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Marius Keel Karim Eid Ludwig Labler Burkhardt Seifert Otmar Trentz Wolfgang Ertel 《European Journal of Trauma》2006,32(4):387-395
Background: Severe trauma causes systemic inflammatory
response syndrome (SIRS) which may lead to multiple
organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) or multiple
organ failure (MOF). The aim of this study was to evaluate
the influence of the injury pattern on the incidence
and severity of SIRS, sepsis, MODS, and mortality.
Methods: A total of 1,273 patients with an injury severity
score (ISS) of ≥ 9 points and survival of more than
3 days were included in this retrospective study. Outcome
parameters were various grades of SIRS, sepsis,
MODS, and mortality.
Results: Severe non-infectious SIRS occurred in 23%,
sepsis in 14%, and severe MODS in 14% of the patients.
Serious (abbreviated injury scale (AIS) ≥ 3 points) head
injury and the ISS represented the most potent risk factors
for severe SIRS. As estimated by multivariate logistic
regression analysis, the presence of severe extremity
and pelvic injuries, the ISS, and the male gender
were found to be independent risk factors for sepsis.
Severe injuries of the abdomen were associated with
an increased risk for sepsis in the univariate analysis.
Severe injuries to the head or abdomen, the ISS, and the
male gender represented independent risk factors for
the development of severe MODS. Regarding the late
(> 3 days after trauma) hospital mortality, severe head
injury, the ISS, and the patient’s age were independent
risk factors.
Conclusions: Head injury predominantly determines
the incidence of non-infectious systemic inflammation,
MOF, and late hospital mortality of patients with severe
trauma. Skeletal or abdominal injuries represent relevant
risk factors for septic complications. Thus, the incidence
of posttraumatic, life-threatening inflammatory
complications is related with certain injury patterns in
addition to the gender and the severity of trauma. 相似文献
Herman Holtslag Erik Buskens Clemens Rommers Arie Prevo Christian van der Werken 《European Journal of Trauma》2006,32(4):365-373
Background: Extremity injuries, often caused by road
accidents, are an increasing problem worldwide. The
aims of this study were (1) to describe the characteristics
of lower extremity injuries (LEI) in polytrauma
patients, (2) to describe long-term outcomes, and (3) to
assess the relationship between the various domains
of the International Classification of Functioning,
Disability and Health (ICF model).
Materials and Methods: A prospective cohort study
was conducted from 1999 through 2000. All (n = 507)
consecutive severely injured patients (ISSH≥16) over
the age of 16 years were included.
Results: One-hundred and eighty six (139 men, 47
women) had suffered LEI; mean age was 37 years, mean
ISS 25. At follow-up, a mean permanent impairment of
14% was found according to the criteria of the American
Medical Association. In terms of the Glasgow Outcome
Scale, 28% of patients recovered incompletely. Half of
the patients reported limitations in activities of daily
living and mobility and 60% were unable to walk more
than 3 km. The overall Sickness Impact Profile-136 score
showed mild/moderate disability. Scores on six subscales
of the Short Form-36 were significantly below the
normative data. Regression analyses showed low beta
and R-square values, indicating poor association between
impairment and other outcome measurements.
Conclusions: The impact of LEI on mobility, activities
and participation level of polytrauma patients is
considerable. Instruments measuring function do not
agree well with those measuring activities or participation.
Instruments measuring impairment do not agree
well with long-term outcomes relating to activities and
participation. 相似文献
Kuhne CA Kaiser GM Flohe S Beiderlinden M Kuehl H Stavrou GA Waydhas C Lendemanns S Paffrath T Nast-Kolb D 《Surgery today》2005,35(7):518-523
Purpose A rupture of the airway due to blunt chest trauma is rare, and treatment can prove challenging. Many surgeons suggest operative management for these kinds of injuries. Nonoperative therapy is reported only in exceptional cases. But there is still a lack of evidence from which to recommend surgical repair of these injuries as the first choice procedure.Methods We retrospectively analyzed the records of 92 multiple injured patients admitted to our trauma department between July 2002 and July 2003 for the incidence and management of tracheobronchial rupture (TBR).Results Five (5.4%) of 92 patients suffered from tracheobronchial injuries. The mean injury severity score was 38. There were three male and two female patients, with a mean age of 23 years. All patients had lesions <2 cm in size and were treated nonoperatively. One patient died from multiorgan failure, but the others recovered from TBR uneventfully. One patient developed acute pneumonia as a result of respirator therapy, but none of the patients had mediastinitis or tracheal stenosis within 3 months after injury.Conclusion We believe that surgical treatment is not mandatory in patients with small to moderate ruptures, and such aggressive treatment may even have adverse effects, especially in patients with multiple injuries. 相似文献
Christian Probst Thomas Paffrath Christian Krettek Hans C. Pape The German Trauma Registry 《European Journal of Trauma》2006,32(4):357-364
Introduction: The role of trauma documentation
systems for trauma research has continuously increased
since the first trauma registries were developed in
the late 1980s. Data acquisition and processing improved
highly, partly because modern computer and network
technologies offer new approaches. International
comparison is important for the learning process and
the investigation of differences in the mechanisms of
injury, rescue systems and treatment protocols.
