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北京密云农业景观步甲群落空间分布格局   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用陷阱法对北京密云县西田各庄南部农业景观中玉米地、花生地、果园及半自然林地4种典型生境中的步甲群落进行调查分析.结果表明: 果园步甲群落α多样性最高,花生地最低,林地与玉米地居中,且二者无显著差异;林地、花生地及果园的步甲群落结构明显不同,但均与玉米地的步甲群落结构有不同程度的相似性.果园维持着较多的捕食性步甲和兼食性步甲个体数;且不同生境间捕食性步甲的物种周转率与兼食性步甲的差异更明显.低集约化的果园生境可能较半自然生境林地维持更高的步甲群落α多样性,但多样化的景观组成有利于维持步甲群落及捕食性步甲较高的β多样性.重视景观多样性和低集约化农田生境的保护对保护农业景观步甲群落多样性和实现其害虫控制功能具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

北京东北旺农田景观步甲群落结构的时空动态比较   总被引:22,自引:8,他引:14  
2000年5~10月在北京海淀区东北旺实验基地,采用陷阱法对林地、农田边界和农田3类生境共14个处理的步甲进行了取样。并在此基础上分析了不同生境和不同季节步甲科昆虫群落的动态分布特征。结果表明,林地和农田边界类生境相对于农田类生境拥有更多的步甲个体数和物种数;无论是优势种还是稀有种都趋向于在林地和边界处生活;边界对相邻农田步甲群落的多样性有积极影响;对边界进行适度的干扰(秋季翻耕)有利于提高步甲群落的个体数量;农田生境中灌溉、施肥和秸秆还田对农田中步甲群落的个体数量和物种数量的空间分布均无显著影响。此外,还结合步甲的时空分布特性对步甲受威胁状况进行了初步的分析。  相似文献   

为研究生境恢复及地形变化导致的景观异质性对退化景观中生物多样性的影响,于2006和2007年对河北坝上3个不同海拔村庄的农田生境与恢复中的禁牧草地或再造林等半自然生境的尺蛾群落采用灯诱法进行取样调查,比较不同生境的尺蛾多样性.结果表明: 两种生境类型间物种数和个体数存在显著差异、不同海拔村庄物种数也存在显著差异,但不同海拔村庄间个体数差异不显著,不同海拔村庄间以及各村庄内农田和半自然生境稀疏标准化物种数和Fisher α指数无显著差异;非度量多维标度法(NMDS)显示不同海拔的不同生境下尺蛾群落结构显著不同.地形变化导致的景观异质性对坝上地区尺蛾群落组成及多样性影响显著,而无论是恢复中的草地、再造林等半自然生境还是农田生境均是维持尺蛾多样性的重要生境.注重不同地形条件下农田生境和半自然生境景观镶嵌体的保护对维持尺蛾群落γ多样性具有重要意义,但生境恢复能否促进尺蛾群落多样性恢复尚需长期监测.  相似文献   

半自然农田边界与相邻农田步甲和蜘蛛的时空分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分别于小麦、玉米收获前后,采用陷阱法调查了华北地区典型农业景观中具有不同植被结构的农田边界及其相邻农田中两类重要天敌类群步甲和蜘蛛的多样性.通过比较农田生境及相邻农田边界间两类天敌群落的时空分布格局及其与相邻半自然生境植被群落的相关关系,探讨半自然农田边界对两类天敌类群的保护作用.结果表明: 整个取样季节农田边界处蜘蛛的多度显著高于农田内部;而步甲多样性在农田与边界间无显著性差异,仅呈现不同的群落结构;作物收获后蜘蛛分科数在边界处的增加以及在农田的减少,显示了蜘蛛在农田和边界之间的迁移活动.边界植被结构对蜘蛛和步甲多样性有不同影响:边界较高的草本层盖度和较低的乔木层盖度有利于增加农田中某些步甲优势种的多样性;而较高的草本层盖度有利于增加皿蛛科蜘蛛的多样性.因此,半自然生境的存在可以通过天敌在农田和边界之间的迁移运动促进农田天敌多样性的维持;但不同类型半自然生境植被群落结构可能影响其对不同天敌群落多样性的维持和保护作用.为促进农业景观对天敌的保护作用,提高其害虫控制功能,需要深入了解不同天敌的生境需求及食物需求,精心设计有利于天敌多样性维持的半自然生境.  相似文献   

