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根据光(温)敏雄性核不育系水稻的育性模型导出的育性转换临界温度和临界日长指标,用15个代表站1951-1988年逐日平均气温和理论日长分析了7001sN5088s和安农s-1三不育系的育性转换日期及不育期和发育期长度的气候学特征,为二系法杂交水稻的育性转换提供一种实用分析方法,并为生产提供依据。  相似文献   

水稻光敏核不育系的育性气象模型及其机理   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
光敏核不育水稻的育性转换主要是抽穗前5 ̄20天的光温条件综合影响的结果。其数量关系可由结实率量化模型表达。温敏型不育系的育性由温度主控;光敏型不育系的育性在日长大于最适日长时由日长主控,日长短于最适日长时由温度主控。温光对育性的影响存在互补效应,在最适温度以下,不育临界日长随温度升高延长;在最适温度以上,不育临界日长随温度升高缩短。温光当量可作为比较温度和日长对育性影响大小的具体量值。根据结实率量  相似文献   

1990年以来我们受863—101—01专题委托,对该专题新育成光(温)敏感核不育品系进行鉴定,旨在研究光温条件对供试不育系育性表达的影响,探明育性转换的临界光温指标,进而从中筛选对温度钝感、生态适应性较广的光(温)敏感不育系,为光(温)敏核不育水稻的繁殖、制种和推广提供农业气象依据。这里提供的是1990年部分研究成果。  相似文献   

水稻核雄性不育系培矮64S的育性指标分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
培矮64S是我国目前两系法杂交稻生产中应用最广泛的实用不育系。利用培矮64S在南京、武汉、长沙、贵阳、三亚等地的多年分期播种资料及其相应的温度和日长资料,分析了水稻光(温)敏核不育系培矮64S的不育性和可繁性,并采用光温分级法和育性量化模型法,分析了培矮64S的育性转换光温指标。表明两种方法的计算结果具有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

光敏感核不育水稻研究中,杂交稻不育系不育和育性转换需要一定强度(勒克斯)的光长和温度光长互作影响.光敏感核不育和育性转换的临界光长:≥501xl3时45分、温度≥25℃.武汉地区临界光长出现时间平均为8月5日,最早7月30日,最迟8月11日.此刻以前为长光照时段,以后为短光照时段,梅雨明显、凉夏年份,常出现短光照、低温互作影响,因此,武汉地区引种、培育耐低温的两系法杂交稻光敏型不育系对生产是十分必要的.  相似文献   

光敏核不育水稻两用系,即在孕穗期处于相对长日照高温条件下表现不育,可以配制生产用杂交种,在相对短日照、低温条件下,可以恢复结实,进行自身繁殖。育种上用这种育性随光温条件改变而改变的光敏核不育水稻,培育  相似文献   

水稻两用核雄性不育系的育性模型与鉴定方法   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
依据水稻光敏不育系育性的实验结果,提出衡量不育系育性变化规律的特征值及其量化模型。并用7个不育系的多点多年育性资料验证该模型的合理性,介绍了鉴定不育特征值的方法和程序。  相似文献   

近年来,我省两系水稻的选育取得了较大的进展,在产量和品质上显出一定优势,正在由试验转向应用。省委、省政府提出我省“九五”期间要推广种植两系水稻100万公顷,因此,两系水稻种子的需求量将大大增加。两系水稻是指光温敏两用核不育系水稻,它具有在长日高温下不育和短日低温下可育的特性,因此可用其不育性进行制种,用其可育性进行繁种,从而达到一系两用的目的。两系水稻可分为光敏型、温敏型和光温互作三大类型,目前广东生产和科研中应用的主要为温敏型(临界温度一般为23℃)。因此,两系水稻的繁殖对气象条件有特殊要求,…  相似文献   

两系杂交稻制种的气候适应性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
研究两系杂交稻的首要不育系———培矮64S制种的气候适应性, 一方面可为两系杂交稻的生产提供决策参考, 另一方面也可为其它不育系的研究提供借鉴。分析气候适应性时, 首先利用播种—抽穗天数及其对应的气象资料, 建立发育期模型; 然后利用自交结实率资料及其对应的气象资料建立育性量化模型, 并求出育性转换的光温指标; 最后将我国稻区35个站点42年 (1951~1992年) 的气象资料代入发育期模型, 求出各站点的可能出穗持续期 (最早出穗期—最晚出穗期的历期), 对比育性转换的光温指标, 确定培矮64S在80%、90%和95%保证率下连续不育 (可育) 的初、终日, 将连续不育期作为生产杂交稻种子的季节, 将连续可育期作为繁殖培矮64S的季节。结果显示:培矮64S仅能在海南岛及云贵高原中低海拔地区自交繁殖; 而在东北、云贵高原以外的稻区, 培矮64S均可用于生产两系杂交稻的种子, 各稻区制种季节的长短、起止日期与种植地的纬度、海拔高度相关。  相似文献   

