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在整仓密封熏蒸和塑料帐幕密封分垛熏蒸条件下,测定了熏蒸空间以及烟箱内部磷化氢(PH3)的浓度,通过对不同熏蒸方式下熏蒸空间及烟箱内PH3浓度的动态变化比较,结合PH3熏蒸相关指标,分析了两种熏蒸方式的预期效果;在散毒过程中,测定了烟箱内部PH3的浓度,确定了瓦楞纸箱加塑料内衬包装方式下散毒的时间.结果表明:在相同的剂量下,采用塑料帐幕密封、分垛熏蒸处理烟箱内部PH3浓度高于整仓密封处理,且有效浓度维持的时间也较整仓熏蒸长,预期的熏蒸效果优于整仓熏蒸;在仓内温度>20 ℃的条件下,帐幕密封处理的烟箱内达到PH3有效浓度的时间早. 对于瓦楞纸箱+塑料内衬包装的片烟, 熏蒸过程需要9~10 d,而整仓处理的则需要11~12 d.另外,与整仓熏蒸相比 ,采取塑料帐幕密封和分垛熏蒸,药剂投放总量可减少1/2~2/3.  相似文献   

研究了硫酰氟熏蒸对片烟质量的影响,并测定了硫酰氟熏蒸后片烟中氟的残留量.结果表明:硫酰氟的使用剂量为20 g/m3,熏蒸120 h,即CT(浓度与时间的乘积)值为2400时,烟草甲成虫、幼虫、蛹及卵全部死亡;硫酰氟处理对片烟常规化学成分影响不明显,总植物碱稍有下降;硫酰氟对片烟的质量无不良的影响;硫酰氟熏蒸后,片烟中氟的残留量增加幅度为3.1 mg/kg.  相似文献   

本研究通过膜下环流熏蒸、氮气气调、氮气与磷化氢混合熏蒸三种熏蒸方式,来分析在高大平方仓中这三种方式施药后,熏蒸气体的空间浓度分布情况。结果表明,覆膜环流熏蒸仓房底部磷化氢浓度在第3 d达到最大,较常规熏蒸快2~4 d。氮气和磷化氢混合熏蒸在环流6 h后各层粮堆内气体分布基本达到均匀,整个熏蒸过程中磷化氢最低浓度与最高浓度的比值范围为0.37~0.67,氮气浓度始终保持在83%~87%之间。混合熏蒸与膜下环流熏蒸相比,可以减少用药量10.8%;同时,解决了氮气气调对气密性要求严苛以及运营成本高的难题,供粮食仓储企业在实际熏蒸杀虫工作中参考。  相似文献   

为了解硫酰氟在小麦、稻谷和大豆3种粮堆中的扩散和分布规律,通过6个实仓熏蒸的数据采集,对熏蒸气体在不同粮堆内的扩散速度、均匀性、以及衰减速度等参数进行比较分析。试验结果表明,硫酰氟气体在不同粮种中的扩散速度是大豆>稻谷>小麦;大豆粮堆最快在熏蒸后8 h后,可实现整仓气体均匀;平均气体浓度半衰期分别是大豆>小麦>稻谷;在5.0~12.7 g/m3的熏蒸药剂浓度下实现6个月无虫期的防护效果。  相似文献   

熊金梁  陈爱强  刘婧  张蕊  关文强 《食品科学》2021,42(17):218-224
为了探索3 种典型电商运输包装猕猴桃所处运输微环境变化特点及其对后续贮藏品质的影响,分别采用单纯纸箱、纸箱内衬聚苯乙烯泡沫箱和纸箱内衬聚乙烯发泡棉材料(果实单格放置)3 种形式包装对预冷猕猴桃进行运输,记录运输期间包装箱内的温湿度和振动强度变化,运输结束后分装入打孔塑料盒,贮藏于(4.0±0.5)℃的环境中并定期测定其品质变化。结果表明,纸箱内衬聚苯乙烯泡沫箱和内衬聚乙烯发泡棉材料均能够有效延缓包装箱内温度的上升,保持包装内的湿度;猕猴桃运输过程中振动主要来自于车辆的加减速和颠簸,纸箱内衬聚乙烯发泡棉材料的综合减振效果最好。运输过程的颠簸及温度变化是影响猕猴桃品质的主要因素,经过纸箱内衬聚乙烯发泡棉材料包装运输的猕猴桃在贮藏期间质量损失率上升最缓慢,硬度最高,颜色最鲜艳,总可溶性固形物、总酸质量分数较高,综合贮藏品质最好;纸箱内衬聚苯乙烯泡沫箱包装运输的猕猴桃贮藏品质稍次之,单纯纸箱包装运输的猕猴桃贮藏品质最差。综合运输微环境及货架期品质变化,纸箱内衬聚苯乙烯泡沫箱和纸箱内衬聚乙烯发泡棉材料均是适于电商运输猕猴桃的包装方式。  相似文献   