转植酸酶基因玉米对步甲群落动态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以陷阱法研究转植酸酶基因玉米及其亲本玉米在整个生长季节对地表步甲类群的影响。每个玉米品系设置6块样地, 两个玉米品系交替排列, 每个样地设置2个采样点, 共设置24个样点, 整个玉米生育期取样8次。本研究共采集步甲标本8 012头, 隶属于11属23种, 其中黄斑青步甲Chlaenius micans个体数量分别占个体总数的87.54%, 为玉米田内的主要常见物种, 蠋步甲Dolichus halensis、 后斑青步甲Chlaenius posticalis和单齿蝼步甲Scarites terricola个体数量分别占除黄斑青步甲之外所有步甲个体总数的34.77%, 31.16%和6.21%, 这些物种组成当地玉米田内的常见物种。步甲物种多样性与常见物种个体数量随季节变化明显, 且转植酸酶基因玉米与其亲本玉米田内步甲物种多样性和常见物种个体数量的季节变化趋势相似度较高。重复测量方差分析(Repeated ANOVA)结果表明, 转植酸酶基因玉米对步甲物种丰富度、 物种多度、 香农威纳多样性指数和均匀度指数均没有显著影响; 转植酸酶基因玉米田内的后斑青步甲个体数量明显增加, 但其他常见物种没有显著变化。基于非度量多维度(NMDS)的群落结构分析表明转植酸酶基因玉米与亲本玉米田内的步甲群落结构非常相似。本文结果表明转植酸酶基因玉米的种植对步甲物种多样性及常见物种没有明显影响。  相似文献   

【目的】步甲是主要栖息于地表的种类最丰富的昆虫类群之一,它们对生境的变化更为敏感。分析地形因子对贺兰山步甲昆虫群落物种多样性分布格局的影响,以期揭示步甲昆虫物种多样性分布格局形成和稳定的机制。【方法】2015年7-8月选取贺兰山山地针叶林、山地疏林、山地灌丛、山地草原和浅山荒漠5种生境98个样地,用杯诱法对步甲群落物种组成和多样性进行调查,并采用典范对应分析(CCA)分析物种多样性指数和物种分布与地形因子之间的关系,运用广义可加模型(GAM)拟合不同生境步甲群落多样性指数对海拔梯度的响应曲线,探讨贺兰山步甲群落物种多样性的垂直分布格局。【结果】共采集步甲昆虫21属65种10 989头,其中,直角通缘步甲Pterostichus gebleri和径婪步甲Harpalus salinus为优势种,其个体数量分别占总捕获个体数的44.93%和11.33%。山地疏林生境步甲物种丰富度最高,山地针叶林的步甲Shannon-Wiener多样性指数最高,浅山荒漠的步甲均匀度最高。海拔、坡向、坡度、剖面曲率和地形湿度指数的综合作用对步甲物种多样性分布格局有显著影响。其中,海拔对5种生境的步甲分布影响均显著,且解释力度最高;坡向对山地针叶林和浅山荒漠步甲分布影响显著。步甲总体丰富度和个体数量与海拔呈不对称的单峰曲线关系,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数随海拔呈先递增后保持稳定的变化,均匀度指数与海拔呈"V"型变化趋势。【结论】贺兰山山地步甲物种多样性的分布格局受海拔为主的多种地形因子综合作用的影响。  相似文献   

杨贵军  贺海明  王新谱 《昆虫知识》2012,49(6):1610-1617
从2009年3月到10月采用巴氏罐诱导法调查了宁夏盐池四墩子6个不同生境中的拟步甲的群落组成以及时间动态,结果表明,本次调查共采集拟步甲昆虫5431只,计10属20种,个体数最多的是弯齿琵甲Blapsfemoralis femoralis Fischer-Waldheim和克小鳖甲Microdera kraatzi kraatzi Reitter,分别占总数的47.30%和40.66%,不同季节的优势种类不同。从时间动态上看,拟步甲物种数和个体数成显著正相关(r=0.887,P=0.003),表现为5月和7—8月2个发生高峰期,且5月最高。从整个景观来看,优势种克小鳖甲的盛发期在5月和7月,弯齿琵甲的盛发期在5月和8月,不同景观样地略有差异。物种-时间对应分析表明,拟步甲成虫发生可以分为春季发生型、春夏发生型、夏季发生型、夏秋发生型和全年发生型5类。5月拟步甲群落多样性和丰富度最高,不同月的拟步甲群落相似性可以聚为3类,由于植被类型和干扰程度的差异,月间拟步甲群落相似性会有所差异。  相似文献   