We demonstrate keypoints of the learning curve thus
supporting a further spreading of trauma registries.
Methods: Seven exemplary trauma registries from the
United States, Canada, Victoria (Australia), United
Kingdom, France, Germany and the new European
Trauma Audit and Research Network registry were
analyzed according to their development until the
current status. Special investigations were conducted
for data acquisition, inclusion criteria and the volume
and characteristics of patient data.
Results: We found a clear overall beneficial influence
of the documentation systems on the respective
trauma system. Data acquisition displayed a wide
range of difference from paper forms being entered
into a centralized database by hand to direct entry of
the data into the database by a local user via an Internet
platform. Some systems copy computerized patient
data from local hospital systems. Two registries are
available in two languages. One has the option to add
further languages as demanded. Datasets are comparable
in terms of general data and a compulsory trauma
diagnosis. Still, the details of the documented period of
care and the inclusion criteria differ considerably.
Discussion: We describe the important role of several
trauma registries within a trauma care system. Although
the success is hard to measure, related
publications, continuous growth, the official use for
quality control and the demand to participate by other
countries stress their wide spread acceptance
(secondary internationalization). These advantages
make trauma registries a valuable tool in many
countries. 相似文献
Background: Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) score has been widely used for mortality risk assessment, out come and cost
containment, it provides an excellent indication of the risk of mortality for trauma patients, but its validity is not assessed
well in literature. In this study, we validate this score by measurement of its discrimination and calibration in a large
population of trauma patients.
Methods: Two large trauma centers in central part of Iran participated in the study. From December 2001 to May 2004; centers collected
the information required for SIRS on all trauma patients at the time of admission. The performance of SIRS model was evaluated
by assessing the discrimination (area under the receiver operator characteristic plot) and calibration (by calculating the
expected and observed number of survivors and deaths in deciles of risk).
Results: 4,300 patients were selected for analysis. Male patients comprised 90.4% of study population SIRS was present in 33% of patients
at admission. Mortality rate was 9% (n = 387). It was 2.8% in negative SIRS patients and 9.7% in positive SIRS patient. The
area under the Roc plot was 0.90 (0.89–0.91). The fit in groups of patients with different risks of death was 7.32.
Conclusion: In summary the SIRS model is simple enough for it to be wildly used in trauma, it requires the collection of only four variables
at the time of admission and it has good predictive power. 相似文献
J. Meixensberger K. Roosen 《Langenbeck's archives of surgery / Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Chirurgie》1998,383(3-4):214-219
Introduction: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is present in up to two-thirds of multiply injured patients. The degree of TBI influenced the
mortality and morbidity of multiple trauma significantly. Results: Important prognostic predictors are: injury severity score (ISS); Glasgow coma score [(GCS), motor score]; pupil size and
reactivity; coma grade and duration; age; morphological primary brain lesion; and pathophysiological changes leading to secondary
brain damage. The time course of brain edema, raised intracranial pressure and, especially, pathophysiology of disturbed cerebral
blood flow and metabolism characterizes early and late periods of ischemic vulnerability. Conclusion: These should be taken into consideration when planning operative procedures in multiple-trauma patients. Avoidance of secondary
ischemic brain damage by reducing the number of systemic insults (hypovolemia, hypotension, hypoxia) will improve prognosis
of critically ill polytraumatized patients with head injury.
