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在全球化时代背景下,随着媒体和体育关系的进一步深化,由于对商业利润的盲目追求以及部分传媒人法律意识的缺失等原因,虚假体育新闻在不知不觉中走进了人们的生活.近年来,因为虚假体育新闻传播而引发的名誉侵权、肖像侵权、隐私侵权等新闻侵权案件层出不穷,并已成为社会所关注的焦点.通过对媒体体育传播的法律责任透析,发现在我国传播虚假体育新闻的相关法律责任不是缺失的、模糊的,而是以法律、规章、文件等明确规定的形式存在的,对虚假新闻的制造和传播主体的惩处也是有法可依的.  相似文献   

巫妖王的恐怖统治已经被终结.似乎一个全新的光明的未来正要到来大德鲁伊玛法里奥怒风在他的爱人大祭司泰兰德和盟友们的帮助下.终于从翡翠梦境的梦魇监牢中挣脱了出来而在世界的另外两个角落.以高智商著称的侏儒和勇敢的暗矛巨魔种族也终于结束了他们的流亡生活.在夺回诺莫瑞根和回音群岛的战役中取得了重大的胜利然而正当整个艾泽拉斯充满希望的时候.悲剧降临了世界的元素生物都开始变得蠢蠢欲动.引发了一系列致命的自然灾害邪恶的暮光之锤的恶徒们也开始浮出水面,在部落和联盟的各大城市散布有关末日即将来临的谣言全世界的领袖们则开始四处寻求可以解决日益不稳定的艾泽拉斯的方法元素生物一波又一波的暴动终于达到了一个高潮.艾泽拉斯崩溃了剧烈的地震几乎摧毁了艾泽拉斯火焰和岩浆涌出地表.巨大的海啸湮灭了海岸线……大地的裂变开始了  相似文献   

中国人文思想与代表西方文化的产物和表征的奥林匹克主义经历了几千年的沧桑巨变,对人类历史的发展产生了深远的影响.二者虽然产生于不同文化背景,但在实现人类自我超越的观念上,对人的教化这一共同的命题以及为维护人类社会的秩序和稳定等方面却有着惊人的相似.这种契合必然加深我们对人类社会发展、奥林匹克价值取向的理解与认识,也反映了人类社会生活的丰富性和多样性.  相似文献   

说起奥地利,人们或许会联想到莫扎特、约翰·施特劳斯,还有生于德国但长期在奥地利生活的贝多芬等音乐巨匠,然后会是白雪皑皑的阿尔卑斯山、蜿蜒流淌的多瑙河,以及一年一度脍炙人口的维也纳新年音乐会。但在新世纪的足球场上,无论是国家队还是俱乐部,奥地利球队的战绩都差强人意。可作为今年欧洲杯的东道主之一,奥地利却难以避免地成为了欧洲甚至世界足坛关注的中心。  相似文献   

真正的机会有时会伪装成陷阱,而真正的陷阱往往会伪装成机会。经历了十载跌宕起伏的足球生涯,阅尽沧桑的西芒总算参悟了这句话的深意。作为里斯本竞技青训营的拳头产品,在不及弱冠的年华,西芒就成了葡萄牙乃至全欧洲最炙手可热的新星之一,1999年加盟巴萨也似乎成了他职业生涯辉煌的顶点。命运总是造物弄人,两年后,拖着疲惫不堪的身体和伤痕累累的心,重回葡萄牙的西芒开始了自己的二次创业。本菲卡的六年锻造出了一个全新的西芒,当这名再次来到西甲的边锋在马德里竞技焕发光彩时,  相似文献   

在两位巨人和一个声名远扬的教练的带领下,成立已经五年的夏洛特山猫队正在远离平庸,但两个巨人之间的战争却已经开始。Ⅰ拉里·布朗永远是那个拉里·布朗,一样的白发,一样的火爆脾气,一样的膀胱病,一样令人失眠的比赛,哪怕那是一场胜利。上周,他独自一个人呆在位于夏洛特的公寓中,他的妻子雪莉、14岁大的儿子L.J.和11岁大的女儿麦迪逊都一直生活在遥远的费城。老布朗的上一份工作截止于两年前,那一天他率领的纽约尼克斯  相似文献   

一场人族和神族的直接对话,神族的多重科技对抗人族传统的3MG组合,比赛中神族依靠强大的多科技和快速霸气的扩张,一度主导了比赛的节奏,但是最后人族依靠完美的双线核弹和大战的战场上飘逸的EMP操作,最终拿下比赛!  相似文献   