【目的】小菜蛾Plutella xylostella危害十字花科蔬菜严重,通过分析景观多样性对小菜蛾种群及其天敌蜘蛛的影响,寻求一种可持续控制小菜蛾的方法。【方法】在福建省选择不同农业景观多样性的采样点,分析半径分别为25, 50, 100 m空间范围内不同景观类型组成,调查田间小菜蛾种群的丰富度、产卵量和取食量,以及天敌蜘蛛的丰富度,分析景观多样性对小菜蛾种群的影响。【结果】随自然生境比例增加,小菜蛾种群丰富度显著降低,其产卵量受到影响,但对其取食量没有显著影响,蜘蛛的种群丰富度也显著升高。主成分分析表明草地、林地和水域等生境面积都与小菜蛾种群丰富度呈负相关关系,且草地的负相关性最强。【结论】在半径小于100 m的空间范围内,提高农业景观多样性,特别是增加草地的面积,有助于提高对田间小菜蛾种群的控制。  相似文献   

云南西北部地区地表甲虫的物种多样性   总被引:28,自引:4,他引:24  
共调查了云南西北部地区的中甸大雪山、中甸碧塔海、德钦白芒雪山、丽江石鼓镇、玉龙雪山保护区和永胜县6个小区域。采用巴氏罐诱法研究不同生境下地表甲虫物种多样性的变化。其结果:①共采集甲虫标本2852号,分属16个科,以隐翅虫数量最多,占41.3%;步甲次之,占25.9%;金龟、象甲、拟步甲的数量各占5%以上;其他11科合计占13%;②甲虫群落的物种多样性分析表明:农业活动频繁的永胜县,个体数量和丰富度较低;游牧业和旅游业频繁的中甸碧塔海多样性指数和丰富度较低;其他4个区域多样性指数、均量和丰富度较低;游牧业和旅游业频繁的中甸碧塔海多样性指数和丰富度较低;其他4个区域多样性指数、均匀度指数、丰富度以及个体数量比较均匀。除永胜县外,其他地区甲虫群落间相似性系数随空间距离的增大而降低。③比较针叶林、阔叶林、混交林、灌丛和草甸等5种生境,所有甲虫、步甲、金龟数量在针叶林和草甸生境内较高;隐翅虫数量在针叶林和阔叶林内较高;象甲在阔叶林内数量较高;拟步甲在灌丛内数量较高;但只有步甲和隐翅虫差异显著。④物种的个体数量、丰富度和多样性指数随海拔高度不同,其变化趋势相似。在1500-2000m呈下降趋势;在2500-3000m和3500-4000m分别形成2个峰值。均匀度指数的变化趋势则与之相反。以上结果表明,空间距离和生境类型影响云南西北部地区地表甲虫群落的物种多样性和相似性,频繁的农牧业和旅游业活动,对保持地表甲虫物种多样性的自然分布规律产生一定影响。  相似文献   

兴安落叶松林是大兴安岭地区代表性的植被类型,其生物多样性具有独特性。步甲是森林生态系统环境和多样性的指示性物种,以及认识环境变化和生物多样性特征的关键物种。为研究大兴安岭地区兴安落叶松林步甲群落多样性的时间动态,分析步甲群落对时间变化的响应规律,于2019年5月下旬-8月下旬步甲活跃期,利用陷阱诱捕法在兴安落叶松林5个样地中采集步甲标本共15属34种1149头,其中大兴安岭地区地理新纪录物种7种,中国地理新纪录物种6种。研究结果表明,通缘步甲属(Pterostichus)和大步甲属(Carabus)物种丰富度最高;通缘步甲属未定种5(Pterostichus eximius)为极优势物种,对时间变化最敏感。兴安落叶松林小生境类型的多样化和步甲休眠期的选择是步甲群落个体数和物种数随时间变化呈双峰模式的主要因素,最高峰均出现在6月下旬;多样性与均匀度指数均在7月上旬达高峰期,8月下旬多样性下降而均匀度上升,各指数之间相关性较低。步甲群落在6月下旬到7月下旬对环境具有较高的适应度;群落结构在环境条件相对稳定的6月下旬到7月下旬和8月上旬到8月下旬均表现为极相似(I>0.75)。物种取食特征和生活史策略的多样化使步甲群落各指数随时间变化具有显著差异,而物种取食特征和生活史策略受环境因子的综合影响较大。稳定的森林环境条件下,步甲活跃期更长,群落结构相似度更高。该结果为步甲群落时间动态研究奠定了一定的理论基础,为大兴安岭地区地下生物多样性的保护和管理策略制定提供了一定的理论和数据依据。  相似文献   

