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目的:分别调查学龄前组,学龄组及自然人群慢性扁桃体炎的患病率,结合家系分析,推算出其基因频率,探讨其与遗传相关的问题,并初步确定其可能的遗传方式。  相似文献   

对学龄前(3~6岁)和学龄期(7~12岁)二组正常儿童甲襞微循环进行比较,结果表明:学龄前组管袢数目较学龄组少(P<0.05),而乳头下静脉丛出现率较学龄组高(P<0.01),其余指标二组比较无显著性差异(P>0.05),指出不同年龄组的儿童甲襞微循环正常值存在一定差异  相似文献   

目的对安徽省部分地区开展高血压遗传流行病学调查.方法采用抽样方法,对大学生、城市居民、县镇农民共6056人进行调查,按WHO诊断标准.结果城区、农民、患病率、临界患病率、总患病率分别为9.82%、8.60%、18.42%及6.00%、5.62%、11.62%,(P<0.017,城区患病率显著高于农村.结论近年来安徽省人群高血压患病率有上升趋势.中老年知识分子为高发人群(10.28%).  相似文献   

在四川省遗传流行病学调查中,受检人群126,876名,共检出小指侧弯19例,患病率0.15‰,小指屈曲18例,患病率0.14‰。这两种病遗传方式一致,即65%以上家族系为AB,余为AR,所有父母婚配类型为HD×HD或HD×U的家系均为AD遗传方式。本文在流行病学描述和家系分离分析的基础上计算了基因频率、杂合子频率及发病风险率。为了解本病的遗传流行学本底资料和遗传咨询提供了依据。  相似文献   

1988年5月在吉林市地甲肿流行区进行了儿童精神发育迟滞的流行病学调查,发现其患病率为8.1%;男女患病率无显著性差别;小年龄组患病率明显低于学龄组。本研究表明该地防治地甲肿地克病虽然取得显著效果。但值得重视的是儿童精神发育迟滞患病水平仍高于非流行地区。尤其是轻度精神发育迟滞者集中在学龄儿童组,应引起重视。  相似文献   

目的了解石家庄市学龄前儿童弱视的患病率,分析其病因及相关因素。方法由专人用美国伟伦Sure Sight儿童视力筛选仪对3-6岁2353名学龄前儿童进行检查,屈光>3.00DS或>1.00DC者为可疑弱视,对可疑弱视患儿全部进行视力、眼位、屈光间质、眼底及1%阿托品散瞳验光检查等,排除眼部器质性病变,将矫正视力≤0.8者定为弱视。采用统一制定的“弱视危险因素调查表”,由专人对家长进行面对面问卷式调查,进行统计分析。结果筛查九所省直幼儿园3-6岁的儿童2353人4706眼,确诊弱视128人219眼,患病率为5.44%。影响学龄前儿童弱视的先天性因素有:父母吸烟饮酒、家族遗传、出生时窒息或缺氧、母亲高龄生育。结论预防弱视应从婚龄青年教育、父母育前指导开始,加强弱视防治的宣传力度,做好学龄前儿童弱视筛查工作。  相似文献   

上海市7岁以下儿童智力低下流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 为了解上海市智力低下的现状 ,探索危险因素 ,减少发生率 ,上海市儿童保健所于 1997年 5月首次进行 7岁以下儿童该病流行病学调查。方法 采用综合按比例整群抽样方法 ,在上海市所有的 2 0个区县抽取 6岁以下儿童数的 1 2 %为调查对象。诊断为智力低下儿童按 1:2进行配对病例 -对照研究 ,并用Logistic进行回归分析。结果 智力低下患病率 6 87‰ ,3岁组以下患病率明显低于 3岁组以上。市区、郊区患病率有显著性差异。智力低下的儿童神经精神发育明显落后于正常儿童 ,多因素分析最主要的危险因素是出生体重、新生儿期患病住院、新生儿吸氧抢救、新生儿期疾病、父母文化和父母患病。结论 轻度MR占 5 1 14 % ,与 1987年的 70 6 %相比 ,下降了 19 4 6 %。说明轻度智力低下经过干预可以接近正常。在危险因素的研究中发现 ,父母遗传素质起着主要的作用。对一些说话晚、走路晚的孩子要作为高危人群定期检查发现异常及早干预。加大优生优育宣教力度 ,增加妇幼保健的投入 ,减少智力低下的发生。  相似文献   

本文分析总结了18个精神分裂症高发家系60名子女发病情况,精神分裂症患病率为30%,明显高于群体患病率。同时对患者组与正常组分别进行了与父母生育年龄、性格特征,WAIS测定,MMPI测定,患病特点及Ⅰ、Ⅱ级亲属发病情况分析。本文提出应该把精神分裂症高发家系子女看作为患精神分裂症高风险子女,对其全部子女包括已发病(患者组)与未发病组(正常组)都应进行长期随访研究观察其动态发病情况及相关因素,必要时可配合进行遗传标志的研究。  相似文献   