为降低200kg复烤片烟瓦楞纸箱包装的成本,减少烟叶在运输过程中的造碎率,试验用10mm厚蜂窝状纸板箱替代7层瓦楞纸板内箱.通过对纸箱的抗压强度、边压强度的检测和堆码试验证明,用蜂窝状纸板作内箱与用7层瓦楞纸板作内箱相比较,其空箱抗压强度大于标准规定值,且可大大降低用纸率,每套纸箱可降低包装成本15元.  相似文献   

<正>重型瓦楞纸箱因操作简单、质量轻、环保(获得Ro SH认证)、无需熏蒸、成本低等特点,被广泛应用于各类机电产品包装中,涵盖医疗、电信、航空、汽车制造等领域。如今,全世界范围内使用重型瓦楞纸箱来代替传统实木、胶合板箱已成为一种趋势。玻璃展柜主要是用来展示珠宝、手机、化妆品等产品的特殊柜台,其因符合安全环保系数高、展  相似文献   

为探索砖圆仓硫酰氟熏蒸杀虫和防护效果,分别在3个不同气密性仓房,分别采用整仓不环流熏蒸和环流熏蒸,以及采用不同的熏蒸药剂浓度,通过分析比较气体均匀性,浓度保持时间和杀虫防护效果进行评价。试验结果表明,硫酰氟气体可在4 h内自然扩散穿透10 m粮堆,并在24 h内达到整仓气体均匀。环流熏蒸由于环流管道老化造成药剂损失,气体浓度保持时间短。5 g/m3的药剂浓度即可实现较好的快速杀灭4种主要储粮害虫的效果。  相似文献   

<正>0201型瓦楞纸箱因生产便捷、使用方便、综合成本较低,目前被广泛应用于汽车零部件出口包装中。根据GB/T 6543-2008《运输包装用单瓦楞纸箱和双瓦楞纸箱》附录A中基本箱型与代号的定义,0201型瓦楞纸箱由一片瓦楞纸板组成,通过钉合或粘合的方式成型,顶部和底部的摇盖可以方便地构成箱底和箱盖。0201型瓦楞纸箱可以折叠运输和储存,使用时封合即可。0 2 0 1型瓦楞纸箱需要采用托盘  相似文献   

<正> 对于已经完成小包包装的物品,为了使其在运输过程中不受损坏、便于储运,常把它按一定方式装入箱内,尔后把箱口封好。完成这些工艺过程的机械则称为装箱机。在现代化的包装作业中,所用的包装箱多是瓦楞纸板箱。为了减小瓦楞纸箱在运输和储存时所占的体积,则把它按物品装箱时所需的容积和规格形状预先制成箱片,以便于堆叠放置。但在物品装箱之前,  相似文献   

Turnip (Brassica campestris, L. var. rapifera) roots were stored unwaxed and waxed with a water-miscible, carnauba-based wax in vented plastic bags or in cardboard produce boxes for 6 weeks. Packaging turnips in plastic bags reduced weight loss during storage more effectively than waxing or storing in boxes. The purple color of the turnips faded regardless of package used; waxing temporarily darkened and intensified the purple color. The white or cream portion of the roots was not affected by waxing but became light tan when roots were stored in boxes. The chroma of the white portion increased during storage regardless of package or wax treatment. These results indicate that the external purple color of the turnip root was unstable during storage and this color loss was independent of weight loss.  相似文献   

Chemical and microbiological stability of milk packaged in one litre pouches, a two litre paperboard box (with plastic liner) or a one gallon plastic jug were compared. The cardboard box gave the greatest protection against light induced lipid oxidation while significantly higher microbial populations were found in the larger containers (gallon jug and paperboard box) than in the smaller containers (one litre pouches) after one week of storage. Microbial populations were also greater in milk whose package had been opened and dispensed from previously than from milk found in an unopened package. These microbial data would suggest that one gallon of milk would remain fresher for the consumer when packaged in multi-unit packages than if packaged in one single container.  相似文献   