Received: 25 May 1998 相似文献
The concept of “damage control” is established in the
management of severely injured patients. This strategy
saves life by deferring repair of anatomic lesions and
focusing on restoring the physiology. The “lethal triad”
hypothermia, coagulopathy, and acidosis are physiological
criteria in the selection of injured patients for
”damage control”. Other criteria, such as scoring of injury
severity or the time required to accomplish definitive
repair, are also useful in determining the need for
”damage control”. The staged sequential procedures of
”damage control” include, after the selection of patients
(stage 1), “damage control surgery” or “damage
control orthopedics” (stage 2), resuscitation in the intensive
care unit (stage 3), “second–look” operations or
scheduled definitive surgery (stage 4), and the secondary
reconstructive surgery (stage 5). The concept of
”damage control” was carried out in a third of 622 severely
injured patients in our division. Although level I
evidence is lacking, the incidence of posttraumatic
complications and the mortality rate were reduced.
However, better understanding of the significance and
kinetics of physiological parameters including inflammatory
mediators could help to optimize the “damage
control” concept concerning the selection of patients
and the time points of staged sequential surgery. 相似文献
Rob A. Lichtveld Ivo F. Panhuizen Ronald B. J. Smit Hermann R. Holtslag Christian van der Werken 《European journal of trauma and emergency surgery》2007,33(1):46-51
Objective: To determine which factors predict death occurring in trauma patients who are alive on arrival at hospital Design Prospective
cohort study Method Data were collected from 507 trauma patients with multiple injuries, with a Hospital Trauma Index–Injury
Severity Score of 16 or more, who were initially delivered by the Emergency Medical Services to the Emergency Department of
the University Medical Centre Utrecht (UMCU) during the period 1999–2000.
Results: Univariate analysis showed that every year of age increase resulted in a 2% greater risk of death. If the patient had been
intubated at the scene of the accident, this risk was increased 4.3-fold. Every point of increase in the Triage Revised Trauma
Score (T-RTS) reduced the risk of death by 30%. A similar (but inverse) tendency was found for the HTI–ISS score, with every
point of increase resulting in a 5% greater risk of death. There was a clear relationship between the base excess (BE) and
hemoglobin (Hb) levels and the risk of death, the latter being increased by 8% for each mmol/l drop in BE, and reduced by
22% for each mmol/l increase in Hb. The risk of death occurring was 2.6 times higher in cases with isolated neurotrauma. These
associations hardly changed in the multivariate analysis; only the relation with having been intubated at the scene disappeared.
Conclusion: The risk of severely injured accident patients dying after arriving in hospital is mainly determined by the T-RTS, age, presence
of isolated neurological damage, BE and Hb level. Skull/brain damage and hemorrhage appear to be the most important causes
of death in the first 24 h after the accident.
The time interval between the accident and arrival at the hospital does not appear to affect the risk of death.
An erratum to this article is available at . 相似文献
目的 分析多发伤病例胸腰椎骨折的误诊漏诊原因。方法 通过对 1 4 7例多发伤合并胸腰椎骨折临床资料的回顾性分析 ,研究误诊漏诊的原因。结果 2 8例胸腰椎骨折被误诊漏诊 ,占 1 9%。原因包括病情危重、读片失误和病情较稳定但未行X线检查。结论 对于多发伤患者应进行详细全面的脊柱物理检查 ,有阳性发现时应行X线检查 ,对于所有胸腰椎骨折或怀疑有胸腰椎骨折患者均应行CT扫描检查 相似文献
Rob A. Lichtveld Ivo F. Panhuizen Ronald B. J. Smit Hermann R. Holtslag Christian van der Werken 《European journal of trauma and emergency surgery》2007,33(2):201-201
Objective: To determine which factors predict death occurring in trauma patients who are alive on arrival at hospital Design Prospective
cohort study Method Data were collected from 507 trauma patients with multiple injuries, with a Hospital Trauma Index–Injury
Severity Score of 16 or more, who were initially delivered by the Emergency Medical Services to the Emergency Department of
the University Medical Centre Utrecht (UMCU) during the period 1999–2000.
Results: Univariate analysis showed that every year of age increase resulted in a 2% greater risk of death. If the patient had been
intubated at the scene of the accident, this risk was increased 4.3-fold. Every point of increase in the Triage Revised Trauma
Score (T-RTS) reduced the risk of death by 30%. A similar (but inverse) tendency was found for the HTI–ISS score, with every
point of increase resulting in a 5% greater risk of death. There was a clear relationship between the base excess (BE) and
hemoglobin (Hb) levels and the risk of death, the latter being increased by 8% for each mmol/l drop in BE, and reduced by
22% for each mmol/l increase in Hb. The risk of death occurring was 2.6 times higher in cases with isolated neurotrauma. These
associations hardly changed in the multivariate analysis; only the relation with having been intubated at the scene disappeared.
