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冯蓉晔 《山东地质》2014,(11):74-78
工业用地是区域土地利用的重要组成部分,也是影响区域土地集约利用的关键因素。以江苏省阜宁经济开发区为例,从系统集约度及协调度出发,研究区域各工业行业的集约度及协调度,结果显示:阜宁经济开发区工业用地整体处于低效利用水平,工业土地利用协调性处于轻度失调状态;主导行业机械机电业用地的集约性、协调性都较差;电子电工、纺织服装及食品饮料业用地规模较大且集约性、协调性超过区域平均水平,可作为阜宁开发区未来重点扶持发展的行业。  相似文献   

根据工业园区土地集约利用内涵和研究区内省级开发区土地利用现状及特点,从土地投入强度、土地产出强度、土地利用强度、土地市场运行情况4个方面,选取了14个评价指标;按照因子分析法的原理和评价步骤,应用SPSS软件对各省级开发区土地集约利用总体水平进行了评价分析;根据定量化的结果和实际情况,提出了提高工业用地集约水平、科学合理利用土地的途径和措施。  相似文献   

开发区作为城市的特殊经济区域,为地方经济的增长发挥了重要作用,但开发区土地利用中还存在一些问题。开展开发区土地集约利用评价,对促进开发区用地挖潜,提高开发区用地管理水平具有重要意义。该文以江苏铜山经济开发区为例,探讨了基于ArcGIS软件建立数据库,并对开发区土地的集约利用水平进行了评价和潜力测算,最后提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

土地节约集约利用是保持经济持续快速健康发展的必然选择,也是全面建设小康社会和构建和谐社会的必然要求。开发区作为对外开放的前沿和最富有竞争力的经济区域,对威海市经济社会发展做出了巨大贡献,发挥了辐射、示范和带动作用。为总结开发区节约集约用地的成功经验,研究探讨新形势下开发区土地集约利用的新思路,促进开发区建设再上新水平,威海市对开发区土地节约集约利用情况进行了深入调研,并提出了节约集约用地的新思路。  相似文献   

土地节约集约利用是保持经济持续快速健康发展的必然选择,也是全面建设小康社会和构建和谐社会的必然要求.开发区作为对外开放的前沿和最富有竞争力的经济区域,对威海市经济社会发展做出了巨大贡献,发挥了辐射、示范和带动作用.为总结开发区节约集约用地的成功经验,研究探讨新形势下开发区土地集约利用的新思路,促进开发区建设再上新水平,威海市对开发区土地节约集约利用情况进行了深入调研,并提出了节约集约用地的新思路.……  相似文献   

基于现有开发区土地集约利用评价体系,通过对不同发展阶段开发区土地利用特点及管理重点的分析,建议在现有分类基础上,对工业主导型开发区按照发展阶段分类进行土地集约利用评价,并给出了相应的分类评价指标体系和权重区间调整建议,以期更好地实现开发区土地集约利用目的。  相似文献   

杨惠楠  雷征 《广西地质》2013,(10):44-45
文章分析研究了广西开发区土地集约利用现状及利用特点,总结开发区土地集约利用的变化趋势,针对开发区用地中存在的问题提出几点建议.  相似文献   

为盘活存量土地,切实提高节约集约用地水平。缓解工业用地供需矛盾,日前,建德市出台《关于节约集约利用工业用地的若干意见》(建政函[2011]61号),对该市工业用地出让价格、工业项目准入门槛进行了调整。意见规定,该市新安江街道、洋溪街道、更楼街道、马南产业园工业用地出让价格价格每亩不低于24.5万元,寿昌镇(含省级开发区)、梅城镇、  相似文献   

土地是民生之本,发展之基。开发区作为改革开放的先行区域,所发挥的集聚效应、示范效应和扩散效应,在促进经济高速发展中发挥了举足轻重的作用,已经成为产业升级、区域发展的推动器和科技创新基地。但在开发区土地利用中,重扩张轻挖潜、重规模轻效率、重引资轻规划等问题仍未得到有效解决。改变开发区外延扩张,用地粗放的局面,开展开发区土地集约利用评价,对促进开发区用地挖潜,提高开发区用地管理水平.建立健全开发区土地节约集约利用考核制度与长效机制,增强土地参与宏观调控的能力,构建资源节约型社会具有重要意义。  相似文献   