双面国家A级高强度AB楞纸板边压和耐破强度试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
依据国家测试标准,结合产品温湿度的实际流通环境及实验设备环境,制定了双面国家A级高强度AB楞纸板边压和耐破强度试验方案。试验表明,温度变化对边压强度影响不大,在40%~90%RH范围内最大相对误差不超过13.35%。温度变化对耐破强度影响也不大,在40%~90%RH范围内最大相对误差不超过7.37%。因此,在进行瓦楞纸箱包装设计时应侧重考虑运输和存储环境湿度对纸板强度的影响。试验方法可为包装行业在流通储运过程中考虑温湿度差异而以类似纸板为材料进行纸箱设计时提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Three expanded polystyrene (EPS) boxes with different thermal resistance (R-value), a box-in-box type cardboard prototype and commercial EPS boxes were packed with fish using standard industry procedures and subjected to a simulated airfreight temperature regime replicating commercial practice. The Quality Index Method was used to assess the fish quality. The boxes with lower R-values did not have a measurable negative effect on the quality compared to the commercial EPS box. There was also no measurable difference in quality between fish stored in the corners or centre of all the boxes. For another experiment a double fluted cardboard prototype and commercial EPS boxes were filled with ice and subjected to a constant temperature regime to determine their R-value. The second prototype had slightly lower R-values than commercial EPS boxes. However, the double fluted wall structure might limit the foldability and manufacturability and will need to be further investigated.  相似文献   

研究了蓄冷剂和选择透过性薄膜对普通瓦楞纸箱的温度阻隔性能的影响,探讨了复合瓦楞纸箱的温度(热量)传递效果.3种包装方式下的放热、吸热结果表明,蓄冷剂和选择透过性薄膜的双重调节作用对普通瓦楞纸箱的温度阻隔效果最优,而无蓄冷剂、只有选择透过性薄膜的单独调节作用也能提高普通瓦楞纸箱的温度阻隔性能,进而合理选用蓄冷剂、选择透过性薄膜可有效提高普通瓦楞纸箱的隔热性能,改善气调纸箱包装技术的保鲜作用.  相似文献   

Paper products such as corrugated paperboards are the most common green packaging materials, which are renewable, sustainable, recyclable and biodegradable. However, the plastic or metal straps used to secure the carton boxes are not so green. At the end of packaging, the carton boxes can be recycled, but the plastic/metal straps have to be sorted out for disposal separately. This review focuses on: 1) the global trend of green packaging; 2) conventional plastic/metal strapping materials for carton boxes; 3) conventional market pulp baling with steel wire as the tying materials; 4) cellulose fiber-based materials for strapping market pulp bales and carton boxes. New generation of cellulose paper straps are being developed for more challenging applications with superior strength properties and repulpability.  相似文献   

The inability to correctly implement and safeguard a product cold chain leads to premature product spoilage and increased product waste. Special care is required to both implement and monitor the cold chain for perishable goods in order to preserve them. Many technologies are available on the market today with varying levels of success. This article presents a new technique, namely thermal imaging predicts surface temperature over a pallet of apples whilst comparing packaging (plastic boxes and cardboard boxes). This temperature data was then introduced as an input in artificial neural network (ANN) software to estimate the temperature across the entire pallet. Results obtained (root mean squared error [RMSE]) indicate that the estimation with plastic boxes has an error of 0.41 °C whilst the error, taking as a reference the surface temperature, would be RMSE 2.14 °C. In the case of cardboard boxes, the estimation error is 0.086 °C whilst only taking into account the thermal image, data would be RMSE 3.56 °C. This article proves the concept of the possibility of temperature monitoring by ANN through thermal imaging technology.  相似文献   

自动纸箱胶带封口装置   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解决家具行业中块状长木板包装后封口问题,设计了一种纸箱胶带自动封口装置用于胶带自动封箱机。当裹包成盒后的纸板进入封口环节时,胶带夹转换位置自动拖动胶带,封口装置下行将胶带粘贴在箱板上。采用移动凸轮的直线推杆原理作为胶带封口装置的主要设计,并进行了样机研制和封口试验。试验效果表明封口后胶带贴合平整、无皱褶,纸箱封口稳固、牢靠。  相似文献   

SUMMARY– Comparisons were made of dry ice and weter ice in shipping boxes for chilled chickens. Three types of boxes were tested: wax-resin-coated corrugated fiberboard, expanded polystyrene foam, and wirebound wood-veneer. Microbial counts, CO2 concentration, and off-odor development were determined. Microbial counts on poultry stored at 0.5°C for up to 9 days were not significantly different as a function of box type or coolant. Counts on poultry stored at 4.4°C were significantly greater at 9 days on poultry stored in fiberboard boxes with dry ice than on poultry with water ice in fiberboard boxes or polystyrene boxes with dry ice; at 3 and 6 days there were no significant differences. At 5.2°C, counts were significantly smaller in polystyrene boxes with dry ice than in either wirebound boxes with water ice or fiberboard boxes with dry ice. An off-odor not characteristic of spoilage odor could develop in CO2 atmosphere storage earlier than spoilage odor in an air atmosphere if storage temperature was low (0.5°C). At higher temperature (5.2°C), spoilage odor in air occurred earlier than Co2-related off-odor in Co2 atmosphere.  相似文献   

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