Conclusion: The risk of severely injured accident patients dying after arriving in hospital is mainly determined by the T-RTS, age, presence
of isolated neurological damage, BE and Hb level. Skull/brain damage and hemorrhage appear to be the most important causes
of death in the first 24 h after the accident.
The time interval between the accident and arrival at the hospital does not appear to affect the risk of death.
There was an error in the author's affiliation. Please
note the correct institution of Hermann R. Holtslag:
Rehabilitation Medicine
University Medical Center Utrecht
The Netherlands
The original article can be found online at 相似文献
Johannes Frank Marcus Maier Jochen Koenig Stefan Rose Marten Bouma Wim A. Buurman Ingo Marzi 《European Journal of Trauma》2002,28(6):333-339
Background: Patients encountering severe trauma are at high risk of sequential organ complications. We studied the value of circulating
inflammatory mediators and metabolic parameters to evaluate their predictive value with respect to the development of multiple
organ failure (MOF).
Patients and Methods: In 77 traumatized patients with a mean Injury Severity Score (ISS) of 28.8±1.1 points, C-reactive protein (CRP), polymorphonuclear
(PMN) elastase, lactate, interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-8, and soluble tumor necrosis factor receptors 1 and 2 (TNF-R1 and TNF-R2)
were determined for a period of 11 days following multiple trauma.
Results: Weak and moderate correlations were found between mean plasma concentrations of all parameters and mean MOF scores calculated
from the whole observation period [range: lactate (r=0.31, p < 0.01) to TNF-R1 (r=0.53, p < 0.001)]. Daily TNF-R1 and lactate
concentrations of the 1st week moderately correlated with mean MOF scores of the 2nd week (p < 0.01). ISS weakly correlated
with all parameters exept lactate [range: IL-8 (r=0.27, p < 0.05) and PMN elastase (r=0.46, p < 0.001)]. Prediction of MOF
could not be improved by inclusion of several or all investigated mediators into multiple regression models.
Conclusion: Only early plasma TNF-R1 and blood lactate concentrations showed a moderate association with the development of late posttraumatic
organ failure. Thus, the predictive role of inflammatory mediators with respect to the manifestation of organ dysfunction
after severe trauma seems limited.
Received: October 23, 2002; revision accepted: November 12, 2002
Correspondence Address Johannes Frank, MD, Department of Trauma, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Medical School,
60590 Frankfurt/Main, Germany, Phone (+49/69) 6301-5069, Fax -6439, e-mail: j.frank@trauma.uni-frankfurt.de 相似文献
《Renal failure》2013,35(4):607-613
Prediction of outcome of acute renal failure (ARF), particularly inpatients with multisystem organ failure (MSOF), is a very important issue and a very difficult task. In patients with ARF as a consequence of severe polytrauma, frequent complications (e.g., sepsis, respiratory insufficiency, DIC, hepatic insufficiency, etc.) contribute to a hyperbolic state, and in the case of synergistic action, they start the mechanism of MSOF. In 33 patients (1 female, 32 male, 38.61 ± 8.79 years) with severe polytrauma acquired in war combat, ARF developed requiring hemodialysis (HD) treatment. Seventeen out of 33 (51.4%) recovered renal function. In 12 out of 33 patients, MSOF occurred with less successful recovery results. The analysis of pathophysiologic mechanisms of MSOF appearance and ARF outcome has shown the importance of blast injuries, bowel injury, respiratory insufficiency requiring assisted ventilation, and sepsis. Although severe hemorrhage and shock are the common mechanism of ARF appearance in these patients, it seems that wounds by themselves can be of great importance, as abdominal wounds are more frequently associated with ARF and MSOF than in other types. 相似文献
急性颈髓损伤并发MSOF的类型及原因分析 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
目的:通过探讨急性颈椎颈髓损伤并发多系统器官衰竭(multiplesystemorganfailure,MSOF)发病因素及其类型,为防治伤后MSOF提供依据。方法:对我院1982年1月~1997年5月收治的303例急性外伤性颈椎颈髓损伤并发MSOF的32例病人进行回顾性分析。结果:颈髓损伤并发MSOF的诱因为肺部感染,高热,水电解质平衡紊乱,低蛋白血症和术后继发性颈髓损害。MSOF的发生率为颈髓损伤病人10.56%,死亡25例,死亡率为MSOF病人78.13%。结论:消除MSOF的诱因并对可能发生或已发生功能不全的器官进行有效的功能支持,才能降低颈髓损伤后MSOF的发生率、死亡率 相似文献
McGuigan R Spinella PC Beekley A Sebesta J Perkins J Grathwohl K Azarow K 《Journal of pediatric surgery》2007,42(1):207-210
The mission of the combat support hospital (CSH) is to evaluate and treat combatants injured during war operations. The 31st CSH in Balad and Baghdad, Iraq, during Operation Iraqi Freedom 2 also treated many injured civilians, including children. The purpose of this article is to report the experience of the 31st CSH treating pediatric trauma patients.Methods
A retrospective review of a comprehensive patient database collected in theater was conducted.Results