开发区土地集约利用评价中指标理想值的确定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对开发区土地集约利用评价中指标理想值确定中存在的主观性强、整体性差等问题,提出了基于目标值法、统一理想值法与区域修正法相结合的理想值确定方法,并利用该方法对大连市6个国家级开发区进行了评价。结果表明,该方法能准确反映不同开发区在该区域的土地集约利用水平,更具科学性、客观性和引导性。  相似文献   

近年来中国地质钻探技术标准制修订工作进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王达  孙建华  刘秀美 《地质通报》2016,35(11):1900-1905
"十一五"和"十二五"期间以国土资源行业为主的钻探技术标准制修订工作取得较大进展。初步建立了分类科学、结构合理、层次清晰的钻探技术标准子体系。制修订了一批钻探技术标准,标准标龄偏长,技术内容老化情况有所改观,使中国的国土资源行业钻探技术标准化工作再上新台阶;钻探技术涉及地矿,以及冶金、煤炭、有色、核工业、武警黄金、化工、建材等各工业地勘部门,采用先进高效的钻探技术标准可提高资源评价质量和效率,有利于生态环境保护、节能减排;近几年来中国钻探研发部门、制造企业技术实力不断发展,研究测试条件有所改善,为钻探技术标准化创造了有利条件;未来中国钻探技术标准必将面临新的挑战,迎来新的机遇。  相似文献   

Wang  Ke  Yu  Shiwei  Li  Mo-Jie  Wei  Yi-Ming 《Natural Hazards》2014,75(2):273-299

This study evaluates the environmental efficiency of industrial sectors of Chinese major cities. The multi-directional efficiency analysis (MEA) approach is utilized for evaluation; thus, both the integrated MEA efficiency levels and the efficiency patterns, which are represented by the variable-specific MEA efficiency according to each type of the industrial pollutant emission or discharge, of Chinese major city are detected. In addition, the industrial energy conservation and pollutant reduction potentials are measured, and the relationship between environmental pressure and income is explored at the regional level of China. The main findings include the following: (1) The MEA environmental efficiency increases in the economically less developed cities were faster than the cities in the well-developed region, which indicates that the inequitable nationwide industrial developments of Chinese cities have started to alleviate. (2) Although some Chinese cities show similar environmental efficiency levels, the undesirable output variable-specific efficiency patterns of these cities are diversified, and according to the variable-specific efficiency, the most possible efficiency increase potential of each Chinese major city can be identified. (3) An N-shaped environmental Kuznets curve exists in the industrial sectors of Chinese major cities. (4) Different Chinese cities should have different industrial pollutant reduction priorities: East China cities should pay more attention to their industrial waste gas emissions and industrial waste water discharges, while west China cities should mainly focus on their industrial soot and dust emissions, and solid waste discharges.


This study evaluates the environmental efficiency of industrial sectors of Chinese major cities. The multi-directional efficiency analysis (MEA) approach is utilized for evaluation; thus, both the integrated MEA efficiency levels and the efficiency patterns, which are represented by the variable-specific MEA efficiency according to each type of the industrial pollutant emission or discharge, of Chinese major city are detected. In addition, the industrial energy conservation and pollutant reduction potentials are measured, and the relationship between environmental pressure and income is explored at the regional level of China. The main findings include the following: (1) The MEA environmental efficiency increases in the economically less developed cities were faster than the cities in the well-developed region, which indicates that the inequitable nationwide industrial developments of Chinese cities have started to alleviate. (2) Although some Chinese cities show similar environmental efficiency levels, the undesirable output variable-specific efficiency patterns of these cities are diversified, and according to the variable-specific efficiency, the most possible efficiency increase potential of each Chinese major city can be identified. (3) An N-shaped environmental Kuznets curve exists in the industrial sectors of Chinese major cities. (4) Different Chinese cities should have different industrial pollutant reduction priorities: East China cities should pay more attention to their industrial waste gas emissions and industrial waste water discharges, while west China cities should mainly focus on their industrial soot and dust emissions, and solid waste discharges.  相似文献   

甘肃省玉门市三白墩硅石矿石英纯度高,杂质少,可以用作高纯石英的加工原料。通过对硅石矿地质背景、矿床特征、控矿因素和矿石质量的研究,分析了矿床成因,认为该硅石矿严格受华力西期侵入岩及接触带构造控制,属于岩浆伟晶岩型石英脉矿床。伟晶岩分带结构比较明显,其中石英核(带)SiO2含量最高达99.71%,具备高纯石英—云母等岩浆型伟晶岩系列矿产的成矿条件,对区域上寻找同类型高纯石英矿具有一定的指示意义。  相似文献   