沈阳市苏家屯区耕层土壤养分空间变异性研究   总被引:54,自引:10,他引:44  
利用地统计学和地理信息系统相结合的方法。研究了沈阳市苏家屯区耕地土壤(0~20cm)有机质、速效氮、速效磷、速效钾含量的空间变异性特征。结果表明,各变量符合正态分布或经对数转换后符合正态分布,最佳的变异函数理论模型均为球状模型,有机质具有较强的空间相关性(C0与C0+C比值为24.11%),速效氮、速效磷、速效钾具有中度的空间相关性(C0与C0+C比值分别为29.53%、60.77%、58.82%),各变量的空间自相关距离分别为26.051、28.293、15.132和23.813km。有机质和速效氮的空间变异主要受结构性因子(如成土因子)的影响,速效磷和速效钾主要受随机性因子(如施肥)的影响,Kriging插值绘制出的养分含量空间分布图显示了养分的空间分布格局,它将有助于进一步监测养分动态,为农业和环境管理提供数字地图支持。  相似文献   

Increasing proportions of coal fly ash were co-composted with municipal green waste to produce manufactured soil for landscaping use. Only the 100% green waste treatment reached a thermophilic composting phase (?50 °C) which lasted for 6 days. The 25% and 50% ash treatments reached 36–38 °C over the same period while little or no self-heating occurred in the 75% and 100% ash treatments. Composted green waste had a low bulk density and high total and macro-porosity. Addition of 25% ash to green waste resulted in a 75% increase in available water holding capacity. As the proportions of added ash in the composts increased, the organic C, soluble C, microbial biomass C, basal respiration and activities of β-glucosidase, L-asparaginase, alkali phosphatase and arylsulphatase enzymes in the composted products all decreased. It could be concluded that addition of fly ash to green waste at a proportion higher than 25% did not improve the quality parameters of manufactured soil.  相似文献   

Summary In a field experiment initiated at the Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal in 1974 involving rice wheat cropping sequence and NPK fertilizer use on sodic soil (pH 9.2, ESP 32.0), an attempt was made to evaluate the available P and K status of the soil and their uptake by the crops during 1982–83 and 83–84.Application of P to either or both the crops significantly enhanced the yields of rice and improved available P status of the soil. Wheat yields remained unaffected. Fertilizer N reduced P content in rice but increased P uptake in crops and considerably brought down available P to a level (4.5 ppm) where rice plants showed reduced tillering and phosphorus deficiency. Application of K did not affect the yield of either crop but enhanced its available status in soil and uptake by the crops. Contribution of the non-exchangeable K towards total potassium removal was about 93% in the absence of applied K which decreased to 87% with the use of K. Application of K to both crops resulted in lesser uptake from non-exchangeable form as compared to its application to either crop. Laboratory studies carried out on soils of the experimental plots showed that cumulative K release measured after five successive extractions was higher in K-treated soils as compared to untreated ones. The major difference was only in the first extraction representing the exchangeable K after which release became independent of the available K of the soil.  相似文献   