From January 1 to December 31, 2004, we treated 99 patients 17 years and younger. The average age of these patients was 10.6 years. Nine died of their wounds. The mean injury severity score was 11.6. Forty-one sustained gunshot wounds, 13 acquired fragment wounds (55% penetrating), and 22 were injured by improvised explosive devices (22%). Seventy-three patients required a total of 191 operations: 18 celiotomies, 8 craniotomies, 23 skeletal fixations, and 75 wound washout/debridements, among others. Predictors of mortality included admission Glasgow Coma Score less than 4 and admission pH less than 7.1.Conclusions
The primary mission of the CSH in theater remains unchanged, but its role is evolving. With this study, we can begin to understand the needs of wounded children in urban conflict and help guide training and resource allocation in the future. 相似文献16.
André El Saman Helmut Laurer Bernd Maier Hendrik Wyen Martin Mack Ingo Marzi 《European journal of trauma and emergency surgery》2007,33(5):501-511
Abstract Treatment of polytrauma patients has been discussed extensively during the past decades. Management in the prehospital phase,
on admission, and in the early postoperative/ICU-period has to refer to injury severity, priority of injuries, and likelihood
of development of multi organ failure. Cervical spine injuries are reported in 4–34% of polytrauma cases. Securing the cervical
spine by a hard collar is one of the basic procedures in the prehospital phase. Different strategies of assessing the cervical
spine are still discussed controversially. Since plain radiographs, CT-scan, MRI, and flexion/extension fluoroscopy still
play a role in early diagnosis of cervical spine injury, we present an analysis of cervical spine injuries in our multiple
trauma patients to elucidate our algorithm. We reviewed our data between January 2003 and December 2006 concerning epidemiology,
diagnosis and treatment of cervical spine injury in polytrauma patients. Multislice-CT (MSCT) or Multidetector-CT was used
as standard diagnostic procedures in the polytraumatized patient. In 97% of patients, CT-scanning showed to be a reliable
tool in detecting injuries of the cervical spine. Only in two patients (3%), additional MRI lead to a change in treatment
strategy. Of 66 polytraumatized patients with significant cervical spine injury, 25 (37.9%) received surgical treatment within
24 h. Sixteen patients (24.2%) were treated surgically after stabilization on ICU. There was a better outcome concerning length
of hospitalization in the “day-onesurgery” group. We consider MSCT as standard approach towards diagnosis of cervical spine
injury in polytrauma patients. MRI and flexion/extension fluoroscopy can give additional information in selected cases. 相似文献
Elizabeth S. Soukup Katie W. RussellRyan Metzger Eric R. ScaifeDouglas C. Barnhart Michael D. Rollins 《Journal of pediatric surgery》2014
Traumatic biliary tract injuries in children are rare but may result in significant morbidity. The objective of this study was to review the occurrence of traumatic biliary tract injuries in children, management strategies, and outcome.Methods
We conducted a retrospective review of patients with biliary tract injury using the trauma registry at our level 1 pediatric trauma center from 2002–2012.Results
Twelve out of 13,582 trauma patients were identified, representing 0.09% of all trauma patients. All were secondary to blunt trauma. Mean age was 9.7 years [range 4–15], and mean Injury Severity Score was 31 ± 14, with overall survival of 92%. Biliary injuries included major ductal injury (6), minor ductal injury with biloma (4), gallbladder injury (2), and intrahepatic ductal injury (1). Major ductal injuries were managed by endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and biliary stent (5) and Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy (1). Associated gallbladder injury was managed by cholecystectomy. In addition, the associated biloma was managed with percutaneous drainage (7), laparoscopic drainage (2), or during laparotomy (3). Two patients with ductal injuries developed late strictures after initial management with ERCP and stent placement. One of the two patients ultimately required a left hepatectomy, and the other has been managed conservatively without evidence of cholangitis. Two patients required placement of additional drains and prolonged antibiotics for superinfection following biloma drainage.Conclusion
Biliary tract injuries are rare in children, and many are amenable to adjunctive therapy, including ERCP and biliary stent placement with or without placement of a peritoneal drain. Patients with a discrete ductal injury are at higher risk for stricture and require close follow up. Hepaticojejunostomy remains the definitive repair for large extrahepatic biliary tract injuries or transections. 相似文献18.