“两系”法杂交水稻示范推广是我国水稻生产中又一革命性的发展 ,它具有稻米品质好、增产潜力大的显著特点。“两系”杂交稻不育系的不育性 ,既受细胞核不育基因的控制 ,又受气候条件的影响 ,因此既要选择一个最佳扬花授粉期 ,又要选择一个安全的育性转换期。前者是制种稳产高产的前提 ,后者是制种成败的关键。1水稻“两系”法制种的概念水稻“两系”法制种是利用不育系在某种特定光温条件下的雄性不育特性 ,与恢复系配制生产杂交水稻种子。同时又利用它在一定条件下表现为雄性可育能自交结实的特性 ,繁殖不育系种子。它具有一系两用、种子…  相似文献   

我国主要水稻雄性不育系的光温特性研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
根据10个水稻雄性不育系的生育期及期间的温度和日长资料,研究了它们的光、温生态特性。用通径分析方法,分析了决定各不育系生育期变化的决策变量结果表明:晚籼及晚粳类型不育系的感光性强,中籼类型不育系的感光性弱到中等,早籼类型不育系的感光性一般都弱。10个雄性不育系中感温性弱的只占少数,感温性属弱到中强的品种占多数。除HS-3和SE21S的生育期决策变量为日长外,其他各不育系的决策变量均为温度。  相似文献   

利用NCEP / NCAR再分析月平均风场资料和国家气候中心提供的中国160个气象站的月平均气温资料,选用质量流函数计算方法描述平均经圈环流,用环流中心值大小表征其强度,分析1951-2010年Hadley环流强度趋势变化及其与中国东部气温的关系。结果表明:质量流函数能较好地表征平均经圈环流特征,且环流中心值大小能形象地反映环流强度。近60 a来,冬季北半球Hadley环流强度呈线性增强的趋势;夏季南半球Hadley环流强度在20世纪80年代初发生了由减弱趋势转变为显著增强趋势的年代际转折。中国东部大部分地区气温的年代际变化能很好地被Hadley环流强度变化解释,二者呈正相关关系,但显著相关区域随季节变化有所不同。  相似文献   

基于CMIP5模式的中国气候变化敏感性预估与分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以CMIP5提供的26个全球气候系统模式的温度和降水数据为基础,采用区域气候变化指数(Regional Climate Change Index,RCCI)分析中国的不同区域对21世纪气候变化响应的敏感性。结果表明,三种排放情景(RCP 2.6、RCP 4.5、RCP 8.5)下,21世纪全期,气候变化最敏感的区域分布在西藏地区,其次为我国西北地区以及东北地区,气候变化敏感性最低的区域分布在我国内蒙古中东部、华北地区以及长江中下游一带,且高排放情景对应更高的气候变化敏感性。对RCCI指数贡献因子分析结果表明,对中国气候变化敏感性贡献的大小依次为Δσ_TΔσ_pΔRRWAF。冬夏两季温度变化的大值区与RCCI指数的大致区分布一致,RCCI大小的分布很大程度上由温度变化的敏感性决定。而夏季降水变化的大值区主要出现在西藏地区、华南地区和东北地区,冬季降水变化的大值区则主要出现在黄河以南长江以北的中原地区以及东北地区。  相似文献   

Changes in plant phenology will be one of the earliest responses to rapid global climate change and could potentially have serious consequences both for plants and for animals that depend on periodically available plant resources. Phenological patterns are most diverse and least understood in the tropics. In those parts of tropical Asia where low temperature or drought impose a seasonal rest period, regular annual cycles of growth and reproduction predominate at the individual, population, and community level. In aseasonal areas, individuals and populations show a range of sub- to supra-annual periodicities, with an overall supra-annual reproductive periodicity at the community level. There is no evidence for photoperiod control of phenology in the Asian tropics, and seasonal changes in temperature are a likely factor only near the northern margins. An opportunistic response to water availability is the simplest explanation for most observed patterns where water is seasonally limiting, while the great diversity of phenological patterns in the aseasonal tropics suggests an equal diversity of controls. The robustness of current phenological patterns to high interannual and spatial variability suggests that most plant species will not be seriously affected by the phenological consequences alone of climate change. However, some individual plant species may suffer, and the consequences of changes in plant phenology for flower- and fruit-dependent animals in fragmented forests could be serious.  相似文献   

