Advances in Graphene/CuO Composites as Anode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries
中文关键词: 石墨烯/氧化铜 锂离子电池 负极材料 储锂机制
英文关键词: graphene/copper oxide, lithium ion battery, anode material, lithium storage mechanism
王莹 江西理工大学工程研究院,赣州 341000 
李勇 江西理工大学工程研究院,赣州 341000 
朱靖 江西理工大学工程研究院,赣州 341000 
赵亚茹 江西理工大学工程研究院,赣州 341000 
李焕 江西理工大学工程研究院,赣州 341000 
摘要点击次数: 2342
全文下载次数: 1047
      As an anode material for lithium ion batteries, graphene presents amazing electrochemical performance. Nevertheless, graphene is easy to agglomerate during charge-discharge process, which results in a sharp decrease of its capacitance. Metal oxides show large volume swell in charge and discharge process, leading to severe capacitance decay of the metal material. Besides, the low conductivity of metal oxide brings about the poor charge-discharge rate performance of the material. When the metal oxide and graphene are combined to form composite materials, they are mutually complementary in properties. Graphene can improve the electrical conductivity of the composite materials and relieve the volume variation of the metal oxide during charging and discharging. Metal oxide can enlarge the storage capacitance of composite materials and avoids the agglomeration of graphene during charging and discharging. This paper introduces the preparation method of graphene/CuO anode materials, and analyzes the mechanism of the lit-hium storage of each component and the composite materials. The application prospect of graphene/CuO anode materials for lithium ion batteries are proposed and the problems in current research are pointed out as well.
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