Pathophysiologic changes and effects of hypothermia on outcome in elective surgery and trauma patients 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Hildebrand F Giannoudis PV van Griensven M Chawda M Pape HC 《American journal of surgery》2004,187(3):363-371
Generally, hypothermia is defined as a core temperature <35 degrees C. In elective surgery, induced hypothermia has beneficial effects. It is recommended to diminish complications attributable to ischemia reperfusion injury. Experimental studies have shown that hypothermia during hemorrhagic shock has beneficial effects on outcome. In contrast, clinical experience with hypothermia in trauma patients has shown accidental hypothermia to be a cause of posttraumatic complications. The different etiology of hypothermia might be one reason for this disparity because induced therapeutic hypothermia, with induction of poikilothermia and shivering prevention, is quite different from accidental hypothermia, which results in physiological stress. Other studies have shown evidence that this contradictory effect is related to the plasma concentration of high-energy phosphates (e.g., adenosine triphosphate [ATP]). Induced hypothermia preserves ATP storage, whereas accidental hypothermia causes depletion. Hypothermia also has an impact on the immunologic response after trauma and elective surgery by decreasing the inflammatory response. This might have a beneficial effect on outcome. Nevertheless, posttraumatic infectious complications may be higher because of an immunosuppressive profile. Further studies are needed to investigate the impact of induced hypothermia on outcome in trauma patients. 相似文献
Nicola Pirente Yvette Ottlik Rolf Lefering Bertil Boullion Edmund Neugebauer and the Working Group Polytrauma of the DGU 《European Journal of Trauma》2006,32(1):44-62
Background: Health-related Quality of Life (QoL) has gained increased attention in medicine but a specific QoL instrument for trauma patients
does not yet exist. Following the recommendations of a recent international consensus conference, the Polytrauma Outcome (POLO)
Chart, a modular (generic plus disease-specific) instrument was developed for systematic outcome assessment of multiply injured
patients as part of the German Trauma Registry. The development of the disease- specific module, the Trauma Outcome Profile
(TOP), is described.
Methods: Phase I—item collection, including a pilot study; phase II—item reduction; phase III—pre-testing in 70 polytraumatized patients
and 70 controls with minor injuries. The instrument covers the four domains of QoL: physical, psychological, social, and functional
capacity. Factor analysis and inter-item correlation was used to investigate relationships between items.
Results: The initial phase generated 175 questions. In phase II the number of items was reduced to 64 by statistical analysis and clinical
experts. Pre-testing with factor analysis generated a final instrument with eight dimensions: depression, anxiousness, post-traumatic
stress disorder, social interactions, daily activities, mental functioning, pain and physical functioning. Two questions on
body image and satisfaction were added. The TOP is currently being validated (phase IV).
Conclusions: Together with the Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS), the EuroQoL, and the SF-36, the TOP module is part of the POLO-Chart. It is
the first disease-specific instrument for QoL assessment in patients with multiple injuries. The extended development process
has enabled all relevant aspects of a patient’s status after trauma to be considered. This instrument will be used by the
German Trauma Registry for systematic follow-up investigations. The TOP can also be used as a standardized stand-alone screening
measurement in followup investigations for individual trauma patients.
*Members of the Working Group “Polytrauma” of the German Society for Trauma Surgery (DGU): B. Bouillon, K. Grimme, S. Grote,
M. Grotz, M. Hering, S. Huber, G. Kanz, M. Kleiner, C. Krettek, C. Kühne, C. Lackner, R. Lefering, W. Mutschler, D. Nast-Kolb,
E. Neugebauer, H. J. Oestern, T. Paffrath, H. C. Pape, N. Pirente, C. Probst, M. Raum, D. Rixen, S. Ruchholtz, S. Sauerland,
O. Steitz, C. Waydhas, J. Westhoff, M. Wittke. 相似文献