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This paper describes the practice of assetmanagement and its application toirrigation system maintenance. It thenpresents the application of a simplifiedasset management procedure for transferredirrigation systems in Albania. In thisapplication, the procedure was introducedto assess, monitor, and regulate, overtime, the condition of government-ownedirrigation infrastructure; management,operation and maintenance of which has beentransferred to Water Users Associations andFederations of Water Users Associations. The paper describes the procedures used tocarry out asset surveys, and to process anduse the data collected. The procedureshave been found to be relevant andapplicable to the conditions experienced inAlbania and a valuable mechanism forfocussing the attention of Water UserAssociations and Federations of Water UsersAssociations on sustaining and enhancingthe condition of the irrigationinfrastructure.  相似文献   

内蒙古河套灌区灌排信息管理决策支持系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全面分析河套灌区灌排管理的基础上 ,应用决策支持系统原理 ,开发研制了河套灌区灌排信息管理决策支持系统。在河套灌区灌溉历史上 ,首次实现了河套灌区总局、管理局和管理所三级灌排信息的计算机管理。该系统不仅可为河套灌区用水的科学管理提供科学的决策依据和决策方案 ,而且对于河套灌区推广节水型灌溉农业 ,将起到重要的推动作用  相似文献   

Irrigation system maintenance hastraditionally played second chair to systemoperations. This relative neglect hassquandered economic benefits and depletedthe value of capital assets. Recentprograms transferring operation andmaintenance responsibility to water usergroups offer an opportunity to redress thisbalance and create a more systematic andsustainable program of system maintenancein transferred systems. This paperidentifies important research needs thatform the basis for an action researchintervention program. The need to linkmaintenance inputs to hydraulic performance isclearly important, as is the need toprioritize inputs in terms of both cost andexpected impact on performance. Thefunding of maintenance is closely linked toasset management so that water user groupscan develop long-term strategies forprioritizing and financing theiractivities. Factors that lead water usergroups to choose between a self-helpstrategy towards O&M and the hiring ofprofessional staff to undertake these tasksalso requires additional research andinvestigation. Finally, the relationshipbetween regular maintenance and frequentrehabilitation needs to be defined and thetwo linked through policy, agreements, andfunding arrangements.  相似文献   

Sustainability of irrigation and drainage infrastructure poses many challenges to many irrigation authorities worldwide due to a mismatch between the actual cost incurred in the provision of irrigation and drainage service and pricing of this service. This shortfall often leads to inadequate expenditure on maintenance in the absence of adequate subsidies from government or other sources.The asset management modelling framework (AMMF) presented in this paper enables the quantification of on-going ownership costs and operation costs. A life cycle cost (LCC) model for the evaluation of alternative irrigation and drainage asset management strategies is also presented. The AMMF is applied to the evaluation of asset ownership costs and LCC for alternative maintenance and interest rate scenarios in the Cu Chi irrigation system, Vietnam. The cost of three renewal strategies was evaluated: linear depreciation, full annuity and partial annuity. The cost ranges between US$ 28.00/ha and US$ 41.00/ha when interest rate varies between 9 and 3%. The average maintenance expenditure during recent years was estimated to be only US$ 1.30/ha which translates into 0.68% of the total asset replacement cost.The application of a simplified LCC model reveals that the least LCC varies with the level of maintenance and interest rate between US$ 353.5/ha for 5% maintenance expenditure and 12% interest rate to US$ 522.3/ha for 3% maintenance expenditure and 6% interest rate. The importance of exercising value judgements in applying the LCC model is also emphasised and discussed.  相似文献   

赵有皓  徐洪云 《排灌机械》1999,17(3):24-27,39
详细地介绍了淮阴市水利局机电排灌站动态管理系统开发的情况,其中包括:系统的总体设计,机电排灌站动态管理的扑哧量询与统计。 详细设计,系统的开发工具以及系统的主要特点这行情况表明,该系统对机电排灌站的管理具有一定的科学性,高效及一定的推广价值。  相似文献   

论述了环境工程与排灌事业的历史渊源,环境工程中的水体污染,水源保护,排水系统,污水处理,污水灌溉,水污染综合治理等问题,并探讨了新兴学科分支“环境水力学”和“环境水利学”的内容概要。  相似文献   

新时期农田水利基本建设的战略思考   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
分析了我国实施第三步发展战略、全面建设小康社会中所面临的突出问题 ,讨论了农田水利基本建设与农民增收、农业增效、农村发展的关系 ,从不同的角度论证了农田水利基本建设的战略地位 ,并提出了新时期加强农田水利基本建设的建议  相似文献   

草坪网球场灌溉及排水技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对我国西北干旱干寒地区网球场草坪建植进行实验。在此类地区建植草坪网球场、喷灌、排水是两个重要的管理条件和措施。实践证明,本文的建模草坪网球场的灌溉排水方法是行之有效的。  相似文献   

随着膜下滴灌技术在新疆的大力推广应用,灌排模式发生了改变,从而导致了新的土壤次生盐渍化问题。在阐述新疆3种排水措施——明沟排水、暗管排水和竖井排灌发展的基础上,分析了目前新疆节水灌区农田排水措施存在的问题,结合南疆某一节水灌区灌排试验,分析了排水措施对土壤盐分及地下水位、矿化度的影响,为当地灌排模式提出合理化建议,且为减轻节水灌区的土壤盐渍化提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

