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基于超滤膜辅助的糖蛋白全N-连接糖链的富集和质谱解析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
糖基化作为一种常见的蛋白质翻译后修饰,对蛋白质的空间结构、生物功能等具有重要的影响.解析糖蛋白糖链结构有助于更清楚地认识糖蛋白及其功能.本研究建立了一种基于超滤膜富集血清中糖蛋白全N-连接糖链,并利用质谱技术对糖链结构进行分析的方法.根据糖蛋白及其糖链结构之间的分子质量差异,利用Millipore公司的10 ku超滤膜富集血清糖蛋白上酶解(PNGase F)释放的全N-连接糖链,并使用MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS解析糖链结构.通过该技术可以从血清中富集并鉴定到23种独特的N-连接的糖链结构,并且利用二级质谱进行了结构确认.该方法可以被用于从大量生物样本中富集糖蛋白全N-连接糖链,可以达到快速、高通量地解析糖蛋白N-连接糖链的目的.  相似文献   

哺乳动物中约有50%以上的蛋白质都发生了糖基化修饰.连接在丝氨酸或苏氨酸上的O-连接糖链是常见的蛋白质糖基化修饰方式之一,其主要功能是维持与其连接的蛋白质部分的空间构象,保护其免受蛋白酶水解及覆盖某些抗原决定簇.糖链结构的解析有助于更清楚地认识糖蛋白及其功能.本研究建立了一种基于超滤膜辅助(FASP)富集细胞、血清和尿液中糖蛋白全O-连接糖链的方法,根据糖蛋白与其糖链结构之间的分子质量差异,利用10 KD超滤膜富集蛋白质样品中由β消除反应释放的全O-连接糖链,将糖链甲基化修饰后再使用MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS进行解析,同时利用二级质谱进行结构确认.通过上述方法可从标准糖蛋白mucin、细胞、血清和尿液样本中分别鉴定到83、29、33和85种O-连接糖链结构,利用该方法可以从复杂样品中富集和解析糖蛋白全O-连接糖链,实现快速、高效、高通量地解析糖蛋白O-连接糖链的目的.  相似文献   

蛋白质糖基化修饰的鉴定是蛋白质翻译后修饰分析中最具挑战性的任务之一,近几年尤其受到关注.快速发展的质谱技术为规模化的蛋白质糖基化修饰研究提供了有效的手段.与其他基于质谱技术的翻译后修饰鉴定相比,糖基化鉴定的难点在于糖链是大分子而且存在微观不均一性,另外糖链本身可以在串联质谱中碎裂且与肽段的碎裂规律不同,导致蛋白质组学的质谱解析方法和软件难以完整地鉴定肽段序列和糖链结构.完整N-糖肽的鉴定是糖基化分析的热点内容之一,针对N-糖肽的鉴定,近年来,人们开发了多种多样的质谱解析方法,其中包括用N-糖酰胺酶切除糖链后鉴定N-糖基化位点的方法、基于电子转运裂解的糖肽肽段鉴定、基于高能碰撞裂解与电子转运裂解联用或碰撞诱导裂解与三级谱联用的完整N-糖肽鉴定等等.本文对这些质谱解析方法进行了整理和综述,简要指出了目前完整糖肽鉴定软件存在的一些不足,展望了未来的发展方向.  相似文献   

蛋白质的糖基化是最重要和最普遍的蛋白质翻译后修饰之一,在生物体内起着极为重要的作用。糖蛋白质的量和(或)糖基化程度的改变以及糖链结构的改变等与许多疾病密切相关,因此定量糖蛋白质组研究已经成为一个新的热点。然而由于糖基化蛋白质所具有的独特特征,其定量面临严峻的挑战。糖蛋白质组学定量方法和技术的发展将为更好地研究糖基化蛋白质生物学功能起到重要作用。综述了基于生物质谱的糖蛋白质组定量研究的技术和方法,及其优缺点和未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

糖组学研究技术及其进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
多细胞生物机体内,蛋白质糖基化是一个重要后修饰事件 . 蛋白质的糖链不仅仅是区别细胞种类的标志,且与众多的生物现象有关,如细胞发育、分化、形态、肿瘤转移、微生物感染等 . 糖组学的内容主要涉及单个个体的全部糖蛋白结构分析,确定编码糖蛋白的基因和蛋白质糖基化的机制 . 综述了糖组学的分离和结构鉴定技术及其最新进展 .  相似文献   

