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杨泽元1, 王文科1, 黄金延1,2
1.长安大学 环境科学与工程学院;2.西安地质矿产研究所
在野外调查和综合分析的基础上,从可持续发展角度提出了生态安全地下水位埋深的概念;并深入探讨了地下水位埋深与植被生长、河湖基流量及土地荒漠化的关系,确定了风沙滩地区生态安全地下水位埋深为1.5~5 m;采用面向生态的区域地下水资源评价理论,以生态安全地下水位埋深为约束,计算出该区地下水可采资源量约为107 万m 3/d。
关键词:  陕北风沙滩地区  生态安全地下水位埋深  植被  河流基流量  湖淖基流量  土地荒漠化
Research on buried depth of eco-safety about groundwater table in the blown-sand region of the Northern Shaanxi Province
On the basis of field investigation and synthetic analysis,a notion of buried depth of eco-safety on groundwater table was put forth from the point of sustainable development.The relation between buried depth of groundwater table and vegetation growing,and rivers and lakes,and land desertification was discussed,and then range of buried depth of eco-safety on groundwater table,1.5-5 meters,was determined in the blown-sand region of northern Shaanxi Province.Moreover by ecology-oriented regional groundwater resource assessment theory,taking the range of buried depth as a constraint,the allowable withdrawal of groundwater,107×104 m3/d,was estimated in the region.
Key words:  the blown-sand region of Northern Shaanxi Province buried depth of eco-safety on ground water table vegetation base flux of rivers base flux of large arLd small lakes land desertification