本资料对3~12岁10个年龄组一孩出生中的2057例病残儿童进行分析,总患病率67.7‰。农村患病率高于城镇,男性患病率高于女性;一孩年龄组与病残儿童患病率呈负相关。先天性疾病中非遗传因素占7.8%;后天性疾病中,遗传因素占6.6%。两者相关非常显著。  相似文献   

在调查海南省6个县(市)0-6岁儿童营养状况基础上分析海南学龄前女童营养状况。以年龄别体重、年龄别身高和身高别作重为评价指标,与参照人群进行比较,用标准差记分法研究本省学龄前女童营养不良的患病率,其结果与同龄男童及国内外儿童营养状况进行比较,并分析营养不良的危险因素,提出干预对策。  相似文献   

Etiology of dermatophytoses amongst children in northeastern Nigeria.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
E I Nweze 《Medical mycology》2001,39(2):181-184
A survey of dermatophytoses was carried out amongst primary school children in Borno State, Nigeria, during February 1997 to January 1998. A total of 2,193 children aged 4-16 years were screened. Out of these, 154 (7.0%) were proved to be mycologically positive by microscopy, culture or both. Incidence was significantly higher (P <0.05) in young children aged 7-11 years (8.1%) and 4-6 years (6.9%) than in older children aged 12-16 years (3.6%). There was a significant difference in the incidence of dermatophytoses amongst children in urban and rural areas (P <0.05). Tinea capitis was the predominant clinical type followed by tinea corporis. Trichophyton schoenleinii was the most prevalent etiological agent (28.1%), followed by T. verrucosum (20.2%) and Microsporum gallinae (18.4%). Other species recovered included T. mentagrophytes (16.7%), T. tonsurans (10.5%), T. yaoundei (4.4%) and M. gypseum (1.8%).  相似文献   

Congenital cataract is a major cause of blindness in children, and there is wide variation in the few reports available on the frequencies of its different inheritance patterns. Two hundred and fifty-two families with congenital cataract belonging to 13 different states of India, were clinically and genetically investigated to study their inheritance and segregation patterns. Twenty-one percent of the cases were autosomal recessive, 15% autosomal dominant, 63% were simplex cases, and in the remaining cases the inheritance pattern was not clear. A high incidence of consanguinity (50.9%) was observed in autosomal recessive cases. Out of 340 affected individuals, 222 (65.3%) were males and 118 (34.7%) were females. Segregation analysis showed good agreement in autosomal dominant and recessive families and the data are indicative of the prevalence rate for different inheritance patterns of congenital cataract within the Indian population.  相似文献   

目的:了解学龄儿童抽动障碍(tic disorders,TD)致病的危险因素,探索早期干预方法。方法:采用分层整群随机抽样法,从大兴区41597名小学生和20239名初中生中抽取4020名学生进行TD的横断面调查。采用自编抽动障碍初筛问卷和一般情况调查表收集学生临床资料,对筛查阳性者及老师或同学报告有类似症状者进行面谈和临床评估,采用美国《精神障碍诊断与统计手册》第四版中TD标准进行诊断和分类,最终查出TD患儿(病例组)86例。抽取与病例组年龄、性别和年级相匹配的TD阴性者86例为对照组。通过电话访谈来确定家族中的TD可疑病例,然后对可疑病例进行面访以排除或确诊TD。采用自编定式病历表调查与抽动症发病相关的因素。结果:抽动症家族史(7.0%)、剖腹产史(如86例TD患者中,剖腹产出生者31例,占36.0%)、碳酸饮料(10.5%)、肥胖(14.0%)和病前心理应激是TD发病的危险因素(均P0.05)。多因素方差分析显示,抽动症家族史、分娩方式、居住环境、碳酸饮料、亲子关系紧张、兴趣爱好少、学习成绩差、自理能力差均与TD有关(P均0.05)。结论:儿童抽动障碍起病可能是由多因素相互作用的结果,早期干预是重要的。  相似文献   

A survey of 6882 primary school children living in Ilorin, Nigeria revealed that 3.7% of the children were infested with Pediculus humanus capitis. Infestation rate among the children in the Islamic community was 4.1%, whereas in the Christian area, the infestation rate was 3%. Girls had a higher infestation rate (5.6%) than boys (2.1%). The highest infestation rate (28.4%) was observed among girls of low socioeconomic class, followed by their male counterparts (11.2%). Factors associated with the onset of pediculosis included overcrowding, long hair, family size, age, living in a sordid environment, and personal hygiene. Strategies for the effective control of pediculosis are discussed.  相似文献   

