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引用本文:李春莲,万楚军,龚 雪,赵方杰,陈荣信,胡小平.西洋参种质资源及品种选育技术研究进展[J].西北农业学报,2021,30(3):321~332
摘要点击次数: 880
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李春莲,万楚军,龚 雪,赵方杰,陈荣信,胡小平 (1. 西北农林科技大学 农学院/旱区作物逆境生物学国家重点实验室陕西杨凌 712100 2.西北农林科技大学 植物保护学院/旱区作物逆境生物学国家重点实验室陕西杨凌 7121003. 陕西省留坝县农业技术推广中心陕西留坝 724100) 
中文摘要:西洋参(Panax quinquefolius L.)作为药食同源特色植物越来越多地出现在人们的日常消费中,具有极高的药用和经济价值。西洋参为常异交植物,生产周期长,目前农家栽培西洋参多为异质混杂群体,商品参品质退化极其严重,且西洋参多年生草本生长习性致使常规育种困难重重,难以选育出优良品种,造成目前西洋参品种资源极为缺乏。因此,培育出优良西洋参新品种,已成为当前西洋参生产中亟待解决的关键问题。本文拟从西洋参遗传特性、种质资源收集及品种选育技术等方面进行研究总结,探索西洋参品种选育的关键技术及瓶颈,以期为西洋参品种选育及改良提供新思路。
中文关键词:西洋参  种质资源  遗传特性  品种选育
Advance of Research in Germplasm Resources and Breeding Techiniques of American Ginseng
Abstract:As a medicinal and edible plant,American ginsen(Panax quinquefolius L.), appears more and more in people’s daily consumption and has highly medicinal and economic value. American ginseng is an often cross-pollinated plants with long productioncycle. Currently, the cultivated American ginseng is a more heterogeneous populationand the quality degradation of commercial ginseng is very serious. It is difficult to breed good varieties with conventional breeding because the American ginsen is perennial herbaceous growth,so it likely to result in a shortage of variety resources. Therefore, the development of good American ginseng varieties has become a key problem to be solved in current American ginseng production. In this paper, the genetic characteristics, collection of germplasm resources and breeding techniques were summarized to explore the key technologies and to provide new ideas for American ginseng breeding and cultivar’s improvement.
keywords:American ginseng(Panax quinquefolius L.)  Germplasm sources  Genetic characteristics  Varitey breeding
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