The understanding of the ongoing climate change needs high-resolution records of the past, which are difficult to obtain in north-central China. Historical documents are unique materials for high-resolution (up to season) climate change reconstruction. Here, we report an attempt of quantitative climate reconstruction covering the main part of north-central China, by combining historical drought/flood index and tree-ring data. The rigorous verification tests confirm the fidelity of transfer functions used in the reconstructions. The precipitation and temperature anomalies/intervals were then defined based on the reconstructions. Finally, the intensity of several big droughts recorded in historical documents was re-examined and the dominant and recessive patterns of heat/water changes within the study area were identified. We concluded that (1) the droughts, occurred during the years of 1484 AD, 1585–1587 AD, 1689–1691 AD, 1784–1786 AD and 1876–1878 AD, were the results of rainless and torrid combination; (2) the droughts, occurred during the years of 1560–1561 AD, 1599–1601 AD, 1609 AD, 1615–1617 AD, 1638–1641 AD and 1899–1901 AD, were first caused by rainless summer, and then controlled by low precipitation and/or high temperature; (3) the droughts, occurred during the years of 1527–1529 AD, 1720–1722 AD, 1813–1814 AD, 1856–1857 AD and 1926–1930 AD, were first caused by torrid summer, and then controlled by both low precipitation and high temperature; (4) the dominant climate pattern within the study area consisted of warm–dry and cold–wet alternations, and the recessive pattern consisted of cold–dry and warm–wet alternations. We also showed that the drought/flood index is a valuable climate proxy in quantitative reconstructions, especially in places where tree-ring data is not available.  相似文献   

Phenology data are sensitive data to identify how plants are adapted to local climate and how they respond to climatic changes. Modeling flowering phenology allows us to identify the meteorological variables determining the reproductive cycle. Phenology of temperate of woody plants is assumed to be locally adapted to climate. Nevertheless, recent research shows that local adaptation may not be an important constraint in predicting phenological responses. We analyzed variations in flowering dates of Olea europaea L. at different sites of Spain and Italy, testing for a genetic differentiation of flowering phenology among olive varieties to estimate whether local modeling is necessary for olive or not. We build models for the onset and peak dates flowering in different sites of Andalusia and Puglia. Process-based phenological models using temperature as input variable and photoperiod as the threshold date to start temperature accumulation were developed to predict both dates. Our results confirm and update previous results that indicated an advance in olive onset dates. The results indicate that both internal and external validity were higher in the models that used the photoperiod as an indicator to start to cumulate temperature. The use of the unified model for modeling the start and peak dates in the different localities provides standardized results for the comparative study. The use of regional models grouping localities by varieties and climate similarities indicate that local adaptation would not be an important factor in predicting olive phenological responses face to the global temperature increase.  相似文献   

新育成不育系的育性类型及其稳定性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据三亚,武昌,贵阳等三生态试验点对10个新育成不育系的联合生态试验资料,采用图形判别分析和方差分析两种方法鉴定各供试不育系的育性类型,在此基础上进一步对不同类型的不育系作不育稳定性分析,这些分析结果是评价新育成不育系实用价值和适用区域的重要依据。  相似文献   

利用船测近海层湍流热通量资料验证OAFlux数据集   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国伍兹霍尔海洋研究所(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution,WHOI)的客观分析海气通量(Objectively Analyzed air-sea Fluxes,OAFlux)数据集中的近海层湍流热通量数据被公认为最可信,并被广泛地用于气候模式模拟结果检验。利用NOAA ETL(Environmental Technology Laboratory)两个固定观测站点的科学试验的船测通量数据库(TOGA COARE试验观测资料和KAWJEX试验观测资料),对OAFlux的热通量进行验证。结果表明:OAFlux的潜热通量普遍高于船测值,并且风速较大时,两者差异较大。风速对潜热通量的变化趋势起主导作用,海表和大气湿度差影响甚微。低风条件下,OAFlux的潜热通量和船测值差异则很小。海面湍流感热交换很弱,通量值本身依然受到风速的主导作用,但由于感热通量值与观测仪器误差十分接近,导致比较分析异常困难。分析结果表明:在上述两个观测试验期内,由于海表空气湿度和大气的湿度差变化不显著,海气相互作用的强度主要取决于海面风速的变化。  相似文献   

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