归零码(NRZ)信号注入FP-LD产生差分编码UWB信号的实验。实验产生的UWB脉冲信号半峰全宽最小为83.3ps,10dB谱宽约为4.6GHz,其频宽比为107%。  相似文献   

An X-band frequency-stabilized MIC Gunn oscillator of a very simple structure using a dielectric resonator is developed. It is studied how the oscillating characteristics can be controlled by circuit parameters, with special attention to the factors affecting the frequency stability with temperature. By optimizing these factors and by selecting the proper temperature coefficient of a newly developed dielectric resonator, the high frequency stability of less than /spl plusmn/100 MHz over the temperature range from -20 to 60/spl deg/C (2x10 /sup -7/ / /spl deg/C) was obtained.  相似文献   

提出了一种将低速基带信号直调产生的宽谱信号,注入至用于上变频的分布反馈式半导体激光器(DFB-LD),利用调制信号光谱中的高阶分量对从激光器进行相位锁定,从而产生光学上变频信号的方法。对直调信号注入锁定DFB-LD产生光学上变频信号的机理进行了理论分析,完成了2.5Gb/s伪随机码基带信号通过直调并注入从激光器,分别产生了30,35,40GHz副载波频率的全光上变频信号的实验,并在时域和频域上,对上变频信号的特征进行了研究。该方案结构简单,无需高速外调制器及高频本振,具有集成潜力,理论上可产生更高载频(如60GHz),对目前的光-无线混合接入提供了一种可行的解决方案。  相似文献   

We present the proposal of a microwave-driven semiconductor superlattice oscillator. We show that the interplay of a microwave pump field with a synchronous harmonic field can make a semiconductor superlattice to a gain medium for the harmonic field. Placing the superlattice in a resonator for the harmonic field allows the operation of an oscillator. The gain mechanism is based on Bloch oscillations of miniband electrons. The gain is mediated either by the interaction of the high-frequency field with the single electrons or with space charge domains or with both. The microwave-driven superlattice oscillator should be suitable for generation of coherent radiation up to several THz.  相似文献   

由于具有动力学特性丰富、体积小和易集成等优点,基于半导体激光器的信号产生技术已成为高性能微波光子信号产生的优选方案之一。半导体激光器在合适的外光注入条件下能够工作在单周期振荡态,可突破本征弛豫振荡频率的限制,产生频率大范围可调的微波信号;进一步动态地控制注入参数,能够生成宽带可重构的微波调频信号,在雷达领域具有重要的应用前景。文章首先介绍了基于光注入半导体激光器的宽带微波信号生成机理并实验产生了大时宽带宽积的微波线性调频信号,其中心频率、带宽、时宽和工作频段均可灵活调谐;然后,构建了延时匹配光电反馈环路,提升了宽带微波调频信号的频谱纯度和梳齿信噪比等性能参数;最后,基于该高性能宽带微波调频信号发生器构建了微波光子雷达验证系统,分析了其在目标探测与成像方面的性能。  相似文献   

This letter presents a new current reused LC-tank injection locked oscillator (ILO), which is implemented by using a standard TSMC 0.18-mum CMOS process. The ILO, used as a divide-by-two (divide2) divider, is consisted of two switching transistors stacked in series. The injection locking is performed by adding an injection nMOS between the differential outputs of the divider. The divider can operate with a lower power due to the reuse of dc current. The measurement results show that at the supply voltage of 1.5V, the divider free-running frequency is tunable from 2.11 to 2.42GHz, and at the incident power of 0dBm the locking range of the divider in the divide2 mode is about 0.9GHz (19.8%), from the incident frequency 4.1 to 5GHz. The core power consumption is 0.97mW  相似文献   

A semiconductor laser rate equation theory is presented that describes sideband injection locking under both weak optical injection and current modulation. By simultaneous optical injection and current modulation, control of both the phase and the frequency of a semiconductor laser is demonstrated. The phase-locked semiconductor laser operates at a different frequency to the optical injection source, with a frequency-difference given by the current modulation frequency. This method can be used to produce broadband sources, such as those producing ultrashort pulses and those required for coherent control, or to create high-frequency electronic oscillator sources with phase control by interference beating  相似文献   

Optical injection locking and cavity enhanced four-wave mixing in semiconductor ring lasers have been used to generate data modulated millimeter (mm)-wave optical signals. The scheme is shown to have multigigahertz (multi-GHz) modulation bandwidth. The 4-Gb/s data is transferred directly from an intensity modulated optical signal onto an mm-wave optical signal with the mm-wave frequency tunable in steps of 62.5 GHz and with flexible radio-frequency modulation formats over the optical carrier. Bit-error-rate and eye-diagram measurements confirm excellent signal quality.   相似文献   

Coherent heterodyne detection in optical communication is degraded by phase instabilities present when a semiconductor laser is used as a local oscillator. Postdetection processing that accounts for these instabilities is suggested, based on a diffusion-process model for oscillator instabilities and a maximum-likelihood sequence-estimator of information symbols modulating the received light.  相似文献   

介绍了用于连续高功率半导体激光器单条阵列的老化筛选系统,通过对积分球采集激光功率进行理论分析,确定了积分球内壳的参数.采用水冷积分球,实现了激光功率探测部分的冷却,同时解决了激光功率采集以及球壳内部散热的问题.利用光电探测器、数据采集卡等硬件实现了激光功率信号的光电转换以及模数转换,基于LabVIEW环境开发了激光功率...  相似文献   

注入锁定法布里-珀罗激光器的单模工作特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
韩威  张雅丽  张艳  任民  李亮  张红广  谢亮  祝宁华 《中国激光》2008,35(9):1318-1322
使用分布式反馈(DFB)激光器对法布里-珀罗(F-P)激光器进行单模注入锁定.通过改变F-P激光器的偏置电流,DFB激光器的输出功率以及两激光器间的波长失谐量,对注入锁定F-P激光器的光谱特性、功率特性以及频率响应特性进行实验分析.找出影响注入锁定F-P激光器稳定性的因素,并测量注入锁定F-P激光器的稳定锁定区;通过优化注人条件实现F-P激光器的高边模抑制比(SMSR)输出,最高可达55 dB;通过与自由运转F-P激光器比较,发现注入锁定可以明显抑制半导体激光器在高频调制下光谱的展宽.注入锁定后F-P激光器的3 dB调制带宽接近14 GHz.实验结果表明,通过合理设计光注入条件,注入锁定技术可以明显改善F-P激光器的光谱特性以及高频响应特性,并在高速光纤通信领域中得到广泛应用.  相似文献   

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