A large population based study was carried out to describe the epidemiology of nocturnal enuresis and to outline medical management of the problem. Parents of 1,806 schoolchildren were surveyed and prevalence was ascertained at 13% with two thirds classified as primary enuretics. Significant associated factors included social class, unemployment, family stress and a parental family history of enuresis. Enuretics were more likely to be behind at school, have behavioural problems, soiling and daytime wetting. Enuresis was distressful for the family yet most children never saw a doctor about the problem. In those that did, less than two thirds had a urine test and 40% of parents remained dissatisfied with the outcome of the visit to the doctor. Children were more likely to be prescribed medicine than other treatments whereas the enuresis alarm was recommended for only one in ten children. These findings illustrate that nocturnal enuresis continues to be a problem, that the characteristics of Irish enuretics differ from those in other countries and that medical management of enuresis has room for improvement.  相似文献   

Currently, Korea is a low endemicity country for HAV, especially in children. However, recent reports of hepatitis A outbreaks show that there has been a shift of disease incidence to adolescents and young adults, with 2 cases of acute liver failure in one reported outbreak. We need to study the immune status for HAV in order to provide information for the establishment of preventive measures and possible consequences of HAV in Korea. A total of 334 infants, children and adolescents less than 20 years of age living in rural areas of Kyonggi Province, Korea were evaluated for anti-HAV immune status in 1996. Five hundred and eighty-four primary school children living in the same area were separately evaluated for the natural seroconversion rate between 1993 and follow-up samples taken in 1996. Anti-HAV IgG antibody was measured by enzyme immunoassay (HAVAB EIA kit, Abbott Laboratories, Chicago, Illinois, USA). In comparison with previous reports of seroprevalence rates, our data confirmed a dramatic drop in seroprevalence rates among children and adolescents under 20 years of age living in rural areas, from over 63.8% two decades ago to 4.6% in 1996. Natural acquisition of HAV antibody in primary school children rarely occurs, registering only 0.5% during three years. Several outbreaks in young adults during 1996-1998 suggested that immunity against HAV in this population is so low that massive outbreaks are unavoidable. Teenagers and young adults, especially soldiers, who are likely to be exposed to contaminated food or water, would also have a greater risk of hepatitis A. Immunizing children with HAV vaccine as a routine schedule should also be considered in Korea in the future, particularly if the disease burden could be estimated and the cost-effectiveness of the vaccine could be proved.  相似文献   

目的:了解温州市6-16岁托养儿童行为问题发生情况。方法:根据分层整群抽样的原则,对温州地区8340名6-16岁学生采用自制问卷和Achenbach儿童行为量表(CBCL)进行调查。结果:温州市6-16岁的儿童行为问题检出率为14.4%(1202/8340)略高于中国常模13.0%,但无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。2520名为托养儿童,占30.2%(2520/8340),6-11岁托养儿童840位,行为问题检出率18.6%(156/840)高于非托养普通儿童检出率13.4%(396/2960,χ2=14.2,P〈0.05);12-16岁托养儿童1680位,行为问题检出率19.2%(322/1680)高于非托养普通儿童检出率11.5%(328/2860,χ2=51.1,P〈0.05)。托养儿童行为问题的危险因素有出生时患病、学前所处环境(单亲)、性别(男)、托养家庭结构(矛盾)、托养方式(全天)、托养人受教育程度(小学)及教育方式(专制、放任)(OR=1.287~2.582),保护因素有托养人数(3人以上)、居住地(城镇),(0R=0.412~0.499)。结论:6-16岁托养儿童行为问题检出率较高,心理健康状况应引起关注。  相似文献   



Traffic injuries are an important problem in low income countries. In Uganda road traffic is the largest single cause of injury in Kampala; pedestrians, and children are most affected. Pedestrian injury affects school children in Uganda.


To determine the overall risk of pedestrian traffic injury among school children in Kawempe, Uganda.


A cohort was assembled at 35 primary schools and followed for 3 terms. Ten of the schools had participated in previous injury programs, others were systematically selected. Injuries were recorded by teachers using a questionnaire. Data collected included ID, school, age, grade, gender, incident date, vehicle type, and injury outcome. Demographic characteristics are described and cumulative incidences calculated.


The cohort included 8,165 children (49% male) from 35 primary schools. The mean age was 9 years (Sd=2.78). Of the 35 schools, 92% were day; the others mixed day and boarding. 53 children (27 girls) were involved in a traffic incident. 25% of the injuries reported were serious and warranted care in a health facility. No deaths occurred. Forty % of incidents involved commercial motorcycles, 41% bicycles, 9% cars, 8% taxis, and 2% trucks. The cumulative incidence was 0.168% each term. Over the 3 terms of the year the cumulative incidence was 0.5 ± 0.02. There were no gender differences in the cumulative incidence.