在这生活节奏加快的时代里,人们被忙碌的工作搞的心疲力尽.在这种情况下,你应该怎样去放松自己?这是人们应该认真思考的一个重要问题!你若是在那绿草如茵,翠林花海,广阔平坦的广场上;或是在那山清水秀、鸟语花香、景色别致、幽雅清静的公园里;或是在那秧苗油绿、果香阵阵的郊外,身着舒服的便装,在清风的陪伴下用心去感受与自然合而为一的美妙.所有的劳累疲惫、忧伤烦恼,都会抛到九霄云外,愉悦舒适就会走进你的身体,活力就会充满你的全身.这就是户外站式瑜伽给你带来的神奇感觉.  相似文献   

我国民俗体育的流变——以龙舟竞渡为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡娟 《体育科学》2008,28(4):84-96
以民俗体育在日常生活世界中的流变及传承发展为研究内容,选取龙舟竞渡作为调查对象,探析生活世界中民俗体育产生发展的路径和形式,揭示民俗体育在不同历史阶段的发展图式及特征.研究认为,以龙舟竞渡为代表的民俗体育在现实生活世界中仍然具备存在发展的社会心理基础;但是,社会认同和现实参与之间并不存在必然的正相关;民俗体育的现代转型离不开相应的现代性生成机制.民俗体育的现实发展路径主要包括与现代体育的合流、走竞赛表演的社会化道路和散落于民间的自在自发方式;而传承主体的多元化、传承行为的理性化、传承心理的更新和传承体系的制度化是民俗体育自我发展机制的重要内容.  相似文献   

英雄 哈维     
哈维并不高大的身材中蕴藏着无穷的能量,内敛的性格中涌动着王者的霸气。2007年12月,哈维在镜头前自信的动作宣告了他的足球诺言——漂亮的过程,满意的结果。半年后的维也纳,他用欧锦赛金牌履行了承诺。  相似文献   

教育评估是对客观存在作出主观反映的心理活动, 必然伴随着心理机制的作用和心理现象的发生。对于教育这一历史的、社会的现象进行评估, 所面临的最大难度在于如何使主观的反映尽可能接近客观的现实, 如何把测量的误差减小到最低程度。为此, 笔者从印象偏差, 判断偏差, 态度偏差、行为偏差四个方面详尽阐述了教育评估中主体的心理偏差表现及其特性, 为防止心理偏差的发生提供了客观的依据, 同时提出了主体心理优化的措施, 对教育评估客观、公正、准确、有效的进行有积极的指导作用。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,从心理学角度,分析了形体认知偏差及偏差引起的满意度的概念,同时也阐述了这两个概念目前的研究现状,并运用计划行为理论,对形体认知偏差引起的满意度与体育锻炼、节食行为的关系进行论述与研究,进一步讨论了该领域的现状并提出今后研究的方向。  相似文献   

在前期优化筛选研究的基础上 ,笔者对社会支持量表和筛选出的EPQ - 4 2、SCL - 4 5量表 ,进行了平均值和标准差计算研究 ,建议可以暂做参考常模。  相似文献   

我国校园足球新政执行至今,虽然取得了一定的阶段性成果,但是,政策执行过程中出现的走样、跑偏现象不容忽视。引入政策执行偏差解释理论的制度环境视角,运用理论分析结合具体案例和访谈材料,探讨了当前我国校园足球政策执行偏差问题产生的机制。研究认为,我国校园足球政策在执行过程中之所以出现偏差,是在应试教育和学校安全事故规避背景制度的阻力制约下校园足球政策本身提供的激励程度不足导致的。要想改变这一局面,一方面需要通过背景制度设计,提高学校体育的资源获得能力,明晰学校安全事故的责任担当,另一方面需要提升校园足球政策本身的激励程度。  相似文献   

运用摄像法和录像解析法对国家集训队运动员bF型动作横向飘移问题进行研究。研究结果表明 :bF型动作横向飘移距离与人体重心偏移距离中度相关 ,横向飘移主要是由于人体重心的偏移所致 ;导致人体受到向右的支撑反作用分力 ,因而产生向右的加速度 ;两臂摆动的不对称和肩轴的扭转对横向飘移影响较小。  相似文献   

中国体育观众整体性偏向现象及管理策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体育观众整体性偏向是指我国体育观众整体在对体育项目观赏方面表现出对几种体育项目的集中偏向,呈现出少数体育项目拥有众多体育观众而多数体育项目无人问津的局面。造成此现象的主要原因是:一是项目本身存在的差异;二是经济因素的制约;三是大众传媒的影响等。整体性偏向对我国体育项目及体育产业的发展具有一定的制约作用。为改善这种现象我们应从媒体引导、政府的合理规划、学校及各种民间组织的宣传培养等方面加以调整,从而促进我国体育事业的健康发展。  相似文献   