农田水利配套建筑物面广量大,为节省工程造价,充分发挥工程效益,加快配套步伐,作者根据配套要求以及建筑物的功能提出了集合化课题,并结合本地区实际进行了研究,将多物集合,达到一物多用,这对于促进农田水利建设水平的提高具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

灌溉试验站规划的有关问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据全国的气候、农业、水利及经济发展水平等区划,合理地选择各省的中心站及重点试验站,并对其进行科学地规划设计,对于总体把握我国灌溉试验基础数据尤为重要。针对目前正在全国进行的灌溉试验站网规划,对省级中心站及重点站的课题规划、试验站的总体布置及设施设备规划和做好本次规划的其他有关问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

以叶尔羌河灌区为对象, 讨论了内陆干旱区绿洲灌区排水的条件和特点。对内陆干旱区排水的重要特点即旱排与生物排水作出估计, 提出努力实现“水盐平衡”是排水的目标, 在进行排水规划同时也应作出排盐规划  相似文献   

农田水利与排灌事业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了发展农田水利的技术要求和从事排灌事业的基本依据;简述了有待石拓的污水灌溉和生物排水以及可以更科学地指导排灌技术的土壤-作物-大气连续体理论。  相似文献   

农田水利技术发展回顾与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农田水利在我国有着悠久的历史。中华人民共和国成立后,国家把水利作为农业的命脉和国民经济的基础设施给予高度重视,农田水利事业得到了快速发展。50 年来,农田水利建设取得巨大成效的原因之一,就是依靠科技进步,推广科学技术。对农田水利发展意义重大、应用较广泛的技术大致有5 个方面:①机电排灌技术;②农田水利规划与水土资源综合开发治理技术;③渠道防渗、管道输水技术;④农田水利机械化施工技术;⑤有压供水灌溉技术。节水灌溉技术的大部分内容也分别包含在上述几个方面之中。下世纪农村水利面临新的机遇和挑战,在相当长的时期内,农田水利技术进步将以高效用水为中心,围绕提高水的有效利用率、水分生产率、单位水量的效益等方面的综合技术,旧灌区的更新改造技术,提高农田水利作业效率和劳动生产率的综合技术,改善农村水环境、促进水资源可持续利用和农业可持续发展的综合技术、信息技术和灌排装备生产制造技术等方面来开展。加快农田水利技术进步与创新要各方协作,讲求实效  相似文献   

木文介绍了我国农用排灌机械的发展现状和今后趋向,并重点对主要的节水灌溉设备进行了市场分析。  相似文献   

利用SWAP(Soil-Water-Atmosphere-Plant)模型对河套灌区的永联试验区进行了排水工程管理的数值模拟研究,分析了排水沟的间距和深度对田间水均衡要素的影响。结果显示,现有排水沟深度下的排水沟间距调整对区域排水和潜水埋深的影响不明显,但当排水沟深度增加时,排水沟排水量和控制区域的潜水埋深发生显著变化。根据模拟结果,认为永联试验区的排水沟间距取500 m,深度取2.5 m较为适宜。  相似文献   

稻田灌溉排水自动控制新技术的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
介绍一种适合于淹灌稻田实现自动控制的灌溉新技术,其中灌溉部分由自动给水栓、有压输水管道系统和灌溉水源三部分组成,自动给水栓有一个能自动跟踪稻田水层变化的传感装置,它与给水相连,当稻田水层消耗至允许下限时,传感器驱动给水栓开启放水;当稻田水层灌至设计上限时,关闭给水栓,停止灌水。管理人员只须根据作物不同生育阶段的灌水控制要求调定传感装置的上下限,稻田的灌溉既能自动完成。  相似文献   

This article asks and addresses thequestion ``what is `optimal' maintenance inirrigation.' It examines alternativedefinitions of irrigation maintenance andexplores pathways of system deteriorationunder alternative input levels. It thendefines maintenance as a service, where thefunctions of arranging, providing, payingfor, and using the service are considered,and discusses the arrangements andrelationships necessary to provide thisservice. Key to this approach is theconcept of maintaining a specified level ofservice – a concept drawn from the assetmanagement approach to systems maintenance. A contingency matrix is developed whichdefines basic maintenance strategies underdifferent levels of cost and risk. Thepaper concludes that optimality ofirrigation system maintenance is somethingwhich cannot be defined on technicalgrounds, or economic ones, or even oninstitutional grounds alone. Rather it mustbe defined as a process operating within aset of framework conditions and technical,economic and institutional constraints.  相似文献   

针对宁夏青铜峡灌区的引水和退水规律问题,采用数理统计和时间序列的方法,对青铜峡灌区引、退水的年内、年际变化规律以及长期变化趋势进行了研究,结果发现引、退水在年内呈周期性季节性变化,年际间上下波动,在近期内呈下降趋势,年引水量和退水量时间序列是年际间相互关联的非平稳时间序列。  相似文献   

论农田水利工程与生态系统的协调发展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
从农田生态系统的角度出发,指出了当前农田水利工程建设中仅注重其水利功能而不注重对环境生态影响的弊端,建议农田水利工程的规划建设必须与环境生态相协调,以建设优良农田为前提,保持农业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

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