糖基化是生物体内蛋白质最常见、最重要的翻译后修饰之一,普遍存在于细胞膜蛋白及分泌蛋白,执行重要的生物学功能.常见的蛋白糖基化修饰有N-糖基化及O-糖基化两种类型,而O-GalNAc是O-糖基化中重要的存在形式,在特定生物学进程、癌症发生发展中起着重要作用,近年来受到广泛重视.得益于代谢标记、化学衍生化、高分辨和多种碎裂模式质谱技术以及基因编辑技术的高速发展,O-GalNAc的糖基化位点、糖型鉴定和生理功能研究取得一系列重大进展.本文综述了基于生物质谱技术的蛋白质O-GalNAc糖基化修饰研究进展.  相似文献   

糖组学是继基因组学、蛋白质组学之后,又一门新兴的学科,其主要是研究糖分子的结构与功能.糖是一类比核酸、蛋白质更加独特的生物分子,它们不仅是生物体储存能量和释放能量的主要物质,更是生物体内的信息传递分子,并且在生理和病理过程中扮演着重要的角色,如细胞间的识别作用、炎症以及自身免疫疾病等.在结构上,糖类物质更为复杂,具有宏观不均一性(蛋白质上有多个糖基化位点)和微观不均一性(同一结合位点上可以连接不同的多糖),所以糖链的结构解析一直是糖组学研究的难题.相较于传统的分析方法,质谱法具有高灵敏度、高精度、高通量等优势,被认为是在糖链结构解析过程中重要的分析方法.本文综述了质谱、多级质谱、液相色谱-质谱、毛细管电泳-质谱等方法在糖组学中糖链结构解析的研究进展.  相似文献   

真核细胞中的许多蛋白质是糖蛋白,其寡糖链以共价键连接到特定的氨基酸残基上。糖蛋白糖链的生物学功能是通过糖链对蛋白质功能的修饰、糖缀合物糖链与蛋白质的识别来实现的,糖基化是生物体最常见最主要的蛋白质修饰作用之一。糖链结构及其功能和调控的复杂性制约了其研究的速度,随着生物信息学的快速发展,糖生物学领域的数据库和预测软件也脱颖而出,该文介绍糖基化作用和糖生物学领域的数据库与预测软件。  相似文献   

糖类抗原125(CA125)被认为是卵巢癌诊断的“金标准”,但在临床应用中普遍存在着特异性不高的问题.肿瘤形成和发展过程中常伴有糖基化修饰异常和糖链结构的改变,不同的肿瘤具有特异的异常糖链结构.近年来,借助凝集素芯片、多重质谱分析等糖蛋白组学和糖组学研究技术,发现不同来源CA125的O-糖链和N-糖链结构存在着明显的微观不均一性,以这些特征性糖链结构为标志物,可以显著提高CA125对卵巢癌的诊断特异性.在过去的10年,研究者们除对CA125糖链结构和糖基化模式做了深入的研究外,还利用糖组的研究方法,直接对来自卵巢癌患者血液、体液(腹水、囊泡液等)中糖蛋白的糖链做了精细的结构解析,结果显示,可有效鉴别卵巢癌患者和健康志愿者的特异性N-糖链结构,有可能成为灵敏度高和特异性好的卵巢癌生物标志物.卵巢癌生物标志物研究发展的总趋势是从传统的对蛋白质的定性和定量研究,逐步转向于对标志物糖基化修饰和特异性糖链结构的鉴定以及定量分析.本文从糖组学的视角,对卵巢癌标志物糖组学的研究现状及发展趋势进行了综述和展望.  相似文献   

传统认为只有真核生物才有蛋白质糖基化修饰现象,虽然在原核生物细胞中发现糖蛋白的存在已经有数十年,但是没有引起我们足够的重视。最近,在细菌中发现了蛋白质的糖基化修饰系统,最具代表性的是空肠弯曲弧菌的N-糖基化修饰系统、脑膜炎奈瑟球菌和绿脓杆菌的O-糖基化修饰系统。这些糖基化修饰系统已成功地转移到大肠杆菌中,并且独立发挥其糖基化修饰作用。寡糖转移酶在修饰过程中起关键作用,且寡糖转移酶对糖底物的特异性要求非常低,这使得按照我们的需求来"定制糖蛋白"成为可能,并标志着"原核生物糖基工程"的到来,这将为糖结合疫苗的发展提供良好的契机。  相似文献   

Isolation of protein complexes via affinity-tagged proteins provides a powerful tool for studying biological systems, but the technique is often compromised by co-enrichment of nonspecifically interacting proteins. We describe a new technique (I-DIRT) that distinguishes contaminants from bona fide interactors in immunopurifications, overcoming this most challenging problem in defining protein complexes. I-DIRT will be of broad value for studying protein complexes in biological systems that can be metabolically labeled.  相似文献   