Each school year about ½ % of Kawempe school children are involved in a traffic incident. Interventions are necessary to reduce the unacceptably high incidents of pedestrian traffic. Interventions to alleviate this situation including safer routes, teaching skills of road crossing to children as well as better regulation and road safety education to two wheelers could reduce the unacceptably high incidents of pedestrian traffic injury.  相似文献   

Mortality of Roma population in Serbia, 2002-2005   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文


To describe and compare mortality and population changes in the Roma and non-Roma population in Serbia in 2002 and 2005.


The number of cases of death were obtained from the 2002 and 2005 Mortality Database and population data from the Population Census 2002. Standardized sex specific rates of non-traumatic and traumatic mortality in 2002 and 2005 were calculated in relation to the European standard population. We presented population pyramid and aging index for both populations in 2002 and compared sex specific standardized traumatic and non-traumatic mortality rates and the average age of death for 2002 and 2005. The causes of death were coded according to the 10th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) groups, and the proportional mortalities in the year 2002 and 2005 were compared between the Roma and non-Roma population using χ2 test.


Standardized mortality rates were higher in the Roma than in the general population. Non-traumatic mortality rate in Roma men in 2002 was 18.2 per 1000 and in slightly decreased to 18.0 per 1000 in 2005; it was significantly higher than in non-Roma men in both years (11.9 per 1000 in 2002 and 12.5 per 1000 in 2005; P<0.001). Standardized non-traumatic mortality rate in Roma women decreased significantly from 16.78 per 1000 in 2002 to 14.89 per 1000 in 2005 (P=0.014), but it was still significantly higher than in non-Roma women (8.46 per 1000 in 2002 and 8.84 per 1000 in 2005; P<0.001). Morbidity structure indicated that the most common causes of death in the Roma population were cardiovascular diseases, neoplasms, and respiratory system diseases. In relation to the general population respiratory system diseases were denoted as main causes of deaths in significantly higher percent (6% vs 3% in 2002 and 7% vs 4% in 2005; P<0.001) and cardiovascular diseases in significantly lower percent (44%:55% in 2002 and 46%:57%; P<0.001).


Our data show that mortality rates in the Roma population are significantly higher than in the general population, and morbidity structure of the most common causes of death significantly different from that of general population.According to the most recent population census in the Serbia from 2002, 108 193 or 1.44% residents declared themselves as Romani. The Roma population is among the most imperiled and potentially most vulnerable groups. Living Standards Measurement Survey (LSMS) conducted in Serbia in 2002-2003 indicated significant differences in living conditions between the Roma and non-Roma population (1). The prevalence of poverty, defined as an average total consumption below the poverty line of 57 euros per month/consumption unit, in the Roma population was as high as 64.4%, which is 6.1 times more frequent than in the general population (10.5%) (1). Extremely low level of education and very high level of unemployment characterize the social status of the Romani people. Almost two thirds (62%) of the Roma older than 15 years did not finish primary school, as opposed to 19% of the general population (1). The unemployment rate is also high, reaching 45%, while in the rest of the Serbian population it amounts to 9% (1). Such findings are not unexpected since these characteristics are highly associated with poverty (1).Although the range of vaccination coverage in Serbian general population is 98%-100%, many Roma children are not included in vaccination programs (2). Twenty nine percent of Roma children aged 18-29 months do not even have vaccination cards. Data regarding the education of Roma children are also discouraging: 62% of them attended pre-school programs one year prior to the first grade, as opposed to 89% children in the general population. Also, the vast majority (98%) of children of primary school age in general population attends school, while the attendance rate among Roma children is significantly lower (74%). The difference between the proportions of Roma children and children in general population who attend secondary schools is even more drastic (only 10% vs 85%).During the last decade, several studies dealing with diverse problems of the Roma population have been conducted in South-Eastern Europe (3-10). Compared with the general populations in Eastern and Central Europe, life expectancy of the Roma population is 10-year shorter because of poor living conditions and poverty (11). A study conducted in the Czechoslovakia in 1989 compared census data and pointed out that life expectancy of the Roma men and women were 12.1 and 14.4 years, respectively, shorter than in the general population (12).The aim of this study was to describe and compare mortality and population changes in the Roma and non-Roma population in Serbia in 2002 and 2005. We present population pyramid and aging index for both populations for the year 2002 and compared sex specific standardized traumatic and non-traumatic mortality rates and the average age of death for 2002 and 2005.  相似文献   

The recent secular trend in height of primary school children was estimated using data from schools participating in the National Study of Health and Growth in 1972, 1979 and 1986. About 50% of the trends from 1972 to 1979 for English and Scottish boys and girls were accounted for by changes in family size, with some contribution from increases in parental height and from birthweight, but almost none from changes in social class distribution. Estimates for 1979-1986 showed that the trend towards increased height in five-to eleven-year-old children has now ceased.  相似文献   

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