We examined variations in dart-throwing performance during the daytime in 12 participants. Two distances from the dartboard were investigated - the normal distance (short throws) and another 50% further away than this (long throws). Intra-aural temperature and subjective fatigue were measured, and errors in performance were assessed as the radial distances of throws from the bulls-eye and the standard deviation of these distances. Long-distance throws improved significantly throughout the daytime and correlated positively with intra-aural temperature (r= -0.49, P=0.002 and r= -0.49, P=0.002 for errors and standard deviation of errors, respectively), but not with subjective fatigue (r= -0.10, P=0.56 and r= -0.05, P=0.74 for errors and standard deviation of errors, respectively). Short-distance throws were associated less with intra-aural temperature (r= -0.46, P= 0.005 and r= -0.17, P=0.31 for errors and standard deviation of errors, respectively), and worsened with fatigue (r=+0.34, P= 0.040 for errors). Compared with the short-distance throws, the long-distance throws were performed significantly less well than could be accounted for by the increased distance (mean errors were increased 1.67-2.78 times and standard deviation of errors of errors 1.58-3.68 times), supporting the concept of a trade-off between force of contraction and accuracy of performance. Throwing darts can be used as a model for investigating factors that influence motor performance, and our results indicate that the effects of time of day upon performance depend upon the relative importance of force and accuracy.  相似文献   

对我国公共体育政策执行过程中的"偏离"问题进行分析研究,研究表明公共体育政策执行偏差的表现包括:敷衍性执行、选择性执行、附加性执行、机械性执行、替代性执行。造成公共体育政策执行偏差的原因表现在:中央与地方利益之间的矛盾、执行主体本位主义与地方利益驱使、政策本身的缺陷、政策执行监控不力等。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to construct and evaluate the reliability of an apparatus for testing golf putters with respect to distance and direction deviation at different impact points on the clubface. An apparatus was constructed based on the pendulum principle that allowed putter golf clubs to swing at different speeds. The mean speed of the club head before ball impact, and of the ball after impact, was calculated from time measurements with photocells. A pin profile rig was used to determine the directional deviation of the golf ball. Three different putters were used in the study, two that are commercially available (toe-heel weighted and mallet types) and one specially made (wing-type) putter. The points of impact were the sweet spot (as indicated by the manufacturer's aim line), and 1, 2 and 3 cm to the left and right of the sweet spot. Calculation of club head speed before impact, and of ball speed after impact (proportional to distance), showed errors < or = 0.5% of interval duration. The variability in ball impacts was tested by measuring time and direction deviations during 50 impacts on the same ball. The mean duration (+/- s) after ball impact in the test interval (1.16 m long) was 206 (0.8) ms and the standard deviation in the perpendicular spreading of the balls in relation to the direction of the test interval was 0.005 m. A test-retest of one putter on two consecutive days after remounting of the putter on the test apparatus showed less than 1% difference in distance deviation. We conclude that the test apparatus enables a precise recording of distance and direction deviation in golf putters as well as comparisons between different putters. The apparatus and set-up can be used in the laboratory as well as outdoors on the putting green.  相似文献   

Conconi et al. (1982) reported that an observed deviation from linearity in the heart rate-running velocity relationship determined during a field test in runners coincided with the ‘lactate threshold’. The aim of this study was to assess the validity of the original Conconi test using conventional incremental and constant-load laboratory protocols. Fourteen trained male distance runners (mean ± s : age 22.6 ±3.4 years; body mass 67.6±4.8 kg; peak [Vdot] O 2 66.3 ± 4.7 ml kg -1 min -1) performed a standard multi-stage test for determination of lactate turnpoint and a Conconi test on a motorized treadmill. A deviation from linearity in heart rate was observed in nine subjects. Significant differences were found to exist between running velocity at the lactate turnpoint (4.39 ± 0.20 ms -1) and at deviation from linear heart rate (5.08 ± 0.25 ms -1) (P < 0.01), and between heart rate at the lactate turnpoint (172 ± 10 beats min -1) and at deviation from linearity (186 ± 9 beats min -1) (P < 0.01). When deviation of heart rate from linearity was evident, it occurred at a systematically higher intensity than the lactate turnpoint and at approximately 95% of maximum heart rate. These results were confirmed by the physiological responses of seven subjects, who performed two constant-velocity treadmill runs at 0.14 ms -1 below the running velocity at the lactate turnpoint and that at which the heart rate deviated from linearity. For the lactate turnpoint trial, the prescribed 30 min exercise period was completed by all runners (terminal blood lactate concentration of 2.4 ± 0.5 mM ), while the duration attained in the trial for which heart rate deviated from linearity was 15.9 ± 6.7 min (terminal blood lactate concentration of 8.1 ± 1.8 mM). We concluded that the Conconi test is invalid for the non-invasive determination of the lactate turnpoint and that the deviation of heart rate from linearity represents the start of the plateau at maximal heart rate, the expression of which is dependent upon the specifics of the Conconi test protocol.  相似文献   

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