蔡国英  徐中民 《冰川冻土》2013,35(3):770-775
采用投入产出分析方法, 以黑河流域中游的张掖市为例, 将传统的价值型投入产出表和水资源利用的实物型投入产出表相结合, 构建了混合型水资源投入产出表, 并估算了张掖市各行业的直接用水系数、 用水乘数、 直接产出系数、 产出乘数以及综合用水特性. 结果表明: 张掖市种植业、 畜牧业和其他农业的用水效益和用水效率远低于其他行业, 直接耗用水程度均高, 而直接产出一般. 张掖市过度依赖种植业的产业结构特征造成该地区对水资源的过度依赖. 因此, 调整产业结构, 实施高效的节水措施, 适当降低农业尤其是种植业在国民经济中的比重, 是解决张掖市水资源危机的有效途径.  相似文献   

湖南省锰矿资源形势分析与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄传湘 《湖南地质》1997,16(4):265-268
本文概述了我省的锰资源现状,分布特点及其探明储量;并结合典型矿床实例,重点介绍了6个锰矿工业类型矿床特征;在此基础上,指出我国锰帮资源虽然丰富,但由于钢铁,化工工业的迅速发展,仍不能满足生产需要。因而提出了4个方面的对策,它们对加速我省锰矿资源的勘查和开发利用,具有现实意义。  相似文献   

Jiang  Yong  Lei  Yalin  Liu  Jing 《Mathematical Geosciences》2019,51(3):353-372

Geothermal energy is a clean energy source that can potentially mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, as its use can lead to a lower mitigation cost. However, research on the economic impacts of the geothermal industry is scarce. This paper describes the effect of the geothermal industry, its economic input and output, using Beijing as a case study. This paper adopts the input–output model. The results show that the demand for and input use of the geothermal sector vary greatly across industrial sectors: electricity, heat production, the supply industry and general equipment manufacturing have the greatest direct consumption coefficient for the geothermal industry. When considering direct and indirect demand, it is clear that the geothermal industry has a great effect on different industrial sectors in diverse ways. Its influence coefficient and sensitivity coefficient are 1.2167 (ranked 11th) and 1.2293 (ranked 8th), respectively, revealing that it exerts obvious demand-pulling and supply-pushing effects on the regional economy.


根据济南市总体发展规划,针对济南城区和400km^2的规划新区,结合济南地区地质条件和地形、地貌特征,通过对济南地区工程地质特征分析、不良工程地质问题及地质灾害评价,论述了济南地区不同地段的工程地质特点及工程地质性质,利用加权平均值法对工程建设适宜性进行了评价,将济南城区和400km^2的规划新区划分为适宜区、较适宜区、适宜性差区和不适宜建设区四类。根据济南城市规划,划分为中心城区、东部产业带、西部片区、北部片区4个主要功能区,按不同区域工程地质条件对城市规划建设提出了建设建议。  相似文献   

通过对2009—2012年度临沂市9县3区统计年鉴和变更调查中11个相关指标数据的搜集,借助 MATLAB7.0软件平台,利用 BP 人工神经网络算法,算出2009—2012年度各县区土地利用集约度,并利用 BP 人工神经网络的预测功能,预测了2013年和2014年度土地利用集约度值,结果表明临沂市平均土地利用集约度水平正逐步从粗放利用发展到中度集约,兰山区土地利用集约度水平一直为高度集约,集约度居全市之首,罗庄区一直为中度集约,稳中有进。预计到2014年底,大部分县区在中度集约或以上,仅有费县、蒙阴2县为粗放利用。。  相似文献   

Production space and regional industrial evolution in China   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Qi Guo  Canfei He 《GeoJournal》2017,82(2):379-396
A growing literature on evolutionary economic geography concludes that regional industrial evolution is path-dependent and is determined by the preexisting industries. This study more accurately calculates the industry relatedness based on the co-occurrence approach to portray the production space of China’s manufacturing sectors and then examines the impact of industry relatedness on regional industrial evolution. The findings report that industry relatedness does underscore the regional structural change in China but shows significant regional differences in the evolution path. The coastal region has strong tendency of path dependence in its industrial evolution, while North West and South West break the path-dependent trajectory and transition into high productive sectors distant from their own production network. The results suggest that governmental policies can play a crucial role in creating new paths in the West. Institutions matter to allow the significant role of industry relatedness in driving regional industrial evolution.  相似文献   

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