Summary Maize (Zea mays L. cv. Ganga-2) plants were grown in pot culture on a loamy alluvial soil of Lucknow district (India) alkalinized to graded levels of ESP (Exchangeable Sodium Percentage) ranging from 15.5 to 55.3. Before sowing maize seeds the soil was fertilised with NPK, Fe, Mn and Cu. At and above ESP 34 Zn-deficiency symptoms first appeared at 30 days. The symptoms gradually became pronounced with increase in age and at 60 days they were found even at ESP 15.5. The severity of symptoms was related to increase in sodicity. Alkalinization of soils depressed available soil Zn and tissue Zn and increased tissue ratios of Na/Zn and P/Zn. It also decreased the total plant content of Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu and even Na. Increase in soil sodicity increased both tissue concentration and total content of P in plants upto ESP 34 beyond which it decreased it. Among different extractants, 0.1N HCl, DTPA pH 7.3 and EDTA-(NH4)2 CO3 pH 8.6, for measuring available soil Zn the latter showed best correlations with soil ESP (−), tissue P (−), P/Zn ratio (−), dry matter yield (+) and tissue Zn (+). Tissue Zn was related to yield (+), tissue Na (−) and soil ESP (−). Mild, moderate, severe and very severe Zn deficiency in maize was induced by soil ESP levels, 18, 25, 33 and 45, respectively.  相似文献   

Soil pH is an important factor affecting the availability of soil nutrients that impact plant growth. Given the susceptibility of soil pH to excessive fertilization and the widespread use of manures, it is essential to examine the influence of soil pH on the distribution and availability of soil nutrients. We sampled and analyzed brown soils from pear orchards in thirteen towns in Wendeng county. Samples were obtained from areas along or between rows of trees at specified distances and depths. The results showed that the soil pH fluctuated from 4.06 to 6.59 in October 2008 and from 4.24 to 7.57 in April 2009. The quantity of soil samples with pH below 5.50 increased by 34.6%. Analysis of the soil pH for samples obtained along the rows of trees showed that the pH decreased as the depth increased (except for the range 5.5 to 6.0); soil pH in the samples obtained between the rows of trees demonstrated different trends. The average organic matter (O.M.) content as well as the N (NH4+) and available P, K, Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn contents in the samples collected in October 2008 were higher than those observed in April 2009. Conversely, the values for other available nutrients were lower than those in the samples collected in April 2009. The available nutrients and organic matter (O.M.) content in different pH ranges varied. The soil pH was significantly or very significantly correlated with N (NH4+ and NO3-), available K, Cu, Fe, and exchangeable Ca for the October 2008 samples, while a significant or very significant correlation existed between N (NH4+), available P, Zn, exchangeable Ca, and exchangeable Mg for the April 2009 samples. The correlations between soil pH and the amounts of available nutrients and organic matter (O.M.) along the rows of trees in September 2009 were nearly consistent with those between the rows.  相似文献   

Zhao J  Dong Y  Xie X B  Li X  Zhang X X  Shen X 《农业工程》2011,31(4):212-216
Soil pH is an important factor affecting the availability of soil nutrients that impact plant growth. Given the susceptibility of soil pH to excessive fertilization and the widespread use of manures, it is essential to examine the influence of soil pH on the distribution and availability of soil nutrients. We sampled and analyzed brown soils from pear orchards in thirteen towns in Wendeng county. Samples were obtained from areas along or between rows of trees at specified distances and depths. The results showed that the soil pH fluctuated from 4.06 to 6.59 in October 2008 and from 4.24 to 7.57 in April 2009. The quantity of soil samples with pH below 5.50 increased by 34.6%. Analysis of the soil pH for samples obtained along the rows of trees showed that the pH decreased as the depth increased (except for the range 5.5 to 6.0); soil pH in the samples obtained between the rows of trees demonstrated different trends. The average organic matter (O.M.) content as well as the N (NH4+) and available P, K, Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn contents in the samples collected in October 2008 were higher than those observed in April 2009. Conversely, the values for other available nutrients were lower than those in the samples collected in April 2009. The available nutrients and organic matter (O.M.) content in different pH ranges varied. The soil pH was significantly or very significantly correlated with N (NH4+ and NO3-), available K, Cu, Fe, and exchangeable Ca for the October 2008 samples, while a significant or very significant correlation existed between N (NH4+), available P, Zn, exchangeable Ca, and exchangeable Mg for the April 2009 samples. The correlations between soil pH and the amounts of available nutrients and organic matter (O.M.) along the rows of trees in September 2009 were nearly consistent with those between the rows.  相似文献   