Extraction of biological interaction networks from scientific literature   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Biology can be regarded as a science of networks: interactions between various biological entities (eg genes, proteins, metabolites) on different levels (eg gene regulation, cell signalling) can be represented as graphs and, thus, analysis of such networks might shed new light on the function of biological systems. Such biological networks can be obtained from different sources. The extraction of networks from text is an important technique that requires the integration of several different computational disciplines. This paper summarises the most important steps in network extraction and reviews common approaches and solutions for the extraction of biological networks from scientific literature.  相似文献   

Forensic biology is a sub-discipline of biological science with an amalgam of other branches of science used in the criminal justice system. Any nucleated cell/tissue harbouring DNA, either live or dead, can be used as forensic exhibits, a source of investigation through DNA typing. These biological materials of human origin are rich source of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, trace elements as well as water and, thus, provide a virtuous milieu for the growth of microbes. The obstinate microbial growth augments the degradation process and is amplified with the passage of time and improper storage of the biological materials. Degradation of these biological materials carriages a huge challenge in the downstream processes of forensic DNA typing technique, such as short tandem repeats (STR) DNA typing. Microbial degradation yields improper or no PCR amplification, heterozygous peak imbalance, DNA contamination from non-human sources, degradation of DNA by microbial by-products, etc. Consequently, the most precise STR DNA typing technique is nullified and definite opinion can be hardly given with degraded forensic exhibits. Thus, suitable precautionary measures should be taken for proper storage and processing of the biological exhibits to minimize their decaying process by micro-organisms.  相似文献   

糖链及其蛋白质糖基化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基因和蛋白质是生物统一性的重要标志,而糖链则是生物多样性最重要的标志分子。糖基化作为蛋白质翻译后重要的修饰方式,有其重要的生物学意义。本文综述了糖链的结构、功能及其蛋白质糖基化的类型、影响因素、表达系统等相关问题。  相似文献   

High resolution two-dimensional electrophoresis of proteins.   总被引:2166,自引:0,他引:2166  

For high-throughput protein structural analyses, it is essential to develop a reliable protein overexpression system. Although many protein overexpression systems, such as ones involving Escherichia coli cells, have been developed, the number of overexpressed proteins exhibiting the same biological activities as those of the native ones is limited. A novel wheat germ cell-free protein synthesis system was developed recently, and most of the synthesized proteins that should function in solution were found to be in soluble forms. This suggests the applicability of this protein synthesis method to determination of the functional structures of soluble proteins. In our previous work, we developed a selective labeling technique for amino acids having amide functional groups (other than proline residues) involving the use of several inhibitors for transaminases. This paper in turn describes a proline-selective labeling technique. Based on our results, we have succeeded in constructing a complete amino acid selective labeling technique for the wheat germ cell-free protein synthesis system.  相似文献   

Cheese whey, also known as sweet whey, is a by-product of cheese-making that contains many valuable constituents. Among them, whey proteins stand out for their high nutritional value in terms of biological value and composition in essential amino acids. In recent years, the increasing demand for caprine and ovine cheeses has produced important amounts of whey from these species, boosting research on the biological activities of its constituent proteins. Different bioactivities have been associated to these proteins, among them antihypertensive, antimicrobial, opioid, antioxidant and immunomodulant activity being the most studied. Although biological activities are present in the intact proteins, in many cases whey proteins act as precursors of bioactive peptides that are released from the hydrolysis of these proteins with different enzymes. This review presents an overview of the different biological activities described for caprine and ovine cheese whey proteins as well as for other whey components such as lactose, oligosaccharides or minerals.  相似文献   

Rapidly developing postgenome research has made proteins an attractive target for biological analysis. The well-established term of proteome is defined as the complete set of proteins expressed in a given cell, tissue or organism. Unlike the genome, a proteome is rapidly changing as it tends to adapt to microenvironmental signals. The systematic analysis of the proteome at a given time and state is referred to as proteomics. This technique provides information on the molecular and cellular mechanisms that regulate physiology and pathophysiology of the cell. Applications of proteome profiling in radiation research are increasing. However, the large-scale proteomics data sets generated need to be integrated into other fields of radiation biology to facilitate the interpretation of radiation-induced cellular and tissue effects. The aim of this review is to introduce the most recent developments in the field of radiation proteomics.  相似文献   

磷酸化蛋白质及多肽相关研究的技术进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓新宇  姜颖  贺福初 《遗传》2007,29(10):1163-1166
磷酸化修饰是一种重要的蛋白质化学修饰, 对蛋白质功能的完成或改变起到重要作用。该领域的研究存在很多技术难点, 对该领域研究形成了挑战。近年来相关技术有了很多突破, 磷酸化研究也取得了很多新的成就。文章将从磷酸化蛋白的检出、磷酸化蛋白质和肽段的富集、生物质谱技术的改进以及磷酸化蛋白和多肽的定量与比较几个方面介绍该研究领域的技术进展。  相似文献   

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