重庆市生态足迹与生态承载量研究   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:22  
孙凡  孟令彬 《应用生态学报》2005,16(7):1370-1374
以重庆市2001年统计数据为基础,对重庆市2001年生态足迹计算结果表明,该地区人均生态足迹为1.65366 hm2,人均生态承载力为0.280393 hm2,人均生态赤字为1.373173 hm2,与全国平均水平相比,人均生态足迹高0.5335 hm2(增加47.64%),人均生态承载力低0.5196 hm2(下降64.95%),生态赤字是全国平均赤字的3.43倍,表明该地区生态足迹超过了当地生态承载能力,区域经济社会发展处于一种不可持续的发展状态.另外,还分析论述了多种渠道解决生态系统超负荷人口、增加科技财政投入、控制环境污染等减少该地区生态足迹的对策.  相似文献   

Spatial variability of soil total nitrogen (N), available N (KCl extractable NH4+ and NO3), and spatial patterns of N mineralization and nitrification at a stand scale were characterized with geostatistical and univariate analysis. Two extensive soil spatial samplings were conducted in an evergreen broadleaf forest in Sichuan province, southwestern China in June and August 2000. In a study area of 90 × 105 m2, three soil samples were collected from each 5 × 5 m2 plot (n = 378) in June and August, and were analyzed for total N and available N contents. Net N mineralization and nitrification were measured by in situ core incubation and the rates were estimated based on the difference of NH4+ and NO3 contents between the two sampling dates. Total N, NH4+, and NO3 were all spatially structured with different semivariogram ranges (from high to low: NH4+, NO3, and total N). The semivariograms of mineralization and nitrification were not as spatially structured as available N. NH4+ was the dominant soil inorganic N form in the system. Both NH4+ and NO3 affected spatial patterns of soil available N, but their relative importance switched in August, probably due to high nitrification as indicated by greatly increased soil NO3 content. High spatial auto-correlations (>0.7) were found between available N and NH4+, available N and NO3 on both sampling dates, as well as total N measurements between both sampling dates. Although significant, the spatial auto-correlation between NH4+ and NO3 were generally low. Topography had significant but low correlations with mineralization (r = −0.16) and nitrification (r = −0.14), while soil moisture did not. The large nugget values of the calculated semivariograms and high-semivariance values, particularly for mineralization and nitrification, indicate that some fine scale (<5 m) variability may lie below the threshold for detection in this study.  相似文献   

Summary It has been postulated that free amino acids in the diet of herbivores are a more readily available source of nitrogen than are amino acids in intact proteins. When plants are subjected to any of a number of stress factors the concentration of free amino acids in their tissues may increase relative to the protein content. It has been further postulated that such changes in available nitrogen can increase the survivorship of very young herbivores feeding on the tissues of stressed plants. In this paper, the concept of readily available nitrogen is given more specific definitions in the effort to uncover an underlying nutritional or physiological mechanism responsible for such changes in larval survivorship. The first hypothesis considered is that amino acids are more readily available than proteins in the sense that, as they occur in plant tissue, they are a more nutritious source of needed nitrogenous compounds. The second hypothesis considered is that amino acids are absorbed into the insect gut free from interference by proteinase inhibitors, and thus are more chemically available than are proteins. Finally, free amino acids, because of their solubility and greater mobility, may be more available to herbivores because of physical factors restricting the movement and digestion of proteins from plant tissue into the insect gut. The applicability of each hypothesis to certain types of insects feeding on particular plant tissues is discussed.The investigation reported in this paper (No. 86-7-224) is in connection with a project of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station and is published with the approval of the Director  相似文献   

胡桃揪、落叶松纯林及其混交林根际土壤有效磷特性的研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
用剥落分离采集胡桃揪(Juglans mandshurica)、落叶松(Larix gmelinii)纯林及其混交林根际与非根际土壤并分析有效P含量特性。结果表明,落叶松纯林根际土有效P含量较非根际土高出55.8%,而胡桃揪纯林根际土有效P含量较其纯林仅高10.1%,表现出落叶松根第泽根际P较强的活化能力。树种混交后,借助落叶松根系的作用使混交林中胡桃揪根际土有效P含量较其纯林高出45.2%,通过P的吸附/解吸及无机P分级等方面,对落叶松根际土壤有效P含量较高的原因进行了分析。  相似文献   

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